27 comments on “Oh, holy good God

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  • Someone get me a brandy…

    This is just *brilliant* news. I can’t say much more, really. It could have been very easy for GNP just to record Chris in a talking book type situation, but we’ve got sound effects and storyboards, too! AND CHRIS GETTING BACK INTO THE RIMMER CHARACTER?

    I need to lie down.

  • It’s amazing. It’s been a good while since I read the script so I’m going to leave it that way. I remember it not being too awful, but Chris Barrie BEING RIMMER again has me very, very excited.

  • If anyone’s even remotely bothered about where my VII DVD post has gone, then I’ve just tucked it away until RDSUK sorts itself out.

  • I feel like the one person not having fun at a party! (Then again I usually am)

    I’ve been trying to think resonably about it all. Given that it’s just a DVD extra then the fact where getting a whole new production is fantastic.

    New dwarf (in any shape or form) again excellent news.

    Chris Barrie being Rimmer. Yep, check. Excellent.

    So someone please explain why I don’t seem to be as happy as everyone else!!!

  • Probably wise. You’re best tucking it away until you can figure out how to spell “filthy”, as well ;-)

    I know perfectly well how to spell it. Typing in a competant way is a entirely different matter, though :P

    So someone please explain why I don’t seem to be as happy as everyone else!!!

    Maybe you’ve already read the script and know it’s not really all that great? Maybe you were expecting something even more fantastic? Perhaps you’re just a big grumpy pants? Who knows!

  • I don’t care if the script’s any good or not. It’s newly-produced Dwarf material for the first time in six years.

    (I’m sure Andrew will forgive me for not counting A Life In Lame as proper “new Dwarf material”)

    God, imagine if this led to something big? Imagine if… imagine if they realised audio plays could be the way to keep things going. Imagine if they signed a contract with Big Finish. It worked in quite spectacularly good fashion for Doctor Who… it could work for Dwarf. The Who audio plays, and the recent Hitchhikers’ series, have shown that age is no barrier to a new series. This could be a way of keeping Dwarf alive for many years with its original cast…

    (like I say. ahead of myself. but how cool would it be?)

  • The thought of new audio plays is very interesting. I’m with you on this one, Seb. The commentaries have proved you can bring the cast together in one room for a couple days successfully, so I think this could really work if Doug was up for writing up some new scripts.

    The difference Dwarf has with Who, however, is that Who’s always been produced with a large amount of different writers and so it was feasible to bring in new people in to write what was essentially very good fan fiction. However, I’m not confident that any non-Doug scripts for a Red Dwarf audio play would sit well with me. Grant and Naylor’s style of writing dialogue could never be replicated, in my opinion.

    But hey, if worst comes to worst with The Movie, it could always be converted to an audio play, too. I hope it’s something GNP are seriously looking into, anyway.

  • This is quite simply the greatest thing EVER. Even though the script has been out there, this is technically NEW Dwarf!!! And it’s unique in being the only story in 52 episodes (well, 53) that focusses on the Cat. It’s a shame that it isn’t the full cast (I’m sure Danny would have enjoyed doing this) but with Chris you virtually get the full cast. The script isn’t the best in the world, but with Chris reading it it’ll be a billion gagillion times funnier.

    BEST – EXTRA – EVER. Thankyou GNP and Chris.

  • Yay!

    The points made since my last comment have won me over. The thoughts of continuing the saga through Audio plays would be fantastic. In a way it would be Dwarf come full circle wouldn’t it? Back to the days of Dave Hollins…

    Whilst I agree with Cappsy about the writing of Grant Naylor audio plays would be a fantastic way to blood new writers.

    Question to the Who fans. Do you put the audio plays on a par with the TV Show or are you just thankful for the former for keeping the Who-niverse fresh?

    Personally I wouldn’t mind having new writers expanding the Dwarf universe it’s when they start sodding about with my favourite sitcom I have problems.

  • “Bloody Hell, it must be a good extra if it’s made you happy.”
    Actually, I think it’s gonna be better than every episode of VII.

    “Will it be TEH CANON, I wonder?”
    Well, if the 8th Doctor is canon then I’m sure this can be…



    Sorry, it’s just that I didn’t get to read the script before it was removed from the site, so this is all the more awesome for me.

    A thought: how would it be if they did the same thing for “Earth” on the VIII DVD? (That wouldn’t be “TEH CANON”, though)

  • Will it be TEH CANON, I wonder?

    The interesting thing is, which Dwarf universe will this belond to? The TV series or the books? Or maybe it’s very own universe?

    I mean, it was written for TV, but it’s being presented in the same as the book’s audio versions.

  • The DVD universe, together with the deleted/alternate scenes.

    Excellent, Pete. You’ve saved me many a night of tossing and turning.

  • Andrew on the TOS Board:

    More on IDW’s storyboards next Friday, and on the Friday
    after, another (smaller, but still fascinating) DVD surprise.


  • The interesting thing is, which Dwarf universe will this belond to? The TV series or the books? Or maybe it’s very own universe?

    I mean, it was written for TV, but it’s being presented in the same as the book’s audio versions.

    I reckon the TV series one. Only ‘cos it wouldn’t fit into the books one.

  • Fixed it. I need to support things properly at some point, and give proper instructions, but in the meantime, if you need to seperate paragraphs between a blockquote, just use <br /><br /> instead of linefeeds (ie. the Enter or Return keys) to seperate the paragraphs.

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