Trojan reviews! New publicity pictures! News Posted by Jonathan Capps on 11th September 2012, 17:21 Oh Christ, here we go. In the the first of what will no doubt be a FLOOD of reviews for following of screening of Trojan at today’s UKTV Showcase press event, Chortle’s Steve Bennett has given us his thoughts on Trojan. If that wasn’t enough Digital Spy have also provided a cache of new publicity photos for you to drool all over. The first few minutes, though, are not the most promising. We start in the familiar Red Dwarf setting with Cat, resplendent in purple pimp suit, bounding in with a triumphant Yeaaa-h!’ to find Lister reading a book of strange-but true trivia. It prompts a cringeworthy exchange in which Cat has to be preternaturally stupid to get out some corny lines – and the viewer might be forgiven for thinking the franchise was better off dormant. Interesting. Firstly, it seems the first and second scenes have been switched around since the last rough cut. The scene in question is indeed a little bit weak, but it can be forgiven in the context of the episode for two very amusing reasons, so no real worries there. This was always going to be an interesting episode as, with it being the first recorded, the cast could be forgiven for being a bit rusty, but there are few signs of that past these first couple of scenes. Rimmer’s resentment at his lowly status in life is central to the episode – it’s literally an all-consuming bitterness that causes his holograph technology to occasionally crash, his eyes, amusingly, becoming the ‘spinning beachballs of doom’ familiar to all technology users. “All Technology users”? Hmph. Anyway, there’s not much more to say about this. It’s a great concept but whether the execution is successful is something I won’t be sure about until broadcast. The jealousy for the life he could have had is exacerbated when Red Dwarf stumbles across a gleaming ghost ship, Trojan (also the title of this episode), once part of the Space Corps’ Super Infinity Fleet – either an elite fighting force, or in class-conscious Lister’s eye’s a squadron of overprivileged jokers. It is a particularly cruel reminder for Rimmer, as his brother served in that unit. Hmmm, possibly a little bit too spoilery, but this is where the plot synopsis ends anyway. Again, not much to expand on here, but just reading it written down highlights what a nice, classic-feeling plot this is, with the exploring of a foreign ship and expanding on Rimmer’s rather strained childhood. Finally, we’ve got the first confirmation of guest actor names (if you ignore a certain dozy git on Twitter): there are guest roles for Mark Dexter and Susan Earl. Google away, everyone. My non-spoilery thoughts are: Mark Dexter is brilliant and Susan Earl is good. And now, we turn our attention to the lovely, lovely pictures. We’ve got the original promo shot from a few months ago, along with individual shots of each character, and two group photos, the most interesting of which is… … er, very interesting. I’d be breaking about SIX spoiler policy rules to say which episode this is from, but don’t be BLUE because you’ll be BEGINNING to find out what this is soon enough. Dead nice set though, innit? There’s bound to me more reviews coming in soon, so it’s going to be a busy few weeks. Now, cross your fingers and hope an entire episode synopsis doesn’t turn up somewhere.
Ok, I am excited now. This is great stuff. Are we allowed to discuss whether that’s the cockpit of **** ****** in the pic, or if the guest character hinted at in the review is Rimmer’s *******?
Kryten’s face looks like an uncooked pie. Not looking forward to Rimmer’s eyes doing the ‘death screen’. Remember in Police Squad when that boxer’s eyes rolled up ‘no sale’? It was a jarringly bad bit of comedy in an otherwise excellent show. Those gags are always pony.
New banner is lovely. Have had reservations about a lot of the poses the guys have pulled for recent publicituy (way too much emphasis on zanniness) but there’s not much wrong with that. Not looking forward to Rimmer’s eyes doing the ‘death screen’ Have been concerned about this ever since the screening. Very interested to see the effect.
Why do they boast a trailer for all six episodes and then post the secret clip from this weekend with just Kryten and Rimmer in one scene? Think they posted the wrong clip!
Kryten’s mask looks off again in these publicity photos to me. Strange. And god damnit I really didn’t realise how much those reviews would give away. Really wish I’d never clicked the link.
New photos, then. Some proper corkers, too. And thus, New Headers. I APPROVE. Nice work. ;) SIDENOTE: Ooh. Just noticed that when new articles/updates are posted, there’s no time on them, just the date. Don’t know why that interests me, but it just kind of does.
SIDENOTE: Ooh. Just noticed that when new articles/updates are posted, there’s no time on them, just the date. Don’t know why that interests me, but it just kind of does. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I wonder if that’s because WordPress’ timestamp system is designed for sites that don’t really update more than once a day?
DON’T read the reviews!!!! :o I hate that I even know one minor piece of info, which I now do… Though it’s nice to see the general word on ‘Trojan’ is pretty positive.
It’s just that the theme doesn’t show the time. It’s all logged, and to be honest I should really add it in.
It’s just that the theme doesn’t show the time. It’s all logged, and to be honest I should really add it in. I’m not particularly tech savvy (as you probably know), but I spent the best part of an hour yesterday trying to find a WordPress theme I liked so that my blog wasn’t the spitting image of Gazpacho Soup. Failed to find one, so I just figured, ‘bollocks to it’. In actual ‘what we’re supposed to be discussing’ news – I want a full size version of the full cast photo that’s enveloping that RDX promo USB stick today. That looks like a good picture, and it’s slightly different to the others on Digital Spy.
Times like this make me wish I had a new (or repaired) laptop so I could have some new wallpapers!! Some great photos and absolutely love the last two of the group! ^_^
I’m not particularly tech savvy (as you probably know), but I spent the best part of an hour yesterday trying to find a WordPress theme I liked so that my blog wasn’t the spitting image of Gazpacho Soup. Failed to find one, so I just figured, ‘bollocks to it’. Again, I really wouldn’t worry about it. The onus should be on me to create something original if it’s meant to be proper site and all. That said, the weeks where I’m in the mood for doing it are normally the weeks when all I want to do is delete the whole thing, so progress has been slower in appearing than an erection in a mortuary.
I find it kind of amusing/odd that G&T’s ‘graphics guy’ hasn’t currently got a profile avatar. It’s minimal! Philistine! Do you realise how long it took for to take that default avatar, put it into photoshop, vectorise the image and then re-save it as a new image?? No time at all, because I didn’t do any of that.
It’s minimal! Philistine! Do you realise how long it took for to take that default avatar, put it into photoshop, vectorise the image and then re-save it as a new image?? No time at all, because I didn’t do any of that. You do realise that you can just select “Use previous image” and your old Avatar appears, as if by magic. I posted, for a brief moment only, an image of me as a 16/17 year old dick head. To anyone who had the misfortune to be subjected to such hideousness, I can only apologise. I didn’t realise how bad it was till I posted, and then it was a mad scramble to find another one of me in my TK outfit.
Not looking forward to Rimmer’s eyes doing the ‘death screen’. Remember in Police Squad when that boxer’s eyes rolled up ‘no sale’? It was a jarringly bad bit of comedy in an otherwise excellent show. . Okay granted, but this is slightly different seeing as Rimmer is computer generated in-universe, and such a fault occuring does make actual sense (and seems so obvious that its a wonder its never been done before, perhaps even more so with Holly than Rimmsy) whereas the boxer had hitherto been grounded in whatever passes for reality in Police Squad until that weird moment. Yeah, I didn’t like that particular gag in Police Squad but I’m assuming this will be slightly different.
Article updated. Sorry for me bleating on about already seeing the episode, I’m aware it makes me sound like a twat.
Agreed. Even though I forgot to mention it, Kryten’s mask looks *seriously* pony in these pictures. The Lister ones are my favourites, I think.
One thing I am really looking forward to about ‘Trojan’ is that it is the first proper character episode for Rimmer that is written solely by Doug (‘Only the Good…’ being more a plot based episode than a character based episode). The Rob Grant novel ‘Backwards’ seems to be more a Rimmer story (certainly by the second half of the novel) so it will be interesting to compare the solo efforts from both writers in character based stories.
In reference to the weak opening scene: One of the episodes I saw had a really weak opening scene and I was confused as to why it even existed. Then there was a decent pay off later which really made it worth it.
In one of the pieces I’ve read today there’s a bit of speculation over something which may or may not be appearing in RDX. I can’t remember what the actual quote was, or where I actually read it, but I’m sure it was a quote from Doug at this morning’s screening. Anyone know what I’m on about (I’m not sure I do)? And if you do, what do you reckon? Is it up for discussion? Incidentally, I’m typing this on my phone, so if it actually decides to stay here and let me press the ‘submit’ button, then Yay WordPress/Cappsy.
Damn, those photos are good. And judging by the few reviews I’ve read (and by read I mean I’ve skipped 75% of the article to avoid potential spoilers), the opinion so far is good.
The mask IS godawful when exposed like that. I bet Robert had to do a lot of facial gymnastics to make it do any expression other than that dumbfounded(?) one it sort of sits at. I really want them to do another special or series, if only to let them have another crack at the mask!! Btw, what were they thinking with that cockpit set?? Everything from how the crew are sitting to camera, the facial expressions, the dodgy joysticks and stuck-on bits of flexible piping…what is this, a comedy??? :P
“The opening credits look really exciting too, showing plenty of other spaceships, lots of explosions and general chaos amongst everyone’s favourite foursome” from the ontheboxreview ^ Am so happy to hear this as VII & especially VIII’s opening credits were so pants.
As has been said countless times, I have no idea HOW the production managed to bugger up the mask, when it was so perfect in BTE – and if they were ever going to get it wrong, you’d expect it to be then, with the 10 year gap in production. I find it massively confusing.
The BTE mask was brilliant. Apart from the shape, the texture of it just looked so much better and so much more how I expect Kryten to be. Like the chewed rubber tip of a pencil.
has this review been taken into account? and about the mask im sure it will take some getting used too but once robert starts being kryten im sure it won’t be that noticable
^ That review suggests that we might see Holly at some point in the series. Surely bollocks, unless Doug’s managed to pull another Kochanski-in-BTE coup de gras. I really want to be discussing the potentially spoilers hints, but is it allowed? I haven’t seen any episodes filmed so am only going on what we’ve been told and what I think I’ve figured out… But would it be ruining it for people who are avoiding all such details? I feel like a dog with a caramel toffee. What about a forum thread for such potentially spoilery discussion so that folk can avoid it if they so choose? Would that be acceptable?
I love how that review says it’s ‘relatively’ spoiler-free. A clue – that’s not the case. XD I get the feeling that even those who saw a recording or two are still gonna be majorly spoiled by a few things they’re gonna see in these reviews. There IS a bigger difference than you might think between assuming or expecting something to be in an episode and actually having that confirmed for sure…
Should have had Hattie in it even if she is just in the background with the odd line. I bet she would have done it for free. BRING HER BACK DOUG! have posted the trailer on Facebook – but with an added Cat and Lister bit at the beggining.
Play have just Tweeted ( a link to a Play-sponsored (Lister mentions getting the RDX DVD from Play) version of the trailer. Not much to get excited about, but just thought I’d mention it. EDIT: Ah, see Thomas beat me to it while I was copy and pasting the links. Gah.
I really love that corridor set – it’s quite reminiscent of Ron Cobb’s work on Alien. Not so keen on Cat watching the DVD. I started bleeding profusely from the ears and eyes at around the 20 second mark.
Wouldn’t work on Chrome but it played straight away on IE. The fact that a company like HMV could have an IE only video player in 2012 is mind boggling.
Not so keen on Cat watching the DVD. I started bleeding profusely from the ears and eyes at around the 20 second mark. Yeah, it really isn’t very good.
Radio Times spoiler-free review now published:—spoiler-free-review AND Brittas talk…
eschewing the dramatic stylings of seasons seven, eight and nine Emphasis is mine, but the mistake is very much theirs.
Now I’ve got to the bit where they assume the model shots are CG. Such a dazzling display of knowledge.
I like how everyone who went to see a recording were very well behaved spoiler wise, but as soon as the professionals get a glimpse, you have to be careful what you read.
Yes, some factual mistakes, but the opinion is well-measured and the criticisms are valid. Particularly the concern over “references to everyday life” which I think will be divisive.
HMV Trailer worked fine for me on Chrome. The Cat scene was fine for me, harmless extra Dwarf. Can’t really argue with it :)
its “caricatures” that worries me, that was one of the problems with series 8 The review does raise some valid criticisms, but I don’t think that’s not one of them.
Yes, some factual mistakes, but the opinion is well-measured and the criticisms are valid. Particularly the concern over “references to everyday life” which I think will be divisive. If these references are what I think they are, I personally thought they fitted well in a future setting. It’s not as though early Dwarf didn’t have these – outland Revenue, anyone? ;)
Yes, some factual mistakes, but the opinion is well-measured and the criticisms are valid. Particularly the concern over “references to everyday life” which I think will be divisive. That was something Ian mentioned in his set report, too.
The fact that a company like HMV could have an IE only video player in 2012 is mind boggling. The fact that a company like HMV could exist in 2012 is mind boggling.
I don’t like the sound of ‘catchphrases’, that’s the side of Dwarf I could do without… Despite getting the odd detail wrong, this RT review seems to corroborate with what was being said about the episode at the time, so I’d take it as being fair. I want to like this series!!!!! :o
> The fact that a company like HMV could exist in 2012 is mind boggling. The fact people spend money there is mind boggling, even their own online store is 10% cheaper than the retail outlets. If my old man at 82 can do all his shopping on-line then there’s no excuse for people getting raped by HMV on the highstreet.
If these references are what I think they are, I personally thought they fitted well in a future setting. It’s not as though early Dwarf didn’t have these – outland Revenue, anyone? ;) No, I don’t think they are what you’re thinking of, then. One of the other reviews actually makes mention of the one I have problems with. I’ve got no problem of it being referenced in a TV show set in the future, more so it being featured in a TV show set after the near-extinction of the human race. It leads up to a good joke, so I don’t really care too much (same as I’m wiling to overlook the nonsense in Tikka to Ride as it’s clearly the best episode of Red Dwarf in the last 15 years*). * Excluding X. Hopefully.
“There’s a strange reliance on catchphrases, running gags and references to everyday life throughout Trojan, none of which feel particularly true to Red Dwarf’s past” That sounds a lot like Series 6 to me. I have no problems with any of those things if they’re done well.
The clip was quite amusing, but have to join the chorus of disdain for the HMV one. It goes on far too long and it’s just not funny at all. If we’re to assume Kryten and Rimmer get vendor-specific clips, perhaps they’ll be Amazon and Zavvi or something?
Im loving everything i have seen so far, I cannot wait for the new series! im looking forward to seeing some Starbug (i don’t know if im a minority but i actually loved the cockpit scenes from VI & VII) also im with pendo86 about Lister and Cat sitting in different places… my ocd will kick in until i get used to it! lol maybe in the bug they are sat in their normal spots! :)
Another review i have seen, nothing really new other than another persons view
Zavvi’s got a trailer. Rimmer, Cat and Lister, complete with crap joke from Cat. Nice shot of Blue Midget at the end though.
Im liking these random shop trailers! it reminds me of the red dwarf VIII comedy relief shorts they did on the blue midget! nothing spectacular but unexpected and nice to see!
First post, gonna act like a total cunt. Those retailer-specific clips are horrible. Who was directing those? You’d think after all this time, Doug would realise this cast is the absolute worst at improv. I really hope that’s not how they’re playing their roles in the series, but the Radio Times preview, which seems quite un-biased isn’t filling me with hope. Pull your socks up gents.
God, the opening gags really must be awful for pretty much every review to mention that… In other news, ‘Crushing failure’ is definitely too harsh a summation of BtE!!
> ‘Crushing failure’ is definitely too harsh a summation of BtE!! But it’s definitely in the same ball park… close enough in the bleachers to pass a hot-dog.
After seeing those new Blue Midget clips from the Zavvi trailer, my faith it totally restored in the model shots. Beautiful, they almost make me feel like this could be a brand new begging for Red Dwarf for the first time!
The way I see it, it got sky high ratings, make the new series possible and more people liked it than VIII (from anecdotal evidence, obviously), so I’d call it a success. Or, at the very least, a great deal more than a “crushing failure”.
I liked BTE, personally.. it wasnt fantastic and some bits did make me wince but it was good of Dave to give it a chance and as Jon says it got huge ratings (enough feedback for them to commission a proper new series). i wouldnt have called it a failure.. i disliked VIII but mainly for silly reasons such as rimmer not really grasping what Lister has been through since his death etc.. but thats just me.. but i shouldnt be so picky on continuety etc (how exactly did rimmer signal for help in ‘marooned’ when he cant touch etc lol)
I’m really surprised more isn’t being said about the performances in these retailer trailers. It’s fucking painful to watch talented people drown, lost at sea like that.
Although I don’t mind series VII and can sit through VIII and enjoyed BtE, as long as this series is better than those, it must be apprectiated, which as the response is so far, it sounds like it is, I saw Fathers and Suns and it was definitely better than series VII, VIII, BTE (IMO)
I’m really surprised more isn’t being said about the performances in these retailer trailers. It’s fucking painful to watch talented people drown, lost at sea like that. In the grand scheme of things, these trailers and the performances therein mean fuck all. Whether they’re improvised or written, they’re clearly something tossed off in half a day, so it’s not much to worry about I wouldn’t say. Hello to the new people, by the way!
I really liked the Play trailer (reminded me of a scene from series 2 which is a good thing) but was unable to play the hmv or zavvi ones. Hopefully someone will figure out a link that works – gotta see that Blue Midget model shot!
I thought BTE was great then and I think it’s great now. Mike Seymour is a legend – I watched his demonstration extra on the DVD the other day.
> Hello to the new people, by the way! Lets all stare at them like that pub scene from American Werewolf in London.
I hate to sound negative, but Cat is coming off very Dwayne Dibley in that HMV clip. He’s acting borderline retarded now. I know what people say it’s not bad, but then, I don’t know their taste. The Radio Times preview seems bit a bit more balanced and probably closer to the truth.
The end shot of the Zavvi trailer with the explosion and Blue Midget swoosh / logo….I reckon that’s the end of the opening credits right there. I think the little bits of new footage, a different one for each retailer, is a nice idea. Harmless throwaway stuff, nice that they made the effort. Using them as a predictors for the quality of the actual series is concentrated insanity cordial.
craig is probably tired these trailer were not directed to be part of an episode so they will seem abit silly in comparison and as for the reviews well id say the other reviews were just as valid esp as they said the first 5 min aint that great but just because he radiotimes review is more negative doesnt mean its probably more valid then the others
I’m really surprised more isn’t being said about the performances in these retailer trailers. It’s fucking painful to watch talented people drown, lost at sea like that. I couldn’t give a shit. They’re promotional obligations. They’re Spinal Tap being asked to say “Nobody rocks like Bill and Marty on KBBL”. The cast are superb in the episodes. That’s all that matters to me.
I will never understand the fascination with having a group of people promoting something by saying a phrase in unison. It looks fucking dumb. I think The Cat in the HMV vid is reviewing the Zavvi vid.
A couple more pictures in this lot we haven’t seen before. Tweeted by imediamonkey earlier.
im kinda hoping Cat hasn’t regressed too much back into his early catty years. I mean ive always liked cat but i like his silver tongue of the later series as he got more humanlike . Again its just my opinion. I do like the fact Lister and Cat are the only two to have been in every single episode of red dwarf!
Cant believe people have so much opinion on these dvd trailers – who cares! Seriously! They’re fine. The one Is best, but really – getting annoyed by the lack of direction or character assessments??? REALLY? And that Blue Midget shot was fucking ace! And so was Back To Earth :D I’ll go back to my minority.
I don’t think it’s that crazy to judge the show on what they’re releasing. It’s promotional material, yeah, but it’s still the actors, performing to the camera. Even the trailers and clips released haven’t been that good. Certainly not very funny, and the performances and been VERY broad in all of it. The only person in the cast who can remember how to act is Craig, who seems to be let down by everyone else – which was also the case in back to earth.
Cheers Bezzy! We should make hats. Craig Is a very good actor – that’s about as much as I’ll agree on there, though their performances are a lot broader I’ll admit. It seems this Is like a disease contracted by actors amongst modern sitcoms. Remember when they used to be more subtle? Even the latter ‘Only Fools’, ‘Dibley’ and ‘My Family’ (trying to think of other post 2000 sitcoms) had literally SLEDGEHAMMER performances from actors WHO WE KNOW CAN DO MUCH BETTER!!! Wether this Is a reflection on the time passed between performances, quality of the writing or direction Is an interesting discussion to be had.
In the case of Red Dwarf, I always put the hammyness of VIII down to the lack of audience for VII, and for the cast It was like ‘WHOA check this live reaction! Let’s go for It!’
In the case of Red Dwarf, I always put the hammyness of VIII down to the lack of audience for VII, and for the cast It was like ‘WHOA check this live reaction! Let’s go for It!’ That’s what a director is for. To pull it in. It seems like nobody has leaned in to any of their ears and told them to dial it back, which worries me. Everyone caught up in the moment, nobody can get a grip of it. I think what we’re going to end up with is the production values of VII, the performances of VIII and the writing of V/VI. Not entirely sure that’s for the best, but I imagine it’ll go over well with people who like The Big Bang Theory.
I would say it’s partly to do with the actors wanting to please us too much. They go from playing the character that nobody knows to a character that everyone loves, and that’s a lot of responsibility.
Seeing the comments about the opening 5 minutes of Trojan I can’t help but wonder if one of the problem is that they don’t cut the first scene very early. I seem to remember when watching the rough edit that the last bit seemed to go on beyond the point where it had been at its most funny, but I had assumed that would tightened later. Did the end of the scene seem to play for a little too long to anyone else? I should add that aside from that I didn’t really have a problem with it other than that, but I did think that it picked up when it went to the next scene with Lister and Cat.
A couple more pictures in this lot we haven’t seen before. You can really see how odd Kryten’s nose looks in that group photo.
Chrome worked just fine for me on hmv, just had to give the plug-in permission to play. The “sexy bit” part made me LOL!
Can’t see the HMV trailer, as I REFUSE to install Silverlight on this machine. Play one is good. Zavvi one could be better, but as has been said, worth it purely for the model shot at the end. It’s the poppadom line on all versions of the trailer which bugs me the most. It’s not even remotely amusing. A terrible choice of line to leave the audience with. Embarrassing.
A couple more pictures in this lot we haven’t seen before. Just a heads-up – the Mirror appear to have higher-quality versions of all of these pictures, as well as a couple more individual shots that I haven’t seen in the other sets floating around. Here’s a link to the page with the gallery on it: The full-size versions initially look like they have some sort of watermark added in the bottom-right corner – however, this is just the Mirror’s gallery adding this on the fly. Right-clicking the current image and selecting “View Image” (or your browser’s equivalent option) will allow you to view the image at full size without the offending overlay. Thought I’d better give you all a heads-up on this, as I haven’t seen this one mentioned anywhere yet. = )
Argh those publicity shots really highlight how bissare Kryten looks… It really is quite unsettling how no one mentioned it during production. And I agree with the Popadom comment, I really hope they’re saving the mildly amusing lines for the series.
Naylor Jnr has posted an article about the RDX screening at UKTV which includes a high-res picture of Rimmer.
>But, you know that the die-hard fans (hello there! *waves*) won\’t be disappointed, which is essentially all that matters. I hate this sensibility.
Finally found the ‘trailer’ button on the zavvi site. The Blue Midget shot did NOT disappoint and the Rimmer picture on the Naylor blog is great. The Die Hard fans won’t be disappointed – even after Die Hard 4.0 (thanks as always to Richard Herring)
The Die Hard fans won’t be disappointed – even after Die Hard 4.0 (thanks as always to Richard Herring) I didn’t even know he was in it…
Ooh. Not only is today’s new Dave Podcast Special (featuring Danny John-Jules) now available (at, but there are also 4 new Cat-based photos up on the RDX News blog thing. We’ve already seen one of them in the last couple of days,but the other three are all new. Here y’are:
>But, you know that the die-hard fans (hello there! *waves*) won\’t be disappointed, which is essentially all that matters. I hate this sensibility. Crikey. All I meant was that the mega fans are just happy to see a new series produced. Of course we’ll find things to niggle over, but ultimately I doubt we’ll actually be disappointed. RN was clearly looking for reassurance, so I said something reassuring. I’ll make sure to express myself more clearly in future…
Ha! Is that a frequent occurrence, then?! ;>) Aaaaaaaaaanyway. Super super excited about watching all the episodes, can’t wait to get stuck into a dissection of each episode. Not that I procrastinate on the interwebz instead of doing some work, oh no.
As long as they say “smeg” I’ll be happy. You didn’t hear then? The word “Smeg” was deemed to be too rude and has been dubbed over with the word “fluff”
There’s a lovely, not-seen-before massive version of that cockpit photo on the official site today, too. Not that anyone notices these things. Sigh.
There’s a lovely, not-seen-before massive version of that cockpit photo on the official site today, too. Not that anyone notices these things. Sigh. It’s my desktop background. Has been for the last four hours.
>All I meant was that the mega fans are just happy to see a new series produced. Of course we’ll find things to niggle over, but ultimately I doubt we’ll actually be disappointed. Sorry if you were offended, but me and unconditional love haven’t worked since…ooh…about 1997. I consider myself to be a “real fan” which is *why* I have such misgivings over the last 19 episodes. I’m certainly not going to like something just because it’s Red Dwarf, it just gives it a fighting-chance. >Pete, stop scaring women away! Right, right. I have a real problem with that.
> There’s a lovely, not-seen-before massive version of that cockpit photo on the official site All I got there was ‘massive cock’. There’s nothing wrong with that, right?
All I got there was ‘massive cock’. There’s nothing wrong with that, right? Didn’t know your bread was buttered that side, Monkey…