Doctor Dwarf, Part Minus One News Posted by Seb Patrick on 11th August 2005, 14:39 (because it occurs prior to the Eccleston series, you see) ‘Look at this, Doug! I’ve got the Brig’s email address, I’ve got his home phone number. What’s this? BN45 7ED. I’ve got his smegging postcode!’ Oswald could barely contain his excitement. He was waving the business card like it was a winning lottery ticket. From this, which is, by the way, utterly brilliant. And yes, the character who’s saying “smegging” is a complete nerd and conspiracy theorist. And yes, the fact that he’s saying “smegging” is probably a way of emphasising the fact that he’s a complete nerd. But still.
Why didn’t he wave it like it was a Golden Ticket? I’ve never seen anyone waving a winning lottery ticket in any medium.