M-many apologies, Sir Andrew Ellard. Had I known it was you… forgive me.

Two updates to TOS LAST CUNTING FRIDAY, then. Firstly, fanclub stuff – the big news being that as well as Mike Tucker attending, there will also be… Peter Tyler, Nick Kool, and Alan Brannan. I’m weak at the knees. And to think that most people get stuck to their seats because of Chris Barrie or Chloe Annett…

We also have a DVD Details deleted scenes article. “They’re so expected at this point that people forget just how cool an extra they are to have, what they mean to our DVDs. It’s not just about new gags and performances, it’s a glance inside the production process.” Knows what he’s talking about, that dude. And people reviewing DVDs could do well to remember it.

So, we can look forward to lots of scenes that were eventually reshot, especially from BITR and Pete due to the eps being split into two/three parters. Excellent. We’re told that “in one notable instance the reshoot was actually rejected in favour of the original! But you’ll have to wait a while to find out which one.” YOU BASTARD.

Read the article for the rest of the juicy snippets – but the bit I’m most looking forward to is “some more of the ‘animatronic’ AR crew seen in Blue” – which for my money is the funniest scene in the entire of VII – and, of course, the original ending to Only The Good. Which surely, however crap it is, must beat the one broadcast? (See Don’t Leave Us Hanging for a transcript of it.)

Of course, what would be really lovely is having a 1-hour version of BITR included. I suppose whether we get this or not depends on how far through the editing process the ep got; re-editing the entire thing would be slightly impossible on a DVD budget – at least, without compromising the other extras. And I suppose space could be an issue as well. But I can dream…

18 comments on “John’s Newsround – 19/4/05

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  • “Jane and the rest of the gang treat me so well, and I have such a laugh that you’d be hard pushed keeping me away! Quite a few of the effects guys are interested in coming along next year, so perhaps we should form a posse!”

    A man of his word.

  • They will all receive a special sloppy blowjob from me. Whether they want it or not.

    I am *so* looking forward to the extra animatronic crew stuff.

    “No it isn’t Kryten, you thick, titanium plank; those are large, broken fragments of a dying star which have compressed together under enormous pressure, causing them to compress into large fragments.”
    “You’re quite right sir. As usual. How could I have made an elementary mistake? As usual.”
    “I owe my life to him!”

    Jokes! In VII!

    Blue contains my other favourite VII joke. “Sorry, sir! Wrong disk – that was my German language course; an extract from Hitler’s Nuremburg speech. Definitely hypnotic, but not quite in the right way…”

  • The only thing about Blue that I don’t like is the locker game. It’s all fun and great (and an ingenius way to pass time aboard Dwarf, I agree)…but the fact that flames shoot out at Rimmer isn’t very likely or funny. A much better joke would have been a torn prophylactic or something. Or maybe some dorky suspenders that Lister laughs at and Rimmer realizes it was his own locker. Anything is funnier than that damn flame…it ruined what was really a wonderful idea.

  • RIMMER: I’ll take…THIS one.
    LISTER: Okay. (raises chisel)
    RIMMER: No no, wait…you take it.
    LISTER: Sigh. Alright. (raises chisel)
    (Lister pounds the door open. Flames engulf him.)
    LISTER: ARRRRRGHHHHH!!! I’m dying!
    (series VII ends much sooner and nobody complains)

  • I kind of found the continuity annoying – the flashback version of the crew have the wrong costumes and it’s not anything to do with it being the Kochanski universe.

  • Although you could well argue that from either III or VI onwards, we’re following a crew from a different parallel universe to the one we started with anyway…

  • Even so, Rimmer shouldn’t be wearing his blue uniform and have his hard light drive when they’re on Red Dwarf, because he didn’t get it until Legion. So for that to work, we’d have to be in ANOTHER parallel universe from after VI. Or something.

  • Say Rimmer was just wearing a blue uniform? The blue outfit isn’t necessarily a indication of hard light status, and he wouldn’t wear the same outfit ALL the time.

  • “Say Rimmer was just wearing a blue uniform? The blue outfit isn’t necessarily a indication of hard light status, and he wouldn’t wear the same outfit ALL the time.”

    Originally, the blue costume change was a continuity error but I think by the end it was considered as his hard light costume.

  • It was, BUT he is not in hard light form aboard Red Dwarf. How do we know? Lister opens all his lockers for him. He’s still soft-light.

    I guess, since it’s Lister’s memory, he might just have remembered the blue uniform incorrectly.

  • >The blue outfit isn’t necessarily a indication of hard light status, and he wouldn’t wear the same outfit ALL the time.

    Maybe it’s not *intended* to be, but series VI gives every impression that it is. He changes from red to blue when he gets the drive, and in Gunmen he starts the episode in red (soft light) and changes to blue after Lister says “We’ll power up your hard light drive”. And in Rimmerworld and Out Of Time, he’s hard light and blue both times.

    I take Phil’s point, though. To be honest, that’s not the worst continuity error on that scene, anyway. How about the suggestion that there was a lengthy period inbetween the accident and their meeting the Cat, rather than the, ooh, ten minutes or so of The End? Even if you say that, well, maybe the Cat just didn’t play it with them – which I find hard to believe – Lister’s words when describing the game take on a “before you were around” sort of tone.

  • For the record, Lister says “You don’t know what we used to do back on Red Dwarf in the early days.” This fits okay, since Cat was off “investigating” a lot.

    And as for the blue costume… aren’t we getting a bit anal-retentive here? When you get down to it, it doesn’t matter one iota.

  • “And as for the blue costume… aren’t we getting a bit anal-retentive here? When you get down to it, it doesn’t matter one iota.”

    Well no, I suppose not. So we all agree continuity should be dropped altogether then? Because I’m sure Bill Nighy wouldn’t mind playing Holly for a couple of episodes.

  • >Incidentally, is this year’s DJ logo the worst ever? I thought last year’s took some beating, but this is terrible.

    Lovely idea… absolutely bloody awful execution.

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