14 comments on “Someone please – shoot me in the head

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  • Oh for Fuck sake! That is just a total, total… a word has yet to be invented to describe how totally whatever-it-is it is, but it is one. And a total, total one at that.

  • oh no, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

    fuck no.

  • Quite terrible. Red Dwarf and politics should be kept apart at all times, not even poked with a stick. And if she starts with Rasta-Billy Skank! She’ll be the one with a government health warning!

  • “Danger. Government Health Warning. Helen Eadie can make you irritable and irrational and has been linked to disorders of the nervous system and bowels.”

  • why do politicians always nick something from modern culture in an effort to look cool and make a connection with the young or the person on the street?, it never works. Some poxy middle class oik in a suit bein clever!…………

    We all know they come from another bloody planet anyway!.

    My rant is over………..thankyou for listening!.

  • The sad thing about politics is that a few years ago, I used to be really interested in it. Which is EXACTLY the kind of thing that people in politics should want – a young person properly interested in politics.

    And then, each party managed to systematically piss away my interest by at best implementing policies I strongly disagree with, and at worst acting like twats. So I’m now left with complete political apathy… and with absolutely nobody I actually want to vote for in the next general elections.

    That can’t be right, can it? That there’s no party at all in the UK that I feel deserves my support?

  • I never wanna see or hear from that scum sucking, lying, weasel minded smegger in my entire life.

    You can’t get any more Scottish than that clip.

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