Remember this, everyone? It was day of intense sadness and one that has lived on in our memories ever since – A day that is now referred to simply as 28/6.

But, what’s this? Dry your eyes, dear readers, as Total Red Dwarf is back!Paul Gannon, webmaster, has relaunched the site with a stunning personal and touching insight into his life as a Dwarf fan and web developer – entitled ‘Red Dwarf and Me’. Read it; it’ll make you laugh, make you weep, make you look at yourself in a different light… basically it’ll change your life. Also, take note of the link at the bottom of the article for more Gannon Goodies.

Looking back a few years, TRD was one of the very first successful Dwarf fan-sites to start up and, by the looks of things, receives quite a large amount of traffic. An actively updated Dwarf site is always good, so I hope for sake of all the loving Gannonites out there, that’ll he’ll lavish plenty of attention on his much visited site from now on.

Something actually about Dwarf would be nice, mind…

9 comments on “Total Paul Red Gannon Dwarf

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  • It’s nice to see it back but then I never understood why it went in the first place. He said he didn’t have any time to maintain or update it anymore, but now he has the time to do that and TORDFC… So I really hope they both get actively updated now!

  • “It’s nice to see it back but then I never understood why it went in the first place”

    I think it was due to not having enough money to pay bandwidth costs.

  • “I think it was due to not having enough money to pay bandwidth costs.”

    I had a lot going on in my personal life and money was exteremely tight at the time, and because of the sites popularity, the bandwdith was costing me more than I could afford and thus had to take the site down.

  • “I thought we had big egos.”

    Once upon a time I had a huge ego, now I really just don’t care. I just write about things that I want to write about.

  • I had a lot going on in my personal life and money was exteremely tight at the time, and because of the sites popularity, the bandwdith was costing me more than I could afford and thus had to take the site down.

    There’s a hell of a lot to be said for web hosters who offer unlimited bandwidth.

  • “There’s a hell of a lot to be said for web hosters who offer unlimited bandwidth.”

    Yes you’re correct. I have a reseller package and have to take into consideration the other sites that I host. TRD was the busiest of the sites that I host and the most bandwdith intesive – maybe due to all the photographs available (which I have now removed and/or in the process of cutting down)

  • Hello, Paul. I used to come to your Total Red Dwarf site all the time. I thought it was the best Red Dwarf site on the net. I’ve been into the Red Dwarf series since I was seventeen. Over the years, most of the Red Dwarf epidoses that I recorded from public televsion have either been completely destroyed or partially destroyed. What I mean is that I played them so much that they acually gave up ever playing again. I still have a few that I watch from time-to-time, even though they don’t work as well as they used to. What I’d really like is for the series to come back to PBS (where I live, in the states). It’s been gone for about two years now. Anyway, being a writer I used to want to write fan fic, but somehow, instead of writing fan fiction, I ended up creating my own science fiction series. Actually I only have one story finished, but you’re invited to read it if you like. It’s on Although the story is different from Red Dwarf, it’s pretty obvious that I was heavily inspired by the show, as well as by other bits, pieces and chunks of science fiction that I’ve picked up over the years. I tried to make it so that the story is available for free download, but I couldn’t for some reason. If you’re interested Paul, I can send you a free copy.

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