
Yes, the unbelievably long-overdue documentary about this very special piece of television history has finally been released on DVD!

Headed by Rich Lawden (known as P2P Productions around these parts) and Lesley Manning, the original director of Ghostwatch, Behind The Curtains is a 90-minute exploration of the Screen One drama that sparked a furore that spread through the BBC and beyond.
Featuring interviews with the writer Stephen Volk, Lesley Manning, producers Ruth Baumgarten and Richard Broke, participants Craig Charles, Michael Parkinson, Sarah Greene and Mike Smith as well as contributions from people who have admired and been inspired by the show such as Andy Nyman and Kim Newman. Closer to home we have G&T residents Jonathan Capps and Tanya Jones as well as TORDFC’s Jo Sharples passing their $0.02 into the fold. Which is obviously excellent.

I’m also happy to say I was asked to contribute some animations that precede each chapter, a bit of sound design and a minor voice part…

It’s a brilliant piece of work that contains very frank and candid accounts of the processes of 1990s TV production as well as how the BBC dealt with the aftermath of Ghostwatch’s one and only airing to date on British screens, which is testament to the following that this programme has achieved for the past 21 years.

It’s being released through Lawman Productions at an introductory price of £12.99 (+ £1.95 p+p) for a limited time so get it while it’s a lil’ bit cheaper!

To whet your appetite, it’s probably worth listening to the PipesCast we did back in May 2010 (which just goes to show how long we’ve been waiting for this documentary to bubble to the surface).

So, you know. Go get it!

24 comments on “Ghostwatch: Behind The Curtains Released!

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  • No, just the documentary, and teaser trailer.

    The original show was released by the BFI (with extras, and is now quite rare). It was re-released not long back, though – and should still be available. :)

  • Yeah, auctions, etc. are often the best bet if on the lookout for the BFI disc – doubt there are many new copies – most are usually second-hand. Friend of mine found a near mint copy at a car-boot a few months ago, so they are still out there.

  • No, just the documentary, and teaser trailer.

    That’s a shame. I’ve never seen it. Still if it’s cheap on ebay maybe it would be worth picking up.

    On the other hand, having not seen the original broadcast and thus being in on the joke, it’s unlikely to have the same impact.

    Then again aybe it will be entertaining in a different way for that very reason.

  • Ordered it today and I’m gonna have another listen to the Pipescast as well.

    I was watching on original broadcast thanks to the smegazine. Anything vaguely Red Dwarf related was must see in 1992. Ghostwatch was extraordinary though and couldn’t be done now for lots of reasons. Looking forward to a fascinating watch.

  • ChrisM it’s well worth a watch, no matter what angle you’re coming from as a viewer. Ghostwatch will always fascinate me, and what I love is seeing other people’s reaction to it (I tried to make my sister believe it had been a genuine live show when I first got the DVD…worked for about 25 minutes lol)

    I can’t wait to check out this doc! Obviously lots of work has been done to make it happen so I think I shall reward that with a prompt purchase. :)

  • On the other hand, having not seen the original broadcast and thus being in on the joke, it’s unlikely to have the same impact.

    I hadn’t seen the original broadcast when I first watched it. I knew what it was all about. I was “in on the joke”. And it’s still one of the most genuinely unsettling experiences I’ve ever had.

    Get it watched.

  • On the other hand, having not seen the original broadcast and thus being in on the joke, it’s unlikely to have the same impact.

    I thought that… I hadn’t seen it all the way through til just before we did the PipesCast. Still works…

  • I hadn’t seen the original broadcast when I first watched it. I knew what it was all about. I was “in on the joke”. And it’s still one of the most genuinely unsettling experiences I’ve ever had.

    To be fair, coconuts unsettle you.

  • Hairy on the outside, milky on the inside.

    Er, you would prefer the other way round??

  • That was a great watch, I’ve definitely seen bits of Ghostwatch since it was broadcast but I don’t think I’ve watched the whole thing for over 20 years.

    I will be getting the DVD soon, there are two different releases aren’t there? Have any cuts been made? I’ve heard that the BFI version is the one to get.

    Nice to see the cat at the very end sniffing to camera.

  • There are two releases but as far as I’m aware no cuts are made to either, only i think the BFI release has Stephen Volk and Lesley Manning commentary on it, the later re-release has simply the programme on it.

  • @MANI506 @performingmonkey Cheers! :)

    And yes, just adding to what Danny says above – no cuts were made to either version, although the more recent DVD re-release has the original Screen One Ident at the very beginning but no extras (BFI disc has animated menus, commentary, mini doco & PDFs).

  • Nice to see the cat at the very end sniffing to camera.

    This is Donna, a stupid prick who constantly gatecrashes our DwarfCasts.

  • A wonderful documentary, well worth the wait. It’s well-edited and informative, and the graphics by Mr Danny Stephenson are both beautifully rendered and fit the mood of the film perfectly. In-depth, amusing and also serving as an interesting discussion about the relationship between television and the media, this is essential viewing.

    Well done everyone :)

  • Only a tenner at DJ. Watched it late Friday Night. As quality as the dwarf docs. About a fascinating subject. Everyone should take foxhill drive home.

  • Thanks for all the comments, BTW, guys. :) Was great getting feedback within 24 hours!

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