Here. Well, as Dwarf appears to be currently standing trial, I thought I’d enter into the spirit of things…

Mind you, there’s not a huge amount to say about the piccy itself that wasn’t said about the first – although it’s still gorgeous – except that we get a rather better view of Rimmer. Yeah, his hair is different. I don’t give a fuck. He still looks like Rimmer, especially in this new picture. (Is anyone going to do a “Rimmer’s H through the ages” picture montage? Go on, I’ll buy you a dlink.)

Also worth noting is this:

“But this is nobody’s idea of a traditional ‘crossover’ story, nor is it ‘the whole story’. You may have seen the cunningly-snapped pics, but believe us when we say – whatever the reported plot, whatever guesses you may have made, chances are you’re a good few light years away from working out what’s really going on. Which is something really, really smart.”

It’s been said before, but it’s worth reiterating that we just don’t know how this is going to be integrated into the plot. I don’t want to dampen speculation in the slightest, but at this point, getting overly-worried seems rather pointless. The truth will come out eventually, as God is my witness. (I regret this metaphor already.) Also: I love Corrie. Fuck you. It’s essentially two-and-a-half hours of amusing sitcom a week.

Still, “the first Dwarf for a decade”? Pah – Identity Within and Bodysnatcher are forgotten so easily…

Hope you’re all enjoying the regular updates from us for a change – there’s plenty more to come. And Marleen – get ready to review the translation of these when they come out. That’s an order.

91 comments on “Cast Picture, Official Exhibit B

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  • Yeah you’d have thought they’d do something with Rimmer’s hair… although for all we know the slight loss may even be explained or used as a punchline within the script. Who knows… other then them of course!

    But like we’ve said, other then that slight difference it’s like a decade has never occured isn’t it! Although I have been thinking that for the last few series it has always become an unwritten law that there has to be an immense gap in the middle… perhaps we’ll see the next batch of specials in about 13 years? :P

  • >But one thing this really, really isn’t, for those who know their Doctor Who, is Dimension In Time.

    There. Right. Now that we’ve had this, I’m hereby declaring that the next person to use the words “Dimensions in Time” in connection with the new specials is BANNED. For EVER.

  • i dont think there really has to be an explanation for rimmers age ,hollograms can die so maybe they can age as he did in out of time, …..

    wait …

    he ages 15 years in out of time and looks extreamly different yet in rimemrworld he had aged 600 years and no change ….

    they goes my theory out the window

  • I guess if it’s not explained we’ll just have to do the usual “it’s sci-fi” rant and try and convince ourselves it’s been covered well enough!

  • or as someone suggested yesterday .. maybe he died and was braught back as a hologram just before the specials .. which would explain it

  • Chris looks a lot better in this one too

    Yes, I agree. I dont know what it was about the other photographs, but this one lookd smashing. Why they’re dwelling on Corrie though. Maybe it is just that these are the only production shots they have so far?

    Anyways, still New Dwarf. So WOO!!

  • Why they?re dwelling on Corrie though. Maybe it is just that these are the only production shots they have so far?

    Well, they’ve only done one day’s shooting so far – and that was on the Corrie set…

  • That’s awesome, so excited! Though I must vent a little nitpick and mention how very, very much I dislike the pouty series 7 & 8 Kryten mask. Still, as long as he isn’t written all whiney like in series 7, I’ll be a happy camper.

  • I think the only reason they are dwelling on corrie is that they have been forced to mention it by the tabloids. It’s certainly got people talking, so it might work out quite well, especially if the corrie fixation hides some other surprises.

  • To be honest, I’ll be pissed off if they waste any of the precious few minutes they have available explaining the irrelevant.

    Considering it’s been a decade Chris is looking fine – I’m sure make-up can sort out a minor receding hairline. After all, they can change Robert’s head into a novelty condom!

    Nice piccy.

  • >To be honest, I?ll be pissed off if they waste any of the precious few minutes they have available explaining the irrelevant.

    This, this, two thousand times this.

  • >After all, they can change Robert?s head into a novelty condom!

    Worst merchandise idea EVER.

  • i think they should just make a scene explaning everything the fans want to know holly kochanski rimmer and death whichrimmer ect ect and all that shiz in a scene like a the beggining of tikka to ride but not include it in the episodes just have it as a quick extra for the dvd would keep everyone happy then

  • Well I have no doubt there will be explanations a’plenty on the DVD. As to bogging the episodes themselves down with explanations (at least the broadcast ones, assuming the DVD will have extended ones), either a very tiny bit or none at all is the way to go I think.

    And my word, if it wasn’t a Rimmer face in the last pic, it sure as Schwarzenegger is now.

  • The boys look great, definitely a better pic of them than the last one.
    Bobby’s mouth still looks a bit funny, though. Or is it just me?

    But I hate the Corrie connnection.

  • i cant see the specials having anything to do with corrie exacly i mean these specials as we have heard will be broadcast all over the world and if these were anything to specificly to do with corrie alot of the people in them countries would be wondering what the hell this is all about .. or is corrie broadcast all over the world i dont know ?

  • I swear, upon the God I’ve never believed in, if the specials start with Corrie theme music I will DESTROY this entire planet.

    Get digging!

  • talking of which .. i hope its the same theme tune or do people think it should be something new or revised ?

  • >Bobby?s mouth still looks a bit funny, though. Or is it just me?

    Probably nothing to do with the mask, and everything to do with Robert’s incessant desire to pull “funny” faces.

  • “talking of which .. i hope its the same theme tune or do people think it should be something new or revised ?” – kakchriskak

    At the very real risk of incurring the wrath of the nostalgia police, please, please, please go back to the orchestral brilliance of Howard’s intro to Series I and II. Brings a lump to the throat.

    Even if the rest of it is shit, at least that’ll be right.

  • You know, I’d like to hear both … maybe start with the old 1/2 version leading into the III+ guitar solo theme.

  • maybe it shud just do what it does on the dvd bonus features .. the closing notes of the opening theme and straight into episode

  • The closing notes of the opening theme and straight into episode

    That wouldnt’ really serve the newbie viewers though would it?

  • What’s going on with the lips of the Kryten mask there? Either Robert’s sucking his lips in, or there’s something odd there that was hidden by the smile in the last pic. The lips haven’t been that apparently big since David Ross’ turn in the rubber mask.

  • Were the characters superimposed onto a Rovers Return background in this photo? Something not right about it.

    And AGAIN the Kryten mask looks… weird…

  • Not that I care, the intricacies of Kryten’s mask really don’t matter a jot to my enjoyment of the show.

  • I think the light may have been fading when they took that pic. Either that or they were in the shadow of something.

    Surely, they wouldn’t mock something up if they were *right there on set*, especially since the Dave pic was taken on the set.

  • > Were the characters superimposed onto a Rovers Return background in this photo?

    Nope, it’s a totally live and for-real shot. Again, direct from source and un-faffed.

  • >Were the characters superimposed onto a Rovers Return background in this photo? Something not right about it

    iv been sat looking at it for ages and i though the same just seems wierd .. why would they superinpose it if they were on the set.. but i admit looking at it it looks odd

  • Well they may still superimpose it, even if they were on the set, if they took a group photo of the crew that was picture perfect, and accomplished everything they wanted to project from the cast photo, but it didn’t have a ‘Corrie’ background…

    But obviously a moot point, as Andrew clarified its all above board. Still looks a little unnatural, though, not sure why. It just has this… quality to it. Great pic though… and the much-debated “Rimmer’s hair” situation (talk about getting bent out of shape about nothing!) isn’t a situation at all really, he looks like Rimmer, the hair is longer than its been in recent years and it suits the character fine.

  • i think the rovers return sign looks soo clean and bright it just makes it look unusual . and got my family to look at it witout saying anything and 1 of them said “is that real or put there” so im glad its not just me and neandercarl that have gone mad ..

  • Yeah, this happens a lot on TV, with things live two-ways on the news where the background and foreground are lit with different sources – eg in this case the Rovers Return is lit by the sun and the cast are lit by, presumably, a light or the camera flash.

  • Probably nothing to do with the mask, and everything to do with Robert?s incessant desire to pull ?funny? faces.

    Although some of my favourite Kryten moments involve him pulling funny faces.

    “Smee-hee” may be over-quoted, but it’s still fucking funny. And that involves plenty of gurning.

  • > And Marleen – get ready to review the translation of these when they come out. That?s an order.

    I will SO.

  • Well they may still superimpose it, even if they were on the set, if they took a group photo of the crew that was picture perfect, and accomplished everything they wanted to project from the cast photo, but it didn?t have a ?Corrie? background?

    You’re right this WAS the original picture.

  • Now that the initial ‘shock’ of Dwarf on the Street has been downgraded to ‘bemusement’, it seems clear that ‘GNP’ and ‘Dave’ are deliberatly teasing everyone and inviting speculation as always.
    Being “Light years” away from what’s actually going on is something I’m well used to but I’ve always loved surprises.
    As we’re told that these official pics were always planned, this has to be a cunning
    attempt to get people talking and it’s certainly sparked interest from different quarters to the usual.

    So, it makes up a small part of the main specials and interior sets as well as outside shots of Corrie have been filmed. It kind of dismisses theories of ‘charity skits’ and ‘elaborate trailers’. Craig seems to have mentioned parts he has played rather than just Lloyd so are there more revelations to follow?

    My current guess (hey, I’m always wrong) is that this is an alternative Earth where Dave Lister and not Craig Charles is a soap actor ( I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Corrie credits state this). Further alternative dimension versions could be done with clips and new scenes, the possibilities are endless.
    Of course the question in this case would be why?
    Well, maybe, following attack, our intrepid hero’s are spiralling from dimension to dimension trying to find ‘home’, visiting several Earths on route, they could have lost Kochanski on the way and even picked up Rimmer!!

    On the other hand, I could just stop talking bollocks and get back to work :-)

  • Ok, just a thought…

    So the Homo Sapienoids, out to kill Dave Lister, the Last Human in our/his dimension trace him in the ‘wrong’ dimension.
    Confused, they set out to delete all Dave Listers just to be on the safe side..

    The Boys from the Dwarf set out on a rescue mission..

  • someone else asking robert about kochanski and the response was

    >Cannot comment on final RD casting yet. When I can, I will. Oooh, mysterious

    damn you whats that man hiding

    cant really see kochanski being in it ..and its not something you would hide as a suprise really because who is going to go OMG YAY KOCHANSKIS BACK

  • is anybody here actually hoping kochanski is in these specials ?? i find it unlikely but who knows

  • >(Is anyone going to do a ?Rimmer?s H through the ages? picture montage? Go on, I?ll buy you a dlink.)

    Whisky please, John. Straight. With ice, lemonade, a cherry, and a slice of lemon. Oh, and one of those little umbrella-things if you’ve got one…

  • I’d wager that Ace Rimmer will make an appearance in the specials.

    Also, if Kochanki is in it, it will be the iconic Clare Grogan version.

  • >I?d wager that Ace Rimmer will make an appearance in the specials.
    Also, if Kochanki is in it, it will be the iconic Clare Grogan version.

    NO NO and NO

  • I like Claire Grogan too but it would seem really odd to re-re-cast Kochanski. Rob’s probably just throwing us off scent.

  • Does Chloe Annett even act anymore? Too lazy to check IMDB but I don’t think I’ve seen her in anything since RD VIII. So if they wanted Kochanski in the episode, not neccessarily as a main character but a cameo, and Chloe wasn’t available then Grogan is an obvious choice.

    Also, Grogan is the ‘iconic’ image of Lister’s perfect Kochanski (ie. the woman he hopes to end up with) whereas Chloe is another dimension Kochanski we have gotten to know too well. I know they are meant to be the same person, but if the intention is to give Lister his ‘happy ending’ then for symbolic reasons it would be nice to see Grogan playing the role of “our” Lister’s Kochanski.

  • >Does Chloe Annett even act anymore?

    She was in a radio show last year I believe. In an acting role, not as a guest, I mean.

    I’m sure it was mentioned on the main site.

  • >Still, ?the first Dwarf for a decade?? Pah – Identity Within and Bodysnatcher are forgotten so easily?

    Oh how easy you forget, what about the scenes from the Bodynatcher boxset, like ‘Dad’? And I’d say deleted scenes count too, nothing like Kryten with a English butler accent.

  • She’s supposed to come across as artificial and irritating, though, isn’t she?

    She’s fine. Not the best person they ever had on the show, but far from a disaster.

  • > Not the best person they ever had on the show, basically a disaster.

    Just fixed that for you.

    Sure, she’s supposed to be artificial and irritating – but within the fiction. Just as playing a drunk character takes more than simply getting the actor drunk, playing shallow takes more than hiring someone who can’t convincingly portray a human being.

  • This. Irritating characters in sitcoms should only irritate the characters, not the audience. Compare Clare Grogan’s character to Father Finton Stack.

  • I just… can’t see it. At all. I’m entirely at a loss as to how to defend her, because I just can’t see where people are coming from in the slightest!

  • Also… she really doesn’t irritate me at all as a viewer. To be honest, my initial mention of her being irritating was a desperate attempt to try and understand people’s reasoning!

  • >Compare Clare Grogan?s character to Father Finton Stack.

    I’ve had my fun, and that’s all that matters.

  • I still don’t get why Graham Linehan says, in the commentary, that he doesn’t like how Finton Stack was played. I think it’s perfect! He’s such a strange character and even though he’s only in three or four scenes he seems complete (what I LOVE is how the whole situation is defined in about 30 seconds of sitcom time, from when you first see him sitting in the chair to Ted and Dougal in bed listening to the jungle music – it’s this sort of thing that makes Ted, well, effing great!)

  • > I just? can?t see it. At all. I?m entirely at a loss as to how to defend her, because I just can?t see where people are coming from in the slightest!


  • The thing with Linehan is that he seems to have no idea about what’s great about his work. I disagree with pretty much all of his negative opinions about stuff he’s done.

  • I found this thread after Googling to find a decent picture of Rimmer’s “H” (nice one, P2P). I’m bumping it because of this:

    I’m still going for a surprise ending where Kochanski appears.

    Was PM ever smug about this at any point after broadcast? Just wondering if it got forgotten entirely…

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