Having kept any and all moving footage from Red Dwarf XI closely under wraps for around three quarters of a year, the policy since last Friday seems to be to chuck a new bit out every other day. Following on from the teaser, the full trailer, the variant trailer and the ‘scents of humour’ promo, an ad break between two editions of Mock The Week on Dave on Tuesday night saw the first spotting of yet another variant, with not only different dialogue, but a different montage too:

Naturally, there’s a lot of crossover between these clips and the ones we’ve seen elsewhere, so let’s just take a wee look at what’s new.

Following a couple of now-familiar model shots, we come in just after Kryten has been shot in the head with blowpipe darts, which was shown in the first main trailer. This bit shows Rimmer firing the bazookoid that he’s been resting on Kryten’s shoulder. Cut to:

The scary fucking kidney thief – whose name I’m really looking forward to learning – being shot by bazookoid fire. While obviously these two things might not be part of the same sequence in the actual series, the sheer number of ever-so-slightly-different shots we’ve seen are allowing us to start piecing it all together. We’ve previously seen Rimmer finding Scary Fucker 3000 behind the same plastic flappy things that you can see in the top picture above.

Then there’s a shot which I think is new, of Rimmer celebrating something or other in Starbug’s cockpit.

A bit later on, we see a smartly dressed Lister turning to face an equally dapper looking Rimmer. Now, I know what episode this is from, but even without having attended the recording, I think I’d have been able to guess based on the clothes and the setting.

Then, STARBUG FLYING AWAY FROM A REALLY COOL EXPLOSION. Who wants to put money on this shot being in the opening titles? As the trailer cuts to this shot just a handful of frames before the explosion, it’s hard to tell exactly what’s exploding, but it looks like a space station of some description – quite possibly the one that gets obliterated by an asteroid storm.

While all this is going on, we hear Rimmer reliving his board game prowess from his Space Scouts days – and we then see that he and Lister are playing “Mine-opoly”, fan recreations of which will undoubtedly be available within seconds of the episode in question going out.

As Rimmer explains that they used to call him “the Mine-otaur”, we see that he’s wearing his fetching blue dressing gown and pyjamas. Lovely JMC boot screen on the monitor behind him too.

And as Lister delivers the punchline – which is another quickie, but a chucklesome one – we see that he’s also in the same clothes as he is when he’s eating the ice cream, so presumably this is from the exact same scene, or at least the same episode. This closer look confirms something I half-spotted from the main trailer – Lister appears to be wearing a shirt emblazoned with fan art of himself. Now cue the fan art of the fan art that Lister is wearing, and so on.

One thing’s for sure, the pace of this promotional campaign is picking right up, and it’s not going to drop any time time soon. Now’s the time to pool our resources so that nobody misses out on anything – if you spot any new footage on the telly, or discover any new (spoiler policy compliant) information anywhere, please do alert us via the comments or on Twitter, so that we can collate everything together for everyone, as well as providing the reaction and analysis that you all secretly crave. We may not have spotted this new trailer were it not for @pad_ehh and Stephen Abootman, so big thanks to them.

19 comments on “Yet another trailer variant!

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  • I think Lister’s looking great this year. That gear in the bunkroom gives him more a casual look that isn’t always present when he’s fully leathered up. Somewhere between the early t-shirt get-up and the full leathers of later years.

  • Great second trailer. Not much to say that’s not already been said in the article, but:

    – Love the brief glimpse of the Starbug crash; after the side-on snippet in the first trailer I was hoping we’d get something from this sort of angle in the full sequence. Very nostalgic!
    – Dear god, the lighting in the bunkroom looks much more interesting this series! It lends a lot more depth to the already lovely sets, with deeper shadows allowed to flourish in the background and more visible ‘highlights’ on the characters themselves, as opposed to Series X’s very flat lighting setup. This sort of lighting was also visible in the promotional still of Lister and Cat in the bunkroom (albeit with the background light levels a little higher than in this apparent ‘night-time’ sequence), so I’m optimistic that this more interesting lighting style is a permanent change across the board, though I’m assuming the background lighting levels will change depending on whether we’re in ‘daytime’ or ‘night-time’ shipboard lighting schemes.
    – The whole angle on the Bazookoid-over-Kryten’s-shoulder shot was already awesome, but it’s even more awesome that we actually get to see it fired from this angle! Lends a lot of impact to the shot.
    – Stark coloured lighting makes both the ‘dapper Lister/Rimmer’ shot and the shot of Mr. Freaky look sumptuous. The show looks like it has a lot more budget than it apparently actually did, given that it apparently cost less than Series X to make – presumably a combination of better budget management and less screw-ups/executive meddling on the production side this time around?
    – The little gag at the end made me chuckle, which is always a good sign. Keeping fingers crossed the writing’s good this series – it’d be a shame for it to look as good as this but drop the ball on the scripting – but am certainly liking the little snippets I’ve seen so far!

    One thing, though – whoever’s cutting these trailers needs a slap on the wrist, as they keep cutting off the first half-second or so of dialogue, so we cut in a word or so into a sentence. It’s happened with both the ending scene of this one (we cut in on “Space Scouts” – presumably “in the” should precede this), and the ‘cold shiver’ TV variant of the main trailer (we cut in on “cold shiver” rather than the “a” which presumably preceded it). As someone who edits video as part of my job, I find it very irritating as it would be a relatively quick job to tweak and fix the timing of the cuts!

    Excited to see more footage as it surfaces. Roll on the 15th/22nd (depending on your medium of choice)…! = D

  • quite possibly the one that gets obliterated by an asteroid storm.

    Anyone else think this is where Rimmer saves the bio-printed captain?

  • You’re very welcome. I almost didn’t believe it was a new trailer and was slightly apprehensive on posting info about it as I expected to get replies of “It’s not new, it’s been on every ad break since the weekend you moron” etc.

    I see someone has captured it with their TV card instead of my shaky holding my mobile phone version that was put on Twitter.

  • >>The Mine-opoly board is a *lovely* prop. I’d like a defictionalised version of that.


  • One thing, though – whoever’s cutting these trailers needs a slap on the wrist, as they keep cutting off the first half-second or so of dialogue, so we cut in a word or so into a sentence.

    It certainly does feel a little bit rough, yes. It is possible though the sentences in question don’t start “clean” – overlapping with a sound effect, possibly, or given the often quick-fire gag rate of RD, the tail end of a laugh at the previous joke. Perhaps they felt that coming in a beat late was better than coming in with a jarring bit of sound effect/laughter? It also feels like some of the laughter has been cut between Rimmer’s call and Lister’s response, presumably to make the trailer as tight as possible.

    The trailers are fantastic and I’ve enjoyed G&T’s breakdown of them too. Four funny gags have now been revealed and given that the set reports for XI and XII talked favourably of joke quality, it feels like we’re in for a treat in terms of humour as well as visual design. The revealed gags have all been Lister woofers so far, though – hopefully we’ll get a Rimmer line or two soon enough…

  • The sand falling off of Starbug looks so…small. For once it doesn’t just look like a little model, in that shot it legitimately looks huge.

  • REALLY looking forward to this Rimmer/Lister stuff. There hasn’t been enough of it for ages really. The Mine-ator line is good, and very reminiscent of early-series dialogue.

    That Starbug model shot….very well setup and thought out! It is brilliantly effective!! I love that we don’t know what episode it’s from, or where most of the shots fit into the series (the stuff with Evil-Medi-Dude surely has to be from ‘Give and Take’ though? (title blatantly referencing the intitials of Ganymede and Titan….) whichever it is, from what few seconds we’ve seen, that’s shaping up to be a great episode)

  • REALLY looking forward to this Rimmer/Lister stuff. There hasn’t been enough of it for ages really

    There has been plenty of it since series 8 onwards, Infact one of my issues is the rimmer and lister talks in general is that they seem a little like they are only there now days because doug feels they need to go back to those one on one talks rather than them naturally fitting in the episode or having enough fresh material to cover them.

    its like with the episode back to reality, there is no rimmer and lister talks in that episode because there didn’t really need to be one but i kinda feel like if it was now days we would have got a Rimmer and Lister talk before they went to the esperanto and while i could be totally wrong about that i just get that feeling from watching series 8 and back to earth

  • A lot of my fears, rooted mainly in my criticism of Doug’s very static and uninteresting direction for X, seem to have been laid to rest by these trailers. This feels much more cinematic and/or evocative of IV/V era Dwarf.

  • Thanks for posting and capping these, looking forward to the airing of the episodes. And more costume changes this season, looks like!

  • A lot of my fears, rooted mainly in my criticism of Doug’s very static and uninteresting direction for X, seem to have been laid to rest by these trailers. This feels much more cinematic and/or evocative of IV/V era Dwarf.

    Personally I don’t think that Doug direction in X was entirely a fault because it was competent if not overly stylish….however what stood out to me far more was how flat the cinematography was…..I mean that was very generic sitcom fare with no effort seemingly put in to make the visuals pop……Series XI on the other hand looks gorgeous even just in stills!

  • What I like about Mine-opoly is that at some point someone somewhere in that world thought that a ship of miners would love nothing more than spending their recreational time playing a mining themed board game which presumably lasts just as long as Monopoly.

  • It has a slightly higher budget look to me… Sort of dark and glossy…. yes that is a technical term.
    Way too excited right now to comment coherently????

  • Is anyone capturing (or even noticing) the trailers they’re playing on the radio? I heard one on Radio X a few minutes ago. There seemed to be some new dialogue but I couldn’t be sure, as I was in another room.

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