DJ Jazzy Chloe and the Fresh Burden News Posted by Ian Symes on 15th August 2005, 19:28 ‘Course, they’re all “jazzy” Chloe’s by the time I’ve finished with them. Anyway, we bring convention news, via this TOS article and the update sent out to registrees earlier this week. The TOS version is slightly better-written. Since reading James Bull’s update, I’ve suffered an overdose of commas, exclamation marks and bad syntax. After intensive investigation, of the punctuation in the DJ update, it has become clear, to me, that we are dealing, with a fan club of awesome unprofessionalism: Erm, anyway. The news is that Robert Llewellyn has cancelled. BOO. Robert is easily the best cast member for conventions, and it’s a massive shame. But still, Chloe Annett is going to replace him, and she’s got better tits. Let’s hope her Q&A session is slightly less embarrassing for all concerned than it was in 2003. Also, Howard Burden! As Cappsy predicted ages ago. In further convention news, Collectormania 8 will feature Chloe Annett and Chris Barrie! It’s being held from the 30th September to the 2nd October in MIL-TON-KEYNES. It’s free entry, but autographs cost upwards of a tenner each. For fuck’s sake. Unless you really want to meet Adam West or Dirty Den, just go to DJ instead. You can get as many autographs as you want for free, and you don’t have to go to Milton Keynes! Oh, and Garbage World has had a slight revamp. WELL DONE. John did this, before fucking off to Scotland and leaving me to run G&T by myself for a week, the fat, lazy twat.
Wendy Dent? I didn’t realise it was hers. But yes, it was a dig. At the very least, it could have been coloured with something other than felt tips.
Ian, I think your HTML’s broke. It’s showing up as all baaaaaaaaaadlyish on the RSS/LiveJournal feed, and consequently I think some text’s missing.
I noticed this at exactly the same time! I was missing a “>” at the end of the picture. Hence the article starting rather stupidly with “Anyway”.
“Wendy Dent? I didn’t realise it was hers. But yes, it was a dig. At the very least, it could have been coloured with something other than felt tips.” Its just a logo, unless you want another Snip winner :P
Well I think Wendy’s logo is just fine as it is, hope I’m as lucky as her to get to design the logo one day n’all!
Anyway, we bring convention news, via this TOS article and the update sent out to registrees earlier this week. The TOS version is slightly better-written. Since reading James Bull’s update, I’ve suffered an overdose of commas, exclamation marks and bad syntax. After intensive investigation, of the punctuation in the DJ update, it has become clear, to me, that we are dealing, with a fan club of awesome unprofessionalism: Thanks for the support Ian! I look forward to, hitting you over the head, with a welding mallet!!! He exclaimed!
I feel bad now. If only you’d have accepted my offer to proof-read things for you, none of this would have happened.
Indeed you did offer, and there is no excuse for bad punctuation and or poor writing, so i hold my my hands up, well hand. No excuse, except that the update was meant for BTL and because of it’s non arrival before DJ it was rushed into an update sent by post, so it wasn’t checked and sending 200 updates via your house wasn’t an option. I just hope we are professional enough to have a G&T flyer at DJ? Oh, sir, could I? One day, could I be?
> I just hope we are professional enough to have a G&T flyer at DJ? Ahem. We were going to do a fanzine, but it… fell off.