A time for giving, a time for taking News Posted by Ian Symes on 21st December 2016, 14:08 2016 may have been a shithouse by most metrics, but I can’t remember the last time there was just so much new Red Dwarf stuff released in a calendar year. GameDigits have just managed to sneak in one more thing before the year is out, the key details of which are summarised in this tweet: The #RedDwarfXI ‘Give & Take’ game update is out now! iOS: https://t.co/jS7x4HcIlH Android: https://t.co/SGGcxbei5I pic.twitter.com/n0QlfLqx0U — GameDigits Ltd (@GameDigits) December 21, 2016 We’re hoping that our video review will be along before Santa empties his sack into your astonished stocking. In the meantime, use this thread for general discussion, and the long-standing forum thread for anything spoilery. And when you play through this episode of the game, see if you can spot the impact of our feedback on Kryten’s files…
Agreed all round. My life has been mad this year, and not always in a good way, and G&T has been like a constant companion who doesn’t mind me shouting self-absorbed nerdy bollocks at it whenever the compulsion takes me. It’s a Clochemas miracle.