Ian’s Newsround – 10/02/12 News Posted by Ian Symes on 10th February 2012, 14:49 If the title of this story means anything to you, you’ve been visiting this site for around nine years. Haha, now you feel old. Wait, that means I’m old. Shit. SEB PATRICK IS A SETS PEST – Now this is just lovely. Former winner of the Sixth-Best-G&T-Team-Member Award 2006-2011 Seb Patrick has managed to get his teeth into a lengthy analysis piece on TOS, running through the various set designs on Dwarf‘s three main ships over the years. As well as some lovely pictures (including an angle of the Series VI Starbug cockpit that I’m not sure we’ve seen before), there’s a great deal of both in-universe and real-world theorising. It had never occurred to me before that the Drive Room/Science Room in Series 1 and 2 were supposed to be different places; I assumed the Series 2 one was just a redressed Drive Room that they couldn’t be bothered to explain. CUNTBOX – A nice little piece on the forthcoming series from Ian McArdell on Cultbox. Despite perpetuating the myth that Series III onwards had a significantly higher budget than the first two series, and the customary derision of Back To Earth (which you may fully agree with, it’s just that I’m sick of having to defend it every time someone initiates a conversation about Red Dwarf with me), it’s hard to disagree with much of the writer’s hopes and dreams for the new series. And without addressing the specifics, based on the episodes I’ve seen recorded, I think he’ll be happy with the outcome. HAHA, “WOOD”. HAHA, “HORN”. – There’s an exhibition of sci-fi memorabilia, including costumes from Dwarf and other things from inferior shows, running at the Woodhorn Museum in Northumberland until September. Good. GOOD OL’ RELIABLE NATHAN – Just to point out that if you’re not already following him, you should really follow Behind The Scenes director and fellow hairy man Nathan Cubitt on Twitter. While the main production has now wrapped, he’s one of those shady post-production types who’s still lurking in the corridors of Shepperton, and he’s posting some lovely pictures to pass the time. Recent highlights include the now empty K stage, his sexy EX3 set up, and a man called Dan getting stuck in to the edit. Despite having applied what Nathan refers to as “the special G&T filter” to the photo, you can clearly make out that that’s RIMMER on SOME SORT OF SET. WE BUILT THE PYRAMIDS – Just because we’ve not linked to it on the front page yet, here’s that clip of Red Dwarf being referenced on The Big Bang Theory. My favourite thing about this was the people who were trying to claim that the reference to “61 episodes” was a piece of future-proofing rather than a mistake, despite the fact that Sheldon’s holding a boxset that doesn’t even have episodes 53-55 in it, let alone Series X. That’s it for now, join me for the next Newsround, which, based on the current rate, should be with you by around 2016. We’ll be discussing the shock ending to Series XII, which revealed that it was Lister that died in the radiation leak, not Rimmer, and that the preceding 72 episodes were just an elaborate ruse from Holly (now played by Simon Gregson).
It’s like a collection of Red Dwarf news stories from all over the web! Very similar to a narticle version of the “Google Alerts” forum thread. I actually really liked this…
It’s a well written piece by Seb, but I was very disappointed by the pictures. The starbug image Is in the Making-of or Companion book I believe, but cropped. There are some great set photos in the making-of section of the website, but the pictures are tiny. Seb – let’s get some proper set photo’s out of the archives pleeeeease! There’s an issue of TV Zone that I have, that has SUPERB pictures of the season 4 set (Understandably, they can’t be used).
I always assumed that about the Series II Drive Room too, I thought it was the same room just looking back in the opposite direction to what we could see in Series I. I’m sure it’s referred to as the “Drive Room” in Series II but I can’t recall it ever being named the Science Room.
>My favourite thing about this was the people who were trying to claim that the reference to “61 episodes” was a piece of future-proofing rather than a mistake, despite the fact that Sheldon’s holding a boxset that doesn’t even have episodes 53-55 in it, let alone Series X. And by people… you mean… me. Jeeeeez!
If you look very closely, thomas, there’s a hidden reference to you in every news piece we’ve ever done.
I have never thought that the Series 1 and 2 Drive/Science room sets were the same location until reading that article, now it seems obvious even if it wasn’t the intent!
>I assumed the Series 2 one was just a redressed Drive Room that they couldn’t be bothered to explain. Ditto. Is there a sign that says Science Room or am I thinking of something else? >If the title of this story means anything to you, you’ve been visiting this site for around nine years. Holy Fuck.
Lovely newsround – most enjoyable! > you can clearly make out that that’s RIMMER on SOME SORT OF SET. SPOILER! RIMMER IS IN SERIES X, SHOCK. > Wait, that means I’m old. Shit. Oh, fuck off. You’re practically the face of youth, dear boy. I now consider myself the wrong side of 25.
I was very disappointed by the pictures. The starbug image Is in the Making-of or Companion book I believe, but cropped. There are some great set photos in the making-of section of the website, but the pictures are tiny. Seb – let’s get some proper set photo’s out of the archives pleeeeease! I’m very sorry to have let you down so badly. But, y’know. The article was a written history. The pictures were therefore chosen to illustrate the points of the article, rather than the article being written around the pictures. If it was a gallery piece, that would be different. But it wasn’t. It was a text feature. I think the pictures enhance it, but I’m sorry they weren’t what you were hoping for. I AM hoping to improve/expand the image-based content of rd.co.uk eventually… but it’s not a small job, and it has to go hand in hand with some other things.
I liked the article Seb for what it’s worth. Not a whole heap of new content, but was nice to have everything listed out like that. Glad you will be doing up the images on RD.co.uk eventually, it is always frustrating when there is some really interesting photo only available in the embedded 40*50 pixel resolution or some other such nonsense.
Excellent article, Seb. I *really* like that Starbug picture and I’m almost certain we’ve not seen that before. Also had never really thought about the different camera angles between Starbug and Blue Midget in VIII but now that I think about it, that Starbug set must be oddly constructed because there’s still a wall of sorts in front of the pilot seats, and next to Kryten and Rimmer, so the missing fourth wall must actually more of a fourth corner (in fact you can see where the front wall ends, just after the furry dice).
> I’m very sorry to have let you down so badly. >We’ll accept nothing less than self-flagilation. > When you say “we”, you mean a certain LJ community, don’t you? >……yes. I think you guys need to stop reading my fan fiction disclaimers. ;) Although, I’m not totally against it. *evil wink*
> If the title of this story means anything to you, you’ve been visiting this site for around nine years. *openly weeps*
G&T I was only joking :D It was silly speculation by me anyway. Seb – never to be disappointed by your efforts, I wanna say again how ‘well written’ It really was. Im just a visual sorta guy, and Im gagging for some set porn truth be told. Just watched ‘The Woman In Black’ btw. Old school horror to a T. Lack’s something, but ticks all the boxes.
There’s something about welsh people and humour, always comes across as arrogance. I feel guilty now, and I want to make an unreserved apology for not beefing the humour in my statements. Read back, I sound a bit of a twat. Not intended. EDIT : The Starbug set pic Is indeed VERY VERY similar to a pic on page 21 of the Joe Nazzaro Making Of book, but not the same pic.
>There’s an exhibition of sci-fi memorabilia, including costumes from Dwarf and other things from inferior shows, running at the Woodhorn Museum in Northumberland until September. Good. I rather wish I could see this, actually. Is anyone planning on going and photo-documenting?
Nice sets article. I never really noticed back to earth as grey, i thought it was white. So interesting point. That series 8 blue midget set is my least favourite set I think. Just looks like they are all on a shit game show.
That series 8 blue midget set is my least favourite set I think. Just looks like they are all on a shit game show. I’ve always said it reminds me of the bedroom in The Sooty Show with it’s different levels.
>I’ve always said it reminds me of the bedroom in The Sooty Show with it’s different levels. If only series 8 was this genuinely funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Ywm5HkD7rPI#t=228s Yes, I am a grown man. Supposedly.
I can TOTALLY see what you mean about Blue Midget looking like Sooty’s bedroom, Alex. That’s brilliant. It genuinely does.
If only series 8 was this genuinely funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Ywm5HkD7rPI#t=2… Yes, I am a grown man. Supposedly. Christ, I’ve not seen that since it first went out. It’s one of the episodes that sticks in my mind though, much like the episode where Mike Reid, equipped with a loaded banana, breaks into the house and holds everyone hostage.
>Christ, I’ve not seen that since it first went out. It’s one of the episodes that sticks in my mind though, much like the episode where Mike Reid, equipped with a loaded banana, breaks into the house and holds everyone hostage. I’ve never seen that one, but I see it’s on YouTube! Will have a look later. I’ve been dying to see the one with Paul Merton as a salesman hawking Sooty puppets again too, but can’t find that one anywhere. I suspect I might have steered this thread off track a bit, sorry about that!
I’ve never seen that one, but I see it’s on YouTube! Will have a look later. The sound Mathew makes when he finds out it’s a loaded banana still makes me laugh today. I’ve been dying to see the one with Paul Merton as a salesman hawking Sooty puppets again too, but can’t find that one anywhere. I’ve probably got it on video somewhere. I think I (rather depressingly,) have nearly every episode made from the mid-eighties through to the end of Sooty & Co taped off the telly and boxed up in the roof waiting to be transferred to DVD if I ever get around to it. When I was young that was my favorite kids show, so I always made a point of recording it all. It’s come back quite recently. I caught an episode and it all seems to have gone a bit Partridge with them living in a caravan and working in Brean Leisure Park.
Everything I used to tape (everything I used to *own*, come to that) when I was a kid pretty much got destroyed when my siblings arrived when I was in my teens. :/ Videos were taped over, comics and posters were scribbled in and drawn on, toys were thrown about, lost and broken. *sobs for lost childhood memories*
Speaking of ‘things we taped off the telly, and have now lost forever because DVD sales won’t reach the zenith the publishing companies will require’. I use to have nearly the ENTIRE run of Rik Mayall’s Grim Tales. They were brilliant. I want them again.
While we’re on the subject, there is nothing I miss more than my VHS of the 1994 BBC2 theme night “Goal TV” :-( I’ve spent about a decade trying to find another copy…
I’ve got Python Night! I even did my own sleeve (as I’m won’t to do) for the video. I used to tape a lot of theme nights. I’ve got a couple of Doctor Who theme nights, and a Star Trek theme night from about 1999.
I’ve probably got it on video somewhere. I think I (rather depressingly,) have nearly every episode made from the mid-eighties through to the end of Sooty & Co taped off the telly and boxed up in the roof waiting to be transferred to DVD if I ever get around to it. When I was young that was my favorite kids show, so I always made a point of recording it all. Alex I’d love to know which episodes you have! I’m webmaster of http://www.thesootyshow.org and also a collector of Sooty episodes! I actually have episodes from the late 1970’s and early 1980’s from TV broadcast! Maybe we could help each other out? I can be contacted via my website. I’d love to hear from you!