VIDEO. BROADCAST DATE. MODEL SHOT. ONLINE? News Posted by Jonathan Capps on 12th August 2016, 10:45 Well, there really is quite a bit to take in here. The official social media accounts have all, in one way or another, revealed the Dave *broadcast* date for Twentica to be Thursday, 22nd September at 9pm, placing it roughly around the same time as most people’s best guesses. We are all certainly very pleased that UKTV were considerate enough to fit things into our Series X DwarfCast schedule so neatly. This will presumably put Series XI among the illustrious company of 31 previous episodes to premiere on a Thursday. Wednesday remains as the only day of the week to not hold that particular honour. However, the very first thing you’ll notice from the video above a great long model shot of Red Dwarf itself, to the tune of a classic piece of interstitial music. I’m no expert (as if that isn’t plainly obvious after years of me writing this shit) but I believe that shot is motion control, and it feels very nice as a result. The ship itself has obviously gone through some CG trickery to put the Dave logo on there, but even so there’s something slightly odd and disconnected about how it looks against the backdrop. That said, as an indication of the quality of model shots in the series proper, I am very happy with this. Let’s go back to the broadcast date, though. As well as giving us the 22nd September, the end card of the video mentions a Preview on the 15th, a whole 7 days earlier. Are we talking about some sort of clip collection to whet the appetite? Or are UKTV really going to give the exclusive premiere of a whole episode to their online service 7 days before TV broadcast? As if so, is this for Twentica only or for the entire series? Online exclusives are certainly not unprecedented as it’s now very common for digital channels to funnel fans to their catch-up services to watch shows first, but if this was the strategy with Red Dwarf I couldn’t help but think this would be doing a huge disservice to the show. There’s no denying that watching habits are moving more and more to time-shifted services, and that’s great, but to cannibalise your broadcast audience for what should be a big event all focused on your channel would be a huge shame. Not to the mention the fact that our currently soundly asleep founder and Live DwarfCast producer would have an absolute heart attack at the implications for our post-broadcast offerings. So, there you have it, you can catch Twentica on the 22nd or possibly the 15th of September or, I dunno, just fucking watch it at one of the thousand different previews for all I care. EDIT: Doug Naylor has confirmed that the *entire* series will premiere one week early on UKTV Play. Blimey.
5 WEEKS 6 DAYS On a plus note for me, the episodes being on a Thursday means I won’t have to miss any when I go on a trip to London in October. I did when X was broadcast. Not this time!
Lovely stuff and yep, definitely a moco shot. Watching it again, the grading is a little weird, the image looks a bit washed out – but otherwise a great shot.
Doug has just tweeted to confirm that each episode will be shown online on UKTV Play one week before their respective TV broadcast dates. I really don’t like this. Now the dilemma of whether to watch online as soon as they become available or attempt to hold out for the official broadcast???
We are getting Twentica on the 15th. The whole series a week ahead of Channle Broadcast debut too. I understand your comment about the channle broadcast youve said in this article. But I watched 5 of 6 episodes of X on uktv play online in reality. (I only saw The beginning live on the channel as I was appearing on a dwarfcast after) For uktv the fact they ultimately need to make advert revenue at higher rates to fund red Dwarf production returns, and that adverts play in their online service too, with out the ability To skip them in fact, and often cus of reloads adverts play twice. Then if you like the episode you are massively likely to watch it A second time online with a click, and get a second lot of ads you can’t skip or repeated ads, (give or take mute) its probably more appealing to some advertisers to Be seen there with clicks to products often happening on them now. I personally dont care a jot if this is true. I still watch dwarf as soon as I can, i think any ratings system that doesn’t count 7 day time shifted and online views all together is a twat that doesn’t care about human eyes and brains, and lovely things like G&T make me feel like i am a part of a shared happening 24/7 when i log on as long as its recent read to me. Preview your dwarfcasts online 7 days before you put them online!!!! I do find it ironic though that some will bemoan technological changes Surrounding an episode that according to synopsis features an America where technological advancements are outlawed.
With series X I really enjoyed watching the shows on TV and then engaging in online reaction and the G&T reviews and instant reaction Dwarfcasts. This is how I want to experience series XI. So the question is will the reviews and Dwarfcasts immediately follow the online showings or the official broadcasts? I would much prefer to watch the shows in a traditional way on TV knowing that everyone else is watching at the same time, but personally don’t think I will have the willpower to wait. I also can’t help but worry about spoilers surfacing for people who don’t watch the shows until the broadcast dates.
Yes, date duly noted, entire series rewatch to get me really in the mood scheduled. As for the week online prior to broadcast: 1) Excellent 2) Fruatrating. A week of being afraid to share spoilers with those waiting til broadcast, and it fucks up the excellent live reaction Dwarfcasts you had for Series X. Mind you, I’m sure the devotees like us actually make up quite a small percentage of the total audience, and we’ll watch wherever, whenever and multiple times anyway. The casual audience, and those who aren’t as eager to watch online, are in the majority, so that’s nothing but a good thing for Dave. Anyway, it’s very definitely on its way now. And it very happily coincides with my week off work.
It’s ridiculous to split the audience like this. With all respect to Dave’s other original programming, it’s not a gameshow, it should be something that’s shared with everyone, with online available at exactly the same time so everyone at least roughly on the same page at any one point. DwarfCast discussion are ongoing. There are options, but none as good as the Series X solution we had.
I don’t like the preview idea at all, but I also know there isn’t a cat in hell’s chance that I won’t watch new dwarf as soon as it hits. IMO casts, forums etc should treat the “live” broadcast as a repeat, and just include as many spoiler warnings as possible. One question – I have a YouView box, but freeview only transmits Dave in SD. I can use YouView’s UKTV app, but is that in a better resolution?
On the 15th June this year, I sent the following email to my G&T colleagues: Dave/UKTV have released the first episode of the new series of Taskmaster on demand, ahead of the broadcast next week. I think they did the same for the new series of Alan Davis’s show. I hope they *don’t* do this for Dwarf. It’s messy. Perhaps I should have done a post on here instead of an email! No idea currently what this all means for our coverage, but we’ll perhaps be soliciting for your views in a formal manner over the next week or so. Mostly I’m just gutted that no matter what happens, it won’t be the same as it was four years ago. The best thing about there being new Dwarf is that us hardcore fans all got the shared experience of watching it at the same time, discussing it online the second it had finished, knowing that everyone else had just finished watching it too. There are huge debates to be had about traditional linear broadcasting vs on demand/online content delivery. Given that two of the G&T team work in transmission suites for major channels, and one of us works as a digital producer in the TV industry, we’re probably quite well placed to have that debate on here at some point. But even I, having spent my entire career trying to get telly people to embrace online platforms, think that there’s some things that traditional telly can’t be beaten on. You want new episodes of Red Dwarf to feel like an event. Only having everyone gathered round their respective screens *at the same time* can provide this. I don’t even know why they’re going big on the September 22nd date. The series starts on September 15th. And it’s not even premiering on Dave – UKTV Play is now the channel.
I am surprised they would do this as they may get less viewing figures for the channel showings. They must gain something from putting it on demand first.
>The ship itself has obviously gone through some CG trickery to put the Dave logo on there I don’t actually know the correct answer (could easily be either), but surely it’s just as feasible that they made a Dave logo for the bigature and glued it on for this shot?
They can check how many people request the show on demand and, if it doesn’t factor in to the ratings, they can still boast that they received X number of requests for the show to use in ads to demonstrate the shows popularity. I’m torn. I want to wait for the Dave HD showings, but if its going to be sitting there online waiting for me the temptation will be very big to just watch it there and then… Argh!
I do not like this. If they were going down the GoT route of making it available online from the morning of the broadcast date, that’d be fine, because those who couldn’t wait could watch it, but waiting until that evening to discuss it isn’t a huge hardship and then everyone gets to discuss the episode together. A week though? You’re splitting your audience, and making it so that discussion of the show is difficult. I can’t blame anyone for wanting to watch as soon as they can, but if you want to wait and actually watch the proper TV broadcast then you have to avoid fansites and constantly run the risk of being spoilered online for a week and/or then being left out of any episode discussion, given that the next episode will be released online and the discussion will move on. So what’s the benefit of waiting to watch the TV broadcast? Why make such a huge fanfare about 22nd September being the premiere date? It isn’t, by the time that date comes round, loads of people will have watched the episode, probably a number of times. If you’re going to do it this way and make online viewers your priority, then why not just dump the lot in one go? That’d make far more sense to me. This way just seems messy and problematic.
I don’t actually know the correct answer (could easily be either), but surely it’s just as feasible that they made a Dave logo for the bigature and glued it on for this shot? This is entirely more feasible, yes. Well done, you’ve found my deliberately placed stupid comment for this week!
I don’t even know why they’re going big on the September 22nd date. The series starts on September 15th. And it’s not even premiering on Dave – UKTV Play is now the channel. Why make such a huge fanfare about 22nd September being the premiere date? It isn’t, by the time that date comes round, loads of people will have watched the episode, probably a number of times. Agreed. The series premiere date should be considered the 15th and as soon as the episodes become available online should be considered the start time. Coverage should begin after episodes finish from the earliest instance. Anyone choosing to wait until the TV broadcast won’t be able to go online or even speak to anyone if they don’t want to risk be spoiled. I just hate that they’re doing it like this.
Watching the show as broadcast and laughing at the same time as everyone else and then indulging in a big bumper Dwarfcast – that’s the way I’m sure we all want to do this!
Really not on board with week earlier online preview either. I think Ian, Jo, and Ali have said it all better than I can, I’m just sad it won’t be like X where we’re all watching it on TV for the first time, at the same time.
Twentica was a week ago. We’re far more concerned at the moment about the quite hideous thing that’s happened in Samsara. Do these things usually go online at a specific time or are they stealth-added at some point after midnight?
No, not keen on this. I’m really not a fan of binge-watching. I like the dust to settle on an episode so you can reflect on it.. I’d like Red Dwarf to a be a treat spread over 6 weeks, not done and dusted in a day or two.
It just seems weird that after spending the best part of a year ordering people who went to the recordings to keep schtum so as not to spoil it in the meantime on social media for people who want to wait to watch it on TV, they’ve come up with a foolproof strategy to make sure those that really care about waiting to watch it on TV will get consistently spoiled on social media. Given that the whole gimmick about the advance promotion has been centred on the ‘lots of surprises’ and ‘big mystery guest stars’ angles it just seems such a kamikaze way to turn. Literally 100% of every episode will have been spoiled 7 days prior to TX, yet there’s still a recommended blanket ban on even naming unknown minor supporting cast members 5 weeks prior. Those are mutually exclusive ideas…! I’ve really enjoyed playing the guessing game all this time… so I dunno. I feel a bit sad, I’m slightly grieving for the loss of a big communal thing I was looking forward to living through. I’m waiting for TX even if it kills me – knowing there were a dozen Red Dwarfs to come was one of the reasons we upgraded to HD at Easter – but at what price now? I’m not angry or annoyed, just a bit disappointed. They’ve done everything right up to this point, it’s been a beautifully orchestrated year of PR. This really crashes into all that. At speed. Hopefully the fact that nobody really uses UKTV Play will save us all, it’s not the iPlayer or anything. I would certainly vote for a site policy which effectively considers the online versions to be spoilered ‘previews’ akin to the festival screenings and agrees to ignore them as much as possible. I can’t really think of another way you could do it without upsetting people. An online pre-launch irritatingly buggered up the premiere of The IT Crowd if you’ll recall. Maybe this is a 10th anniversary commemoration of that.
Whoops. Sorry I misunderstood. I thought the whole thing was being released early in one go (like Sky Atlantic did with Mid-Morning Matters Series 2). This is still crap, mind. Just not *that* crap.
I’m really annoyed at this whole thing. It’s fine if you want to watch it online and don’t really care about the quality, but if you planned to watch it as an event, on broadcast, in glorious HD (as I did), then this has fucked it for you. Unless you stay off the internet for the duration (by which I mean the whole 7 weeks), you’re going to know what happens in every episode and have any surprises spoiled before you sit down to watch it. I appreciate that there should be choice, some people prefer to watch online and that’s fine and that’s why the GoT method works, but the fact that there’s a whole fucking week between the online and broadcast option… honestly, it feels like a massive FUCK YOU to anyone who wanted to watch it on the TV. “HA! Watching your show on the TV are you Granddad? Well, don’t worry UKTV will make sure that you’ll constantly be a week behind and ruin the whole experience for you! YOU’RE WELCOME!” Yeah. I’m annoyed.
Are we sure Doug isn’t confused? Dave have done this with a number of other shows recently but it’s always been just the first episode, and Andrew has just said “first episode coming online” on Twitter…
I understand everybody’s concerns over it, although I can’t say I’m especially bothered personally – I’m happy to have it a week earlier. I watched the first series of The IT Crowd when it was premiered three or four days early on the Channel 4 website. Mind you – I was thinking of avoiding a lot of Dwarf stuff online for a while as I generally like to have a good idea of an episode and how I feel about it before discussing it with others. I like to feel I really know something before debating its finer points. edit: actually, giving my living situation, I was almost guaranteed to be watching this on my laptop anyway.
Watching it again, the grading is a little weird, the image looks a bit washed out – but otherwise a great shot. The grading looks very similar to how it was for the model shots in series X, which also had a tendancy to look fairly washed out at times….I’m guess likely the same people doing the grading as in X. That said, the model shot itself looked a lot nicer then most of what we saw last series, the movement of the camera alone looks much more dynamic.
Are we sure Doug isn’t confused? Dave have done this with a number of other shows recently but it’s always been just the first episode, and Andrew has just said “first episode coming online” on Twitter… Here’s hoping that’s the case. Given that Twentica will be previewed publicly at least twice before TX (Edinburgh and BAFTA), I’m not too concerned that it’s premiering on UKTVPlay on the 15th. Hopefully the rest of the series can simply appear online following its glorious HD transmission. Wishful thinking? Not sure why they’d choose to destroy the opportunity to all watch it at the same time. New Dwarf should be event TV :-(
I too am a bit unsure about the online availability a week before broadcast. With Series X, I enjoyed tweeting along whilst watching it and joining in with online discussions just after broadcast, then waiting impatiently for DwarfCasts, etc. It will be completely different this time around, everyone will be able to view the episode in their own time so the online mass discussion afterwards will be lost. However, I won’t be able to watch any of the episodes during broadcast on Dave this year as I’m deep into rehearsals for a performance at the end of October and main rehearsal times are on Thursday evenings until half 9, so my plans to tweet along and discuss episodes as they broadcast wouldn’t happen anyway, so perhaps the online availability is a good thing for me? I don’t know. I’m sure we’ll all find a way of making this schedule work for us but it’s just a shame it won’t be straightforward.
Additional: I wonder if episodes will only become available online from 9.40/10pm after the previous episode has aired on Dave? Or will they be available throughout the day. If availability has a set time, it might make it easier to treat that as broadcast time, and we can all watch it together.
Given that I’ll be using a VPN to watch the show anyway (got a lovely suggestion from Dave Gorman for what to use to watch UKTV Play in the US, cheers Davo) all this essentially means for me is that I get to watch Red Dwarf XI a little earlier than I’d planned.
So yeah, the online thing is annoying but it’s 2016 so it’s to be expected. I won’t be watching that crap 480p stream so I’ll wait for HD on TV. Now the model, I’m annoyed at the models. They’ve done a great job with this Red Dwarf, but there’s something going on that just makes it look like a lot of styrene and gundam parts in a room, rather than a 5 mile long ship flying through space. They seem to have motion control now, but my theory is they’re not filming it quick enough, it looks like it could just be broadcast framerate, maybe 50FPS for extra smoothness but the original ship shots were all like 120 FPS or something, it really adds weight. They can’t be filming high speed because you’d need a lot more light and they don’t seem to light Red Dwarf anymore, X was really dark aswell, there are billions of stars in space, chuck a light at the model stage. I think digital takes away from it too, maybe I’m making this up but I think the grain adds detail to large empty areas. Starbug as well. Ugly lumpy engine cowls and LED headlights! Noooo. Visible LEDs on models is a cardinal sin as far as I’m concerned, unless the model is about 8 foot long. Its going to look like 2 of those stick on night lights, if you think about it, a cluster of say 10 LEDs where Starbug’s lights are would mean to scale they’d be LEDs about 5″ in diameter. Apart from my model gripes, can’t wait.
“…but it’s 2016 so it’s to be expected” Is it to be expected? I don’t think it is. Well, maybe not putting it on a week in front – that seems excessive (though UKTV seem to do that with their original programming apparently) but yeah, TV thinks YouTube and Netflix et al are killing it so I expect it now. Everyone is pushing their own online platforms, regardless of how shit they are. ITV proudly boast about their player but the last time I used it it was like watching a 5th gen YouTube upload on a GameGear or something. I’m hoping a bit of targeted backlash will make UKTV just have the first week early but I’ll take Dwarf any way, if this is the way it’s going to be, then so be it.
It’s a good shot but it still doesn’t come close to this: Also found this FX reel from Space Precinct, which Bill Pearson and Steve Begg worked on in the 90s – it has some excellent RD-esque model work and lots of nice motion control shots.
I can understand the concern. But uktv need to make money from their products. If they feel they can earn more from advertising from this option then surely that only makes it more likely to produce more series. In terms of quality. Am I right in saying the on demand uktv platform on sky is hd and usually without ads. So those of you with that should have an acceptable quality version. I’ll be on the youview platform so proper streaming with ads but I’ve always found that acceptable. Online discussions I’ve seem elsewhere when there are different ways to view would be purely split into two threads Eg rdxi uktv play pace and rdxi dave pace. Allowing ample discussion space for however people choose to consume it. Finally in terms of your review article/podcast, guess that’s up to you guys. But I’d have thought this would appear after the online release, but you’d just have to be careful to keep anything which could be classed as a spoiler from the preview. I guess the only issue there is if you guys don’t want to watch it until it airs on dave, that would delay it. But guess that’s your call. Anyway the count down can properly start. And that model shot looks great and hopefully a good sign of the quality to come.
>I guess the only issue there is if you guys don’t want to watch it until it airs on dave, that would delay it. Because that should have to be an issue, obviously. Also, it’s not the “only” issue, by any stretch of the imagination. I’m still fucking fuming about this.
Online discussions I’ve seem elsewhere when there are different ways to view would be purely split into two threads Eg rdxi uktv play pace and rdxi dave pace. Allowing ample discussion space for however people choose to consume it. This is my problem with the whole thing in a nutshell. We’ve been robbed of the communal, shared experience of all watching new episodes of our favourite show together.
I wonder if this was a UKTV decision or something Doug wanted to try? Let’s hope they ditch this idea for Series XII.
I’m not a fan of this either. Definitely splits the audience. Would love to wait until the night of broadcast to watch communally then head to G&T for live reaction. Was such a fun and rewarding experience with Series X. Maybe we should all boycott the UKTV play broadcasts and wait until the actual night of broadcast? But I can understand if some people want to watch it earlier. A good move perhaps to cater to more casual fans, a bad move for the dedicated Red Dwarf community, IMO.
Definitely puts us – as a community – in an awkward situation. I’d love to be able to hold back and wait for TV broadcast, but it’s just not going to be possible, especially for episode one. I can just imagine anyone just popping by, just having an inquisitive nosey at the site ahead of the new series, looking at us moaning, gutting, thinking ‘they’re never fucking satisfied’. Oh well, fuck it.
I’m more pissed off the impact it’ll have on G&T’s coverage than anything else, to be honest. Robs us of the ‘event’ feeling.
Maybe we should all boycott the UKTV play broadcasts and wait until the actual night of broadcast? It’s a nice idea but one that I’m not sure would be practical. I don’t see how G&T, TORDFC etc. could carry on as normal trying to monitor Red Dwarf developments whilst ignoring a brand new episode for a week. I’m more pissed off the impact it’ll have on G&T’s coverage than anything else, to be honest. Robs us of the ‘event’ feeling. ^ This.
The episodes being online a whole week early seems a bit over the top (although a great strategy to draw viewers to their online video service), but everyone posting that this robs the ability of all fans to watch the episode at the same time should remember that many fans don’t live in GMT.
As I said above, “a good move perhaps to cater to more casual fans, a bad move for the dedicated Red Dwarf community, IMO.”
I don’t think anyone said “all fans”. Ian: The best thing about there being new Dwarf is that us hardcore fans all got the shared experience of watching it at the same time, discussing it online the second it had finished, knowing that everyone else had just finished watching it too. … This is my problem with the whole thing in a nutshell. We’ve been robbed of the communal, shared experience of all watching new episodes of our favourite show together. Stephen: Really not on board with week earlier online preview either. I think Ian, Jo, and Ali have said it all better than I can, I’m just sad it won’t be like X where we’re all watching it on TV for the first time, at the same time. ——————————————– It’s an interesting thing. As someone originally from the UK who now lives overseas, I’m happy it will be online a week early, since it means that there is a chance it might be on some online service here at the time it officially releases so I can participate in discussion without pirating the episodes. Can totally understand the mindset of wanting it to be an old fashioned tv experience, but wonder how much of the audience (and therefore money they will make) now comes from online and overseas viewers.
Sorry to see how effected & annoyed or perplexed some are by this method of release. Just genuinely want to say, i see that, and what ever comes i will always take interest in the future discussion of this show, at any time that it comes. As I am interested in each and every regular viewer/contributor/article writer/dwarf caster/site posting fan/personthatisntpecospete round these parts. Is it too soon to do the its a “can of worms” joke?? Yes? Ok I will fuck off .
For what it’s worth and because someone asked, the UKTV platform on Sky isn’t HD, and isn’t even full SD PAL either – looks around 400i. Noticed this when rewatching the first series of Taskmaster recently, which looked *very* soft. It’s also not quite the same catalogue of shows as the app/site either. Anyway, even if I *can* watch it on my TV I want to watch it in the lovely 720 height I’ve been looking forward to seeing it debut in (and am paying for). I refuse to feel like a luddite for wanting to play the game by its own rules. Besides, one of Red Dwarf’s selling points for at least 20 years has been its unusually high BARB ratings, even into the Dave era. This pretty much trashes that, and therefore the series will be perceived to have underperformed even if it hasn’t. That’s more than just a fan-politics issue, it’s something that could affect the brand.
Dave have paid for it. They get to do what they feel is best for the channel with it. What is best for Dave/UKTV is what is best for Red Dwarf. I would say that I can see absolute sense in the first episode being “previewed” a week early. Particularly as it seems like they have moved the best episode to first. It creates hype for the whole series. But doing the same for the rest of the series is a little strange. Saying that, the fact is that I don’t have a BARB box. I expect nobody on here does. Whereas when we watch on the UKTV Player our view WILL be counted. Our many views will be counted in fact.
THE STUPID BASTARDS! THEY’VE PUT IT ON THE WRONG WAY ROUND!! I won’t watch it online as I only watch stuff online when I’m working and not paying full attention. But I go on Twitter, and will begrudge the constant drip feed of spoilt jokes and bitching. In short, fuck.
This is happening, so let’s turn it into something positive! I’m seeing this as an excuse to watch the episodes more times than I would normally. IMO everyone should try to watch and focus on the online premiere of each episode, then it IS a communal experience. Then, the following week, enjoy a lovely rewatch of the episode, on Dave,where opinions may have changed etc. ‘what do we think of Twentica, one week on?’ Btw, many people have already seen the episodes recorded, so they’ve already had an extra-early preview; but that’s not really gonna mess up the whole shared experience of the new series, is it? Everyone’s gonna have a great time with IX, regardless. :)
Btw, if anyone’s less-than-happy with this model shot…maybe it was a) sped up?, b) setup quickly, just as something fun to do, with the Dave logo?
IMO everyone should try to watch and focus on the online premiere of each episode, then it IS a communal experience. Then, the following week, enjoy a lovely rewatch of the episode, on Dave,where opinions may have changed etc. ‘what do we think of Twentica, one week on?’ I really like this idea, the revisiting of opinion, but the whole immediacy of reaction – which is what we’re all so frustrated about – is still lost. If we all go online at the exact same moment on the 15th, maybe…
Suggestion: Have a discussion post for people who want to watch the online premiere, then have a separate one for the TV broadcast the following week. Restrict all spoilers to the online premiere thread until it’s been on TV.
What is best for Dave/UKTV is what is best for Red Dwarf. That doesn’t necessarily follow. What is “best” for Dave is whatever the higher-ups decide… and this’ll be whatever Red Dwarf is stuck with, for good or ill. Might work out fine, might not. To be honest, though, I don’t live in the UK so this turn of events isn’t going to bother me particularly. (runs off)
If Red Dwarf helps Dave/UKTV be more successful in the VOD market then of course that is good for Red Dwarf even if it means Red Dwarf isn’t as successful in conventional metrics (BARB).
NEW SPOILER PIC? (potential joke spoiler too) Delete as appropriate. Additional view of Starbug’s new interior (and mid-section) that I haven’t seen before:–ryffen8K–/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/et3viwdie3sbyyhu8ktq.jpg
NEW SPOILER PIC? (potential joke spoiler too) Delete as appropriate. Additional view of Starbug’s new interior (and mid-section) that I haven’t seen before:–ryffen8K–/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/et3viwdie3sbyyhu8ktq.jpg I think that was actually the first ever Red Dwarf XI/XII production leak. Not new I’m afraid.
SHUT UP! Where the fuck was I? I saw one with the door closed but not one with a woman driving AND the door open.
I’m gonna watch both because I am a die hard fan. I just hope it doesn’t affect the ratings on the tv
SHUT UP! Where the fuck was I? I saw one with the door closed but not one with a woman driving AND the door open.
Half of you record an ‘immediate reaction’ ‘cast for the online broadcast, the other half wait a week and record theirs after the TV broadcast. No, not really any kind of solution, just thought I’d see what it looked like written down.
If we look on this as purely about how UKTV makes more money – which is a reasonable thing to ask, despite how annoying it is to many of us – then there are two possible things to consider: a) Do UKTV make more money from splitting the date, in that some people will watch it on demand, and then *again* on broadcast, so they get more ad revenue and better figures on both platforms? b) Or is the splitting of the attention actually mean that *less* overall people will watch it than if they put all the eggs in one basket, and pushed one specific date for both on demand and broadcast? My gut feeling is that in this day and age, splitting the attention is a bad thing. It’s hard enough for TV shows – or, indeed, anything – to get attention these days. But I have no facts and figures to back that up. I’d certainly be interested in seeing UKTV’s internal research… which is highly unlikely we’ll ever get to see. It could also be that UKTV are willing to take a hit in various areas in order to simply promote their on demand service, and they’re thinking about some kind of future bigger picture than immediate figures. Which would also be understandable, but very frustrating in this particular instance. I can certainly imagine plenty of politics happening around the promotion of UKTV Play.
It’s an odd way of doing things, but I’m not majorly bothered by it. I’m thankful they’re showing Twentica a week early as I’ll be out of the country on the 22nd and nowhere near a telly (psst, it’s my birthday). As for the rest of them, my plan is to watch the preview once and once only, tear a page out of my diary, erase my memory and then watch the broadcast in good old tradition. I always restrict myself from posting spoilers anywhere, but I do agree it’s going to be very difficult to avoid them, as is the nature of social media. Red Dwarf XI is a month away, whichever way we decide to watch it, we’re gonna get through this . . .
Its similar to how the last series of cuckoo was aired. The episode was first shown on BBC iPlayer and then repeated a week later on BBC 1. That was to launch the BBC’s 3 online move.
Didn’t Channel Four used to do something like this for some of its American shows about 10-12 years ago? I distinctly remember they’d air the next episode of some of their shows on E4 immediately after the “current” one on Four.