WomanWizard Released featured image

Good news, everyone! “I am very excited”, Robert tells us (and specifically us, definitely not his mailing list which is open to anyone, honest.) “One of my biggest ambitions has finally been achieved. Bypassing the multi national companies, the TV stations, the media machine that governs what we see, I have struck out alone with a new project. Over at www.llew.co.uk the DVD of my recent one man show is finally released.”

For those of you who haven’t heard of the show, “WomanWizard is the software, a new product to help a man understand the woman in his life with greater ease. There is also a much smaller package being presented, ManWizard, to help a women understand her man. The show toured all over the UK to great acclaim, and is now presented in all it’s glory as an all region DVD.” However, we’re easily impressed here at G&T, and this is the bit we love: “This is the first solo produced DVD of a solo show in the history of solo events. Written, performed, recorded and edited and now distributed by Robert Llewellyn.”

This is just brilliant, and we urge you all to go and order a copy right now – it’s only £12. Ian pre-ordered his at Dimension Jump, so we’ll have a review for you as soon as it arrives. It should be well worth it, though; neither of us have seen the show, but my girlfriend saw it and said it was absolutely marvellous. And Robert made reporting this a cinch, as it was a quick cut and paste job, so he deserves your support for making my life easier.

In other www.llew.co.uk site updates, the 5th series of Scrapheap Challenge started shooting at the end of last month, and will be shown in the UK this September (and in the US, as Junkyard Wars on TLC early 2004. The Red Dwarf section has a wonderful (if extremely scary) piccy of the recording of the Series III and IV DVD commentaries – click on it to get the full version. And kudos to Robert for giving the site some decent, high-quality images, rather than crappy, almost-thumbnail ones like a lot of sites.

In other news, thanks to Danny Pendleton who told us about this entry on Blackstar for The Brittas Empire – The Complete Series 1 DVD. I had expressed worries that there wouldn’t be any extras – in fact, the release contains a Chris Barrie biog, stills gallery, Brittas fitness quiz, the ever-important web links, and a Royal Variety performance. This all sounds pretty crap, in all – where are the deleted scenes, or raw footage, or making-of documentaries? The only decent extra would appear to be the Royal Variety performance, which I wasn’t aware of. Anyway, it’ll be worth buying for the episodes themselves. And did you know that there were 52 episodes of Brittas – the same amount as of Red Dwarf? I’m full of interesting factoids, me.

Finally, there’s an interesting teaser on the JMC News section of The Red Dwarf Zone – a wibblified picture of what appears to be a new design of the site, with a huge question mark over it. It looks rather nice, from what I can tell, and hopefully it’ll see a good relaunch of the site. Despite the myth that the web is full of decent Dwarf stuff, there’s actually very little – we need more decent Dwarf fansites. Although I hate them for getting up the WomanWizard news just before this news article goes up. Bah.

And really finally, some news just in – friend of the website Karl Eisenhauer has just send us this – a report about the original prototype of the E-type Jaguar being featured on Top Gear. Apparently, the show will feature “Chris Berry, producer of cult TV comedy Red Dwarf”. I don’t think that’s even worth taking the piss out of, frankly. Still, for all that, it sounds very interesting, and perhaps the first reason ever to watch Top Gear – the article details that it was his childhood dream to drive the car. If they’ve got the name of the car right. Or the show. For all we know, it might show up on SM:TV.

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