Friday morning’s traditional release has ended up more exciting than usual this week, with a slow drip feed of SIX new production stills from Red Dwarf XI appearing on the official account. The sixth was revealed on the more traditional TOS update and with it comes this gallery of gorgeous high resolution versions. Join us after the jump for some of our thoughts on this pant wettingly exciting MEDIA DUMP.


A Skutter is back! And it’s not a CG glove puppet! It’s hard to tell whether this is a new build or based somewhat off an old VIII prop, but it’s looking very handsome indeed. Speaking of handsome, Chris Barrie must have thighs of steel if he managed to get through a scene while squatting like that, especially considering the extra weight of his wig.


This shot is just cool as fuck. This is the lovely looking location we’ve likely seen previously although depending on the light, Cat *might* be wearing a different jacket here so I could be wrong. This shot gives off so many Series V vibes, I’m starting to properly see what the various Set Reporteers were referring to about the production design this series.


Now this guy we’ve definitely seen before, the creepy fuck. The production values on show here are quite something. The quality of location, costume and physical effects are unlike anything we’ve seen since the BBC days, and we’ve not seen a nightmare inducing monster quite on this scale since Dr. Lanstrom and her melty face.

Oh my God, it’s Sammy the Squib! My keen detective instincts suggest to me that this might be a still from the series premiere Twentica, what with the fact that both America and prohibition is mentioned in the synopsis and this certainly looks like that era. Also, I might be wrong here, but among the lovely backdrop I think I spy studio lights in the top right, suggesting this is a very nice looking set.


Lister and Cat playing the old video games, there. This is the first glimpse we’ve had at the new bunk room, and it seems relatively the same as before although the old sofa has been replaced with something a little more battered but tasteful. I can’t believe the Cat would ever sit on it wearing that suit, though, he clashes horribly.


Ah, an actual official picture of the Starbug cockpit! How very novel. For the first time we see how it will actually intend to look on screen, and the blue that was previously reported is very much in evidence here, although the cockpit door at the back looks more like the traditional green. The details in general look perfect (I especially love the controls) and at no point in my entire life will I ever fail to find “NOT ALERT” hilarious.

I have to say, the promotion and build up to this series has so far been excellent. Teasers have been thick and fast and, especially in the case of today, extremely generous. With a lot of people expecting a trailer it’s quite impressive that they managed something arguably as exciting.

85 comments on “Six of the best

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  • I love all six of these, but that Kryten pic is fantastic. It captures so much that Red Dwarf has largely failed to do these last 20 years. (ie. tone; a sense of adventure; dynamic lighting; Kryten in a trenchcoat, etc.)

    Also note the bunk wall colour is yellow-orange now, which was indicated in one of the set reports I believe. I also love how a blender is sitting next to a can of lager. I can foresee some gag related to a naff concoction Lister makes.

  • Series 8 Skutters….I have a bad feeling about this!

    All joking aside these pictures are fantastic have and really have me pumped about these new episodes, these photos alone have captured a Red Dwarf style that has been lacking for a very long time. I just hope this holds true for the writing aswell!

    ….also I don’t really mind they are using series 8 model Skutters, their design is about the only thing I actually like about series 8!

  • That droid is now looking like the devils henchmen in time bandits and anyone who’s had to wear medical plastic gowns for operations etc will fucking hate that look (in a good scary way)

    It’s looking better than X, BTE, & VIII in style, In fact i think I like it overall costume and set, design and stuff more than VI.

  • That’s it. The nick of Kryten’s fat balloon hands have frikkin well ruined this whole thing for me now.

  • These pics are a good indication of what I suspected – that Red Dwarf is back and kicking bottom. You can’t deny that they’ve certainly captured the look and feel of the classic era, and they weren’t lying when they said these ones had a bigger budget than Series X.

    The Kryten photo is especially wonderful. Now they’ve hosed him down, given him a hat and a trenchcoat, just like the good old days! That pic alone transported me right back to 1993.

    If the writing is strong too (and from what I saw at the Series XII recording I was at, it is), then we’re most probably in for the Red Dwarf we’ve all been waiting for.

    Yes, I’m excited.

  • Love most of these pics (yes, Cat’s suit appears to be the same one as before) – they feel wonderfully atmospheric and definitely hark back to IV, V and VI, in particular ‘Quarantine’ and ‘Back to Reality’.

    Kryten’s balloon hands, as mentioned, are awful. The NOT ALERT gag already feels forced, and I don’t even know what it’ll be.

    My issue with the UKTVPlay / Dave air date controversy is whether the online broadcast timing will be the same as the Dave on air timing – as in, we could potentially have to choose between watching the preview of the next episode online or watching the previous episode on TV.
    It’s a really daft way of doing it – and a WHOLE WEEK in advance? – even by one day would have still achieved their goals, but they’ve now gone and ruined it for everyone. *petulant foot stamp*

  • My issue with the UKTVPlay / Dave air date controversy is whether the online broadcast timing will be the same as the Dave on air timing – as in, we could potentially have to choose between watching the preview of the next episode online or watching the previous episode on TV.

    Can’t really see them being quite *that* stupid, to be fair. But who knows?

  • Spectacular. These really showcase the phenomenal performances, direction, lighting, set design, etc that a lucky few were able to witness at the recordings. Exciting times!

  • Not that it matters but the photo of Lister and Cat is definitely from a series XII episode I saw recorded, and apparently the bunk room decor changed between XI and XII?

  • Some gorgeous photos – overall looks like a real step up from Series X production-wise! Thoughts on individual pics below:

    #1 – Lovely to see a Skutter back in the show! Looks like the Series VIII build and colour to me – part of me wishes they’d sprayed them slightly darker to match the original Series I builds, but I suspect the lighter blue will stand out better against XI’s grungy-looking sets. Hope they actually have something to do in the episode(s) in which they appear rather than just being there for nostalgia’s sake. Rimmer’s hair will admittedly take some getting used to – think the lack of any curls is what’s making it look strange – but we’ve already seen it in the cast promo pic and it looked a bit better there. This is also probably the least interesting pic lighting-wise – looks a lot more like Series X than any of the other pics.

    #2 – Atmospheric as hell. Lighting is wonderful, and having the freedom to do a proper location shoot looks like it’s helped the atmosphere side of things immensely! Aside from the ages of the cast, this could literally be straight out of Series V.

    #3 – Practical effects? Check. Grungy pumphouse location? Check. Creepy looking antagonist? Check. Four thousand, six hundred and ninety-one irradiated haggis? …Smeg off, dog-food breath!
    …Being serious, though – yes, the aesthetic of the droid’s design is a little different to what’s been seen on Dwarf before – having different designers will do that. Still looks like an awesome creation from this and the previous pic, and I’m looking forward to seeing it on-screen in all its freakish glory!

    #4 – Lovely lighting and costuming, and an expansive looking ‘outdoor’ set. More evidence that Kryten’s mask looks a-OK under proper lighting – though agree that the less-detailed hands look a bit more naff than what we’ve had previously. Still, we’re stuck with them for XI and XII as far as we know, so better get used to them! If everything else looks as good as it does here, I’m sure I’ll find them easy to ignore in the episodes themselves.

    #5 – Ah, sitting on the sofa with a cat and playing video games. Classic way to spend an evening. Lighting looks relatively plain as is the norm for the bunkrooms across the series, but slightly more interesting than Series X – a little less flat is the only way I can describe it, so hopefully that makes sense. Can see some of the tweaks to the Series X bunkroom – different coloured backing to the bunks, seating at the table is different, some minor wall detailing appears to have possibly changed. And, of course, the sofa! Still not sure on the idea of having one in the bunkroom even after all this time. Still, this one’s a lot more beat-up and grungy than the previous one, and seems to fit in a little better with the overall aesthetic of the room. Headcanon is that Rimmer mandated this change due to this one being actual leather and therefore classier, and had the Skutters flush the old one out of an airlock. This can be seen in the mini-episode “Sofa, So Good”, which at present (and in future) exists only inside my head. = P

    #6 – Starbug action sequence! Lovely to see such a recognisable version of the Starbug cockpit too – it was always going to look a bit different since it’s been constructed from scratch, but the layout and overall look is very similar to the latter-day Starbug and the two major changes (blue uplighting and that massive green swing-door) hopefully shouldn’t take too long to get used to. Love Cat’s outfit in this one – sort of a cross between his outfits from “The Beginning” and “Confidence and Paranoia”.

    Very excited about this series now – only thing that could whet my appetite any more would be a trailer…! (Hint, hint, RD production crew…! = P)

  • The NOT ALERT gag already feels forced, and I don’t even know what it’ll be.

    I assume the “NOT ALERT” is a sight gag in the set design, I think it would be redundant if they draw attention to it with another joke…..which I hope they don’t.

  • All Kryten’s face-related worries are now set aside, that picture is a distillation of Classic Kryten through and through. Wonderful stuff.
    The whole lot look really great. The step up in production quality is immediately evident, and just adds to my feeling that X was a series I/II style reintroduction, and XI/XII will be a stylistic continuation of VI. Or something.

  • These pictures look fantastic. And it’s getting me even more excited for the new series. Just to see visually what they have managed to achieve this time around.

    I always finding it a little jarring when the door at the back of Starbug’s cockpit is closed. Other than on a couple of occassions (Rimmer teaching Kryten to drive Starbug, and Ace and Kryten talking in private) the only other time I can think of it being closed is at the start of Series 8 when it was clearly shut to hide the fact there set didn’t extend into the mid section.

    Obviously we don’t know what the situation is here, it maybe shut for a reason, but it looks as though it could be for the same reason, no extended set into the mid section. In which case, whilst seeing Starbug make a return it’ll be a little disappointing that it’s only the cockpit we see. Unless of course the sets are separated. We’ll just have to wait and see.

  • Obviously we don’t know what the situation is here, it maybe shut for a reason, but it looks as though it could be for the same reason, no extended set into the mid section. In which case, whilst seeing Starbug make a return it’ll be a little disappointing that it’s only the cockpit we see. Unless of course the sets are separated. We’ll just have to wait and see.

    We do know there is a mid section because some people from UKTV posted a photo of the Starbug set with the door open and you could see a bit of the Mid section thought the door……it was taken down but there are still leaks of that photo floating around online and even here on this site!

  • Obviously we don’t know what the situation is here, it maybe shut for a reason, but it looks as though it could be for the same reason, no extended set into the mid section. In which case, whilst seeing Starbug make a return it’ll be a little disappointing that it’s only the cockpit we see. Unless of course the sets are separated. We’ll just have to wait and see.

    We do know there is a mid section because some people from UKTV posted a photo of the Starbug set with the door open and you could see a bit of the Mid section thought the door……it was taken down but there are still leaks of that photo floating around online and even here on this site!

    Oh well I completely missed that. I take everything back then

  • The lighting and production value in these pics are so fucking beautiful and amazing, but for me, the one with Lister and Cat with bazookoids really stands out! Instantly evokes V & VI goodness! I’m not slagging of Series X when I say but it just looks so different and miles ahead of it, in terms of look and feel.

    The Kryten pic instantly took my back to Gunmen of the Apocalypse and Back to Reality.

    The only little niggle for me is Rimmer’s hair. It just seems too flat and not a style I could see him going with. But honestly, I think it won’t take too long to get used to.

    Not that it matters but the photo of Lister and Cat is definitely from a series XII episode I saw recorded, and apparently the bunk room decor changed between XI and XII?

    Yeah, I thought it looked like it was from the episode of XII I saw recorded when I first saw the pic!

  • Did I spot a Father Ted reference in your writing?


    TOP TIP: Copy and paste this sentence somewhere so you can easily reuse it for literally everything I write.

  • Not that it matters but the photo of Lister and Cat is definitely from a series XII episode I saw recorded, and apparently the bunk room decor changed between XI and XII?

    Yes, that’s definitely the same Series XII episode we saw, unless they’ve reedited one of the storylines (involving the blender) into a Series XI episode instead? But I can imagine that being quite difficult to do. Some of the changes to the bunk room that people are noticing, if I remember correctly, were only changed between XI and XII.

  • These are incredible, way beyond high expectations. I’m going to have to start wearing pants again so I can wet them????

  • I too immediately thought of the Series XII episode upon seeing the Lister & Cat pic, though we’ve probably established that by now.

  • I’d like to know this Father Ted reference… I read it all 3 times and I’m not sure. The third time I read it in an Irish accent.
    “Playing the old video games, there”…?
    I thought I was a Father Ted fan and now I don’t know who I am or what my name is.

  • That was it although I realise I completely misquoted.

    And that’s my deliberate mistake this week!

  • And it was brilliant.

    Really excited for the episode with the disturbingly realistic surgeon-droid thing. I hope it’s played straighter than the Simulants in The Beginning.

  • I thought ‘Set Reporteers’ was this week’s?
    (Insert a plainly passive-aggressive winking emoji here.)

    Thank you for the clarification! I hope to see another in your next article.

  • That was intentional…? Of course!
    I’m a total dick.
    I’m enjoying thinking of you saying that to your English teacher, though. “As in ‘Roboteers’, miss.”

  • Seems the flight yokes are connected to each other this time, nice touch. Though I suppose it is just the interior of a Boeing 747 so they come like that. Still, makes it feel a bit more real for us watching (and Danny and Craig).

    Production value is off the fooking chain.

  • Basically everything about these stills looks more expensive and cinematic than X. Particularly Twentica Kryten.

    The only shot that even looks visually like X is the one of the skutter, and that has a skutter in it.

  • Just to come over all Negative Nelly for a moment – these stills do look great, let’s just hope the scripts are up to snuff, eh?

  • Just to come over all Negative Nelly for a moment – these stills do look great, let’s just hope the scripts are up to snuff, eh?

    Up to Snuff? How very dare you. We dont want another episode ending like Entangled thank you very much!!

  • Scripts and acting really. Lister seemed to have lost his Liverpudlian accent in X and Lister and Kryten were in full blown panto mode in many scenes, especially that phone scene in Trojan.

  • Craig Charles’ accent has indeed softened and drifted slightly Manc-wards for the Dave era.

    Obvious in-universe explanation – Lister has been obsessively listening to the audiobook of Backwards.

  • Norman Lovett might have just thrown a hint that he is in either Red Dwarf XI or XII as he was on radio saltire today and the interviewer asked how he felt about his time on the show and Norman claimed he wasn’t quite done with the show yet saying he ain’t sure he could say anything though and at the end of the interview said he felt he might have said to much and shouldn’t have said anything.

    Most of the interview was same old though, favourite episode “Queeg”, favourite scene “everybody is dead dave”, he adlipped the “i should have never let him out in the first place line” apparently, which i didn’t know.

  • How very interesting. If true, I bet that was a treat for the audience that saw that episode (depending on if he behaved himself actually!)

  • Hope that’s true, I genuinely hadn’t expected him to pop back. Could be 12.6 which sounds like it might have something akin to flashbacks in it (my unsolicited guess – “Past Echoes”).

  • Basically everything about these stills looks more expensive and cinematic than X. Particularly Twentica Kryten.

    The only shot that even looks visually like X is the one of the skutter, and that has a skutter in it.

    To be fair though in Series X they wasn’t given much budget compared to other Series and the new Series. It was still better than anything from Series VII and VIII

  • These stills are so more visually interesting than X. They’re never too dark even in the low light situations, and the lighting absolutely deserves the praise it was getting in the set reports. Not only that, but these shots are flat out composed and framed in a much more interesting and cinematic style, particular the still of Lister and Cat with bazookoids and the one of Twentikryten. I’m really digging the bluer tint to the grade, which gives this series a distinct look from any other but isn’t overwhelming. I’m interested to see if XII carries on this exact style or if they deliberately change it up a bit, as other elements were reportedly changed between the two. At the very least, from a visual standpoint I’m curious if the bluer grade will carry over.

    I think they should go for hideous high contrast blue and orange with no other colors, like all American cinema of the past fifteen years.

  • Awesome. Hopefully it wont be a one off and he will be a regular in one of the Series

    He did sound fully aware he may have put his foot in it so i am gonna guess he won’t be showing up as a regular, it probably makes sense for him to show up in episode 6 of series XII but who knows.

  • On the subject of XII, Doug has said on twitter that he’s editing the last episode at the moment. Someone asked him how long after XI it would air and he replied “12 months, probably.” Whilst I wouldn’t expect (or want) XII to be rush released, I had hoped for a slightly earlier airing. Still, maybe we’ll get some sort of teaser trailer at the end of XI or on the DVD?

  • A full year’s gap sounds perfect to me. Wouldn’t want them to blow their load – this could be the last Dwarf ever.

  • A full year’s gap sounds perfect to me. Wouldn’t want them to blow their load – this could be the last Dwarf ever.

    Unless the show was a complete commercial failure, I’d find it mad if these two series were the last (unless it turns out that that was always the plan). It seems like Dwarf has finally managed to get back to the production values of the BBC era and we have two seasons lined up. I know filming two series at once is cost effective but I’m also hoping it means that Dave/GNP/Baby Cow will start working towards filming XIII/XIV at the end of 2017/early 2018 if XI is a success. For the first time since Dwarf has come back it feels like we could get a proper run of series and, as unbelievably lucky as we are to have 2 series of Red Dwarf coming our way (I still can’t quite believe it) with the production values I think we’ve all been hoping for, I’d find it a bit disappointing if the show ended just as it seemingly got started again.

    But yes, I agree. A full year’s gap seems perfect.

  • Norman Lovett might have just thrown a hint that he is in either Red Dwarf XI or XII.

    I’d rather not know this. I’m one of the worst around for seeking out spoilers, but if that turns out to be true (and I strongly suspect it will do), and if it’s the last episode of RDXII, for example, I’ll be spending all my time expecting what is supposed to be a surprise. It’ll certainly lack that ‘Tom Baker In Day Of The Doctor’ thrill.

    Unless, of course, they were to officially announce his casting some weeks in advance, rendering my moaning pointless.

    Now give me my ball back.

  • I don’t doubt that everyone involved will *want* to make a thirteenth series, but I deliberately remain pessimistic due to the various logistical concerns. Now that Craig’s not in Corrie, it makes it easier to get the gang together, but still difficult, and I’m not sure what the upper age limit is for a man being encased in rubber all day.

  • A full year’s gap sounds perfect to me. Wouldn’t want them to blow their load – this could be the last Dwarf ever.

    Unless the show was a complete commercial failure, I’d find it mad if these two series were the last (unless it turns out that that was always the plan). It seems like Dwarf has finally managed to get back to the production values of the BBC era and we have two seasons lined up. I know filming two series at once is cost effective but I’m also hoping it means that Dave/GNP/Baby Cow will start working towards filming XIII/XIV at the end of 2017/early 2018 if XI is a success. For the first time since Dwarf has come back it feels like we could get a proper run of series and, as unbelievably lucky as we are to have 2 series of Red Dwarf coming our way (I still can’t quite believe it) with the production values I think we’ve all been hoping for, I’d find it a bit disappointing if the show ended just as it seemingly got started again.
    But yes, I agree. A full year’s gap seems perfect.

    Absolutely agree. It would be a shame to end the Series in Series XII when Red Dwarf is getting back to its old roots. Especially if they bring back Normal Lovett in the last episode of Series XII. Would be great to have him back regular for another Series or two. If they did one or two more Series after XII ideally two I would be pleased for them to then end the Series with a bang. But if they wanted to do more Series after that I would be more than happy to see them I’m just thinking about their ages. Because of their ages if they are to do another few Series it may be better to film back to back like they did with XI and XII

  • I asked on twitter innit.

    Oh yeah I’ve just noticed it. He most know some information we don’t or he is confident about Series XIII brilliant news

  • I wonder if Doug knows how he wants to end Red Dwarf. If he does I hope we get to see that, a proper last episode written as such.

    If Doug’s already thinking about ideas for XIII maybe he’s asked Norm if he’d be up for it, and that’s what Norm was on about.

  • If Series XIII does get commissioned in response good ratings on XI, my hope is that they shoot it in late 2017 so that we can get another consecutive year of Dwarf.

    I’d say XIV too, but I don’t want to get my hopes any more absurdly high than they already are.

  • I can’t really imagine looking towards Series XIII or XIV – faaaaar too early in the day for that. Let’s take it one at a time, shall we? It should only happen if the ideas and jokes are strong enough for it to continue.

    I’d even suggest that the setting might need a change a la Series 6. I’m not sure that the same old scenarios but with, say, a 60-year-old Rimmer are that enticing a prospect. If we’re getting old-school Dwarf for the next couple of series then after that it might be time to bring the whole shebang to a close in an interesting way.

  • They should just have the Back to Reality reality be the real one and set XIII in a fascist retirement home.

    …I mean, I don’t know how that could possibly work. But it’d have Duane Dibbley! People love Duane Dibbley! “D’oh!”

  • If Series XIII does get commissioned in response good ratings on XI, my hope is that they shoot it in late 2017 so that we can get another consecutive year of Dwarf.

    I’d say XIV too, but I don’t want to get my hopes any more absurdly high than they already are.

    The trouble is with episodes being shown a week earlier I think it will affect ratings unless they go off all viewing

  • I can’t really imagine looking towards Series XIII or XIV – faaaaar too early in the day for that. Let’s take it one at a time, shall we? It should only happen if the ideas and jokes are strong enough for it to continue.

    I’d even suggest that the setting might need a change a la Series 6. I’m not sure that the same old scenarios but with, say, a 60-year-old Rimmer are that enticing a prospect. If we’re getting old-school Dwarf for the next couple of series then after that it might be time to bring the whole shebang to a close in an interesting way.

    I think another another 2 series can be done if they record them back to back but time is running out age wise

  • Doug hasn’t really given off the idea that XII is the last series so the idea of a series XIII isn’t surprising, perhaps with babycow onboard things will move forward a little quicker and if so i think the best thing they could do if thats the case is make it ASAP as they have done a fairly good job of keeping the cast looking good but that will get more and more difficult as time goes on.

    Although personally i am abit mixed on the idea because while a part of me wants the show to just keep going there is another part of me thats worried its gonna be alot of mixed quality stuff over the next few years which makes me think the show might be better to quit while its ahead.

  • I’m definitely up for something being written as a ‘final series’. Obviously The Beginning and the XII closer (from what we’ve heard) have been written to work nicely as last episodes if necessary, but a proper big final series with definite closure is something I’ve always wanted.

  • That’s something else I am abit mixed about because on one end after all these series it would be nice to have some conclusion but on another end it might just be better to leave it open so the idea they are still having adventures is still there since then you can make release books or comics to continue the story etc etcs

    Also giving shows real endings are quite tough to do as there has been many to shows that disappointed with their final episode as not everyone ends up happy with how they end, and just look at the original ending idea for series 8 with red dwarf crashing back to earth creating a tidle wave wiping out a population, yes we could have got that!

  • I know a lot of people would probably disagree with me, but for the ‘final episode’ I’d like them to do some kind of event TV movie. A big budget 2 hour episode where they finally return to Earth. Of course, the comedy and remaining faithful to what Dwarf is would be the most important.

  • Nah, the show has never been about getting back to Earth. Let’s not forget that if they’d televised Garbage World as planned we’d never even be considering it.

    I maintain the premise of the show is hidden within the most important line of dialogue ever spoken in Red Dwarf: “it’s a love story across time, space, death and reality”. Interpret that whichever way you want but that’s 100% true.

  • I know a lot of people would probably disagree with me, but for the ‘final episode’ I’d like them to do some kind of event TV movie. A big budget 2 hour episode where they finally return to Earth. Of course, the comedy and remaining faithful to what Dwarf is would be the most important.

    No I agree. It would be Listers dream and a good ending. Maybe they can all be humanised. Lister sees Kochanski alive on earth and goes off with her.

  • I typed that on the bus home and switched the phone off confident in the knowledge I’d posted something interesting and sweet. The bus didn’t even move between that thought and ‘oh shit, it sounds like I mean Tumblr bum-bum’.

    Still, I’m sticking with it, Tumblr bum-bum or no Tumblr bum-bum.

    (And still that’d be preferable to my teenage paddy after the Identity Within script went offline.)

  • I know a lot of people would probably disagree with me, but for the ‘final episode’ I’d like them to do some kind of event TV movie.

    Maybe a big 30th Anniversary special in 2018, and call it quits then?
    I have to agree that being sixty-odd years old and still encased in rubber is probably not really great for Robert.

  • Just realised that one more six-part series would take us to 79 episodes, Just like Star Trek TOS. That’d be a number to go out on.

  • Have you got into slash since you were last here, Darrell?

    If he has, he’ll be in good company. ;-)

  • I typed that on the bus home and switched the phone off confident in the knowledge I’d posted something interesting and sweet. The bus didn’t even move between that thought and ‘oh shit, it sounds like I mean Tumblr bum-bum’.

    Still, I’m sticking with it, Tumblr bum-bum or no Tumblr bum-bum.
    (And still that’d be preferable to my teenage paddy after the Identity Within script went offline.)

    Tumblr bum-bum? That’s selling us a bit short isn’t it? When you write about two blokes, trapped in space, you’ve got to get creative. ;-)

  • Just realised that one more six-part series would take us to 79 episodes, Just like Star Trek TOS. That’d be a number to go out on.

    Better to go emulating Star Trek: The Original Series than TNG, which even though good, never found it home on the big screen unlike TOS, with Wrath Khan, Search Spock & Undiscovered Country

  • It doesnt really matter about Star Trek this is Red Dwarf which is its own show we don’t need to emulate .79 or 85 would be nice

  • Here is the interview with norman lovett from a couple of days ago if you wanna judge for yourself on his not finished with red dwarf yet comments, it starts around the 09:50 mark

    Make sure you pause the audio up top before playing it though otherwise you will be getting double audio ;p

  • Or you could go to the direct link instead (skip to 11:10) –

    Also, would Craig have left Corrie, a steady, permanent-ish job for him, just to do 2 series of RD (which amounted to a few months of filming) and then not do any more. I’m sure Craig left Corrie in the knowledge that there were going to be more than just 2 series of RD left. That, or he is incredibly loyal to the guys on the show.

  • The trouble is with episodes being shown a week earlier I think it will affect ratings unless they go off all viewing

    I can’t imagine they would be doing a promotion like this without taking the online ratings into consideration.

  • The trouble is with episodes being shown a week earlier I think it will affect ratings unless they go off all viewing

    I can’t imagine they would be doing a promotion like this without taking the online ratings into consideration.

    Its not a massive promotion yet in Back to Earth and Series XI the full cast appeared in full costume at the premier but let’s hope so

  • Or you could go to the direct link instead (skip to 11:10) –

    Also, would Craig have left Corrie, a steady, permanent-ish job for him, just to do 2 series of RD (which amounted to a few months of filming) and then not do any more. I’m sure Craig left Corrie in the knowledge that there were going to be more than just 2 series of RD left. That, or he is incredibly loyal to the guys on the show.

    Blimey, their interface is absolute shit, isn’t it? There doesn’t seem to be any reasonable way to spin on to a particular time stamp.

    Edit: Oh, it’s because I’m in America and they hate me. Lovely. Carry on.

  • That photo was used in Rob’s blog post about his experience watching the first ep at the preview.
    (He liked it.)

  • That top picture with Rimmer & the skutter, deleted scene or Series XII? Or am I being thicker than thickie Holden and have missed it completely?

  • I think it’s from the first scene of Give & Take, but it’s possibly a different angle/framing to how it was shown on TV (see also the shot of Krysis in the opening sequence that looks different in the episode itself).

  • It would appear that only half of these are from series XI, as we see 2 cat suits we didn’t see in the episodes and the bunks are different….so my guess is that half of these are from series XII.

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