TV & Satellite Week, 13-19 February 1999 News Posted by Mr Flibble on 9th April 2006, 13:17 Thursday, BBC2, 9pm: The comedy sci-fi series returns with a two-part story. The nanobots have populated the ship with the original crew, which is good news for Rimmer. Whoops. Surely the synopses that appear in these magazines get written after it’s been filmed?
At least that’s slightly correct. I remember a synopsis for BITR Part 3 in the TV Guide which was, in its entirety, “Cat does an elaborate tap dance with Blue Midget”. What about the REST OF THE FUCKING EPISODE THEN?
“What about the REST OF THE FUCKING EPISODE THEN?” Well what else are they gonna put? ‘Oh, and there’s a recap’. The recap and BM dance is all that’s in the ep.
Well what else are they gonna put? ‘Oh, and there’s a recap’. The recap and BM dance is all that’s in the ep. THINGS OTHER THAN THE DANCE AND THE RECAP: – The escape itself – The realisation they’re in AR – The plasticine bit – The second escape – The second realisation – The arrest
Would 50%% of that be the stuff that was chucked in to make the Episode last twenty minutes longer than it needed to?
That’s irrelevant. It’s still more important to the storyline of the completed episode than the Blue Midget dance.
Well, with that resolved, any chance of making this a temporary Doctor Who reaction thread? Here it goes: I thought it was fantastic but a lot of other people I’ve spoken to thought it was poor compared to last series.