Two hours to go. TWO DAMN HOURS. We’re starting this thread so that there’s a place for you to discuss the episodes during and immediately after the episode airs. What’s more, we’ll be checking this thread during the podcast, so we can read out and respond to any choice comments. It’ll be like a radio show, but not as good.

[Please note that if this baby hits 250 comments, you’re gonna see some serious shit! Well, the comments will start paginating. A little bit annoying, but if we didn’t put it in, the entire thread will explode.]

Good luck, everybody, here it comes!

396 comments on “Let’s Talk About Back To Earth Part One

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  • I suddenly got very, very excited. Will be watching it with my girlfriend who hates Red Dwarf and my family who remember it fondly. Hopefully it’ll be bloody good and there won’t be embarrasing silence from everyone in the room…

  • here’s hoping you won’t need to turn the channel during the show at any point because you can’t stand it.

  • Well, after this little stint, with just over an hour and a half to go, I’ll not be going anywhere near the interweb, so I’ll be back as soon as we’ve done. My god, I’m so excited, it’s stupid.

  • Argh. Dave keeps dropping off my freeview channel list. Looks like I’m going to have to plunder a bay of pirates to watch it. I can hear the Space Corp External Enforcement Vessel coming after me know…..

  • Has anyone been gearing up to the show tonight by watching anything Dwarf related? I’m in the middle of watching series 2 with the commentary on of course. However because my disc is scratched I’ve been forced to stop, I hope it’s not a bad omen!

  • is it me or has time slowed down sooo much. the next hour and a half is going to seem like 4 ice ages

  • Cheers. I’ve got the booze out, raising a glass to all the coverage here that’s built up to today. I have a question that if no one knows the answer to, perhaps the podcast could answer, which is…

    I read that Ian stated the 1st version of this site in 99, was that after the last episode had aired?, or before or during? Because I expect it’s very different anyways having new Dwarf around and running a site in 2009, but yeah your comments on that after having seen a new episode.

  • I are extremely excited.

    Just watched “Only the Good…” as it seemed the logical thing to do.

    Good god, it’s awful.

    Hopefully will make B2E that much more enjoyable.

  • And to celebrate the time dilation let’s crack out some leopard lager. Revel in the countdown with the precious time we have left.

  • Hey just noticed the Independent recommendation, well done Ganymede and Titan. This could be the peak of the site’s online career. I’m remembering how excited I was about series 8 premiering, ah good times.

  • I have the VHS ready to record, Mr Flibble is sitting next to me ready to watch and hopefully everybody will shut up.

  • I think it will feature a cold opening, Lister playing a board game with Cat, Rimmer walks in and the first woofer is delivered. Then Kryten shall come in and set the scene/synopsis and get the ball rolling. Sky Plus set for record.

  • A few months ago, they referred to us as “one of several Red Dwarf fan sites”. But at least they spelled the name right, unlike The Times.

  • > Rimmer walks in and the first woofer is delivered

    Though with no live audience, it shall be a silent woofer.

  • I am currently watching Coronation Street. On the absolute 0% possibility that the red dwarf crew end up in it.

  • I may tune in briefly during the ads, otherwise I’ll wait until the end.

    I’ve been stupidly excited all day. I’m hoping that we’ll all be wonderfully surprised, and that this (fingers crossed) could be classic RD in the making.

    No pressure, of course. ;D

  • Wait a minute…..theres new Red Dwarf? I’ve checked BBC listings and Norman Lovett’s website and theres no mention of it. Are you sure?

  • Mr Flibble is sitting next to me ready to watch

    No I’m not, I’m upstairs on the computer at the moment. I shall go down about 20:50 and check that the BT Box isn’t crap.

  • I’ve got the telly on Dave just now. I’ll pop through every so often until 9, where I’ll finally sit my arse down and watch it. I’ll probably watch it a few times over as well.

  • > Wait a minute?..theres new Red Dwarf? I?ve checked BBC listings and Norman Lovett?s website and theres no mention of it. Are you sure?

    I hear they’re making a series 9 and it’s to be known as “Norman Lovett’s Red Dwarf”.

    Episode titles so far:

    Stolen Ball (part one)
    Norman’s Tantrum (part two)
    The Ball is Back (part three)
    The Silent Telephone
    Everyone Hates Norman
    Norman’s Tantrum 2: EmoTwat

  • Even though I love Red Dwarf as much as I do, and have been looking forward to this for so long, I didn’t expect to feel quite so excited I nearly dropped my skateboard! as I do right now, with just over half an hour to go. I’m going to watch Coronation Street now, not that I’ll be able to concentrate on it.

  • I’m honestly a bit disturbed by how excited I feel about all this. Like, first time I took a girl’s bra off excited.

  • Speaking of which, did anyone watch this week’s apprentice?

    At one point, one of them said of their colleague “If he fucks with me, I’ll bite his fucking teeth out.”

    Struck me as the most violent image ever formed in the mind of a human being. Though he was an Estate Agent.

  • ”Speaking of which, did anyone watch this week?s apprentice?

    At one point, one of them said of their colleague ?If he fucks with me, I?ll bite his fucking teeth out.?

    Struck me as the most violent image ever formed in the mind of a human being. Though he was an Estate Agent.”

    That is quite a bizarre sickening image. I’m down to my last 3000th vomit bag.

  • Ahh, now alone, lights going off and Top Gear is on its last segment.

    Just seen an advert for Dwarf DVDs, it was for the All the Show collection, rather confusing though, it only shown clips from Series VI.

  • *sniff* at the graveside scene :( and taken aback by the ad break! Surely that wasn’t ten minutes!

  • Well, this is a lot better than series VII/VIII! But RD appears to be a comedy drama now, not a sitcom (which I’m fine with)…

  • Rimmer is back on form as we expected. His interaction with the skutters is very Series one. Wow nice homage to Mel Bibby. Jokes are ok so far, not as bad as I feared, phew!

  • Well there’s been a few cracking lines so far, it looks fucking beautiful… didn’t like the sudden cut to the adverts… and not just because its jarring to have ads in RD to begin with, a quick ‘End of Part One’ legend wouldn’t have gone amiss.

    It hasn’t been hilarious but then who cares, it feels right, it feels like an evolution, but an evolution of PROPER Dwarf, not that Dwarf-related prison sitcom from 1999. (Which, I should add, I did like… in its own way!)

  • Looks great. Have yet to laugh.

    Notice that Kryten’s “Oh my god” has become “Oh my gosh” between the preview clip and this? Much less jarring.

  • Loving this, so far. CGI & Sound design is phenomenal. Think they dubbed Kryten’s “my God” line to “my gosh”.

    >Wow nice homage to Mel Bibby


  • The opening titles with the Rimmer sequence reminded me of an American teen show opening credits.

  • THANK YOU DAVE for not talking over the credits! I’d got so used to being annoyed by that on BBC programmes.

  • My God, it ended so bloody soon! I felt rather underwhelmed by the sudden stop, but I like the episode as a whole. It’ll gel better on the DVD I suppose. Yeah I was beginning to get use to the new episode and then bam.

  • I enjoyed that a lot. I imagine it will benifit from being seen with the other 2 parts all in one go, especially as that was the set up esentially, and normally we wouldn’t stop at that point.

  • Well that was fantastic, when it ended I just went “what?!?” because it just went so fast, I guess in a good way. I do wish I never watched the preview clip, it took that Rimmer stuff out of context, much funnier in the episode.
    The revelation of travelling to different universes went very fast but really if it gets the story started fast it is all worth it.
    Ahh well, what was over ten years is now 2 minutes.

  • It’s hard to say whether it was good or bad, I liked it but was it a good episode of Dwarf? I’m stuck in the middle with my thoughts. I’ll have to reflect back on it a couple of hours.

  • Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I dont like the way the ships interior is lit. Mainly the bunk room. Not warm like it used to be. Still, I dont think I’ll be able to have a full opinion until after all 3 eps have aired. Some funny parts, but i think I prefer sitcom to comedy drama. Undecided.

  • Great for the first twenty minutes but the science regarding using the leviathan’s tenatacle to get home is too important to be rushed and the ending was pretty poor. And I’m not sure why Katerina was activated. But it looked amazing and I’m looking forward for the story to really begin tomorrow.

  • I loved it! Lots of laughs throughout most of them coming from Cat. Very impressive overall but it was over far too quickly. I think it will be even better watching it on the DVD in one go.

  • Yeah as a standalone episode it’s… er… well, it’s a third of a standalone episode, really. That’s the only way I can view it.

  • I feel like I’ve just watched the equivalent of that small section of Star Trek they give you before the opening credits roll, seemed very short indeed.

    I think Waiting until Monday night, and watching them when they are all aired in order one after the other may have been a good idea.

    Underwhelmed and unimpressed at the moment, but I’m keeping an open mind for the next one, liking the style, liking the CG, roll on tomorrow night…

  • I do look forward to the directors cut on the DVD (I assume it will include that version).

  • I’m so relieved that I enjoyed it. Have a feeling, if the remaining two eps are this good/better, BtE will probably work better as a combined mini-movie-type affair.

    Yep, titles were problematic, and it did feel rushed at times, but given the time/budget constraints, that was pretty impressive, IMO.

  • Well… well… well… certainly not a laugh-a-minute sitcom anymore but we were expecting that… in fact, I’d say the laughs were more plentiful than I was actually anticipating so on the comedy front, I’m satisfied.

    There was so much to like about it; the effects were superb… you just didn’t notice they were effects, they integrated so well. Whereas past (later) Dwarf was marred by bad CGI, this was enhanced by great CGI.

    There were a couple of jokes that didn’t hit the spot (“Bit Crap”?) but overall I loved it. Yeah great stuff!

  • Oh my Christ. I loved it.

    This is the first Red Dwarf I’ve watched since 1994 that I’ve genuinely loved.

    It’s different to the best of the old stuff, but still great.

    Confidently made, sharp, well acted, cinematic, heck…even subtle and touching in places.

    This is as far from Series 8 as a mouse’s nose hair is from the testicles of God.

  • ‘One of it’s giant testicles grabbed me’

    ‘I think he meant tenticle’

    ‘I hope that’s what he meant.’ :):)

  • One thing seems to be for sure: this will split fans opinions to radical degrees in the same way VII & VIII did.

  • That ended far too soon!
    Really enjoyed it. It’s less of a sitcom now, but the format really worked. Fewer outright gags, but the characterisation is great. And it looked fantastic!
    It left me gagging for more, which is a very good sign.

    Yes, I think I loved it.

    Only one *tiny* gripe – those tentacles inside the diving bell looked a little too obviously CGI.

  • Yeah given the fact they created a whole new opening sequence they did pretty well with the footage they actually had seeing as past series had way more material to source from.

  • absolutely loved it. think the rimmer listenin to music bit music thing went on slightly too long but i absolutely loved it. superb cannot wait untill tommorow

  • Without looking at any posts above, my first thoughts in no particular order.

    It felt a bit flat, I thought. The lack of laugh track, combined with the lack of incidental music left it all very, very quiet.

    It also very much felt like *part* of an episode – the first half, or something. (Granted, in one way it *is* the first third, but if it’s going to be played out episodically, it should be structured episodically. This felt like a random slicing up.)

    Where the hell did Katerina spring from, anyway? Why did she just suddenly… turn on? When we saw that bit in the trailer, I thought they were going to deliberately turn her on to do something – as it is, it felt like the plothammer got whacked down hard at that bit.

    I was shocked they played the whole end music – I was expecting one verse, tops.

    And, on the Dave front, that ad break was hellavabrupt. It felt like they cut off in mid-scene.

  • Tribute was nice. It looks beautiful. The comedy was good Rimmer/ Kryten exchange I laughed the most. A very good start. It’s great to see it back! And it had a montage! Even Rocky had a montage!

  • Agreed the Rimmer music sequence was done a bit to death. I loved the way it started with Lister walking along the ships corridor to the bunkroom.

  • Very impressive. The comedy was good (I admit I liked the “Bit Crap” joke; I’m easily amused), the grave scene played out very well, and overall the sets and CGI looked very nice. Looking forward to tomorrow night.

  • I enjoyed it. It was much better than VIII and most of VII.

    The cut to ads was a bit jarring, seems to have been the full length thing chopped up. The rather sudden to be continued felt the same.

    It was funny, though. A couple of not quite laugh out loud but certainly heavily audible snigger moments. Mainly from Chris.

    The skutter did not look cg at all, except for when it was holding the hammer.

    Speaking of the cg, it was wonderful. Not just the leviathan and the portal, but pretty much everything. The sets looked lovely, the water tank set actually being amazing.

    Titles felt a little odd I agree, but at least it wasn’t a quick few second thing like most shows these days. End titles were lovely, already mentioned that they weren’t talked over but it’s such a relief it needs to be mentioned lots.

    Shit, that was really good. I am pleased, pleased and pleased.

    Also, I have decided to wait on recordings until Monday and try and get it so that everything flows together.

  • > Where the hell did Katerina spring from, anyway? Why did she just suddenly? turn on? When we saw that bit in the trailer, I thought they were going to deliberately turn her on to do something – as it is, it felt like the plothammer got whacked down hard at that bit.

    I should imagine that there will be a twist involving an explanation.

  • I liked how Katerina dodged Rimmer asking how the ship was sustaining two hard light holograms.

  • Ended too soon, as people have said, but definitely better than anything from 8. I guess this was more a prelude than anything.

    The CGI was beautiful and the ‘exterior’ shot of the graveyard scene reminded me of the Observation dome. Definitely lots of conscious homages to the early series. I hope we’ll find out how Kochanski died and why Katerina was activated.

    Bring on part 2.

  • I keep trying to articulate my thoughts but I can’t escape feeling that I’ve only watched 1/3 of an episode and am not in a position to judge. Weird.

    But some genuine laugh out loud moments – I liked the Bit Crap bit and Rimmer aligning his certificate exactly – marks this out as quality and, well, shows that Doug can write great (new) RD on his own.

  • Amusing how the official site keeps going on and off, getting hit quite badly by looks of it!

    As for tonight’s episode, I anticipated that the sitcom element would have been killed off for them, especially with the lack of an audience.
    The intro, although not perfect, instantly had a more modern filmic feel including cast names etc within the sequence. The best shot in the whole thing was the external shot during the grave scene. Nice new angle of the ship showing windows never previously seen. Very nice infact. The majority of the CG worked very well, barring the first skutter shot which did look mapped in.

    Overall rather pleased once accepting its 2009 drama evolution. And I’m sure come parts two and three the product will gain pace very quickly. Shall be looking forward to tomorrows 40 minute segment.

    Oh… and it really needs “end of part one” stings…

  • >There were a couple of jokes that didn?t hit the spot (?Bit Crap??)

    Ha, I’ve got one of Kryten’s scanners! It’s an ultrasonic distance measurer like this:

  • That thing with the tomato was fucking awful. The worst thing in the episode and dumped in the opening scene.

  • I missed the very beggining because my sky box crashed. COULDNT FUCKING BELIEVE IT!!!
    Still… very very good episode, but it felt very quiet and ended too soon. Looked GORGEOUS though.

    Bring on episode 2.

  • > Agreed the Rimmer music sequence was done a bit to death. I loved the way it started with Lister walking along the ships corridor to the bunkroom.

    I thought it was over-egged, but it was saved by Lister’s face being squished across the camera by a tentacle…and his final collapse.

    Also agree that the opening shot was great.

    Also….ironing with snot FTW!

  • I only laughed out loud once (and that was at Cat, since when did that happen?), I’ll leave out Rimmer’s accent, and go straight to my main problem – who the hell was Lister talking to when he said “yeah, without water, me and the Cat are going to die” most embarrassingly “this line is here for the few people who might have tuned in, without ever having seen an episode of RD before, and need it explaining to them that Rimmer is a hologram and Kryten in a mechanoid” obvious.
    Next episode had better get good. Fast.

  • > This felt like a random slicing up

    Hmmm … I can’t entirely disagree.
    I can’t help but think that if (fingers crossed) we ever get any more Dwarf, in this format a half hour slot just wouldn’t be sufficient to tell a story. You’d need a full hour (40 mins plus ads) at a time.

  • The funniest part for me in the Rimmer dancing sequence was Kryten saying ‘Oh My’ in the background while the tentacle mauled them. I laughed a lot at that.

  • I really tried to not open this thread. That lasted for about 3 seconds.

    It’s very reassuring that you all liked it.

    I’m sure I’ll love it. Eventually.

  • > Oh? and it really needs ?end of part one? stings?


    With a burst of the theme, ala DVD special features intros.

  • Loved it. Relieved. I know there are still two parts but since a few reviews focused on the weaker first act, I’m glad I enjoyed it that much. Obviously not as many gags a minute but the new style worked so well. Seemed to be what VII wanted to achieve but often failed to.

    A welcome return of character based jokes AND some emotion. Loved the grave scene and was actually kinda gutted it was interrupted by the Cat.

    This will divide fans I’m sure but I couldn’t care less. I liked it.

  • Yeah agree with hummingbird: if RD is going to have ads it needs to last longer than thirty minutes.

  • I agree with the posters saying it should really be viewed as a continuous special, but never mind. It was visually very impressive and showed a lot of promise for tomorrow and Sunday. Would have liked to have seen more of Lister at the grave side

  • Kryten great, bit cartoony maybe but i don’t care, i quite liked that aspect of his character anyway, as long as it isn’t done to death, which of course it won’t because doug naylor knows what he’s doing, ending was a bit abrupt but just whets my appetite for more.

  • is over served at the moment! Can’t even reply. Good character building I thought, I really wish there was more, I didn’t want it to end!

  • Agh it’s too short!! That’s what I feared but whatever, it makes me even more eager for part 2!

    Good things

    – Rimmer is brilliant.
    – Katerina is BRILLIANT (ohhh Sophie…). Her pseudo-techno speech about the ‘dimension cutter’. Ace!
    – Set design and CGI is sensmeggingsational!! My GOD (er, I mean GOSH) did you SEE that exterior ship shot when Lister goes to the grave??? We wouldn’t have seen better on Galactica or any other show! And the HUGE tank shots, I can’t stop myself smiling at the glory.
    – The grave scene in general. Mel Bibby…great nod…and they actually made us feel sad about Kochanski. Nice one Craig, Doug, everyone all round.
    – The TENTACLES!!
    – Any time Rimmer says ‘ironing sneezes’.

    Bad things

    – The pace of the dialogue scenes was a little too slow. OK this is deliberately not quickfire, gag after gag, that sort of thing, but I still reckon it needed some speed injected in there. And I think audience laughter would have helped scenes like Lister winding up Rimmer.
    – Er, I can’t think of much else… We could go on and on about how it’s less of a sitcom now, lack of laughter etc. but this is not essentially a BAD thing, it’s just change.

  • > who the hell was Lister talking to when he said ?yeah, without water, me and the Cat are going to die? most embarrassingly ?this line is here for the few people who might have tuned in, without ever having seen an episode of RD before, and need it explaining to them that Rimmer is a hologram and Kryten in a mechanoid? obvious.

    I think he was talking to the people who might have tuned in, without ever having seen an episode of RD before, and need it explaining to them that Rimmer is a hologram and Kryten in a mechanoid.

  • I hope there’s a line or two in one of the subsequent eps explaining what happened after OTG. Not to mention, Chloe.

  • I’m glad the second part is on tomorrow, If it had been a standard weeks wait I’d have been disappointed with the ending but it’s Act 1 of 3. Like other people have said it went really really quickly.

  • >Seeing Gunmen directly after it is making me like it a little less?

    I thought you already pretty much said you didn’t like it anyway.

  • > the Rimmer music sequence was done a bit to death

    I found the Rimmer music sequence far funnier in context, tbh.

    > I?m sure I?ll love it. Eventually.

    You’ll love it, Marleen. But it’s very diiferent from the old format.

  • > Yeah agree with hummingbird: if RD is going to have ads it needs to last longer than thirty minutes.

    Don’t forget the next two parts are 40 minutes to make up for the breaks.

  • > I know there are still two parts but since a few reviews focused on the weaker first act, I?m glad I enjoyed it that much.

    Yeah I had forgotten about that. It bodes very well for the weekend. There weren’t really any weak moments to be honest, although as mentioned Rimmer’s dancing did go on a tad too long.

    I wonder if that was Bob or Madge…

  • It?s very reassuring that you all liked it.

    Looking on a few other sites the reaction hasn’t been as positive as it has been here sadly.

    Lots of comments like this:

    Erm… ok… THAT was Red Dwarf?

    Not in my book.

    Lifeless, completely dull, unfunny. Weird.


    Right now it feels like watching Hyperdrive and that is not a good thing.

  • there seems to be alot of critism about the episode :(

    i gather this means viewing figures less tommorow

  • > Seemed to be what VII wanted to achieve but often failed to.

    This times a billion.

    The graveyard scene…had something in my eye. Ahem. Seeing Lister well up….reading her Pride and Prejudice. Suddenly he’s a real person again and not a fucking idiotic caricature.

  • Excellent stuff. I’ll agree with some of the ‘yeah, but’s’ above, but on the whole, well worth the wait.
    The ending was very sudden, and I’d’ve liked ‘end of’ stings, but it’s great.

    23hrs and 8mins til part 2!

  • >I think he was talking to the people who might have tuned in, without ever having seen an episode of RD before, and need it explaining to them that Rimmer is a hologram and Kryten in a mechanoid.

    Yes, it just seemed really forced. That and about 70% of the rest of the ep.

  • I didn’t like the Dwarf in this, it was just, erm, can’t quite put my finger on it.

    the red-dwarf-live-chat on the Dave web site is full of tossers who don’t know what they are on about.
    looks like most of them didn’t like it
    but mostly they didn’t like the no laugh track and the way it ended
    It mead me sick reading it


    no trouble there

  • >And I think audience laughter would have helped scenes like Lister winding up Rimmer.

    You know, I’m almost convinced this doesn’t need a laugh track. I think you’re right – at certain points it felt like some of the gags could’ve benefitted from ‘a helping hand’, but overall, I think it worked quite well ‘naked’ sound-wise.

  • I loved the storyline, thought it was classic Red Dwarf humourwise but missed the audience laughter of a series.
    Haven’t seen much of Katerina but already don’t think that much of her character and that dodgy sequence and music with the tenticle in the lab.
    Loved the Rimmer dancing and them battling but it did go on a bit.
    It is only part 1 of 3 and its good on its own, so hopefully the whole thing will be outstanding.

  • twitter/bobbyllew seems to be picking up on the negative comments (among thousands of +ve ones, surely), saying it gets better.

  • >It was Sense And Sensibility I think, but whatever.

    Yeah, get it right. Especially since the titles are the only things distinguishing one Austen novel from another.

  • I think once the majority of fans realise that television has changed a lot since 1999, they’ll realise why Dwarf has become this.

    Afterall, if these episodes had been a cheap 90’s knockoff nostalgia trip, an eventual modern series would’ve just flopped. It had to evolve, and it’s a brave step to take in my opinion.

  • >Starting to think the three-parter idea was a bad one.


    Did they learn nothing from the Pete escapades?

  • I haven’t missed the laugh track at all. I found pretty much every joke laugh out loud funny and i don’t think i would of changed anything about the episode. The only problem it has is having to set everything up in half an hour and i feel it did it really well. Are we still expecting to see a simulant at some point?

  • Oh dear. In a word – boring.

    – Nowhere near enough jokes.
    – Lack of audience causes all the same problems as series VII.
    – There was no pace to it at all.
    – Doesn’t work as a stand-alone episode, blatantly one big show that’s been cut up as opposed to three episodes linked by the plotline.

    I got a few laughs out of it, but I’m pretty disappointed. Needed to be quickfire, 30 minutes of jokes and cool plot and then leave it open for the next part of the story – but they haven’t done that with part 1. Starting to think the three-parter idea was a bad one. Should’ve been three isolated episodes, each with their own storyline, plenty of pace and jokes in balance with the sci-fi elements. There were a few moments where it started to get on its feet, but then it lost it again.

    Got no problem with the way it LOOKS – liked the new effects and the sets and costumes and everything. It’s the JOKES that I’m concerned about.

    Part 2 needs to be a joke every other minute, quickfire, whilst continuing the plot. I’ll be watching of course but as a start, I’m left very dismayed. It wasn’t crap, it wasn’t shite, it wasn’t VIII – it was just dull.

    And watching ‘Gunmen…’ straight afterwards only shows how little actual humour was in BTE: Part 1.

  • Would have preferred more sounds! Laugh track and more incidental music would have been good. It did all seem a little flat. Having said that…I AM looking forward to the other 2. It is after all only one part of a big episode.

  • Re-watching it now and during the fight in the diving bell Kryten says something like “extrodinary”, didn’t notice that first time around.

  • I’ve only just thought as to why there may have been a lack of ‘sound’ as it were… it’s almost a revert back to the original series where only the four of them were around. The cold emptiness of space.

    Having tons of music or laughter can make the picture seem fuller aswell.

  • I was worried that they were waiting for the audience laugh to come, then a sneeze ironing later, my worries were over.

    Some gags fell flat, some were great. All are forgotten, I’m sure when I rewatch it they’ll come flooding back.

    The CGI is great, Skutter especially effective, the sets are great, the costumes are great,

    Nice to see Mel.

    The ending was odd, would’ve been nice to go out on a laugh or some peril.

    Overall I’m pleasantly surpised and just as bloody curious. Roll on Part Two…

  • I’m rewatching the titles.

    Ha, just noticed the Blade Runner building next to the houses of parliament.

    And I like how they’ve mixed clips from the episodes with what look like out of character smeg up-style moments.

  • The RD of Gunman is evidently long gone. But I think this new RD is more emotionally powerful. Depends where your tastes lie – I’m pretty open minded and I think this was great – my one criticism is that it’s evidently 1/3 of an episode, which sucks in the sense that ratings count etc and it might have an effect.

    Also the comments on Dave are pretty heated. Hopefully thye’ll realise the sorts of people who post on messageboards don’t represent everyone…

  • Quite good, despite seeming too short (the jumps to/from commercial break and the “To Be Continued” were rather abrupt). Some funnies, some good bits of character interaction, and some intriguing plot developments. It?s hard to judge the thing based solely on this first episode, of course – as the first part in a trilogy, it?s largely a lot of plot setup. Still, it’s got me looking forward to tomorrow’s episode.

    [Bit more on the blog.]

  • > The RD of Gunman is evidently long gone. But I think this new RD is more emotionally powerful

    Call me crazy, but I want comedy from Red Dwarf.

  • Someone said on this site recently that it made sense for Doug to write to his strengths, and that he should write comedy-drama if that’s what he did best. I think that’s what’s happened. It’s good for the show to evolve in that way.

    Of course, that’s always going to upset those people who want a facsimile of what’s gone before.

  • OK. No. This does not work as episodes. It is a film. I think that’s fair enough. Most films if you watched them 24 minutes at a time would be crap.

    But this was lovely. It looked beautiful, the writing is generally spot on – remember this needs to bring new viewers in too – we can’t expect everyone watching to have seen the previous 8 series, and it was truly funny in places.

    This isn’t Pete multipart crapness. It’s great stuff, just chopped up badly. And that’s hardly Doug’s fault.

  • > Call me crazy, but I want comedy from Red Dwarf.

    Your fingertips to the Great Spaghetti Monster’s eyes…

  • So is it really getting bashed to shit elsewhere?

    Reminds me of logging on to imdb after the first episode of new Who. You’d think the moaning bastards therein had just had to sit through half an hour of their relatives being fed through a mangle.

    And imdb where every newly released films has at least one thread declaring it the worst ever.

  • I said that about Doug writing to his strengths (comedy drama) :) And, given that this is Doug Naylor and not Grant Naylor, yes this is the direction RD should go. This is what Doug is good at.

    But I also agree this seems to be a film chopped in three, so it’s not the best way to view it. I worry how this may affect viewers, ratings etc.

  • imdb is like going “that was crap” crazy, i really hope this dont effect the 2nd episodes viewing figures

  • am i the only one whose sort of heartbroken by all the critism its gettin :(

    No, far from it. But it has to be said that a lot of people (and i’m mainly talking about people talking ab out it on other forums,) went into it expecting/wanting to hate it, and if you do that then what do you expect.

  • I’m reserving overall judgement until after Part 3 I think… I did enjoy it quite a lot though so it’s not all bad. My initial thoughts are that there were a few pauses in the bunkroom scene which lasted a beat too long. The CG was brilliant (except for the tentacles and one or two shots of the skutter) and the overall look was visually superb but lacking vivid colour giving it a rather ‘cold’ grade. Most of the jokes hit home, some stronger than others, but overall a good romp :)

  • Yes, I worry how the chopped in three will affect viewers too. I also wonder how the hell Doug will ever write a 30 minute Red Dwarf episode ever again…

    Oh, didn’t like the titles, did like the credits.

  • Nice seeing Lister introing the episode. One more nice touch in a long campaign of great teaser and extra presentation work.

    Then the main event. Big screen on my projector. I loved the new credit sequence how the guys got there names on there, It was such a rush, wow Dwarf is back.

    Then despite the great scale of the intro, I was very very dissapointed. A self knowning intro seemed far too Phantom Menace “i’ve a bad feeling about this” riffing, and I didnt find any of the first scene with Lister and Rimmer had any real point or funny in it. Grave scene didnt move me, almost laughed at the jane austin pronouncing but not quite, Moved on into the scene I had seen from the preview which I have loved on seeing, and at least Cat’s energy was good here.

    Then the ad break shocked me, I should have been expecting that I suppose, mitchell and web turned up dressed as chickens though and at first I thought it was Mac Macdonald coming to appollogise!

    After the ad break things picked up for me, once there were in adventure mode I started getting sucked back in, forgot about the lack of audience laughter and got into the story and the peril of the characters, I felt a bit of tension and also some laughs watching Rimmer and the cast in trouble.

    Katerina is brilliant, I think we are supposed to think the ink from the squid
    has caused her arrival, but has it? Laughed a lot at the scene with Rimmer not
    noticing Katerina and it started to feel like a Red Dwarf Movie at that point,
    like we were on a movie version of the ship. She really is good in that you hate her for being so bloody good at the job Rimmer has failed in for so long and yet you still feel good for Lister at this point that she’s on the scene.

    Cliff hanger in Red Dwarf never worked better, knowing we only have 24 hours to #
    wait to see the next part.

    Ship looked great over all in internal and external, not sure about the skutters. Definately have to rewatch. Definately still cant wait to see what happens next. Back to Earth and they arent even on Earth yet.

    P2p productions can we please have a copy of “Minger Monthly” with Mr Iain Lee
    as the cover star. Thanks.

  • > No, far from it. But it has to be said that a lot of people (and i?m mainly talking about people talking ab out it on other forums,) went into it expecting/wanting to hate it, and if you do that then what do you expect.

    I went into it excited and hoping to love it. I didn’t, for the reasons in my first post (go take a peek). Part 2 will hopefully be a belter though. We’ll have to see.

  • >am i the only one whose sort of heartbroken by all the bad critism its gettin :(

    No. I feel bad for being initially dissapointed. Fuck, this is new Red Dwarf! who cares if it wasn’t as funny as some other episodes? Not me.

  • Red Dwarf is funny again!

    Yes, I’m watching the Quarantine repeat.

    Seriously though, BTE wasn’t offensively bad like series VIII but I’m not willing to label it a “comedy drama” just because it (mostly) failed to me laugh and had a two minute sequence with Lister moping.

    My longer thoughts are on, if anyone can bear them.

  • > But I also agree this seems to be a film chopped in three, so it?s not the best way to view it

    Yes, this. The end of the ep (and the ad breaks) felt unnatural.

  • I’m watching with ‘just scan’ mode on (techno buffs will know what that is) and on dave ja vu there seems to be more picture at the sides.

  • > Seriously though, BTE wasn?t offensively bad like series VIII

    Agreed. As I said in my first post it wasn’t crap, it wasn’t shite, it wasn’t VIII – it was just boring.

  • Well, I’ll reserve judgement until I’ve seen the whole thing, but first impressions are: good. It’s funny in places, some gags work, others don’t. Loved the bit with Lister at Kochanski’s grave. Seems like it’s going to settle into a comedy/drama groove (there’s nothing wrong with that at all as long as it’s done well).

    Rimmer was brilliant (wonder which Rimmer this is) and Chris Barrie fell straight back into the character, Kryten didn’t get an amazing amount of screen time yet, Lister worked better as a character in 24 minutes than he did in a whole series of VIII, and Danny John-Jules seemed to play Cat better than he did since VI. Didn’t miss Holly or Kochanski, either.

    The plot is intriguing as well, looking forward to where it goes next.

    Oh, and I loved Cat’s diving suit. Brilliant.

  • Surprised noones noticed the plothole gag poking fun at how sustaining 2 holograms clearly isn’t possible, but Katrina never explains. Thought that was quite amusing.

  • I went into it excited and hoping to love it. I didn?t, for the reasons in my first post (go take a peek). Part 2 will hopefully be a belter though. We?ll have to see.

    Don’t worry, im not really having a go at anyone on here because they disagree with me. What i’m refering to are the kind of things i’ve been reading on other forums with people that having been saying for weeks it would be awful and predicting what would be bad, only then to come out at the end of the programe with smug messages saying ‘well that was terrible and I told you it would be’.

  • Rimmer’s “it’s all you, you, you” speeches were very Series I/Bodysnatcher, IMO. Classic.

  • the episode was slow :(

    that was a bad move on dougs part, he maybe should of a taken a page out of doctor whos book to see at least a way of giving it some suspense :(

  • >Surprised noones noticed the plothole gag poking fun at how sustaining 2 holograms clearly isn?t possible, but Katrina never explains. Thought that was quite amusing.

    Maybe because it’s clearly not a plothole. The bigger question is what Katerina is doing on the ship when no-one activated her.

  • > Don?t worry, im not really having a go at anyone on here because they disagree with me.

    I know mate – just keeping the discussion going :)

  • So every episode tonight is getting a Lister intro. He’s just introduced Quarantine saying “Rimmer is crazy in this. Well Crazier…” Nice. Makes it more a of a dwarf Evening. The presentation and extra ideas around this really have been brilliant. I hope everything is captured on the June dvd.

  • Other reviews are pretty positive. Generally liked I think. It was good.

    For god sake don’t read Outpost Gallifrey then. It’s severly depressing…

  • Robert Lllew also says the lack of audience was entirely due to budget. I actually prefer it without laughter – comedy’s moved on in the past ten years and I hope they keep it this way in any future RD. Maybe Robert is just trying to pacify the haters.

  • It somehow felt a bit different from previous episodes, but I think that’s partly due to the guys just getting back together after so long. Their acting was still pretty good though although some of the delivery felt a bit off to me. Not wrong just different to how they acted in previous episodes. This could be a change in their character over the nine years though.

    When I saw Rimmer relying on the skutters I wondered if he was back to soft-light… but that’s obviously not right. He’s not so much relying, as bossing them for the sake of it. Ok, fair enough, I’ll buy that, that’s certainly in character. Particularly for the earlier series Rimmer, which this is obviously an homage to.

    I also wondered why the squid let the Cat go that first time. Is the squid constantly phasing shifting back and forth between universes? Does it leave what it’s carrying behind? Or maybe it just doesn’t find him palatable. Not a biggee.

    I wondered at Katarina’s sudden appearance too. However, the fact she didn’t answer Rimmer’s question concerning hard-light suggests that the information will be forthcoming, that indeed there might be the twist. Is she an agent transmitted from another universe maybe? Or is the squid actually another despair squid teleported there from an outside power (simulants?*) who want the ship for themselves? We didn’t see her until they were all splashed with ink after all. But that would be just a lift from Back to Reality…. (still might work though.) Maybe Holly (or another backup system) is still working in a limited capacity and he/it felt Rimmer’s negligence in dealing with the squid was the last straw and he needed changing.

    Overall I liked it though. It was also funnier than I thought it might be. Seeing old episodes afterwards, the tone and level of humour is way different, but it’s certainly not bad.

    To mention a scene that others haven’t mentioned: the seen where Katarina comes into the room behind Rimmer. I know it’s a joke that has been done numerous times before (and with Holister in Series 8 of course) but Kryten’s ‘subtle’ way of hinting to Rimmer was amusing. “Your breasts are looking particularly fine Mzzz.” (Or words to that effect.)

    And the sneeze joke. Gross, but amusing and very Lister.

    A fair introduction I’d say. And yes, the shorter time was rather noticeable.

    Oh and Katarina was lovely, dodgy accent and all.

    *I don’t see why simulants would need to do something so complex though. They’d just board the ship and slaughter everyone wouldn’t they? Then again, Gunmen proved they like their sport.

  • > I actually prefer it without laughter – comedy?s moved on in the past ten years and I hope they keep it this way in any future RD.

    The cast always give it that extra something that makes the show funny when they have a studio audience. This is not an opinion – it is fact. Series VII is the proof and series VIII (though appalling) at least has the cast reacting to the audience and thus trying that bit more with the gags.

    Like I’ve said, this wasn’t a crap episode – it was just dull because there were nowhere near enough jokes. And you can have sci-fi, drama AND jokes in Red Dwarf quite easily, as watching ‘Gunmen’ or ‘Quarantine’ tonight proves.

    I’ll be okay watching the rest of BTE without the audience laughter, but if Red Dwarf returns for a full series I want it back in front of a studio audience for certain.

  • “Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I dont like the way the ships interior is lit. Mainly the bunk room. Not warm like it used to be.”

    What are we….Trekkies now? We’ll be moaning about the shade of paint on the ship next. LOL…lighting be damned. It was bloody impressive for the budget of a little cable channel that doesn’t usually screen original/new stuff.

    The only thing I can’t quite get used to is no laughter track. Even a lame fake one added to the DVD, so you have a choice of with/without, would have been acceptable. Or even if they had screened it tonight at the same time it was broadcast to a select number of fans, and include that laughter track on the DVD.

    Another thing is it ending at the set-up, which we aint used to….but apart from that, I’m very impressed and looking forward to it.

    They should do a full series if this ends well. And I’m very hopeful it will.

  • I think what some are dissapointed about is the fact that they might’ve been expecting it to be like the older episodes, which it is clearly not. I certainly understand that it can be a sticking point for some, but personally I like it so far, and I’m intrigued to see where it goes.

  • Other than the fact that i really think this should have been a TV film special as opposed to three episodes (it clearly seems like it was written that way) i really enjoyed that.

    Good Points:

    – Some laugh out loud moments, not too many i will admit, but a couple of belly laughs mixed with titters. But then i really didn’t feel disappointed by that, purely because it seems like the comedy drama aspect of the show has taken over, and that really doesn’t bother me as i think it works quite well. Just as long as it doesn’t go down the Series 7 route of too much drama and not enough comedy. I’m guessing most of the comedy will come from the last 2 eps.
    – The ‘pathos’ scene didn’t feel forced like a lot of the Series 7 stuff, it actually felt more like the pathos from the series 1/2, which is nothing but a good thing.
    – The Mel Bibby tribute, Doug you’re such a gentleman for putting that in.
    – CGI absolutely fantastic, how the hell they made it look this good on a budget is beyond me.

    Bad Points

    – A couple of the character moments, including the ‘Monkey boy’ lines and a lot of the Rimmer stuff (Oh Krytie i love it when…etc) just didn’t FEEL like the characters should. I suppose after 10 years people change, so you can explain it away that way, but it did seem rather jarring.
    – It ended too abruptly. Clearly it wasn’t written to end this way, i think this was probably the extra episode.

    For me a 7/10. Boy am i glad it’s back! I NEED MORE!! Can’t wait til tomorrow :)

  • Or even if they had screened it tonight at the same time it was broadcast to a select number of fans, and include that laughter track on the DVD.

    Laughter tracks take so much more work and editing than that.

  • While most are positive and rightly so I have one question to you all, did it meet your expectations?

  • A couple of funny lines I’ve spotted after watching it again on Dave Ja Vu:

    Rimmer’s machine checking the picture’s straight: ‘Level…level…not level…’ (It made me laugh)

    Katerina after hearing of Lister’s daily routine: ‘His body lives, but inside he is dead.’

    Yeah, a 7/10. Not too much wrong with it, really.

  • > Really looking forward to the next episode!

    Me too, actually. Because if the DigitalSpy review is anything to go by, once they’re back on Earth the joke ratio goes up and it’s more like a comedy again (which is what Red Dwarf is, just in case you were wondering). So I’m still looking forward to it despite being rather bored by tonight’s effort.

  • Dax I get the impression you’re here to sway the mood from generally positive to negative….

  • A comment on DigitalSpy has resonated with me: “That clearly wasn’t part one of a three part special, that felt like the first 25 mins of a TV movie, I think Dave have made a mistake in not showing it all together because just as it was getting going, plot and gag wise, it was over.”

  • > Yeah, a 7/10. Not too much wrong with it, really.

    A 7, maybe an 8. But the abrupt end spoiled it.

  • > While most are positive and rightly so I have one question to you all, did it meet your expectations?

    Sadly not, no. I wanted it to be funny as hell, and it wasn’t. But part’s 2 and 3 may yet make up for that. So all hope is not lost for this Dwarfer :)

  • The two holograms comment was definitely a hint that all is not as it seems.

    After watching it again I didn’t suddenly think “hang on, this isn’t very good” which was a plus. Again, it isn’t fantastic but it is miles better than I was fearing.

    I also like how the Blade Runner sequence is cut back to in the opening titles.

    Also, does anyone get the feeling that all the shots of the Dwarf with the trumpet theme were too short, as when the cut occurred the theme continued for quite a while. I reckon those will be longer on the DVD.

  • Pete Part 3, just read your blog………….
    ”Lister goes to visit the memorial stone for the dead crew (?). There’s a couple of pics of Rimmer, a beardy bloke and Kochanski.” Bearded bloke….!?

  • I went in expecting Red Dwarf, and to be honest I think I got that. Yes, it ended abruptly and it was a bit slow, but overall it got me excited and I can’t wait ’til tomorrow.

  • Rimmer?s machine checking the picture?s straight: ?Level?level?not level?? (It made me laugh)

    I loved that. It’s so silly but perfectly timed!

    While most are positive and rightly so I have one question to you all, did it meet your expectations?

    I had been told it was great by people I trust, and it exceeded that expectation.

  • >While most are positive and rightly so I have one question to you all, did it meet your expectations?

    Exceeded, production-wise. VERY exceeded. Though could do slightly better gag-wise.

  • I get the feeling that the majority of people who greatly disliked it wanted it to match their memories/the repeats of the early series. The creative force behind the show has had 9/10 years to develop, mature and reconsider. Why anyone wanted this to be more of the same is beyond me.

  • Not picking up Mel makes me wonder what else your missing…
    On another note did anyone else notice Bob flash Rimmer the V’s flashed by I missed it first time round.

  • >Dax I get the impression you?re here to sway the mood from generally positive to negative?.

    nope not at all, im just dissapointed with the amount of critism its getting, i was expecting people to be excited still, but dont seem that way

  • Did it meet expectations?

    I was well prepared for new Dwarf being different to old Dwarf. Like I said previously, if they’d done 3 ninties episodes we wouldn’t have had chance of a new series. It would’ve just been a fandom weekend like the 10th Anniversary.

    Now that it’s enhanced it’s production values, and become a drama rather than a sitcom, it stands a much greater chance of being compleltey ressurected.

    As for personal expectations, yes I think it did. Mostly becuase I was aware Part One was going to be the plot setter, whilst parts two and three will be the action.

  • And as far as my expectations… well they were not that high to begin with but after the extremely encouraging snippets we’ve seen they went up several notches, so yes it did meet and surpass my expectations. And, actually, I think it probably would have gone beyond them anyway if I had been hellapositive to begin with.

  • >That Skutter – was it all CG, or was the base real?

    As far as I remember they are entirely CGI. The dude who did them apparently did it all for a signed copy of the script.

  • “I get the feeling that the majority of people who greatly disliked it wanted it to match their memories/the repeats of the early series. The creative force behind the show has had 9/10 years to develop, mature and reconsider. Why anyone wanted this to be more of the same is beyond me.”

    Exactly. The show has evolved into something new and exciting. While some may not like this i think it’s the only way to go and it’s worked really well. The whole thing felt quite epic really and its clear Red Dwarf has always had the potential to become something more than a sitcom.

  • >Not picking up Mel makes me wonder what else your missing?

    Yes, all the laughs in BTE, obviously. Excuse me for not having watched the tribute in a while.

    >Why anyone wanted this to be more of the same is beyond me.

    Because that’s what we enjoy?

  • > I get the feeling that the majority of people who greatly disliked it wanted it to match their memories/the repeats of the early series. The creative force behind the show has had 9/10 years to develop, mature and reconsider. Why anyone wanted this to be more of the same is beyond me.

    I think you’re missing the point. Nobody has a problem with it developing and maturing and such and no one was hoping for ‘more of the same’ – we want new stories and new ideas. But we also want HUMOUR. That’s the problem, my friend. There wasn’t enough of the funny. That’s my only real strong beef with Part 1. Not. Enough. Jokes.

    And as I’ve already said (god, I’m getting bored of that phrase) you can have drama, emotion and sci-fi alongside the humour without sacrificing the joke ratio – ‘Gunmen’ and ‘Quarantine’ and others prove this to be the case.

  • What a unique idea. The Cat is played by Morgan Freeman and Chris Barrie looks just like Tim Robbins I’ve been watching the Shawshank Redemption haven’t I.

  • And I’ll repeat that there were plenty of bits in BTE that were clearly supposed to make you laugh. The fact that they didn’t doesn’t mean you have to move the goalposts and stop calling this a sitcom. A lack of a laugh-track doesn’t make something more “mature”.

  • >I think you?re missing the point. Nobody has a problem with it developing and maturing and such and no one was hoping for ?more of the same? – we want new stories and new ideas. But we also want HUMOUR. That?s the problem, my friend. There wasn?t enough of the funny. That?s my only real strong beef with Part 1. Not. Enough. Jokes.

    And if that is the direction that it has left behind?

  • “Drama, Time Travle, Assasination, and a really hot curry” Lister’s intro to Tikka to ride.

  • Well, I was expecting nothing good, and that didn’t happen. But on the other hand, I didn’t get anything close to matching classic Red Dwarf. I’m chuffed as hell to see Dwarf back on the telly though. Just wish it wasn’t so lifeless, slapstick and average. Here’s hoping episode 2 is better. This must be what it’s like for a Star Wars fan – always hoping for and embracing new material, while secure in the knowledge it’ll never attain the quality of the previous offerings.

    Production values were amazing though, it looked fantastic.

  • This thread is becoming longer than the sodding advert in the middle of the episode.

  • This thread is longer than the episode itself.

    Tikka is on now. Why am I looking at this with slightly more favourable eyes?

  • Well, surely we can all agree it was better than VIII and VII. So it’s not as if it’s not as good as RD ‘back in the day’….

  • I too think that Katerina is somehow part of the squid, and wants Lister to rebuild the human race so that it (the squid) has a food supply.

    Just a suggestion.

  • Oh yeah, definitely better than VIII. I admit I do like some of VII, but VIII just doesn’t feel very much like Red Dwarf. BtE did, in my opinion anyway.

  • >I too think that Katerina is somehow part of the squid, and wants Lister to rebuild the human race so that it (the squid) has a food supply.

    Or that could be a huge, knowing misdirect in itself.

  • it had a very classic red dwarf feel, i thought that was great

    i felt the humour could of been a lil more clever, although i did like katrinas shooting rimmer into space gag

    the special effects were very nice for low budget and quite suprising

    and it needed a cliffhanger that makes u wanna see the next episode

  • There is obviously a link between Katerina and the squid, but I don’t think they’re actually the same entity. Maybe simulants have a hand in their connection…

  • Why was Rimmer surprised with there being two holograms, given that he is run on a light bee and not the simulation room powered by Holly in series 1 and 2? Plus even if they shutdown all unnecessary ship power they can remotely boot up two simulations. I have a theory that Katerina and the Leviathan are one and the same if not linked somehow, the way she just materialized after the Leviathan’s exit. Also why was Rimmer using the skutters to arrange objects, he is hard light after all? Unless you reason that this is merely his love of exerting power. Ah and the ‘A bit crap’ joke, arrg, I cringed at that line. Plus the sequence where Lister and Kryten trying to get Rimmer’s attention through the comlink was awful. Glorious budget and well used special effects though for a mere three part revival of a cult show on a cable channel.

  • > And if that is the direction that it has left behind?

    If by direction you mean ‘sci-fi comedy’? Then it’s not Red Dwarf anymore.

  • > Why was Rimmer surprised with there being two holograms, given that he is run on a light bee and not the simulation room powered by Holly in series 1 and 2?

    The light bee version of Rimmer is now flying around being Ace Rimmer if you remember, and therefore the new Rimmer is infact run by Holly again. Besides even the original soft light Rimmer contained a light bee, hense it being crushed in Demons and Angels.

  • Oh by the way, did anyone think that cats entrance was cut? There’s been lots of talk in the ‘making of’ videos about Cats big entrance, but on the actual episode he actually just jumped in from nowhere.

  • Kris Carter wrote
    “…Just wish it wasn?t so lifeless, slapstick and average.”

    I think we’d all be *very* surprised at how much a laughter track would have benefited this – it would have felt a lot more ‘lifeful’ with one. Unfortunately in these days of the t’internet….I understand why we can’t have one. Of an invited audience, some idiot somewhere would come straight home from the viewing and leak the story and spoil it for everyone else. Although the vast majority wouldn’t welcome any spoilers and would vigorously discourage them on fan forums….so maybe it could work? It was sorely missed though. I personally can’t even watch the extended DVD episodes that don’t have one….it’s just not right. With stuff like The Royle Family, it works as it has never had one…..but Dwarf needs one AFAIC.

    Of course I still enjoyed large parts of it despite this huge omission. The production values were very, very impressive. WAY above what I expected. I’m very much looking forward to tomorrow night, now.

  • The Mel bibby tribute is brilliant, had to be pointed out to me on here, but shows the great depth in this production. Getting over some the difference and seeing more on a 2nd watch. Yes missed that skutter V’s gag that quite good. They looked obviously CGI to me first time, but actually 2nd time there really is a lot of good work gone into them. Amazing consider we know Doug said they were practically fan made. I dont quite get the skutter reaction to the picture though at the end?
    Any takes on that? is it having a fit? or Laughing? or what?

    I didnt really get the sneezing joke, set up at first watch. Which might make me a dumb twat, still seems a little long of a one note idea for taking up so much of the episode, but yes it’s very lister.

    I think people’s expectations are perfectly valid that a show should be like they remember it. when a show moved or does something different you either find you can move with it, or you cant. I think decision will be widely split in reacting to this. For me it’s growing on me more. it’s definately and amazing achievement for a digital channle.

  • >Oh by the way, did anyone think that cats entrance was cut? There?s been lots of talk in the ?making of? videos about Cats big entrance, but on the actual episode he actually just jumped in from nowhere.

    It is in a television store where Cat has that entrance.

  • That was great!

    The most immediate thing was that it looked wonderful. The ship, the skutters – much less garish than VIII, and more suited to the more subdued, laugh-track-less tone. It looked how I’d want The Movie to look!

    It wasn’t that laugh-out-loud funny (although Kryten coming back from holiday and then instantly being knocked back down with a jolt was fantastic), but the more subdued pace of the jokes was definitely more suited to an absent laugh track than VII Xtended was.

    Rimmer’s “we’ll need lasers” monologue was good, even if it wasn’t as great as some of his old volunteering-his-crewmates-then-taking-a-step-backwards moments in episodes past. Not hilarious, more a comforting reminder that we’re in the company of the same characters we know so well.

    Rimmer reading a car magazine was a nice Chris Barrie in-joke, although other than “Marooned”, I don’t remember Rimmer ever being too interested in cars. Obviously he’s found a new hobby to obsess about in the last nine years. It’s a far less exaggerated interest than telegraph poles (or even Risk!), and this change kinda sums up a lot of the change in tone – more subdued.

    Some great bits from the Cat at the start.

    Lister’s face being dragged across the bell’s CCTV camera. :)

    Did they actually say “smeg” at all in the episode? I can’t remember… it’s a bit of a blur! An entertaining blur, but I’m going to have to watch it again ASAP!

    Nice bit of science fiction gobbledigook from Katerina!

    Poor Kochanski. :( I’d have preferred he story to end us learning she eventually found her way back to her reality, but Lister’s attempt at reading Jane Austen was quite endearing…

    People have said that reactions elsewhere have been more mixed than here. So far I’ve only checked Rllmukforum (I’m Nick R over there, too). Biglime (of Consolevania/VideoGaiden) is making some interesting points about why a lot of comedies have removed their laugh tracks in the last few years…

  • Right and this being the new hologram he doesn’t have past knowledge of the series 1 explanation of Holly shutting down unnecessary ship functions. That’s cool, solved.

  • > Oh by the way, did anyone think that cats entrance was cut? There?s been lots of talk in the ?making of? videos about Cats big entrance, but on the actual episode he actually just jumped in from nowhere.

    Possibly, although they could have been referring to his entrance on earth itself.

  • > Oh by the way, did anyone think that cats entrance was cut? There?s been lots of talk in the ?making of? videos about Cats big entrance, but on the actual episode he actually just jumped in from nowhere.

    I could be wrong, but I assumed this was referring to Cat’s appearance on Earth.

    Also, I really liked the ‘Bit Crap’ gag…

  • I definitely think the grave scene was significantly cut down, and will be added to in the DVD version. Danny John Jules has been the most consistent with his character throughout the entire run of Dwarf. He had some good lines in part one.

  • > Rimmer?s ?we?ll need lasers? monologue was good, even if it wasn?t as great as some of his old volunteering-his-crewmates-then-taking-a-step-backwards moments in episodes past. Not hilarious, more a comforting reminder that we?re in the company of the same characters we know so well.


  • I agree with that, but i get why they’re splitting it in three, it means it lasts longer, it’s been ten years after all, coming up 11, the longer the better.

  • Chris Barrie did feel spot on. His ‘merely there’ line was uttered with such classic Rimmeresque precision. As has been said in a previous post, the episode had a very classic old school feel about it. The Lister/Rimmer dialogue, the diving bell sequence mirrors that of Back to Reality where Rimmer again had to watch over and inform his crewmates.

  • >The light bee version of Rimmer is now flying around being Ace Rimmer if you >remember, and therefore the new Rimmer is infact run by Holly again. Besides even >the original soft light Rimmer contained a light bee, hense it being crushed in >Demons and Angels.

    This rimmer has a light bee. It’s been seen in preview online clips and it’s in the titles I think.

  • Poor Kochanski. :( I?d have preferred he story to end us learning she eventually found her way back to her reality, but Lister?s attempt at reading Jane Austen was quite endearing?

    I assume that Rimmer and Kochanski died in this big “roof fell in” incident. I might be wrong in assuming that.

  • I think it was clever the way Rimmer questioned how there could be two holograms running and then added on ‘hard-light’ which should require more power to function two solid holograms than two soft-light. I think it was a clever injection to reason that it isn’t a continuity blooper.

  • I know he has a light bee, that’s why I said there’s no difference between old Rimmer and new Rimmer. Just that the original hard light Rimmer is off flying through space wearing his wig backwards and donning a jacket Kryten could roast a chicken in.

  • The cast all looked magnificent given the age gap of last series and now. Everyone looked spot on and they eased back into character without any trouble at all. The grave sequence exterior shot of the extending arm window reminded me of the observation dome scenes.

  • Agree with the posts that the Cat is shining well in this episode.

    The squid scene in the diving bell remind anyone of Men in Black?

  • > The squid scene in the diving bell remind anyone of Men in Black?

    Yes, that came to mind for me.

  • Reflecting upon it, the diving bell was rather Men in Black, with the monster effects. The only CGI shot I thought stood out was the full frontal view of the Leviathan. Looked very basic. But the use of real model tentacles with CGI ones blended well I thought.

  • > The grave sequence exterior shot of the extending arm window reminded me of the observation dome scenes.

    I felt the same, and I like to see more of it. Doubt we’ll see much more of the Dwarf though apart from a few minutes at the beginning of part 2 and possibly a few more at the end of 3 depending how it ends.

  • The condensed rainbow effect of the parallel universe gate machine was really outstanding, just a shame it cut out to the credits so quick. I liked the far away shots of the crew standing against CGI. It’s impressive to see such a large amount of Red Dwarf at last. It certainly feels more expansive as it was described in the novels.

  • >I know he has a light bee, that?s why I said there?s no difference between old >Rimmer and new Rimmer. Just that the original hard light Rimmer is off flying >through space wearing his wig backwards and donning a jacket Kryten could roast a >chicken in.

    Right, yes you did, sorry. What are you basing your idea that this is a new rimmer on? The fact we havnt seen any evidence of a return of the ace hologramme? the grave pictures seen online?

    >I assume that Rimmer and Kochanski died in this big ?roof fell in? incident. I >might be wrong in assuming that.

    Yes I wondered if that was implied backstory too.

  • Repeats cropped up already. That’s how long it took me reading through these posts!

    Think I’ll give it another watch.

  • I was very disappointed to be honest. The show looks great and Mike Seymour has done a fine job but the writing…The characterization was all wrong and why Lister smiled at the thought that he and Cat were going to die I didn`t understand. Would Rimmer really not have cared about there being a monster in the tank? Surely the crew would have questioned Katerina`a arrival rather than just accepted it?

    There were also very few laughs but that I could have accepted more if the plotting and characterization weren`t all over the place.

  • >although other than ?Marooned?, I don?t remember Rimmer ever being too interested in cars.

    Better Than Life, at least.

  • Yeah I agree that the acceptance of the sudden appearance of Katerina wasn’t delved into enough. The fact she appeared exactly as the leviathan exited suggests that she is connected in some way. I think she must have ulterior motives sending Lister to a parallel universe to find a mate. Possibly just to get rid of the last human by sending him on a one way trip. Then that leaves the question, why would she want the ship to herself? I question whether she is a genuine hologram.

  • I’ve only made it halfway through the comments as yet, but a few thoughts…

    > if these episodes had been a cheap 90?s knockoff nostalgia trip, an eventual modern series would?ve just flopped. It had to evolve, and it?s a brave step to take in my opinion.

    When I first heard it was going to be more comedy-drama than straight up comedy, I was a bit wary, but when people were bringing up Last Human I thought, well, yeah, I did really enjoy that book. And when I saw the episode, it struck me that Doug made a good decisions to play to his strengths, one of which is blending humour and drama, rather than trying to recreate the quick fire comedy of the team written classic episodes.

    The cast seemed a tad rusty in places, like they were still getting their space legs back, and it did feel like there were a few Dwarfian clich?s thrown in. Still, they did a fine job overall, I actually laughed more than I expected to, and I really quite enjoyed it.

    That being the general consensus around here, it’s sad to hear that there was so much disappointment from viewers at large, though when I think of things like the touching grave scene, it sort of doesn’t surprise me. Those of us here, for the most part, are very much invested in the characters and their history, including the wider background in the books, so scenes like that had a lot of deeper meaning. Whereas I imagine many of the more casual viewers tuned in expecting the laugh-a-minute humour the old Dwarf provided, and so of course were disappointed. As I said, I thought I would be, too, but I was actually pleasantly surprised, though I think keeping my expectations low helped a lot, else I might have been more disappointed by the rough edges.

    I did miss the laugh track a little, though not as much as I expected. And it really did seem like the first part of one episode rather than the first episode in a series of three – it pretty well *zoomed* by, and ended so abruptly – but ah, well, it definitely left me wanting more!

    By the way, where *did* Katerina come from? None of them were the least bit curious?? I mean, it almost seemed like she came through the dimensional rift the tentacle thing left through, but as she was a Red Dwarf science officer whose data must have already been on the ship – unless she’s from an alternate Dwarf? – that doesn’t exactly make sense…

    Overall, the only real complaint I have is that the next two parts can’t come soon enough!

  • im watching an episode of series 5 now, its a shame BTE wasnt as good as that, but hey still got 2 more episodes to go

  • > Right, yes you did, sorry. What are you basing your idea that this is a new rimmer on? The fact we havnt seen any evidence of a return of the ace hologramme? the grave pictures seen online?

    You’re okay wasn’t attacking was just reminding :)

    As for theory, yeah the grave picture obviously proves he died in the fire on Red Dwarf, and that we’re possibly now in the mirror universe. God knows how Kristine died but I’m sure it’ll be explained.

    Rimmer wise, it can’t be Ace as he’s jumping dimensions left right and centre [unless they’re going to flashback perhaps and use the original ending from VIII], so it’s surely got to be a completley new light bee and as a result, and completley new Rimmer.

  • I think the real surreal feeling of actually finally seeing new Dwarf on our screens makes the first viewing hard to assess. Second viewing will allow us to appreciate every little good thing about the episode plus be critical of anything that sticks in our minds. Getting the ‘wow’ factor out the way with the initial viewing really helps.

  • It’s definitely better second time around. I’ve noticed many more jokes i missed at first. I’m really glad the episode is as good as i hoped it would be.

  • >I think the real surreal feeling of actually finally seeing new Dwarf on our screens makes the first viewing hard to assess. Second viewing will allow us to appreciate every little good thing about the episode plus be critical of anything that sticks in our minds. Getting the ?wow? factor out the way with the initial viewing really helps.

    Couldn’t agree more. Having just watched it a second time, i actually was more calm and took in the comedy a lot more rather than being mesmerised by the effects and the fact it was new Dwarf. It’s even better than i thought it was. I’ll stick with my 7/10, but i think the last 2 episodes will probably get an 8 or a possible 9 going by what the reviewers are saying.

    It’s a shame that the people who are slagging it off on other forums and here probably won’t take the time to re-watch it again or watch the last 2 episodes. They might find it’s better than they thought.

  • Just watched the first 10 minutes again and it feels so much funnier and well paced. The whole episode flows and strings nicely along setting up the new look of the show. Given that it is one third of a three parter it still feels nicely contained in its thirty minute slot much like the older episodes of Dwarf which were full of little jokes here and there and along the way never got lost with the narrative. Unlike Pete part one. It just doesn’t feel like filler.

  • after watching it for a 2nd time i must say i really really enjoyed it, looks fantastic , some great gags as far as im concernd. the lack of a laugh track did not bother me at all and i was not expecting it to be an amazingly fast paced episode. i can understand why it ended so quickly, to make sure people tune in to find out what happens next i guess though it did come as quite a suprise..

    >I assume that Rimmer and Kochanski died in this big ?roof fell in? incident. I might be wrong in assuming that

    i was thinking that but would rimmer say it in such a chirpy way if kochanski had died in the incident..then again this is rimmer were talking about , i cant really see them going into backstory of how kocjanski died from now as it will be all based around them being on earth ect ect but you never know,

  • LOVED IT. Personally I hadn’t got one single criticism as the credits rolled; I was and still am ecstatic my favourite show is back and on form & can’t imagine this feeling dissipating anytime soon. To quote the Trek fan after the new movie’s screening (that all the journos picked up on) BTE Part 1 “MELTED MY PANTS” .

  • The ending freeze reminded me of the way episodes of Knightmare used to end, y’know?

    “Caution team! Temporal disruption approaching!”

  • On my repeat viewing, my views are pretty much the same. Good start to the story. Not as funny as previous series (but then maybe it’s not meant to be) but very intriguing. I picked up more jokes this time too (I missed that quick skutter V by the way, heh.)

    I just really hope those who were hoping for old style Dwarf and were disappointed will give the next episodes a chance. I know there’s not much danger of that with the folks here, it’s the folk on other sites I’m concerned with.

    Oh, and I saw that comment someone quoted from another site “This is like watching Hyperdrive.” I didn’t hate all of Hyperdrive (some parts I even found funny) but that’s major inaccuracy. (I’d like to add, I know it’s an example picked up from elsewhere not the view of this forum- member. It just struck a bit of a nerve.)

  • > > I assume that Rimmer and Kochanski died in this big ?roof fell in? incident. I >might be wrong in assuming that.
    > Yes I wondered if that was implied backstory too.

    In that case though (actually, in virtually *any* case, but especially if Rimmer & Kochanski died simultaneously), why is old goalpost-head around as a hologram and not KK?

    [In-universe, of course. The reasons for using Rimmer in RL are pretty obvious]

  • I think im much happier knowing there are 2 more parts to come, than I would have been with just two episodes. Though I know if it had only been 2 parts we would have probably seen a different first ep edit than this.

  • I have to say, I loved the little bit of Lister sitting by the grave – his hope that ‘sense and sensibility’ had a few car chases in it had me laughing out loud.

  • that kochanski was from a parallel universe so they wouldent have her disc. i am assuming is the reason rimmer would be there and not kochanski apart from the obvious reason of corse

  • Loved it, loved it, loved it. I want to watch it again but saving myself for after part 3 when I can do it properly in one sitting.

    It looked gorgeous, OK it wasn’t gag-a-minute ye old Dwarf but this is Dwarf post nu-who. There’s a whole new generation of fans to entice now and they obviously like the emo-sci-fi of ‘New Who’* so I think Doug’s very wise to try and write in that style – I think he’s consciously trying to ensure a future for the show rather than pander to the fans just as Russell T Davies did with Who.

    After 10 years and all that anticipation it could have been awful – it wasn’t, it was brilliant.

    I’m just so happy for the cast & crew as to how good this has turned out. Can’t wait for Part II.

    *Also look at Casino Royale & Batman Begins, two recent franchise revivals that have also gone down the more emotion route with much success.

  • One of my little crazy theories before watching this was that Rimmer would in fact turn out to be an imposter hologram and that Katerina was the REAL Rimmer (aka the original Rimmer that went off to be Ace Rimmer) in disguise for some reason. Nothing like that can be true though now that we see the Rimmer in BtE is blatantly the classic Rimmer we all know and love.

    Getting the squid ink on them HAS to be a plot point. They made sure we saw the ink on Rimmer when Lister threw the tentacle at him.

  • And of course, the KK that died wasn’t from the Dwarfers universe, she was parallel dimension. Therefore her disc wouldn’t be onboard the ship. Rather Claire Grogan’s version would be stored. Unless of course when the nanobots rebuit the ship they recreated the new KK disc and therefore that is why MP Thornton recognizes Chloe Annette’s version of KK.

  • > Old Rimmer hid Kochanski?s disc?.though that?s going back a hell of a long way.

    Kochanski Mk1’s disc, not Mk2.

    > that kochanski was from a parallel universe so they wouldent have her disc.

    Remember Cat’s dreams being recorded? If KK was on the ship, her brain would have been recorded – you might as well ask how they had RIMMER’s disc.

  • Must admit i am surprised that the new show has got as much of a positive reaction as it has, both on here and other forums. Not because of the show itself, but because forums tend to be more slanted toward negative comments, especially when it comes to cult stuff. But this is very much 50/50, probably edged more towards positive. Can’t be bad :)

  • Me too. Have been really surprised by the positive reviews. BITR got pretty slated and got 8m viewers. If BTE has been received pretty well hopefully the viewing figures will be good!

  • > Must admit i am surprised that the new show has got as much of a positive reaction as it has, both on here and other forums. Not because of the show itself, but because forums tend to be more slanted toward negative comments, especially when it comes to cult stuff.

    Rest assured I was on the Internet within minutes, registering my disgust!

  • >Getting the squid ink on them HAS to be a plot point. They made sure we saw the >ink on Rimmer when Lister threw the tentacle at him.

    Yes, but the fact that back to reality is such a well known and high rating Dwarf episode means it cant be just as simple as everything is halucinations from that ink and that’s it, has to be more to it. So that means it could be just a dummy to make you think it’s relevant, or more is to come.

  • In regards to Mr-Stabbys comment above, I have to agree about forums – the Gallifrey One Doctor Who forum especically!

    Back to ‘Back to Earth’… I really, really, really enjoyed it! I loved the opening shot of watching Lister walk down the corridor past the windows and Kryten going on holiday to the cupboard on V-Deck.

  • A nice bit of directing too in that first clip is when Lister kicks the floor next to the vending machine to get a Leopard lager out. Simple yet effective :)

  • I’ve just rewatched it again on youtube and I found myself laughing a lot more, especially at the opening tomato scene. Chris is just too good as Rimmer. It really feels like a continuation of 1/2 here. Craig is a bit flat as Lister, but that suits where the character is atm I think. He really is at his lowest point, whereas Rimmer has already been there, as far back as series 2, and out the other side.

    The whole thing feels like it needs another editing and mixing pass though. They should have bumped the ship background sfx a lot higher in the mix to cover the silences. Look at Battlestar Galactica, loads of subtle ship noise all the way through the show. In the sitcom format this doesn’t matter because you’ve got laughter all over the place.

    Remember the Two Pints ‘horror’ episode where they had no audience? (I’m sure you do) They had music playing in most of the scenes. Maybe a video could have been playing in the background of the Rimmer/Lister scene, at a low volume. Something just to break it up a little. I don’t know…

  • > Rather Claire Grogan?s version would be stored.

    Chlo?’s version WAS Clare’s version, dimension diff aside. Thornton recognises her for the same reason everyone else does – inside the story, she always looked the Chlo?. The part was recast; it’s not that KK looks different in that alternate universe, it’s that the role was played by a new actress. If they made an episode where the guys went back to that Stasis Leak hotel, Kochanski would look like Chlo?. The change in appearance isn’t based on any internal narrative, it’s entirely external; no more ‘story-based’ than Angel in Buffy blatantly getting older despite supposedly never ageing.

    Resurrect ‘the original Kochanski’ and she’d still look like Chlo?, as per the flashback in Ouroboros, which shows the exact moment the two versions diverged dimensionally. And it had nothing to do with appearance.

    BTW, I think the ‘remembrance garden’ scene is one of the best moments in BTE; certainly in part one. Kochanski back as lost icon, as dead character to mourn, Craig’s performance is great and genuinely affecting, Mike and Andy’s visuals are stonking, and Doug gets great laughs from underplayed lines (“Please God there are some car chases in this one…”). One of those scenes I saw in the edit and just…gulped.

  • are we right to assume that kochanski died in the roof collapse or is it just left for your imagination .. as personally i find it unlikely answers may come up tommorow or sunday as they will have other things to worry about

  • BTW, I think the ?remembrance garden? scene is one of the best moments in BTE; certainly in part one. Kochanski back as lost icon, as dead character to mourn, Craig?s performance is great and genuinely affecting, Mike and Andy?s visuals are stonking, and Doug gets great laughs from underplayed lines (?Please God there are some car chases in this one??). One of those scenes I saw in the edit and just?gulped.

    But there’s NOT ENOUGH OF IT. Ends too abruptly.

  • Had a very good time this evening watching the new Red Dwarf.
    Can’t wait until tomorow to see the next part of it.

    I think that it’s not so much as three new RD episodes, but one new episode/tv-movie cut in three chapters.

    And about all that comparing of the new RD with the old episodes is too much hassle.
    Just put your feet up and enjoy it while it’s here.
    After all you don’t strip down a painting as far as the pigments to find out what makes the painting art either.

  • I missed the live showing, having been in a pub in Nottingham town centre listening to some band covering Black Sabbath, Motorhead and The Cult (twice!) I’ve just got in and watched the recording………hmmmmmmm! Hope episodes 2 & 3 are better. Apart from the excellant 6 minutes we’d already seen off the USB sticks, I can’t remember much else that went off. I don’t feel as though we’ve been introduced to Katrina properly. And I didn’t feel the enormity of 9 years having passed.

    Meh!! Still a good chance of episodes 2 & 3 being excellant. But episode 1 hasn’t exactly met my expectations. Maybe on second viewing……..

  • Late to the party but:

    – A decent 20 minutes of my time, in a way. But not really a good 20 minutes of comedy.
    – I only really laughed twice, and they were both for Chris. That’s okay, in itself…not every good joke needs a vocal response. But I don’t think there WERE many good jokes.
    – Robert, as always, is fantastic, even when the material isn’t.
    – That Russian accent is atrocious.
    – The skutter stuff was awful.
    – Three big moments were based on the “guess what’s behind you!!” motif. Three? In one episode? Lucky us.
    – I find it hard to believe this needed to be its own episode…it feels like it could have been dealt with as the first act of another episode. Get rid of the repetition, cut down the dance sequence and science montage, get it moving at a brisker pace, cut the skutters, cut allllllll that fucking endless tomato bullshit, and tack whatever’s necessary onto the main story. Jogging in place can be fun, but this wasn’t fun enough.
    – Yes, yes, I know everybody’s going to tell me it’s just part 1 of a three part story. Fine. Parts two and three could be incredible, but that doesn’t excuse part one from being wimpy.
    – Overall the acting was very good. Craig not included.
    – I can’t even pull out the whole “Well, it’s better than VII and VIII” comment that everyone else is capable of slinging about so freely because, for whatever reason, I’m not up to comparing them in my mind. Maybe it’s because I already decided that Back to Earth will sink or swim of its own merits and now I’m not as interested in trying to find it a home in the series hierarchy. Oh well.
    – It was okay. It was worth watching if you’re a fan. If it gets better from here, that’s a good thing.

  • > But there?s NOT ENOUGH OF IT. Ends too abruptly.

    I disagree. Any more would have been milking the moment. What else – narrative or character wise – was there to say at that point?

    Bah, never mind. I’m just glad people liked it!

    > i find it unlikely answers may come up tommorow

    The storytelling is in Doug’s capable hands. Have no fear.

  • Tap & Tumbler. My NEW favourite pub. Also been in Pit & Pendulum, my ex-favourite pub!! We were catching last bus home, but band was good enough to stop on and spend an extra ?7.00 on taxi’s

  • I don’t think it can be iterated enough times how utterly gorgeous Sophie looks, particularly in the montage scene. The scenes with her and Rimmer were definitely Doug in book mode, which is great.

    Really wish this had been sold to us as a TV/DVD movie right from word go because that’s obviously what it is. Imagine what the actual Movie could be. Though if there’s ever a series X, each episode would definitely benefit from being made for a 40min Dave slot.

  • I used to go Media on Mondays, The Rig on Tuesdays, Ocean on Wednesdays, Rock City on Thursdays and Clifton Campus Uni Bar on a Friday. Sat and Sun I would recover.

  • I like the converted church (don’t know it’s name!) We stole loads of Ketchups and Condiments from under the spiral staircase a few months back. Think it must be a restaurant in the day. Also, last time I went in, there was a stormtrooper looking slightly worse for wear, on his own, in the VIP area. Them outfits look awful hot & sweaty!!

  • Theres EVERY chance that episodes 2 and 3 will make the whole thing brilliant. But I’m dubious about Doug’s comment to G&T about episode 2 making ALL Dwarf fans hate him. That only leaves 3 to save it, and thats cutting it too fine!

    However, I’m a 2 faced bastard that is prone to change his mind more times than Lister has a “spicey” meal. Tommorow I’ll tell you how fantastic episode 1 is !!!!

  • Whew! That was a bit of a read.

    Watched the episode before reading this thread, so it was about four hours ago. I was really impressed with this episode, for many reasons. The chemistry between Lister and Rimmer is fantastic, it really works. Especially Rimmer’s ‘was it worth it?’ speech.

    Cat got some great lines and I’m really happy that he’s being utilised better. His is a character that has been under used in the past so seeing him get some screen time is nice.

    Katerina- the accent is quite cliched, and at a guess I’d say that’s what Doug was going for. I’m sure her sudden appearance will be explained (well, I hope!) when the story unfolds in parts 2 and 3, which I’m certainly looking forward to.

    – It just looks gorgeous. The sets are fantastic, and I loved the set for the funeral scene.
    – I personally found it quite funny. I don’t like shows that try to get a funny line in every couple seconds, it’s the biggest problem I have with VIII. That said, I was chuckling all the way through, which is what I wanted.
    – The guys have picked up their characters incredibly well. Big recognition for Charles, who played his part fantastically.

    – The opening scene DOES feel a little empty without the laugh track, but that could be because I wasn’t used to it. By the second scene I didn’t notice. Maybe a rewatch will take care of that.
    – The ending feels a little abrupt, and it would be served better being watched as a whole.

    Overall though, I really enjoyed it :-)

  • Just got home, instantly started watching. At 1 minute fifty six seconds, I have to stop and enumerate what’s good. Lister in the hallway reminded me of the first scene in episode one, and strangely, P2P’s excellent re-remastered version, we get some distilled essence of Rimmer, nearly instant skutter action and the vending machines, god bless them, still do not work. All is right with the world. Best of all though, it already *feels* like the books, which I think is a remarkable achievement for two scenes; one of which Lister says almost nothing.

  • Well I have to say I bloody loved that! From the opening shot zooming in on the window and seeing Lister walk down the corridor I had a good feeling. It looked beautiful and just from Craig’s walk you could see he was absolutely back in character. They all were. They all got it pretty much bang on in my opinion which was a huge relief and something I had been worried about.

    Can’t understand why anyone would hate that tomato gag with the ironing sneezes. One of the best moments! It’s such a slobby, disgusting, Lister type thing to do and really reminded me of Series I/II. The memorial scene was great too (looked fucking GORGEOUS) and so touching that Lister goes and reads Kochanski stuff like Jane Austin. Craig’s tears almost set me off :( Where the heck did Cat come from though?

    Rimmers dancing probably went on SLIGHTLY too long but I’m not really bothered. It seems obvious to me that there is something fishy going on with Katerina, emphasised by the dodging of Rimmer’s questions about there being 2 holograms. Great to see a skutter! Rimmsy ordering it about was so reminiscent of quasars. Not enough Kryten really but “Engage innocent whistle mode” got a massive laugh from me.

    Have watched the episode twice and loved it just as much, if not more, the second time round. It has me chuckling pretty much all the way through and I can’t really ask for much more than that. All I really feel the need to grumble about is the lack of explanation about the series VIII cliffhanger and who this Rimmer is/where he came from but if they don’t answer those things I can easily move on to be honest. Overall extremely happy, a very solid 8/10 and can’t wait for the next episode! Be VERY interested to see the ratings…

  • Here’s a random observation before I pop to off to finally sleep. During the opening credits there’s a shot of Lister flying through a table in Lewis’ department store. However on all the tellys behind him, the same footage from the same angle is being shown…

    …is there any chance that when they land back on earth, they land during the broadcast of Series IX, and therefore somehow Back to Earth observes their own series?

    Would explain Doug’s interview when he said that he wouldn’t do a Series IX, but he’d do a Series X.

  • – I thought the sneeze ironing felt a bit long in the set up, but then Lister had been *setting-it-up* so duh, me. Well done actually.

    – Rimmer dancing went on a while, but that can be a good thing. Throughout the series even though we’re told he’s the most annyoing entity ever and we witness him doing a lot of awful things, he rarely if ever gets directly on *our* nerves.

    – The grave scene was well done by Craig, but did feel abrupt, particularly as by then I was squarely in the *book* groove and expecting everything to have more weight to it. That, and the visual similarity to the observation dome made me expect more.

    – Katerina and Rimmer was super. Rimmer is different by himself than with the crew, and it is neat. Back into book mode with the implication that he is responsible for Lister. Agree that whatever the explanation is, it’s in their minds b/c Katerina = Queeg and that guilt trip is pure Rimmer.

    – Still, in that scene, it feels like there are pieces missing. As if BTE actually needed to be four parts to fit in all the bits we would expect to see: A few more words about the lost Kochanski, Rimmer objecting to being turned off, and asking WTF is up, Lister doing… anything.

  • Simply brilliant! Nearly died when Rimmer started going on about Jensen Interceptors. Best dwarf for ages!

  • It was….

    An episode of Red Dwarf, and a geat deal better than I’d been dreading. Some points already raised here I’ll agree with, the opening montage seemed a bit hastily put together, it seems a little thin without a laugh track and incidental music to carry it forwards, the Rimmer dancing sequence was a little overlong, the episode itself was too short and there was SO much left unexplained. And it is a pity there’s no Holly, either one, the explanation was funny, but a little forced.


    It was so good to hear that music again. The opening sequence with Lister and the memorial sequence were fantastic. Craig Charles just seems so much more assured. There were funny lol parts (I’ve taken to using Kryten’s comments about breasts already) and “BIT CRAP” on the scanner (got to get one). Wonderful to see the “old” Dwarf (or at least the “compromise” Dwarf) and doubtless much will be explained in the following episodes. If not, hell, it’s Red Dwarf, we spit on continuity, as any fule kno.

    It would be interesting if some smart person were to eventually to expand the final product with a few establishing shots of the Dwarf sliding through space, maybe show it in front of an audience and add the laugh track (option for the DVD?). Indeed, there’s a lot of incidental music already recorded, sure it could be made to fit the occasion, the “Observation dome lament” from series two would go perfectly with the memorial scene.

    In short it was not the best Red Dwarf. But it was undeniably Dwarf, and very watchable. Bring on the rest.

  • >Chlo??s version WAS Clare?s version, dimension diff aside.

    You know, I was wondering just this same thing. But when you consider all the other ret-conning that’s happened in the series so far…

    Nothing against Chloe – I’ve just always preferred Claire as Kochanski.

  • I ended up watching it again last night, after the classic episodes I didn’t realise DAVE would have it on again.
    I loved it even more second watch and can’t wait for tonights episode.
    It does have some really funny moments & is obviously a scene setter for parts 2 & 3.

  • Just a thought, why did they feel the need to use CGI skutters, when they still had the original (and more realistic) models still in storage; not criticizing the CGI versions, but with alot of the original props still in storage, maybe they could have made an effort to appeal to the ‘hardcore’ fans while still maintaining the new ones?

  • just watched it again ( my 3rd time ) and im enjoying it more each time, and i really liked it 1st time round feels shorter than before but that would be because it is shorter than before and we all knew it was… really looking forward to tonights episode.

  • I enjoyed it more, too – I watched it for the 4th time this morning.
    I think you get more used to the format with repeat viewings.

  • I went to bed with Red Dwarf last night, and when I woke this morning, and turned over it wasn’t a horror one night stand!

    Lister has finally become human, his one sided actions changed just for a tearful second. Rimmer, still depressive at his own failings as a selfish human representation, actually sparks for a moment. The Cat, still lost in his 24/7 world of suits and socks. Kryten, the happy to please man servant, who still can’t break the man made maid.

    All present and correct.

    Then Katerina, accepted instantly, her beauty bedazzles the crew. But I don’t see a happy ending. She’s too good, she knows too much. And from every past experience of helpful people, the crew have come out second best.

    Production values were amazing, not only a tribute to Mel, but a tribute to our eyes. It’s never looked better.

    I watched it over and over, you never get the dialogue right away, too much to take in. It’s the first Episode, everyone has ideas to how it will follow, so the first Episode did it’s job. For me Red Dwarf has never always been about the comedy, do you really think it’s that one dimensional? It’s much bigger than that. To tell a story in one Episode is hard. Doug has totally moved away from the half an hour sitcom, and it works this way much better.

    I wanted quite allot from the first Episode, it had to confirm many things, and it did it for me.

  • Watched the repeat of The Next Doctor from bbc three recording, and then Red Dwarf again this morning. Go into it far more. It’s definately worth watching this Part one a few times to get the mood and feel of this new Dwarf before the next two parts arrive.

    My favourite funnys are Rimmmer being scared and cant move his hands, it’s more cowardly than we have seen even with all the previous chickening.

    I also love the lines “In My country we have a word for people like you.” and the reply “In mine we have several”. It’s like Rimmer wins the conversation by totally
    aiming for big loser than she is insulting him as, and we are left to fill in own lists of names to call rimmer, from both swear words we know and also all the previous names he’s been called in Red Dwarf before.

    In the grave scene how much of the water on the book is supposed to be tears and how much dripping cat?

    I still dont get that skutter noise, is it laughter? it’s shit. Doesnt work for me.

    I’m really wondering if Katerina’s line “It’s tragic, his body is alive, and yet inside is dead” is meant to emphasize Lister’s plight in the universe, or reveal more of her motives.

  • It’s always much much better than loads of other crap on TV Thomas, which reminds me Primeval is on TV tonight.

    Dont be upset if not everyone is loving it as much as yourself though. There is loads of positive comments on hear. Just add to them. What else did you like?

  • Visually stunning! Characters spot-on! Emotional bit with lister brilliant! Katerina brilliant! I wish I could be more creative with my words, but I just loved It. And 2 million viewers pretty much agree!

  • > From the opening shot zooming in on the window and seeing Lister walk down the corridor I had a good feeling. It looked beautiful and just from Craig?s walk you could see he was absolutely back in character.

    Very this. Knew it would be good from this shot, just as I had fears regarding Series 7 from the moment that camera exploded.

    Funny how you can just tell.

  • Watching it again, it struck me that it feels much more like a comedy film than a sitcom.

    The look, pace, style of comedy. It’s the first time I’ve genuinely believed that it could work on the big screen.

  • > i find it unlikely answers may come up tommorow

    > The storytelling is in Doug?s capable hands. Have no fear.

    I now feel reassured, though a Star Wars scroll would have been great but judging the feel of the show now, may have been out of place. it was odd that this was the first opening sequence that didn’t feature any space shots, that was weird, it would have been nice to a Beauty shot of the new Red Dwarf in the opening credts.

  • Robert’s twitter says it got 2.2 million specifically, when the digital record in the UK is Torchwood with 2.3 million. So Dave will be chuffed to bits with a rating like that! About 10% of the viewing figures roughly.

    Also, is it just me, or does this shot in the opening credits look like everyone’s been on the recieving end of Krytie dealing with a bad case of wind?

  • What I liked, from best to worst:

    – 360 degree bunk room – best thing since the invention of chocolate. And lots of lovely, lovely details.
    – Cat’s diving outfit was indeed sensational
    – Kryten’s waterwings (HAHAHHAHA)
    – Some Rimmer lines and actions, like having the skutter put up his picture. He probably has the skutters tie his shoelaces in the mornings…
    – Good cgi, especially liked the shrine room

    (kind of a gap here)

    – I really would have liked some more techy info about the last 9 years, hopefully this is yet to come. For instance, where’s Holly? I want Holly. There, said it
    – Katerina and her Katerina Hop Drive… not sure what to make of her. Didn’t strike me as particularly funny, but maybe that’s because I don’t understand her very well
    – Oh yeah – no subtitles ;) Already looking forward to watching the DVD
    – And a hardlight hologram can appear just like that?
    – I like laugh track. There, I said it.
    – Why did it have to end so soon. Come on, it can’t have been any longer than 11 minutes.

    (and also)

    – So where’s all the sexy goths, then?

    All in all… the “erhm, is this really happening?” moment only struck me as I saw the title sequence. WOW.
    Vincent liked it, but not as much as the old episodes which he said were a lot funnier.
    I liked it and also was a lot more excited than him, and I think parts 2 and 3 will be lovely, and I won’t be able to see them until some time next week when I’m back in Berlin, and, well, smeg. I don’t care, I just want more.

  • I have a lot of respect for Doug Naylor and the rest of the cast and crew of Red Dwarf, but unfortunately there’s no getting away from the fact that this was ultimately a sub-par bit of TV. Naylor has ways been about making people laugh first, and worrying about story, characters and science fiction, second. His book, Last Human, and his two series were the same, so it doesn’t come as a complete surprise.

    Sadly, despite his apparent best efforts to improve these short-comings, he still lacks the ability to tell a good story or allow characters to be themselves. As usual there were funny moments, and his punchy dialogue still hit the mark at times (“There’s something bigger than God heading for you!”) but attempts at anything else fell flat.

    For instance, the characters, after an initial opening dialogue from Rimmer (that actually did sound like Rimmer) all characterisation attempts floundered. We saw Dave Lister crying over the grave of Kochanski. It should have been a moving moment, and, indeed, Craig Charles got a chance to show just how far he’s improved as an actor over the years, but it still felt very forced and unnatural. There was little or no connection with the character’s pain.

    When it was time for the science-fiction aspects of Red Dwarf to appear, similar failings were revealed. A giant squid monster that, for example, wasn’t in any way scary or threatening. The sudden appearance of another hologram, with only a single apparent attempt from Rimmer to vaguely ask where she was from. Instead of the crew suddenly being incredibly suspicious and confused, they suddenly focus on whether they liked her or not — a double-whammy of failure in terms of characterisation and competent sci-fi.

    Of course she’s not going to turn out to be who she said she is. Even reduced to terms of plain story-telling it’s unfortunately very obvious and clich?d.

    The ending was perhaps the worst moment of all. I suppose we, as viewers, were supposed to go, “Oh my god! They’ve opened a portal to Earth!” But instead there was little shock or even any reason to care at all. I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone reading this, but: They’re going to go back to Earth. Hilarity will ensue (especially with regards to Kryten and Rimmer). Lister will find Kochanski and ultimately there’ll be a plot device that means they’ll all be forced back on Red Dwarf – but happy.

    What does that leave us with? A character crying over a grave that wasn’t touching. The appearance of a threat that wasn’t scary or threatening. The shocking appearance of a new character that didn’t shock the other characters. A sudden plot device that allows the characters to return “home” coupled with a cliff-hanger ending – that even the characters didn’t seem to really care about.

    The entire episode could have been condensed into something much more potent and interesting that allowed a storyline to be set-up on this new “Earth” (which could have allowed the creation of a decent cliff-hanger, too).

    Naylor is undoubtedly a funny comedic writer. I’ve always said that he’s fantastic at his one-liners. But unfortunately a show can’t rely solely on one liners, however funny they are, and especially not a science fiction one. In this regard Naylor needs help from somebody with talent for structure, characterisation and plot. Even if it’s not Rob Grant, it’s clear that he still needs a helping hand from someone with taltents to complement his own.

    Anyways, this is all a moot point, now. Red Dwarf is over (barring the last two episodes). There will be no more TV shows. It’s been a great 30 years and I hope the cast and creators have had as much fun making it as we’ve all had watching it. It’s ultimately enhanced my life over the years and it will always have a special place in my heart.

    Thanks Rob and Doug. It’s been a blast.

    Note to all the REAL Red Dwarf fans:
    Of course I’m totally joking. Last night’s episode was absolutely brilliant and easily on par with the rest of Red Dwarf (if not THE best, admittedly). I mean, how can anyone actually judge a 3-part show from it’s first episode, anyway? Can’t wait for the other two parts!

  • Note to all the REAL Red Dwarf fans:
    Of course I?m totally joking. Last night?s episode was absolutely brilliant and easily on par with the rest of Red Dwarf (if not THE best, admittedly). I mean, how can anyone actually judge a 3-part show from it?s first episode, anyway? Can?t wait for the other two parts!

    I’m not entirely sure whether this was sarcasm or not, or whether everything you said above was the sarcasm… head frazzled mode!

    If geniune, then yes it ‘looked’ the best ever, but I don’t feel I can rate its narrative until the whole story has been told. But fingers crossed it is one of the best!

  • Anyone else think Katerina may turn out to be Holly? In an homage to Queeg?

    It seems Norman has been unneccesssarily vocal about not being in it… maybe overcompensating? So we all know he isn’t in it, to protect the swerve that he’s finally back up and running, or that somehow the leviathan jumping dimensions rebooted him, and he concocted Katerina to save Lister and prove he still has the goods to get them home?

  • I got a message from Norm saying that he was ‘disappointed’ with the new episode. He wanted to know where the jokes were, and felt that none of the performances were up to scratch. “I’m glad I wasn’t involved”.

  • Noticed something – when the squid’s attacking, the first time we see Lister up close and personal with the camera on the central monitor, he’s doing something else on the other screen. Shocking. I’ll not be watching again. ;)

  • It would be a nice twist I admit, but I don’t think they’d have gone far enough to make half the Dwarf fan base rant and moan about one of their stars if that were actually the case.

    If he’d not been so whiny and commenting on how he’s done with it all and is gonna write a book about it etc, I’d have maybe thought along those lines myself.

  • ”Anyways, this is all a moot point, now. Red Dwarf is over (barring the last two episodes). There will be no more TV shows. It?s been a great 30 years and I hope the cast and creators have had as much fun making it as we?ve all had watching it. It?s ultimately enhanced my life over the years and it will always have a special place in my heart.”

    Johnny W, I disagree with your review obviously but this is the strangest part about it. Just in case you hadn’t heard the ratings were 2.2m+ it beat bbc2!! Naturally Dave will be gagging to make a new series as it tripled there previous ratings record. That’s if the bbc don’t sit down ad have a meeting and ask what the hell is going on why are we getting beaten by a digital channel. If no more dwarfs are made it will be down to Doug not wanting to make them. If he does then 100% there will be more as it’s breaking records….again.

  • obviously i will probably be completely wrong but maybe the ” blade runner sequence ” is the end to the alternative worlds “series ix” which is how they know they are destined to die and is what has to be changed ……………..maybe

  • Yes, I’ve thought this too.
    Could that be the end to Part 2 that Doug thinks we will all hate, and we’re made to believe they’re all dead?

  • Nobody would believe they’re all dead if it occurs at the end of part 2, when we know full well there’s another episode to come.

  • To be fair it could always be the cast themselves taking over for their characters if they did all die…

  • Perhaps in the alternate universe Holly has a real body and is killing the rest of the crew off so that the whole show is about Holly, like the way it apparently should be…

    …did you know Queeg was his favourite episode by the way? Don’t know why…

  • Great Norm conspiracy theories. But he’s been moaning way way before these specials were written.

  • 4 hours to more New Dwarf. When’s the Part Two thread opening? After dr who is it?
    Will car bug end up in a desert in Dubai?

  • Oh yeah we’re fully aware of his winging over the years… especially where balls are concerned [stop it!]… it’s just always a joy to poke and prod at someone who will never allow themselves to be happy about something.

    Even if it really was “Norman Lovett’s Red Holly”, I’m sure he wouldn’t be happy with the lighting…

  • Home many people feel ‘at present’ that another Red Dwarf is something Dave would definatley want after these ratings?

    I certainly do. And the BBC would be STUPID to not start a bidding war.

  • BTW ITV have started a bidding war with BBC 3 for Horne and Corden.


  • The use of HD cameras just lifted the whole show into epic expansive movie territory. Imagine how crystal clear Norm’s face would have been had he been in it; the crisp and unrelenting whining mug and all those lines, brrr, it wouldn’t have been a pretty sight. Still, I’m sure they would have cracked out the old ginger hair spray for him as they did with series VIII. Unlike his appearance in Beat the Geek, which was awful. ”My hair, you can’t touch my hair, where’s my ball?”

  • I have a lot of respect for Doug Naylor and the rest of the cast and crew of Red Dwarf, but unfortunately there?s no getting away from the fact that this was ultimately a sub-par bit of TV. Naylor has ways been about making people laugh first, and worrying about story, characters and science fiction, second. His book, Last Human, and his two series were the same, so it doesn?t come as a complete surprise.

    Sadly, despite his apparent best efforts to improve these short-comings, he still lacks the ability to tell a good story or allow characters to be themselves. As usual there were funny moments, and his punchy dialogue still hit the mark at times (?There?s something bigger than God heading for you!?) but attempts at anything else fell flat.

    For instance, the characters, after an initial opening dialogue from Rimmer (that actually did sound like Rimmer) all characterisation attempts floundered. We saw Dave Lister crying over the grave of Kochanski. It should have been a moving moment, and, indeed, Craig Charles got a chance to show just how far he?s improved as an actor over the years, but it still felt very forced and unnatural. There was little or no connection with the character?s pain.

    When it was time for the science-fiction aspects of Red Dwarf to appear, similar failings were revealed. A giant squid monster that, for example, wasn?t in any way scary or threatening. The sudden appearance of another hologram, with only a single apparent attempt from Rimmer to vaguely ask where she was from. Instead of the crew suddenly being incredibly suspicious and confused, they suddenly focus on whether they liked her or not ? a double-whammy of failure in terms of characterisation and competent sci-fi.

    Of course she?s not going to turn out to be who she said she is. Even reduced to terms of plain story-telling it?s unfortunately very obvious and clich?d.

    The ending was perhaps the worst moment of all. I suppose we, as viewers, were supposed to go, ?Oh my god! They?ve opened a portal to Earth!? But instead there was little shock or even any reason to care at all. I don?t want to spoil anything for anyone reading this, but: They?re going to go back to Earth. Hilarity will ensue (especially with regards to Kryten and Rimmer). Lister will find Kochanski and ultimately there?ll be a plot device that means they?ll all be forced back on Red Dwarf – but happy.

    What does that leave us with? A character crying over a grave that wasn?t touching. The appearance of a threat that wasn?t scary or threatening. The shocking appearance of a new character that didn?t shock the other characters. A sudden plot device that allows the characters to return ?home? coupled with a cliff-hanger ending – that even the characters didn?t seem to really care about.

    The entire episode could have been condensed into something much more potent and interesting that allowed a storyline to be set-up on this new ?Earth? (which could have allowed the creation of a decent cliff-hanger, too).

    Naylor is undoubtedly a funny comedic writer. I?ve always said that he?s fantastic at his one-liners. But unfortunately a show can?t rely solely on one liners, however funny they are, and especially not a science fiction one. In this regard Naylor needs help from somebody with talent for structure, characterisation and plot. Even if it?s not Rob Grant, it?s clear that he still needs a helping hand from someone with taltents to complement his own.

    Anyways, this is all a moot point, now. Red Dwarf is over (barring the last two episodes). There will be no more TV shows. It?s been a great 30 years and I hope the cast and creators have had as much fun making it as we?ve all had watching it. It?s ultimately enhanced my life over the years and it will always have a special place in my heart.

    Thanks Rob and Doug. It?s been a blast.

    You’re bit crap….

  • Also, is it just me, or does this shot in the opening credits look like everyone’s been on the recieving end of Krytie dealing with a bad case of wind?

    Well, it looks more to me like they’re being shot by Harrison Ford…

  • Personally, I didn’t like the “blue giant” dance sequence. What is it about Doug Naylor that means he has to have something blue dancing in every show he makes? I felt it was just filling time, and had nothing to do with the plot. The time and money spent making that dance sequence could have been much better filled with more jokes with Kryten gurning and squealing.</satire>

  • I enjoyed it. And I got to see more Cat and the ship which is what I wanted. Thought Barrie’s Rimmer portrayal was a bit off in his delivery in many places though, and didn’t care for the title sequence or the abrupt endings for the break and the credits.

    But overall it seems an appropriate direction for any Dwarf post new Who. And mostly better than it aswell.

    Oh and they said God far too many times.

  • I know its probably been mentioned, but once again…. lovely touch with the Mel Bibby Photo. I nearly shed a tear at that. Marvellous!

  • Just watched it. Thought it was great stuff. Nowhere near as bad as I’d heard (several people on Twitter have said it’s worse than VIII, to which I violently and loudly disagree). I’d have to give it a 7 out of 10.

  • > Johnny W, I disagree with your review obviously but this is the strangest part about it. Just in case you hadn?t heard the ratings were 2.2m+ it beat bbc2!! Naturally Dave will be gagging to make a new series as it tripled there previous ratings record. That?s if the bbc don?t sit down ad have a meeting and ask what the hell is going on why are we getting beaten by a digital channel. If no more dwarfs are made it will be down to Doug not wanting to make them. If he does then 100% there will be more as it?s breaking records?.again.

    Hmmm. That’s true. The viewership of the first episode turned out to be pretty spectacular… but let’s see what it is for the third episode before taking it as read.

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