Total Red Dwarf totalled News Posted by Jonathan Capps on 28th June 2005, 19:35 Total Red Dwarf, one of the most long standing Red Dwarf fansites to date, has been put on ice. TOTAL RED DWARF is unfortunately offline. It may return later in the year. If you would like to contact me, click here. Why not visit The Official Red Dwarf Fan Club web site whilst TRD is offline. Whether the site will ever be back with us is unknown as Paul Gannon has tantilisingly left this up in air with his departing message. The big ol’ tease. I’m not sure I can carry on living without my daily Smeg Cube fix!
Why not visit The Official Red Dwarf Fan Club web site whilst TRD is offline Because there’s nothing on there I want to read?
Well, he is, of TV and radio fame? TRD is down as I can’t afford to host the whole TRD site at the minute. It’s had over 17000 hits since January, and the bandwidth is costing me more than I can afford, sadly. I have more imoportant things to think about at the minute with being made redundant in the next couple of months, and house hunting, etc.