Site Housekeeping News Posted by John Hoare on 11th October 2003, 03:35 Just a couple of things to mention. Firstly, the News Archives for April – July are now back online. Some of the links to various G&T articles in them will be wrong; I’ll fix that soon. Secondly, I’ve added a section in the navbar that lists the top ten articles last commented on. This means that nobody will miss your comment if it’s for an old article, even if it’s slipped off the front page completely. Hooray! I meant to get quite a few other things done for the site tonight, but ran out of time. If you have any problems with/suggestions for the site, mention them below. As for what I’m doing up all night, I’m off to Birmingham early this morning to do some research into the Radio Times listings for Cliché, Son Of Cliché, and some stupid programme called Red Dwarf. I’ll post a news article explaining what I discovered about the first two proggies later on tonight, to try and clear up at least some of the confusion surrounding them – and there will be a site update tomorrow containing the RT capsules for all the episodes. Keep an eye out for the Red Dwarf ones next week.