Good news, everyone! TORDFC have sent out a Dimension Jump update to registrees! As well as some general info about the hotel and suchlike, there’s some rather exciting news. As well as the previously confirmed guests (Barrie, C., Hayridge, H., John-Jules, D., Llewellyn, R. and Tucker, M.) there are three additions to the already impressive line-up. First off, there’s Craig Charles! No, hang on. He hates us all and demands shitloads of money to meet us. Instead of Craig, we’ve got top magician and original toaster John Lenahan! Let’s hope he doesn’t take a photo of his cock this time. Plus, top stereotypical hard bloke The Shend! I can think of some questions to ask the Warden Knot man; the most obvious being “why the fuck are you called ‘The Shend’?” Plus, much more excitingly – ED BYE. They do point out that Ed is not yet confirmed, but still.

In other news, The Propstore of London will be there! I doubt many people will have enough dosh to buy anything (apart from Drumjay, obviously), but we’ll be able to see real and actual props with our own eyes. If we’re lucky, the might let us sniff the bits that the cast have touched. And finally, the Friday night festivities are “being revamped this year, with a new twist on the quiz idea – everyone will be joining in”. Cappsy and I will still be the only people to get any questions right, though.

Dimension Jump XI. 11th-13th June. Bedford. Go.

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