Though it’s not mentioned on his official site, I’ve just stumbled across word that Norman Lovett will be hosting the 2007 Eagle Awards at the Bristol International Comic Expo in May.

Bristol is the UK’s biggest annual comic con, with a whole host of top names turning up (last year I got sketches from Dave “Watchmen” Gibbons and Gilbert “Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers” Shelton) and a fantastic array of traders selling back issues; I was planning to go again this year, and stay overnight and perhaps even try and attend the Eagles, even before this announcement.

The Eagles are, essentially, the comic industry equivalent of the BAFTAs (where the Eisners are the Oscars), although perhaps even that’s underselling them a bit :

INTRODUCED in 1976, the Eagles are the comics industry’s longest established awards. Acknowledged as the pre-eminent international prizes, they have been featured on the covers of leading US and UK titles across the last 30 years. Unique in that they reflect the people’s choice, the Eagle Awards comprise of two distinct stages.

The Expo is on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th May, at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Bristol (although the main hall isn’t actually at the hotel, it’s right next to Temple Meads train station). Advance tickets for the weekend, on sale next month, cost £10, or £5 for one day (but it doesn’t usually sell out, so you can turn up right on the day). The Eagles will be on the Saturday night at the Ramada, and I’m not actually sure at the moment if it’s possible for ordinary proles like us to get tickets – but I’ll look into it, and let you know what I find out! Even so, though, I imagine if Norm’s there for the Saturday night, he might well put in an appearance in the main hall at some point…

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