I would quite like to own this item, you know.Yet more Prop Store madness. Some fantastic items have been added in the last couple of weeks. Namely:

Item Series/Episode Price
Kryten Canary Prisoner Waistcoat Series VIII £625
Prop Antiques Magazine Stasis Leak £155
Off World Travel Ticket Unknown £19
Futuristic Radiation Sign Series VIII £75
Rimmer Pink Cavalier Costume Terrorform £1,015
‘Meddling With Megabytes’ Prop Book Series VIII £95
Cat Checked Suit The Last Day £779
Rimmer Trick Coin Only The Good… £175
Rimmer Lilac Cavalier Costume Terrorform £1,015
Lister Dressing Gown Polymorph £695
Cat’s Nap Cushion Me² £229
Ships Issue Peach Slices Tin Bodyswap £75
Kryten Robe Demons and Angels £935
Rimmer Pyjamas Bodyswap £545
Cat Faux Fur Jacket Polymroph £695

The highlights here are the Terrorform costumes, which are absolutely fantastic. The peach tin is a bit of a bargain, as it is apparantly rusty. No idea where the travel tickets come from, but judging by the design it’s early on in the series. And the antiques magazine is excellent.

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