Ian’s Newsround – 07/09/16 News Posted by Ian Symes on 7th September 2016, 14:32 There are now just fifteen days to go until Red Dwarf XI starts on Dave, and a mere eight days until it premieres online. As we put the finishing touches to our plan of how to deal with all this (there’s a spreadsheet, with upwards of four pages), there are enough small pieces of news knocking about to warrant dusting off this old strand, for the first time in four years. The snippets of new information are coming quicker than we can front page them, so do keep an eye on our Twitter and our forum to keep up to date. But if you’ve missed anything so far this week, it’s hopefully all here. SOMETIMES YOU (KTV) LIVE, YOU DIE, AND THEN YOU (KTV) LIVE AGAIN – Yesterday saw the latest annual UKTV Live event, which is essentially a massive press launch for the year’s flagship original productions, across the family of channels. Naturally, Red Dwarf was the main draw, with the event culminating in a screening of Twentica followed by a chat between Chris, Craig, Robert, Doug and the pornography enthusiast Alice Levine. Quotes from this chat have shown up in various places, with the Radio Times and Chortle providing the most comprehensive collections I’ve seen. I like this bit: “It is quite interesting and relevant,” Naylor said at a special screening. “The horror of a society that represses science, I feel, is quite contemporary. “There’s a lot in this series that is of the moment, that is about big issues. “Because it’s set in the future you can play with so many ideas, that is why [Red Dwarf] doesn’t ever look dated. You can look back on some of the comedies that were made in the same year we started in 1988 and they really start to feel their age. But because we are set so far in the future it doesn’t affect us so much.” And I would draw attention to Chris’s comments about a toupee, but let’s not go there again. Elsewhere at the event, former Junior Phantom Flan Flinger Jamie East hosted a Periscope chat with the three cast members. Unfortunately, it was beset with both technical problems and the cast’s inability to remember what information had and hadn’t been released, but our lovely friend Jonsmad has typed up the highlights in our forum. ‘BUG WANKER – One big bit of news to come out of the event came from someone who was there to promote a different show entirely. James Buckley, best known for being off of The Inbetweeners and for standing awkwardly next to Ocean Colour Scene on stage at a festival I went to several years ago, outed himself as having guest-starred in an episode of either XI or XII. His comments about his love for the show are pleasing to hear, and they’re genuine too, as we already knew he is a fan. He also says that he may not be recognisable in his role, which suggests he’s playing some sort of droid, GELF or other non-humanoid character. ARE YOU SAYING I’VE GOT A BIG BUMPER? – Meanwhile, Dave’s on-air promotional campaign continues apace. Our thanks to Craig Walker and Curtis Threadgold on Twitter for tipping us off regarding a short break bumper which is starting to appear on the channel on a regular basis. We hear a brief snippet of the iconic original theme music, under a model shot glide-by of the bottom of the ship, which is largely obscured by this special logo: @ganymedetitan this surfaced on twitter last night, whats it from? pic.twitter.com/EuMZ7XAnQi — Craig Walker (@Craigster_90) September 6, 2016 It’s a simple thing, and I’m still not particularly enthralled by the word “Smegtember”, but it’s always a good sign when elements of a show are so iconic – the music, the ship, the shape of the logo, the word “smeg” – that they can be used in this context, without the name of the programme, and a channel-hopping audience will instantly know what it means. You see these types of bumpers for shows like Big Brother, The X Factor and Doctor Who, and the fact that Dave are putting them out with more than a fortnight still to go are another indication of how important Red Dwarf is to the channel. [Incidentally, Danny John-Jules responded to our tweet about this, but we have absolutely no idea what he’s bollocking on about.] YEAH, COME ON, LET’S DO IT – Naturally, Red Dwarf is front and centre in a new promo spot for UKTV Play, the on demand service that will host the first showing of each episode. A microscopic amount of new footage features in the ad, which we exclusively and expertly pointed a phone at last night: The tiniest new snippet of #RedDwarfXI footage spotted in this @UKTVPlay trailer. pic.twitter.com/zngfoVKP6a — Ganymede & Titan (@ganymedetitan) September 6, 2016 YOU GOT MERCHED – In intriguing news, some character badges were handed out as freebies at the UKTVLive event. Gazpacho Soup have spotted that some enterprising opportunist has decided to flog some for hugely inflated prices on eBay. We’re not going to link to that, but check out the pictures from the listing: Photos of badges given out at UKTV Live for #RedDwarfXI have appeared online with mention of new official merch. pic.twitter.com/Go9zEDfLHE — Gazpacho Soup (@GazpachoSoupRD) September 6, 2016 New merchandise at last! This is long overdue, and we look forward to seeing what’s unveiled on 15th September (other than a brand new episode of Red Dwarf, of course). Currently, the URL on the back simply redirects to Dave’s Dwarf page, but keep an eye on it. UPDATE! More details of the merchandise have emerged, along with pictures of some of the products on offer! The UKTV press release shows a hoodie and a t-shirt, along with details and a screen-grab regarding Red Dwarf XI: The Game, which is very exciting indeed. Curiously, Den of Geek’s write-up also features two different garments; the press release mentions far more items than those we’ve seen pictured. @RedDwarfHQ promises more pictures for tomorrow’s TOS update, so we’ll save our analysis for then, as hopefully their write-up will be a bit more definitive. But just to forewarn you all: if this game isn’t available on Android as well as iOS, I will never ever shut up about it. NEWS FOR FOREIGNERS – Reading between the lines, it seems likely that Doug might want people to stop tweeting him the same questions over and over every time anyone so much as mentions the new series. He’s addressed the issue of how fans from outside of the UK can watch the new series, by pointing out that it’s not been picked up in the US yet, but that the DVD will be released in both America and Australia, and that they’re still working on TV deals. V WILL MAKE YOU GET DOWN NOW – Thank you to everyone that participated in our tweet-along to Series IV last Saturday. It was really good fun, and we made some memorable additions to the #dwarffacts canon. This weekend, Dave are repeating Series V back-to-back in the same slot – Saturday, 1pm-5pm – and we’ll be doing much of the same again. So make sure you’re following us on Twitter if you want to see our searing insight into something which happened 24 years ago, and make sure you’re not following us if that sounds utterly tedious. Also coming up this weekend, probably quite late on Sunday to be honest, will be the last in our series of weekly X commentaries. The DwarfCast will also contain all the information you’ve been dying to hear regarding our plans for how we cover Series XI, in light of the audience being split between the online and TV timings. It’s naturally not going to be ideal for some people, but we’ve come up with what we think is the fairest way to provide something for everyone. Thank you for all your feedback on this – the main thing we got from it was a sense of warm fuzziness from the tremendous support you’ve shown us. Come on, let’s do it.
Doug announces “merchandising range and mobile game”: https://twitter.com/DougRDNaylor/status/773538749003202560
Been watching my recording of that Craig Charles homes thing from Monday night (which was pretty good to be fair, although seeing an ITV logo in the corner while scenes from Red Dwarf are on feels odd). Meanwhile, have been taking breaks during the afternoon to check ad breaks on UKTV channels. To no avail. Also, the idea of a mobile game intrigues me, and my phone memory will be duly cleared. Well have to see if it’s something ‘funny’ or if it’s something more akin to Doctor Who Legacy.
A new pic? http://vodzilla.co/blog/vod-news/uktv-unveils-new-slate-of-original-content-for-2016-and-2017/?platform=hootsuite
For what it’s worth, last week I emailed Brown Trout Publishers about the calendar and haven’t had a response, which tells us absolutely nothing. #NEWS
On that Vodzilla link, they have somehow managed to misspell Louis Emerick as “Louis Emetic”. Makes you sick.
For what it’s worth, last week I emailed Brown Trout Publishers about the calendar and haven’t had a response, which tells us absolutely nothing. The calendar is Not A Thing, basically.
That’s a shame, I don’t want to have the bloody Supernatural cast up in the kitchen for another year. I’ll just have to crudely draw one in felt tips. I’m not looking at a pouting Jensen Ackles for any longer than I’ve agreed to.
Picture preview of game and merchandise up on UKTV website! http://corporate.uktv.co.uk/news/article/uktv-announces-first-new-official-red-dwarf-merchandise-10-years/
Bloody Hell I went to school with Jamie East! Being Junior Phantom Pie Flinger he was something of a celebrity! 6 degrees of smegging bacon. *cough*
MORE merchandise pictures! http://www.denofgeek.com/uk/tv/red-dwarf/35239/red-dwarf-xi-new-official-merchandise-mobile-game
That hoodie would be great if it didn’t have ‘totally smegged!’ written on the sleeve. Agreed, wonder how many seconds worth of thought went into coming up with that? Although the first result on google searching for “totally smegged” links to this site so that’s something.
That hoodie would be great if it didn’t have ‘totally smegged!’ written on the sleeve. If you’re really bothered by it I’m sure it’d be theoretically removeqble with an iron and some grease proof paper. Or just steam. Looks like some form of transfer.
GameDigits Ltd are responsible for the game, with input from Doug. Involves being able to control Starbug, Red Dwarf etc.
Doug: “Great day tweaking Twentica from RDXI with @RichardDGNaylor operating the Avid. Amazing what u learn seeing it on a movie screen.” In other news, I don’t know what an Avid is.
I honestly can’t hear Doug actually saying “For too long pirate merchandise has ruled the waves. No more me hearties!”
In other news, I don’t know what an Avid is. It’s an edit system. Like Premiere or Final Cut Pro, but operated by people who can charge £500 a day.
Not usually fan of mobiles games, but if like Star Trek Timelines etc it has the original voice cast and not soundalikes see Star Trek DS9: The Fallen which had all the actors minus Sisko and O’Brian?? roll on Friday update and the 15th ????
I hope the mobile game is as good as the mobisodes. Ooh and the Duane Dibbley-nator. Oh! And the soundboard. (I’m kidding because they were all shit.) As for ‘Totally Smegged’…..it’ll never go out of fashion! Just like ‘Cowabunga!’ and ‘Eat my shorts!’
Doug: “Great day tweaking Twentica from RDXI with @RichardDGNaylor operating the Avid. Amazing what u learn seeing it on a movie screen.”. I find this a little strange considered how close to airing it is. Could they be making small adjustments like cutting jokes that didn’t land in the previews?
A game. Brilliant! Oh shite I’m going to have to get a new phone. Mine will definately be just the one that cant download the app and isnt supported cus its just slightly too old. That always happens with stuff like this. Mine is always 5 and the version has to be 5.1 and beyond or some smegging shit like that. Thanks Grant Naylor productions for making me play with the a update boys! They’ve got you by the balls every time!
Doug: “Great day tweaking Twentica from RDXI with @RichardDGNaylor operating the Avid. Amazing what u learn seeing it on a movie screen.”. I find this a little strange considered how close to airing it is. Could they be making small adjustments like cutting jokes that didn’t land in the previews? I think it’s more likely to be minor superficial aspects they felt could be touched up.
I think it’s more likely to be minor superficial aspects they felt could be touched up. I edit video, I understand how even the tiniest changes can make a big difference, but I can’t imagine they’d be opening up the episode for more editing this close to airtime unless they had something bigger to do with it than just minor trimming and the like. Regardless, I think that’ll mean the aired version of Twentica will be slightly better than the previews. I can’t see this being anything but good.
Doug is a bit of a micromanager, to be fair. When you’ve started directing a smoke machine, there’s no going back. The game is really interesting. GameDigits seem to have a good line in solid but unremarkable TV tie-ins, so I’ll be very interested to see how this turns out.
Actually, what I said about GameDigits games (on Android at least) isn’t accurate, my search brought up some games from other developers.
I had a look at GameDigits games yesterday too. They do a Storage Hunters game too, which is listed as a ‘UKTV Games’ or something. It’s not unreasonable to assume that RD would be listed as a UKTV game as well. The Storage Hunters game has a 4* rating, by the way.
Think the press thing for the game specifically said you can buy it, not download it? Might be reading too much into it, but that could bode well for it being an actual game and not some free to download IAP level-up bollocks.
Doug V lazy journalism: “@HenryNorthmore @TheListShowTV Why do u describe Red Dwarf fans as ‘geeks?’ RD8 got 8 million viewers. All geeks? R u sure? #lazyjourno RT” The article he’s referring to was removed a couple of days ago (it was a review of the first 2 episodes, nothing too spoilery but there were 1 or 2 details that hadn’t been revealed before)
Doug V lazy journalism: “@HenryNorthmore @TheListShowTV Why do u describe Red Dwarf fans as ‘geeks?’ RD8 got 8 million viewers. All geeks? R u sure? #lazyjourno RT” The article he’s referring to was removed a couple of days ago (it was a review of the first 2 episodes, nothing too spoilery but there were 1 or 2 details that hadn’t been revealed before) You can still find it on google cache https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:oeo24hs_cEIJ:https://www.list.co.uk/article/84493-tv-review-red-dwarf-xi-dave/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk He basically just says the comedy isn’t as smart as the story telling. Maybe doug was just secretly more peeved at the review in itself.
He basically just says the comedy isn’t as smart as the story telling. I think that’s a really good sign then that the stories themselves are holding up even to people who aren’t particularly enthralled by the humor. X had some problems in that area, particularly with Entangled and Dear Dave’s plots, and having too many threads running at once in various episodes.
The cast photographed with Buckley this morning, could we be getting XII air date news soon for later in the year.
The XI series synopsis was released in June last year so, assuming that XII airs at a similar time of year, details might not be too far off (especially with this thing at Pinewood and the SFX Q&A seemingly putting the promotional machine in motion).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFndB1izetc Robert & Chris MCM London interview. There’s a question in the last minute about whether there’s anything in the pipeline for the 30th anniversary. “Not confirmed… but there’s talk about doing series 13 and 14”
I wonder if we’ll get our first News Friday tomorrow. It can’t be long. Possibly next week if the schedule is identical to last year. This is when the key announcements were made: June 24: Series synopsis July 21: Official series promo picture August 12: Broadcast date revealed August 26: First trailer September 15: First episode online
Seb has just posted the series XI guide/making of on the official site (and a good read it is too) which I am taking as (a) an official putting to bed of XI as an active concern, and (b) the intake of breath before the imminent XII pre-publicity. The wheels are definitely in motion now. I was thinking the other day how different a place this country was when XII was made. A million earth-shattering things have happened since. I hope I don’t have too much of a disconnect with it when it’s on – it will seem almost otherly.
Awaiting the Series XIV episode where Rimmer of the Officers’ Quarters Independence Party successfully passes Quexit after a landslide victory thanks wholly to the Skutter vote, who thought it was a bill to construct a John Wayne memorial cinema.
Looks like we’re not getting any news until July, which means either a shorter hype period than XI, or a later broadcast.
Am expecting less hype tbh, can’t imagine XII will get a premiere at the Prince Charles Cinema for instance (though you never know I guess) . Would be surprised if there was any major difference in broadcast date though. In other minor news, the TV Choice award shortlist was revealed today and Dwarf wasn’t on it so that’s the last we’ll hear of that.
Given all that happened last go around, I’m expecting that, on the day the synopsis is supposed to come out, instead we’ll get an upload of the XII model shots with the Smeg Ups audio playing over it. Then there will be a freak accident resulting in the entirety of the Series XII finale script being tattooed onto Craig Charles’ forehead.
Well, we’ve got a logo now anyway. Plus news that 12.1 will have advance screenings a la Twentica and implicit confirmation that the same UKTV Play pattern will continue to XII. All we need now is confirmation that 12.5 is going to go online early by mistake and a promise that the underwhelming DVD extras will appear on Google Play before they’re supposed to and we’re BACK IN ACTION.
Don’t forget that the working titles for the already-recorded series XIII are going to be printed on the steelbook sleeve. Also, we’ll have to hear Phobos and Deimos being an ass all over again. I guarantee you that both of these are absolute certainties.