Comp-o Remind-o News Posted by Jonathan Capps on 30th October 2007, 14:31 Remember our Copysnatcher Competition? Well, you now have until a week on Friday to get your ‘entry’ in! Ooh-er! The response has been very good so far and we have an impressive collection of entries. The prize is still very much up for grabs, so get going! There’s been the odd confusion over what to do, so let me sum up the requirements in two points: * REMASTER a SCREENSHOT of RED DWARF. * Other than THAT, DO what you WANT. Got that? Then GO.
I did something for this, but as three people said it was shit and the other person I showed it to couldnt figure out what it was im not bothering to send it :-/
Those people are obviously idiots. Send it in! But at a time that doesn’t make it obvious that it’s yours. If that is possible.
Still think MS Paint is best for truly replicating that special early Chris Veale look. Or maybe autoshapes in Microsoft Powerpoint.
What happens if someone is in hospital or somewhere where there’s no internet when you announce the winners? How long do the winners have to claim? (not that I ever win anything, but I can’t be the only one wondering this)
Considering it took almost a year to send out the second prize for the last competition, I can’t imagine us being picky about people taking a while to claim a prize. Although we *will* be better at sending stuff out this time. Much better.
That excellent item was personally hand signed by a number of famous movie stars, though which is what caused the delay that time.
Coming up to 6 hours left! Everyone’s who not entered just do ANYTHING and submit. You still have a chance!
It’s well closed now, anyway. With luck we’ll be announcing the winners on Sunday so you don’t go out and buy something you’ve won on Monday!
I see lots of people are online, so I guess its for the results. Midnight is the deadline for all G&Ters to vote if they wish, so the results will be posted at 00:01.