NEW TEASER CLIP News Posted by Ian Symes on 23rd August 2012, 16:23 Right, there WAS, very briefly, a new teaser video uploaded to Youtube by Red Dwarf HQ earlier. It’s now gone. Presumably, this was supposed to go up tomorrow, and it accidentally got published early. Still, I was halfway through this article when it was pulled, so let’s carry on with analysis anyway… Kryten tells Cat the details of his latest experiment, the results of which are an increased amount of synchronicity. This synchronicity is then demonstrated when the pair begin to duplicate each other’s dialogue. Having seen this episode recorded, I can reveal that this is merely the start of an excellent sequence, superbly acted by Danny and Robert. Judging by the very immediate online reaction, it’s made a fair few people laugh already. My slavish devotion to our own increasingly irrelevant spoiler policy prevents me from stating which episode this is from. But when you consider the list of episode titles that have been released, you can probably figure it out. In fact, several people guessed that something along these lines would happen, so give yourself a big pat on the back. Curiously, there’s a rather noticeable edit in this clip, around six seconds in (erm, you’ll have to wait for the video to come back to see what I mean!). A bit has been taken out of Kryten’s speech; I presume that this clunky edit is just for this clip, so as not to give too much away about the context of the scene, rather than being a bad edit in the final episode. We’re presuming that this clip will form Dave’s big Friday update tomorrow. So just pretend that this didn’t happen, and be amazed at how G&T managed to have something up mere seconds after the clip was officially published…
Blimey, I guess the Doug interview and blog post I just read from Robert weren’t enough today! And a day earlier than expected, no less! :o)
A video bone to keep the barking mad fans quite! You see all my barking will give us a decent teaser! Die! Vogans Die!
Frustrated and want to see it. Though this sums up how I feel about RDX in general. I was there at DJXV when Andrew Ellard officially announced the series was go.
It’s great to know that Red Dwarf is back. Savouring the moment as it’ll be broadcast and released on DVD very soon.
>> Is it a comic spin on Doctor Who ep ‘Midnight’? >Is it a comic spin on Doctor Who ep ‘Midnight’? Is it a comic spin on Doctor Who ep ‘Midnight’?
Jonsmad / Fri, 2012-08-24 08:45 / new / # THIS DOESN’T WORK BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT POSTING AT THE SAME TIME
I was going to write a post in defence of this Dwarf not being quite the same as Midnight, arguing that Synchronicity was simultaneous dual occurance of dialouge for the two characters in this scene, and Midnight was copying one minds internal thoughts, repeating and later taking over mind control, swapping the thought process in advance. But i kept going for cheap gags instead cus they are similar. Has to be said well done Danny And Robert during the recording day doing this scene. When I realised what they had to do together, I feared with the two of them, we would never get to leave the studio, you’ve got one guy famous for forgetting lines or coming in late with a pause, and another guy who’s brain frys with rubber heat. But to my memory there isnt 473 smeg ups, just a couple of understandable stumbles, but very few, less than chris and mr charles in normal dialouge scenes that day.
“THE VIDEO YOU ARE TRYING TO WATCH CANNOT BE VIEWED FROM YOUR CURRENT COUNTRY OR LOCATION” Goddammit! When will people cut Australians a break? We may have been founded by convicts but we’re not THAT bad!
Fucking Vogans did this! Die! Vogans Die! Good News at least somebody cares about the rest of the fucking world! Richard Naylor (@RichardDGNaylor) 8/24/12 5:40 AM Trying to get an international version of latest RDX clip up on youtube for the international fans! I’m e-mailing around, should be up soon!
youtubeNot available! Goddammit! When will people cut Australians a break? We may have been founded by convicts but we’re not THAT bad! Are you Prisoner 0 ?
Finally got to see the new teaser! It was great! The Youtube is working now thanks to somebody. “The Squeaky wheel gets greased” or replaced!
Hope this episode doesn’t end up like Mind Exchange
This is pretty good, and they ARE the characters to a tee! Also…it’s only gone and become a sitcom again!! :o
> It actually looks like a cooking show… Good observation. The direction in the clips we’ve seen so far looks rather…err…uninspired. As long as it’s funny, eh?
That’s a neat scene and nice see Cat & Kryten, the timings nice but must admit the set feels a bit small, seems remind me of low decks of ‘Dwarf that we saw back in series I. it seems stark contrast to science room set from III-V, I hope we get to see more of the set in the full show. though the fans/blades do make me think of scene from Tikka, though they are not as big!
It’s kind of quiet at the start of the clip before the audience start laughing. Isn’t there generally a background, engine-y hum? Anyway, I like the clip. Made me smirk and the last line actually gave me a solid laugh. It doesn’t feel like the main joke though but just the set up for something greater which Ian seems to confirm in his analysis. With that in mind it’s a solid clip and I’m sure it’ll be even greater in the context of the show.
I’ve watched the clip several times now, and so far, I still bloody love it! Danny and Robert are great in it and haven’t failed to at least make me smile. It’s not laugh out loud funny, but there’s just a lot that seems so strong in that short clip.
>>but must admit the set feels a bit small, seems remind me of low decks >>of ‘Dwarf that we saw back in series I. it seems stark contrast to science room >>set from III-V, I hope we get to see more of the set in the full show. It’s a corridor set, it’s not clear in the clip, but a roving cat and a trolley pushing Kryten happen to meet each other on their travels.
>Hey everyone, look at this joke I made three years ago! On a fansite for the continued analysis of a comedy show predominantly made in the 80’s and 90’s? Surely not!