Ian’s Newsround – 27/02/04 News Posted by Ian Symes on 27th February 2004, 20:55 Nothing terribly exciting on TOS this week, but they deserve a week off. They can’t keep up their full tilt, full power, red hot, maximum pace all the time. The most important thing is an appeal for votes in the British Video Association Awards. Red Dwarf III isn’t nominated, but that’s not suprising when it’s up against quality DVDs such as Rory McGrath’s More Own Goals And Gaffes and David Seaman’s Goalkeeping Nightmares (pictured). So, go on, you fuckers. Vote for TEH DWARD. In other news, fan club magazine Better Than Life is on its way to members, and is previewed here. I’ll do a little write-up when I get it, I imagine. Apparantly, the featured episode is something called Time Slides. I don’t want to be a pedant, but surely knowing the name of the episodes is pretty vital for people who work for the fan club. Having a magazine more frequently than every five months would be nice too. It would mean that having a “coming soon” plug for the Series IV DVD on the front cover wouldn’t look so silly. A couple more news items; firstly, one about the Prop Store of London. Just the one item has been added since our last update: an unfinished GELF-like arm! That’s fairly exciting. It’s also revealed that the mysterious “Talkie Sewing Machine” was seen in Blue. Was the sewing machine originally supposed to talk? Was any of this shot? Gah, November 2005 is a long time away. And finally, The London Film And Comic Con will be giving away lovely posters, based on the Series IV DVD cover. Bah, I wish I could go. I’m entertaining several Dwarf fan reprobates from off of the internet that weekend. Are any of you lot going?