MacDwarf News Posted by Seb Patrick on 9th September 2006, 19:17 ROSS: Your castle is surprised; your wife and babes Savagely slaughter’d: to relate the manner, Were, on the quarry of these murder’d deer, To add the death of you. MALCOLM: Merciful heaven! What, man! ne’er pull your hat upon your brows; Give sorrow words: the grief that does not speak Whispers the o’er-fraught heart and bids it break. MACDUFF: My children too? ROSS: Wife, children, servants, all That could be found. MACDUFF: And I must be from thence! My wife kill’d too? ROSS: Gordon Bennett, yes, your wife, EVERYBODY’S DEAD!
I should point out that it was my girlfriend that thought of this one, not me. And that we were watching a production of Macbeth at the time – it’s not like she just did it from memory. Despite the fact that, um, we both did English degrees.
>Despite the fact that, um, we both did English degrees. Oh, I got mine with precious little Shakespeare–which is more than fine by me. Part of the reason I stuck to studies in modernism. Too much Bard makes lit students something something.
>I should point out that it was my girlfriend that thought of this one, not me. I wish my fiance knew as much about RD to make a link to it from something else. Closest I’d get from Jen is: Hey Ben, look, doesnt he look like the bald one from Red Dwarf?!
Ghostie : well, it was her who thought up the name for Fuchal, and everything. I am rather proud, yeah ;-) Tanya : it was at the Minack Theatre, in Cornwall. Not the best production ever – a little amateurish at times – but a wonderful setting.