Saturday, 4th January 2003 News Posted by Ian Symes on 4th January 2003, 00:00 Hello! Apologies for the lack of updates recently. I am a lazy fucker. Still, never to mind. All the archived DVD news can be found over at the official site. They still don’t have a DVD review as good as my one though. In other news, I have written a companion to the Drunk featurette, given a list ofCast Commentary Corrections and written three mini-reviews. I’d like to recommend two excellent sites. Firstly, my good pal Moss has written a companion to the model shots from the Series I DVD. It’s brilliant and has some great screen-grabs. Secondly, premiere Red Dwarf site Groovetown is continuing to go from strength to strength. It’s the best place around for news on Red Dwarf stars and what they’re up to now.