Chicken (Mc)Nugget News Posted by Jonathan Capps on 29th June 2005, 19:32 A thread about the Re-Mastered episodes over on the unlinkable forum has brought up an interesting debate. Which version of Series 2’s Kryten contains the edited out “Mc” from Chicken McNugget? Until today, this is how I always assumed it stood: Original Broadcast: Edited Video Release: Edited Repeats: Edited Re-Mastered: Un-edited DVD: Edited (in line with their ‘as broadcast’ policy) But there’s opinion on BTLpay that the repeated episodes did NOT have the line edited, which brings into question whether the original broadcast was edited, too! What does this do the DVDs’ ‘as broadcast’ status? I’m sticking to my above opinion, but it would be interesting to find out THE TRUTH. Ok, so may not ‘interesting’, as such. I’m bored, ok? And quite possibly suffering from mild autism.
D’you know what? WHO GIVES A FFFFFFFUCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, I prefer it with the ‘Mc’ cut because it’s somehow funnier. You’d have to belong in a home not to realise what was cut or why it was cut. The joke still stands. Kryten is still one of the best Dwarf episodes ever. Who gives two slippery cunts about which version of the episode has one lousy single smegging frigging syllable cut?????????!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?! Smell my cheese, you mother!
Post twice, Son of a FUCK! I suppose we’re all sons of fucks if you think about it. Unless you were grown in a lab.
I’m pretty sure that you’re correct, Ian. Edited in every version other than the Remastered. In fact, I’d put monkey on it. …That was supposed to be money, but I prefer what I just typed.
At the end of the day, monkass, this is a Red Dwarf blog set up with the soul purpose to host ANY Red Dwarf discussion, no matter how whimsical. Edits like this ARE interesting topics of conversation for some people, including me, so I give ‘two slipperly cunts’ about it, ta.
“I’m pretty sure that you’re correct, Ian.” I want it known that he forces me to wear an Ian Symes mask whilst bumming me, too.
“I want it known that he forces me to wear an Ian Symes mask whilst bumming me, too.” Erm… on the back of my head.
Yes, I care about this edit debate too. It’s interesting that something that happened in recent history can’t be found out.
What evidence is being brought up that it was ever *Mc*Nugget? Just memories? Because memories of one syllable can be very dodgy. I fail to see any reason to CHALLENGE DOGMA on this one.
Does anyone have the mid-ninties repeat of Kryten recorded anywhere? We MUST find out if it was edited. I’m almost positive it was. “In the original broadcast of the season 2 episode “Kryten”, Rimmer, when confronted with the dead crew of the Nova 5 says “They’ve got less meat on them than a Chicken McNugget”. MacDonalds took exception to this and threatened legal action. All subsequent broadcasts and releases had the “Mc” of “McNugget” silenced, though Rimmer’s mouth still forms the full word.” *Subsequent* broadcasts? I think there’s only one person who can answer this. Aaaaaaaaannnnnnndddreeeeeewwwww?? “Audio edit: The “Mc” in “McNugget” is silenced from the soundtrack of “Kryten” during Rimmer’s description of the dead crew (she’s got more meat on her than a Chicken McNugget). VHS is unedited.” That’s the *American* VHS they’re referring to there… but that could be complete bollocks.
Fucking hell, I’m confused now. The first quote suggests to me that the 1989 airing WASN’T edited, but that the repeats WERE (totally opposite to what Tarka and Smeghead are saying on BTLpay). Could this mean we have one episode on our DVDs that isn’t presented as broadcast? If so, then why didn;t they re-instate the ‘Mc’ for the DVDs like they did with the Re-Mastered VHS release? The second quote is just confusing. I’m sure my VHS is edited… I’m going to check in a minute.
I’m pretty sure that the repeats also carried the edit. I found a recording of Kryten on a knackered old VHS while converting stuff to DVD and I’m certain I would have noticed the ‘mc’.
It is starting to look very likely that the IMDb quote is accurate. What I still don’t understand is why the re-mastered versions got away with it and yet the DVD versions were edited.
Bear in mind the American VHS could be different from the British one, Capps – and the British VHS is definitely edited. But I think they’re talking balls. The problem with all this is that people get Dwarf wrong at the best of times… let alone something as twiddly as this.
> What I still don’t understand is why the re-mastered versions got away with it and yet the DVD versions were edited. Which indicates to me that the original showing of the episode was indeed edited – GNP have been scrupulous in putting the broadcast versions of eps on the DVDs rather than the video versions.
Broadcast versions, yes: but what if someone, somewhere didn;t make the distinction between the 1989 broadcast and the 1995 broadcast? Bearing in mind what IMDb says, 89 is unedited (and caused the fuss) and 95 was fully edited.
“Bearing in mind what IMDb says, 89 is unedited (and caused the fuss) and 95 was fully edited.” But, then again, this contradicts the memories of Tarka and Smeghead. I should really have something better to do, you know.
Oh smeg. Right, I notice my comment on BTL has been mentioned so I thought I’d clear something up. I merely commented that another members post about the “Mc” being present on the repeat showing sounded familiar. However, as John rightly said memories are very very vague things and so in no way, shape, form or zebra am I saying that it definitely was present! If the official line is it wasn’t I’d be very much inclined to believe them. I will throw one small spanner into the works though. I lived in Scotland during the time of the 1994 repeat run and a number of episodes were shown at different times to the english repeat run. Some were merely shown later in the evening, others were delayed by a week or so (postponed by championship Curling and what not) indeed one episode of the re-run even jumped to BBC1 Primetime! So could it be that the scottish repeat of Kryten was from a different tape to the english one? I realise the chances of that happening are miniscule but it’s gonna drive Cappsy absolutely nuts until I get up too my folks house and find my VHS copies of the scottish repeats!
I always used to be sure that it was McNugget the first time I saw it, which was the original broadcast. That was a long time ago though, I was only young, and my memory isn’t that good. Though I tend to lose memories much more often than have wrong ones. No, I’m glad to have helped, thank *you*.
The reason I mentioned yours and Smeghead’s comments is that he seemed very sure in his judgement (and you tended to agree) and I’m not confident enough on the matter to challenge that – it’s nagging at my mind that he’s actually right and that the ‘Mc’ *was* there in the repeats, but other things we’ve seen contradict that! In a way I’m glad I have nothing else to occupy my time with, you know. Your Scotland theory could well be right, too. John and Kirk are better qualified to comment on this, but I assume BBC Scotland would have their own copies of the show if they were broadcasting it at different times to the network. God, I REALLY hope Andrew has the answer to this…
“I always used to be sure that it was McNugget the first time I saw it, which was the original broadcast. That was a long time ago though, I was only young, and my memory isn’t that good. Though I tend to lose memories much more often than have wrong ones.” When I was young I never even noticed the edit, yet I had only ever seen my BBC VHS copies. The young mind is FOOLISH. However, I think it’s becoming clear that the original broadcast was un-edited, though – McDonalds wouldn’t have made a fuss otherwise.
Capps no worries (sorry if I sounded like I took offence) I only mentioned it because you had quoted my name first ahead of Swarj and given that we’ve now debated for 25 posts over a “Mc” I didn’t want to look like the sad git who caused all this! Not that I’m not equally intrigued. I am. I just didn’t want the responsibility of being the cause of all this debate based on a memory and a memory damaged by Jack Daniels and excessive masturbation at that.
“I didn’t want to look like the sad git who caused all this!” Nope, I’m claiming that particular accolade!
Well I’m proud of you son. I am in fact one myself. I just didn’t want to be this one! Now from one sad git to another I might be needing to learn from you soon on certains matters of sad gittyness…..;)
“Now from one sad git to another I might be needing to learn from you soon on certains matters of sad gittyness…..;)” I’m always glad to pass on wisdom! I could, of course, go and look for a girlfriend but I’m too busy searching the internet for mentions of the offending edit.
“John and Kirk are better qualified to comment on this” Hello! “I assume BBC Scotland would have their own copies of the show if they were broadcasting it at different times to the network.” Probably. If they were on a week later, maybe not. But otherwise, in those days, I can’t think of any sensible, cost effective way that they would have done it. But I’d be very surprised if they weren’t both off the same master tape…
Possible tho that the Scottish airing could have re-shown an “original” broadcast copy. That’s if it was said in the original of course. Oh, I’m going to bed. This is gonna go on all night.
Karl – that’s a possibility. If someone forgot to tell Scotland to change it… But unless it wasn’t on the same time, I see no reason why BBC Scotland would have had a copy of the original…
Incidentally, a nice bit of complete misunderstanding exists on that “Alternate Versions” page, proving once again that while IMDb is largely great, there are some completely ill-informed mongs submitting info to it : “A Japanese version of the series exists, featuring (beyond Japanese dubbing), a re-edited version of the opening credits (a different shot of Lister painting the logo, a montage of clips from the episodes, some featuring Kryten, a different edit of the theme song, some CGI shots, and the ‘zoom out’ shot of the ship that Grant-Naylor couldn’t properly pull off originally), along with a completely different model of the Red Dwarf itself. There are no episode title cards; the title is instead seen during the opening of the episode. The original audience laughter appears to be intact.” Ahem. Someone clearly hasn’t seen the Remastered episodes (or, from the “completely different model” comment, Series VIII), there. It’s actually quite laughable to think that someone reckons the Japanese network would have created entirely new CGI footage including a new shot of Lister painting the ship… *sigh*
Sadly, I haven’t time to look into this crucial, life-threatening issue at the moment. Andrew is out trying desparately to hit a delivery deadline. To leave a message, speak after the beep. Beep. One thing to say – at least until someone actually checks their UK and US VHS tapes, DVDs and off-airs – is that the IMDB is usually correct one time in about 700… Worth suggesting that if it WAS cut after a McD’s complaint (something I’ve only heard on the IMDB, never, ever in the office or on the PasC’s), then we surely wouldn’t be able to put it out now anyway. Much like the Kryten’s CPU muzak in Terrorform, broadcast priority is still secondary to what’s legal. More likely is that someone noticed the Mc before original broadcast and suggested it cut. (Paul Jackson? he’s a canny fella.) In fact, the Son of Soup book – which is directly based on the original episode scripts as extant in the Rob Grant filing cabinet, not transcripts – has it as ‘nugget’, so it may even be possible that Rob and Doug wrote ‘nugget’ and Chris just SAID the ‘Mc’. Or, yes, maybe they just cut it out of the book as well. Also, seems unlikely that McD’s would insist on a change to a British BBC2 comedy show in the late 80s. Aside from anything else, they have bigger fish to fry (no pun) – not the least of which being satirical digs of a much stronger kind from other camps. Spitting Image for starters. They’re really going to spend time and money on Dwarf, with all the negative press they get? Final thing to say is that things sometimes slip through. When remastering the Remastered sound, maybe the reference slipped through and wasn’t cut out again because there was no paperwork insisting on it. (Likely, given that I’m not convinced the IMDB story is genuine.) Or maybe it was deliberately cut by the writers/producer/exec/whoever in 1988, but when Doug and Ed reviewed it in the mid-90s they decided the original cut didn’t really work and put the Mc back in. Something they could comfortably do if there was no legal insistence on doing otherwise. Look at it this way – legally, a certain level of satiric use is generally acceptible. If it wasn’t Pot Noodle would have sued Grant Naylor/the BBC ten times over. Basically, until someone (okay, it’ll probably end up being me someday) corroborates the story, I think it’s just a fan submitting to the IMDB based on an edit they noticed in the show. Building a story up around it, because it seems likely. Which it does on the surface – big American corporation getting all letigious; it’s a comedy staple like politicians being corrupt, or Judith Chalmers being orange. But actually, it doesn’t track at all.
Oh, additional – as far as I’m aware, all the DVD versions are as originally broadcast. Not ‘as used for repeats’ or even ‘as used for VHS’. We certainly weren’t asked about it for the DVD; nobody said ‘wanna take the chance?’ We said broadcast versions, and so far as I know that’s what we got. If someone DOES have a tape of the repeat, do you hear the Mc, or just read it on Barrie’s lips and think you hear it? Someone needs to line up the repeat version and the DVD and have them both heard by an impartial observer… God, what a thrilling evening that’ll be. :-)
Andrew – thanks for that! I realise this is a puddling matter but for some reason I get deeply facinated with edits in TV shows and the reason behind them. Ah well… The theory that (for whatever reason) the 1989 version WAS edited and then it all slipped through the net with the new sound mix for the re-mastereds seems like the most likely, to me. The American VHS that was referred to earlier could well have been the re-mastered, now that I think I think about it. They seem to be the dominant VHS version over there.
>Oh, additional – as far as I’m aware, all the DVD versions are as originally broadcast. Not ‘as used for repeats’ or even ‘as used for VHS’. As I thought, but it’s nice to hear it confirmed. I did get very nervous about the faint possibility that the ‘Wimbledon’ scene from Gunmen wasn’t going to appear on the DVDs, though (If i remember rightly, the repeat and Six of the Best versions were both edited)… Oh, ye of little faith :) >We certainly weren’t asked about it for the DVD; nobody said ‘wanna take the chance?’ We said broadcast versions, and so far as I know that’s what we got. As it should be. If the original broadcast was edited then so should the DVD :) >If someone DOES have a tape of the repeat, do you hear the Mc, or just read it on Barrie’s lips and think you hear it? I think this definitely the case. As I’ve said before, I always thought he DID say McNugget on my VHS tapes, until I became aware that it was edited – I never noticed it on my own. >Someone needs to line up the repeat version and the DVD and have them both heard by an impartial observer… >God, what a thrilling evening that’ll be. :-) If I had a 1995 repeat on me (for some unknown reason I’ve lost my off airs!) I would have done that hours ago. And ENJOYED IT! Curse you God, for making me this way!!
It’s slightly concerned that this is one of the most popular items comment-wise on OD ever, after only four hours after publication. We really are a bunch of anal twats. Andrew, something I’ve always wondered: the original James Last Copacabana in Terrorform – was that replaced in repeats because the rights were only agreed for use once, or because it shouldn’t have really been used in the first place?
I have a really nasty feeling that I’m going to have to find someone with the original off air of Terrorform *just* so I can have a copy with the original Musak on it. ‘Worrying’ doesn’t even begin to describe…
I tried to find a copy a while ago, Cappsy. Sadly, I couldn’t find anyone who had it. I really want to hear it too, though.
The “Mc” is, without question, present on the original American VHS, non-remastered. I owned that video for years and upon hearing it silenced on the DVD it was very upsetting. I’d volunteer to upload an mp3 as proof, but I gave my videos away to a friend when the DVDs came out. I CAN, however, borrow it back, if it’s really that important to people.
Tomorrow I’m going to go on a massive hunt for my old repeat off airs. They *have* to be hidden away somewhere – if the repeat of Terrorform has the original music then I’ll do you a copy.
Crikey. Well, that’s put a new spin on things. I was sure it wouldn’t be on there. Proof that an unedited version *did* exist! Any chance of doing an mp3 at some point, Phil? (Oh, I really *will* answer your mail before bed…)
“Well, that’s put a new spin on things. I was sure it wouldn’t be on there. Proof that an unedited version *did* exist!” Yes, I find it very suprising to hear that there’s a copy of the original episode with the ‘Mc’ in tact. An MP3 would indeed me splendid, Phil. There’s a long and very anal article in this.,comedy/8454050/root_id,67646/sno,0 So, it’s settled then. Good work John and RedboX. Now… on to the American VHS and UK repeats!
The number of comments on this is inbelievable. I guess I didn’t realise how much this meant to everyone……. One thing’s for sure, it is cut on the episode that I have taped from a series II repeat (just looked at it). I’m not exactly sure when the repeat was, but it wasn’t from the recent series I-VIII run on BBC2. Probably 1994 or 95. I thought the story was that it was after the original broadcast that McDonalds threatened legal action. Why would they have ever threatened action if the episode had never been broadcast with the line included? Surely they wouldn’t have found out about it before broadcast. Unless McDonalds weren’t involved at all and it was just Paul Jackson or someone else being cautious. If the original broadcast did include the syllable, that would explain why it made it’s way into some VHS releases or repeats, but if the original broadcast didn’t include the syllable, why would it appear in anywhere else (apart from remastered). I’m confused.
“One thing’s for sure, it is cut on the episode that I have taped from a series II repeat (just looked at it). I’m not exactly sure when the repeat was, but it wasn’t from the recent series I-VIII run on BBC2. Probably 1994 or 95.” That’s interesting. It really does seem that no broadcast version was un-edited, as RedboX (in the link I posted above) seems certain that the original broadcast was edited, too. “but if the original broadcast didn’t include the syllable, why would it appear in anywhere else (apart from remastered). I’m confused.” It seems the only other place to find an unedited version of this line is on non-remastered American VHS. Someone, somewhere, must have made the editorial decision that the edit was crap and it was worth the risk releasing the full joke to the American public. Quite why they’d go to the trouble to do that is beyond me, though.
Another possibility – that there are two versions of the original episode, one unedited version, unaired, and then the edited one – and the wrong (or “different”) one was used *accidentally* for the American release. After all, BBC Worldwide managed to stick an early edit of Rose on the R2 Who DVD! It’s odd though.
An mp3 should be easily doable. I’ll try to track Jesse down tomorrow and see if she has her tapes with her. If she left them at college I’ll just have her make a recording when she goes back. I’m very, very sorry to have given the tapes away now that I realize the DVD versions can be slightly different (McNugget, the glitch in Rimmerworld). Sigh. But yes. I’ll update you on the mp3 situation in the next day or so.
“the original James Last Copacabana in Terrorform – was that replaced in repeats because the rights were only agreed for use once, or because it shouldn’t have really been used in the first place?” It was agreed for one use only. God knows why they bothered, apart from the kick of actually using some James Last – the second version is so close as to be almost identical. (Though I seem to remember noticing it was mixed in at a SLIGHTLY different volume.) “I thought the story was that it was after the original broadcast that McDonalds threatened legal action. Why would they have ever threatened action if the episode had never been broadcast with the line included?” See my previous posts – I’m not concivced McD’s even know of the show’s existence. “If the original broadcast did include the syllable, that would explain why it made it’s way into some VHS releases or repeats, but if the original broadcast didn’t include the syllable, why would it appear in anywhere else (apart from remastered). I’m confused.” I’m yet to be convinced that it has made it into any other release than the remastered (which I’ve not checked either). But I’ll happily swallow those words whole if I hear the proof.
“Tomorrow I’m going to go on a massive hunt for my old repeat off airs. They *have* to be hidden away somewhere – if the repeat of Terrorform has the original music then I’ll do you a copy” All repeats used the non-James Last version; the deal was for one use only – first UK broadcast. (BTW, I’ve looked at the PasC’s this morning and there’s no reference anywhere, original or remastered, to this whole McThing.) “the glitch in Rimmerworld” Not heard about that one (or, at least, don’t remember). What’s the story there?
I’d never heard a story about McDonalds threatening legal action, and had always assumed it was an internal edit, perhaps because the Beeb doesn’t (or didn’t) like you using trademarks or specific product names where it makes no difference to the context. Apart from anything else, “less meat on them than a chicken McNugget” is something McDonalds would prefer people to think was factually accurate, surely? Granted that “More meat than on a skeleton” wouldn’t be a great advertising slogan for them (better than current ones, perhaps), but nor is it going to bring the company crashing to its knees. As to my apparently faulty memory of the original broadcast, I’m not that surprised because it’s so easy to see he’s saying ‘Mc’ memories of it are never going to be that reliable.
HOLY FUCKING CUNTING CRAP! What the hell have I caused here?! I checked my recording of the 1994 repeat run and I was wrong. The line IS edited in that version. Shame overload. I-I-I-sorry. Naturally, I will commit suicide immediately, etc. Sorry about the mess.
I’ve really no idea what made me think I’d heard the “Mc” for all those years. It was a piss-poor quality recording and perhaps I just assumed it was there because it should have been and its absense then became all the more noticeable on the DVD. Anyway, I can’t believe it sparked off such a huge discussion!
Andrew: > PasC What’s this? > “the glitch in Rimmerworld” > > Not heard about that one (or, at least, don’t remember). What’s the story there? Looks like the master has suffered a slight glitch between making the VHSes, and the DVDs. > I’m yet to be convinced that it has made it into any other release than the remastered To be honest, I feel the same – and I’m convinced that it’s never been broadcast or released in the UK – but let’s see what Phil comes up with from the American VHS. pretty much confirms that the Mc was missing originally, and Smeghead2044 confirms it was never in the 1994 repeat.
> I’d never heard a story about McDonalds threatening legal action, and had always assumed it was an internal edit, perhaps because the Beeb doesn’t (or didn’t) like you using trademarks or specific product names where it makes no difference to the context. Yes, I always thought the same. At the very least, I think any legal worries would have happened internally. I very, very much doubt McDonalds were ever involved – as much as anything else, because it was never broadcast…
> Anyway, I can’t believe it sparked off such a huge discussion! I think it just goes to show that G&T and OD attract an… erm… “interesting” clientele.
I’m delighted it’s kicked off like this, to be honest. It shows that the people in this discussions ARE interested to find out th full story behind the edit. There must be something about teelvision programs and edits that turn perfectly normal people into mentalists. It’s great.
>> PasC >What’s this? “Programme as Completed.” It’s the paperwork that accompanies any TV show for broadcast – detailing music use, cast and crew (including uncredited extras, etc.), and so on. >> “the glitch in Rimmerworld” >> Not heard about that one (or, at least, don’t remember). What’s the story there? > That’ll be my shit memory, then… :-( Looks like the master has suffered a slight glitch between making the VHSes, and the DVDs.
>There must be something about teelvision programs and edits that turn perfectly normal people into mentalists. You’re being very presumptuous about this site’s clientele when you say “perfectly normal” there, Cappsy.
> “Programme as Completed.” It’s the paperwork that accompanies any TV show for broadcast – detailing music use, cast and crew (including uncredited extras, etc.), and so on. I’d give my left bollock to see all of those for Red Dwarf. Ah well, now I know where your complete cast lists on TOS come from :-)
>I’d give my left bollock to see all of those for Red Dwarf. Yeah, I would, too. (give John’s left bollock, that is. Not mine.)
So, is it 100% confirmed that the original UK broadcast was the version with the cut ‘Mc’? If so, I applaud GNP for sticking to their ‘as broadcast’ DVD policy. However, I’m interested in knowing whether GNP could have included the ‘Mc’ on the DVD if they’d wanted to. Maybe there could be a series II re-release with a sticker on the front saying ‘Special edition! Includes extra bonus content in episode 1!’. I wonder how many people would buy it just to be completists…
> So, is it 100% confirmed that the original UK broadcast was the version with the cut ‘Mc’? Yep. Not only from that NOTBBC thread, but from a personal email.
This discussion needs some fresh revelations to give it the impetus towards being the first OD entry to get 100 comments…
Just out of interest. Which version is mentioned in the books and is it read with or without the “Mc” by Mr. Barrie on the audio books.
You’re quite right. Sorry. In fact, I think *everyone* on this thread should apologise on here personally. Go on.
Can’t be arsed to fish out Infinity but it’s Chicken *nugget* in the Omnibus (although this did have several revisions). Have yet to check the audiobooks, but I’d place money on them being the same.
I did fish out Infinity earlier, and there’s no “Mc” there. Had there been one, I’d have posted asking if it was still in the Omnibus, but there wasn’t, so I didn’t. And most of the above is, indeed, cheating. Yeh shower o’ bastards.
Amazing how 10 little words can create such a kerfuffle. Doubtful that any other dialogue in the show could produce such a thread…except perhaps Robert’s amazing delivery of “The Blue Midget is loaded” in Marooned.
“I’m gonna eat you little chicken (nugget), I’m going to eat you little chicken (nugget)…” Too slow, chicken merengo!
Anyway, I have six fingers on each hand so the importance of numbers that are divisible by tens has passed me by. Wanker.
Sorry, it was the message board pillock in me that made me do that. I’d say that all of a sudden I knew how it felt to be an Ain’t It Cool News talkbacker (“FIRST!!!111” and all that bollocks), but I didn’t go as far as scooping out my brain with a rusty spoon, smearing it around in cowshit for a couple of hours and putting it back in upside down before I posted, so I guess that rules me out of that particular piece of empathising.
Well, I spent the day searching for Jesse’s phone number and I can’t seem to find it. I’ll call around to get it through someone else. If for any reason I can’t locate her quickly enough, I’m sure Austin has (or had) an American VHS as well, so I’m sure one of us can post an mp3 before long.
UPDATE!! AT LONG FUCKING LAST!! I will be getting my American VHS version of Series II, Byte I either tomorrow or Sunday. Prepare yourselves for the EARTHSHATTERING mp3.
peformingmonkass said: “D’you know what? WHO GIVES A FFFFFFFUCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” This first comment of the thread is rather amusing in retrospect.
After all this, the best I can do is disappoint. How on EARTH did I always think it was McNugget on that video? It’s missing without question. Even more odd, though, is the fact that the very first time I saw it on DVD, long before talk of this kind, I noticed the “Mc” missing and thought, “Crap, new edit.” What made it apparent to me on the DVD and not the video? The new audio mastering? Who knows. Either way, it is non-existent on the original US video release. The odds of me ever opening my stupid mouth around here again are pretty slim.
So, now we need someone with : (a) A copy of the Japanese episode (b) A basic understanding of Japanese … to find out whether or not they included “Mc” in the dubbed lines…
Just to drag this one back up from the depths… I was very disappointed to see this discussion NOT mentioned in Andrew’s text track… ;-)
‘The ?Mc? is, without question, present on the original American VHS, non-remastered.’ Aaah, happy days…
Much like the Kryten?s CPU muzak in Terrorform Now this is something I’ve seen mentioned more than once that confuses me no end. I thought I’d heard that was changed from ‘Copacabana’ to some generic muzak; in fact, someone here posted a link to the generic version on YouTube. But following that link was actually the first time I’d heard the generic version, and the DVD obviously has the episode with the muzak version of ‘Copacabana’, which is the only one I’d ever seen. So now I’m totally confused as to whether it was changed from the actual Barry Manilow version of ‘Copacabana’, and if so, where did the generic version come in? And if it was the muzak version that caused the problem, why was it still used on the DVD?