Jump through hoops! Fabulous trailers to be won! News Posted by Jonathan Capps on 7th September 2012, 16:41 This is probably going to bite me in the arse, but I’m going to go ahead and assume we’re not getting a traditional update from Dave today in lieu of news of an EXCITING way to get your fix of trailers. WARNING: may contain tedious hoop jumping. While reporting the news that Dave will be showing each series in reverse order starting this weekend, the Radio Times have dropped a curious bit of information regarding future trailers: … seasoned Dwarfers will be chuffed to learn that Dave will also be broadcasting secret codes during the show’s ad breaks, which can be entered on the channel’s website to access brand new Red Dwarf X trailers every weekend until the new series’ launch. Ok, so it’s not *that* tedious, but the fact it’s going force me to watch through Series VIII tomorrow is bordering on a breach of basic human rights. Each code will be revealed during the Saturday repeats, so the good news is we’ll be getting four new trailers between now and October 6th, which can only be a good thing. This campaign is once again organised by the dazzlingly brilliant Five by Five and their press release gives out the URL www.JoinDave.co.uk/RedDwarfX, which is currently redirecting to Dave’s Red Dwarf news page but will presumably soon be the place to go and unlock the new trailers. In other news Dave’s weekly podcast series has published the first in a series of four main cast interviews, starting with Robert Llewellyn. It’s fine.
I find it hilarious that despite the bad press you gave them last time they still sent you a press release, yet despite us being less scathing we didn’t get one.
>In other news Dave’s weekly podcast series has published the first in a series of four main cast interviews, starting with Robert Llewellyn. It’s fine. How’s the drummer?
I was up to Series VIII in my slow re-watch of Red Dwarf so I’ll be watching ‘Back in the Red’ and ‘Cassandra’ tomorrow anyway. The code will likely be posted online within a minute of it being broadcast.
I watched all three parts of Back in the Red on Tuesday. Then I blacked out and had a fit on Wednesday. In the Co-Op. Connected? Probably.
I’m bound to get to it later this week. Just know that I do love G&T. Know that now, just in case I’m not around after, say, tuesday…
Do you know what happens when si watches three episodes of ‘Back in the Red’? He feels like having a fit? Oh no, he doesn’t feel like having a fit, he has a fit. Do you know what happens when si watches three episodes of ‘Back in the Red’ and swills it all down with two episodes of ‘Pete’? Oh god, he doesn’t get a diarrhoea attack does he? I-I-I, sorry.
>Each code will be revealed during the Saturday repeats, so the good news is we’ll be getting four new trailers between now and October 6th, which can only be a good thing. Until you discover they’re all of Trumper.
I’m guessing the code will be useless to anyone who doesn’t live in the UK, since the BBC is stingy like that. :/
Unfortunately I won’t be able to look out for them as I am at work all day on Saturdays, but I imagine you guys will have found it ad posted it on here, so I’ll be able to come home to it. :)
Shit, didn’t realise you can’t post images. For now send me the image link you wanted to show through the comment form and I’ll add it in.