Remember this?

I got this email the other day:

Dear Customer,

We wanted to give you an update on the status of your order [202-3246511-3901420].

We are sorry to report that, despite our best efforts, we have been
unable to source the following item:

“Red Dwarf Series One CD”

We apologise for the length of time it has taken us to reach this
conclusion. Until recently, we had still hoped to obtain this item for

This item has now been cancelled from your order and we can confirm that
you have not been charged for it.

Please accept our apologies for any disappointment or inconvenience

Until recently, you’d hoped you could obtain this item? For a non-existent product? And it took you five months to work this out?

The really stupid thing about this is: how did it become available to pre-order in the first place? Once plans for something have firmed up, fine – add them so you can pre-order things. But what’s the point of adding something like this, when it wasn’t even close to being confirmed? Of course, I suppose that could be the BBC giving Amazon false information.

But the other stupid thing is… you can still pre-order the fucker. Well done, Amazon!

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