Craig Back On The Street News Posted by Ian Symes on 11th January 2007, 15:03 Coronation Street, that is. I thought he was already back, but never mind. *whistles*
Pleased about this. Craig was dead good in Coronation Street. Does anybody know where Lloyd is supposed to have been? I very rarely miss it, and I can’t remember anybody even mentioning him not being around. It’ll be interesting to see how they reintroduce the character anyway.
> It?ll be interesting to see how they reintroduce the character anyway. Maybe he’ll go into the Rovers and they’ll say ‘so you got off that crack charge then?’ Not that Craig was actually properly charged with anything.
Heard a news/showbiz report on Irish radio at the weekend saying Craig was taking time off at the end of the month to begin shooting on the RD movie!!!! |I’ve googled all over the place and cant find any reference to it anyone else hear anything ?????
Hmmm. Something weird going on here, as someone said on the Official Webboard that they heard something similar broadcast on another radio station. Anyway, I’ll quote Andrew Ellard (who works for GNP): Basically, it’s pretty unlikely that Sovereign Radio – Putting East Sussex First” – would get the scoop on this one. :-) The budget isn’t yet in place, there hasn’t been any greenlight or announcement of one. When there is, we’ll have in on first, it being the only official GNP website. Chances are some newsroom junior got a quote about a film being in development and used it without doing the research…
Thought it was 2 gud 2 b tru. anyway when u say the budget insn’t YET in place does this mean that GNP are still actively seeking one or has the Idea been shelved compleately
No-one’s gonna provide the budget though. I’ve come to the conclusion that no-one would risk any more than 3 million on something like Dwarf. No matter WHAT, it will always be seen as a TV spinoff of a show that ended 8 years ago. The DVD sales, fandom etc. mean very little to NOTHING by the way (they mean something to us but nothing to investors or general audience). Seriously, how many millions of people would see the movie? Because in order to get back a 15 million (or whatever it is) budget that requires millions of people to see it IN CINEMAS INTERNATIONALLY. Don’t give me that bollocks that this WOULD happen because you and I know that it wouldn’t. Like The Simpsons Movie, the Dwarf movie is now ten years too late. I’m sorry but that’s now how I feel.
I?ve come to the conclusion that no-one would risk any more than 3 million on something like Dwarf. Maybe so, but there’s such a thing as multiple investors! The rest of it I disagree with… but I’ve gone on about it long enough, and everyone’s tired of it, so I won’t bother.
If the film is going to get made it really needs to be done soon because if not it’ll join the rest of the TV spin-off movies (like Dukes of Hazzard, Bewitched or Starsky and Hutch) that simply failed to be anywhere near as good as the original because it was left just too long.
>if not it?ll join the rest of the TV spin-off movies (like Dukes of Hazzard, Bewitched or Starsky and Hutch) that simply failed to be anywhere near as good as the original because it was left just too long. Left too long, yes, but also none of the original writers, actors or creators were involved with any of those final products. So it goes without saying that it’s going to be nothing more than an attempt to recapture, rather than an attempt to continue. The Dwarf movie at least has Doug behind it (original writer and co-creator) and the entire original cast…potentially it could be a really great extension of the Dwarf franchise, whereas the other examples you listed above will be all but forgotten in another five years while the original episodes will remain classic for a good long time.
>Like The Simpsons Movie, the Dwarf movie is now ten years too late. I?m sorry but that?s now how I feel. I don’t disagree, really, but I’ll eat my hat if The Simpsons Movie is not an instant blockbuster cashcow. It’s “too late” from a quality standpoint (well, maybe not…time will tell…it could still be really good) but not from a popularity standpoint.
The DVD sales, fandom etc. mean very little to NOTHING by the way (they mean something to us but nothing to investors or general audience) Admittedly without the facts, I’d disagree with this. Not the “fandom” aspect, but the “DVD sales” aspect. If the franchise is making money, then that’s surely an appeal. And the DVD sales aren’t just “decent” – they’re excellent. No matter WHAT, it will always be seen as a TV spinoff of a show that ended 8 years ago. Because films like that never get made, do they? Alright, so the examples Smeg4Brains mentioned were all crap films, but the point is – they got made. As did the wonderful two Addams Family films. And the better instalments of the Star Trek franchise – a film series that, incidentally, was a spinoff from a cult TV series that had stopped airing some years before. Hmmmm.
>the ?DVD sales? aspect. If the franchise is making money, then that?s surely an appeal. And the DVD sales aren?t just ?decent? – they?re excellent. Good point, and I didn’t even think about that. DVD sales might not have meant much in the past, but recently they’ve been the major reason that Family Guy has made a return to air and that Futurama is back in production. DVD sales are not only a way of measuring a demand, they are a profitable way of measuring demand, and somewhere out there people ARE listening.
I’m not denying the DVD sales have been great, and I’m sure due to those sales the BBC would LOVE new Dwarf, but I really don’t believe movie investors would care (unless the figures were extremely high). Making a Dwarf movie now is NOT recreating the greatness of what’s on those DVDs (most of them…). Like it or not the movie has potential for suckage (sorry to use the word ‘suckage’, believe me I’m not a 14-year-old American) due to how long it’s been since Dwarf ended, how old the cast are now, whether the production would experience problems, whether Doug’s script is funneh or not and the fact that he hasn’t directed a movie before etc. Here’s another thing to thing about. Comedy movies (and sci-fi movies, for that matter) usually have either at least one BIG star name (e.g. Jack Black, Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller) or a good-looking teen/twentysomething cast. Dwarf would have neither. So even if the Dwarf movie WAS really funny and fantastic (and please god if it happens let it be) there wouldn’t be that draw to it. I just KNOW that only fans would go see it, and it’d probably be released the same day as Indiana Jones 4 or something (like smaller films often are, annoyingly) so that would damage it.
> but I really don?t believe movie investors would care (unless the figures were extremely high). The DVD sales figures ARE an important part of the funding process. They show a financial return that exceeds the investment – it’s precisely this kind of bottom-line information that has had us so close to the greenlight. Whatever you think about the film’s potential, when it comes to funding it’s the figures that talk. And the DVD figures are both the most recent, and some of the most successful.
It will happen. And may I be the first to say that there’s no way that the positive opinions of this site can be bought through invites to the premiere. No way what-so-ever. No indeedy. Absolutely not.
Among Red Dwarf fans, sure. Where else are they going to get anything like a reasonably intelligent review of the Red Dwarf film? From the thousand-odd other derelict Geocities RD pages with cringingly badly-worded and -spelled “character descriptions” and .wavs of TEhir Fav Dward LineZ Evar!!!!1!1shiftkeyoverload!! (and in some cases their painful Rimmer/Lister slashfic)? Face it, this place is unique. There might have once been a lot of good sites like this one, but now this is effectively it.
Kiss me, Arlene. > There might have once been a lot of good sites like this one, but now this is effectively it. Yeah, there used to be The White Hole, Fuchal, Garbage Pod…
> It will happen Riiiiiiight *said in the Doctor(as played by Mike Myers)’s voice*. OK, I’m glad I was wrong about the DVD sales meaning nothing. At least that proves once and for all that anyone who has either refused to fund the movie or pulled out after saying they would is FUCKING STUPID because they have the successful figures right in front of them! How idiotic can they be? They’d probably fund a…Hyperdrive movie or something even though the series is shit, just because it’s got Nick *Shaun Of The Dead* Frost in it. All I want is more Dwarf in ANY form. That’s why I’m getting an erection in my pants just thinking about the re-bastard…I mean *slaps self round face* 20th Anniversary DVDs.
How did this turn into Movie discussion anyway? Surely this doesn’t mean that NO-ONE GIVES TWO SHINY SHITES that Craig is back on Corrie??
I am Craig Charles’ son, and I am very disappointed by the way you have treated my father. I am outraged by the fact that some of the comments made here are decidedly unsupportive and offensive. Go away and die you geeky fuckers. DIIIIIIIE! John Whore. He he. Sorry – couldn’t resist. Hoare is like WHORE! DO YOU SEE?
> No no, it was a missed opportunity on the part of Austin Ross, really. I tend to miss most of my opportunities these days.