Yes folks, TOS (The Official Site – another acronym we’re trying to introduce) has reported the Series IV is to be repeated on BBC TWO, starting on the 30th November. After the first three series were repeated earlier this year, IV will be the first to be shown in its entirity before being released on DVD (there were a few episodes of III shown before November, but it all cocked-up after a while). Once again, the show is destined for the graveyard slot of 11:20pm on Sunday nights, but we mustn’t grumble. The more people who see what a fine series it is, the better. Meltdown is the most under-rated episode of anything ever.

There was another TOS update today, about The Prop Store, but, erm, ahem. To coin a phrase: whoops! Some exclusive news, however: my mate Curtis has bought a piece of set dressing. Hooray!

There is also a short note to explain that Mr. Flibble is on a ski-ing holiday. Does this mean there’s going to be an interview with Mark Steel and Louisa Ruthven? (SPOILER: No.)

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