…Second V Extra Classified! News Posted by John Hoare on 3rd June 2004, 18:39 We just get more and more imaginative with headlines here at G&T. Anyway,THE SFX OF RED DWARF V has shown up on the BBFC, running at the stupendous time of 30m 46s, classified PG, and directed by and starring Mike Tucker. This of course can only be the behind-the-scenes video shot by Tucker during the shooting of Series V, shown at DJX; see Ian’s DJX report, and also Cappsy’s Series V Preview. The extra will also feature a Tucker commentary, as mentioned here. From what I’ve seen of it (a shaky handheld recording of his DJ appearance), it’ll quite literally be the best extra in the world. The only thing better would be to see Peter Wragg go on for hours about different types of glue and the clever ways wires are hidden on model shots. Also showing up is Series 4 of Brittas, also classified as a PG, and running to a total of 229 minutes precisely. After a relatively quiet couple of months, things are happening again…