Scrapheap Challenge Series 9 News Posted by John Hoare on 14th April 2007, 02:04 Starts this Sunday @ 17:40, on Channel 4. Yep, that’s tomorrow. See this video from Robert, who explains the rather confused scheduling this series has had – and also reveals that he starts shooting Series 10 of the show shortly. Which is better than other things we’ve seen him revealing recently. In fact, I’ve been meaning to mention this for a while – Robert’s been quite the busy boy on YouTube, and it’s well worth having a watch. He is effortlessly entertaining in front of the camera, and I wish he’d do more presenting on telly, as he’s far better than most presenters out there. Robert’s also said on said on his forum that his site is due to relaunch very shortly. Let’s hope there’s not too much Flash. Oh, make up your own joke.
Anyone else think that Robert is fucking brilliant? His enthusiasm is so infectious. He genuinely seems to love his fanbase, unlike other actors – Craig, for example, who dismisses his fanbase as if they were flies investigating his podgy, coke-fuelled face. Is there any other cult figure out there who provides more free, instantly available material for fans?
I love Robert and I agree he’s a great presenter and accesible to the fans, you cant fault his enthusiasm and knowledge, top bloke all round.. Scrapheap appears to be an all year round job and takes up considerable time to make judging by his comments, I’d love to see more of him (maybe not his small part in Bonkers Guide)! He did a Scrapheap ‘Roadshow’ a while ago involving ‘Tomato’ launchers, as a company, we were invited to enter a team and design, still got the emails and drawings.. We never made it past the entry stage, though did build a very basic prototype using compressed air. Maybe the fact that our design was possibly lethal at 200 yards explains our rejection :-)
> unlike other actors – Craig, for example, who dismisses his fanbase as if they were flies investigating his podgy, coke-fuelled face. Now now, play nice.
Because it’s the future, daddio, it’s just you’re too old to receive what they’re trying to transmit. Or something.
Blah. I tried to watch it, saw the film look, and switched it off. Stupid? Well, yeah, to be honest – I shouldn’t have let it stop me watching the show. But it just doesn’t suit that kind of show at all – the feeling is all wrong. I just couldn’t be arsed with it.
Whereas I continued to watch it, mainly so I could complain about it a rather disproportionate amount of times to my girlfriend.
hi i wanna know baout last week who win in scrapheapchallange start date is from 17th April till 20th April the winer name is Mohammad iltaf. Regards Anjum
Now on a break until the autumn, incidentally. They’ve buggered up the schedule of this a bit. First it’s broadcast late, and now they have to take a long break. If only they’d started it at the usual time last year, then there wouldn’t have been a problem and they could have run it right through…
You know, it’s good that Mr Spammer here brought this topic back up, because… Scrapheap is back this Sunday, November 4th @ 17:45.