Yet Another Whinge from that Fucking Twat News Posted by John Hoare on 17th May 2005, 01:43 Hmmm. “There’s also deleted scenes, which are mostly bits you can do without, but some actually do have some chuckles. They’re better than what you find on most DVD releases, but only by a skoche.” Ignoring the the fact that I find most of the deleted scenes from V and VI hilarious… why do some people insist on judging deleted scenes the same way they would judge the main feature – purely artistically? Deleted scenes are interesting because they give a fascinating look into the production process, and what might have been. You can’t judge them the same way as you do with the episodes – they’re deleted scenes for a reason. Yeah, yeah, I know – what’s interesting to some people isn’t to others. I can sit through the raw model footage and enjoy it just as much as watching an episode; others would rather gouge out both their eyes with a ice-pick, which is fair enough. And yet that still doesn’t explain why some people seem to look at deleted scenes in entirely the wrong way… Besides – he loses marks for slagging off Son Of Cliché.
Think that’s bad? Try this lot:
It’s pretty fucking stupid to criticise deleted scenes in they way you do with episodes… BECAUSE IT’S STUFF THAT WAS DELETED FROM THE EPISODES. It wasn’t considered good enough at the time, so why should it be now?