G&T/ITN logo.Ho-hum. Only the fourth update this month. In my defence, I’ll point out that a) The relaunch of OD will happen soon, honest, and b) G&T’s DJ surprise will be great. Unfortunately it won’t be videos of Chloë’s foaming twat. See how I take an amusing joke that Ian made over a year ago and HAMMER IT INTO THE FUCKING GROUND.

BING BONG: TOS news first, then: Norman “Exterminate, Dudes, or something ahahahaha well done” Lovett is appearing in The Bill (what the fuck is wrong with www.itv.com/thebill, then?) on Wednesday 22nd June @ 8:00pm on ITV1. I think you should all mail him afterwards and tell him that he would have been much better as Davros, and ask whether he’ll be in the next series of Who. And if anyone can work out why I’m referencing the Re-mastereds when I don’t even like them, then please tell me so I can feel more at ease with myself.

THE TOURNAMENT: Also in that TOS article is a short piece about DJJ’s new film. Which as Mr. Ellard says, sounds marvellous. And for boobies: go here. It’s a shame that that site keeps opening new windows when I don’t want it to, or doesn’t allow you to link directly to individual photos, but since when was any film website any good? They wouldn’t make films so badly, so I don’t know why they can’t do websites…

QI TICKETS: Dates now available are: 14th, 15th, 21st, and 22nd of June. I won’t even bother deconstructing Applause Store’s website.

That is all.

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