John’s Roundup – 15/4/04 News Posted by John Hoare on 15th April 2004, 21:12 That’s what you hack on every day. Don’t even TALK to me about Windows crashing. The sooner I get my nice new shiny IYONIX the better… Norman Lovett is on in Nottingham this Sunday! I’ll just directly quote from the comedy club’s mailing list, I’m afraid; I had a lovely clever piece written about it with loads of hilarious snide remarks, but I just can’t be arsed doing it again. Norman Lovett, the origianl ‘Holly’ from Red Dwarf is appearing Just the Tonic Comedy CLub this Sunday. This is his first appearance in nottingham… He is one of the original alternative comedians. Come have a hoot. On with him are Mitch Benn, guitar weilding man of long hair. On radio 2 loads at the moment. Also on his Will Hodgson. Anyone that came to our first Big Value Wednesday night show in March will remember Will as the pink haired punkish lad with a liking for My Little Pony’s. He was very popular.. .tell your friends MArk Olver is your compere. That is totally fantastic, full line up of comedy. Entry is £8 / £6 concessions Totally brillant show again from the best club in the country Reserve your tickets by replying to this or phone 0115 9413111 or book online at Excuse me, I think I need a bit of a lie down. TO READ THIS AND WEEP. And, for that matter, read this and weep. Anyone who uses Flash navbars deserves to be disembowelled. Back to the point. What a bloody fantastic night out. I might actually go along, if anyone else I know will be there. Fancy it, anyone? And after that, we can go and see Norman Lovett!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only two new Prop Store items; both going for £95. The first is Pete’s Bird Cage from Balance of cunting Power or something. I would advise against buying the bastard thing. The second is the Kochanski Saucepan from Only the Good…; unfortunately, I actually quite liked the joke in the episode. Please – don’t hit me. What I find more amusing, however, is that the Prop Store placed the pan on a manniquin for their picture… Garbage World has updated, with some extrodinarily interesting news on Charles, Llewellyn and Grogan. As well as listing everything they’ve ever done ever, there’s also some commercials (links at the bottom of the pages) – Kryten selling soap powder is possibly the weirdest “lost” Red Dwarf you’ll ever hear. Oh, and finally, don’t forget that Weapons of Mass Distraction, presented by Craig “sci-fi geeks are rubbish, now let me tell you everything there is to know about funk because that’s cool” Charles starts on Friday night/Saturday morning at 12:05am on ITV1 (or Granada, as I prefer to call it). Me and Ian will be at a recording on the 22nd, so we’ll give you an on-set article then. To be honest, I’m more intrigued by TOS’s mention that Craig presented The Big Breakfast for a while; I only vaguely remember this. If anyone has an ep or two on tape, send us a copy so we can take the piss. Ta.