Wrinkles Clips News Posted by Jonathan Capps on 10th January 2006, 11:01 One day, when I’ve found all 12 episodes, listened to them and written all I can about them, I may actually shut up about Wrinkles. But, until then, I’m afraid I’m going to carry on being the one note dullard that I am. Sorry! I received two new clips from the show a few days ago (many thanks to Mark James) and they’re really very excellent. Very, very excellent. Frustratingly, they’re just small snippets, but they work very well as individual sketches, non-the-less. They’re unofficially titled Secret Service Reunion and Dog Training and feature the characters Tom the Caretaker and Winston (played by Tom Mennard and Ballard Berkeley) – quite a sublime double act. Unfortunately, I haven’t got a clue which episode(s) they’re taken from, so anyone caring to shed light on the matterwould be great. Anyway, download the clips now! DO IT. (5.9 MB) As you may guess, my need to hear a show in full is growing by the day, so if anyone at all has any recordings of Wrinkles then do not hesitate to email me – I have plenty of downloaded rarities to swap for anything you might have. Finally, in case you haven’t already seen it, the Observation Dome have launched DwarfWiki this week; an ambitious project designed to collate as much Red Dwarf data as humanly possible. It can be edited by anyone, so go forth and contribute and help us build it up into some rare and special. Especially this page.