You know how some websites have letters pages? They’re fair enough if you don’t have a comments system, right, but pretty pointless if you do, yeah?

This is G&T. Pointless is our middle name.

Actually, our original idea was a kind of “Ask G&T” thing – send in a question, and we’ll get it answered for you using our EXTENSIVE CONTACTS. This is still the main point of the feature, so if you’ve got any questions you want answering about Red Dwarf, or any of the things we cover, then get in touch. I confidently predict we’ll get a “What’s happening with the Movie?” email before the day is out.

But also: in the absence of a forum round here, feel free to send in feedback about the site, or to start a new topic off completely. Basically: send anything you like to I bet you anything it’d get printed.

Now, off to hunt for some real news, as opposed to getting everyone else to write our stuff for us…

14 comments on “Walrus Polishing

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  • I had never read that ‘protocol’ piece before, but I have to say, it makes a lot of sense. Looking back, a lot of Dwarf sites merely repeated word for word what had been read elsewhere and glossed it up with nicked photo’s..I have considered many times, creating a proper site, not the community msn site I originally opted for, but have never got past the idea process. Of course, CrapHQ was never meant as a proper Dwarf site, but rather a ‘Dwarfers’ alternative community where photos could be left along with the odd comment, I suppose it served a purpose for a while and did attract a lot of members, but most people have fallen by the wayside or moved on to bigger things recently. Another thing that kind of stopped me, was the over excited ramblings of another website owner who went to great lengths to point out that ‘CRAP’ wasn’t a ‘proper’ site and people should really send him their photo’s instead! (it never happened though). I know you ‘lot’ believe there is room for more Dwarf fan sites if done properly, but I no longer share that view, with BTLi and covering most angles, I would rather see/read one or maybe two biggish good sites concentrating on the ‘techy’ stuff and ‘news’. The comments facility here is more than adequate to debate views and ideas (along with other TV related stuff apart from Dwarf), if you have forums it will only end with tons of ‘I love Rimmer’ posts etc. I really like the idea of the ‘dwarfwiki’ and would like to see more done with it, and kind of like the way some ‘blogs’ are going, but have little interest in seeking out more Dwarf web sites…

  • Well put, Darling.

    DwarfWiki will most certainly be gettign a rocket up the arse, soon, as I really want to start structuring pages with infoboxes and really encourage people to get stuck into the editing side of it. There’s no reason why it can’t be really busy with updates from all sorts of people.

  • Another thing that kind of stopped me, was the over excited ramblings of another website owner who went to great lengths to point out that ‘CRAP’ wasn’t a ‘proper’ site and people should really send him their photo’s instead!

    Just a wild guess, but would that be Paul Gannon?

  • > It’ll be at least weekly, and probably more than that

    First rule of saying anything – make sure it’s not patently ridiculous/has a half-chance of actually happening ;)

  • Incidentally, there’s NO MAILS AT ALL YET to I didn’t exactly expect a huge rush for the first column, but I thought there would be *something* that people would want finding out…

  • We’ve had our first mail! Ta to Cpt-D.

    I’ll be doing the first installment next week, so mail us if you have anything to contribute.

  • Maybe an article by John titled “Walrus Polishing” didn’t encourage people to click on and read it…

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