Tucker on Horizon? News Posted by Jonathan Capps on 28th October 2004, 20:10 I really don’t know. I’m currently watching a Horizon (BBC2) episode on Super Twisters. They’ve just shown some brilliant miniture VisFX shots of the interior of houses being obliterated by these twisters. These shots look identical to those seen on Mike Tucker’s montage video at this years DJ. Can anyone confirm that Tucker worked on the special effects for this episode of Horizon?
Well, it’s just finished and Mike wasn’t credited for the special effects. However, no one was credited for them, so we’ll see. I’ve emailed Mike.
And the word from the man is: “Yup, my stuff… didn’t know they were going to use it either. Mike” So there you go. I’m just FULL of exclusives, me.
It’s not very likely at the moment. It didn’t get much use mainly because of the other two mayjor Dwarf forums and G&T’s comments system. However, you will all have another Dwarf Fan site to look at from this weekend… Also, I’m going to hopefully convert the rest of the missing content to the new design, tongiht.