Thanks to cwickham in our forum for pointing us in the direction of this tweet from TV’s Emma Kennedy:

Well, this certainly seems to suggest that there is something Red Dwarf-related planned for this year’s edition of Comic Relief’s biennial fundraiser, which takes place on Friday 24th March. This would be the first such telethon appearance since 1998’s specially-shot Children In Need sketch. Previous Red Nose Day contributions consist of an extremely brief appeal message in 1991, and miming to Bohemian Rhapsody for 1993’s epic all-star singalong.

But what will this year’s offering entail? Something specially shot? If so, will it be a full sketch, or just a quick piece to camera? Or maybe they’ll be airing a preview of the already-edited Series XII, in a similar manner to the way Children In Need often trails Doctor Who Christmas specials. Alternatively, it could be a collection of smeg-ups or something, or maybe the deleted scenes that were omitted from the Series XI DVD. Either way, we’ll keep our eyes peeled for details – a later tweet from Kennedy indicated that news will be forthcoming in a couple of weeks.

UPDATE (02/03/17): Well, this clears things up:

Now we feel slightly bad for getting carried away and making the news seem less exciting than it could have been, but still – looks like at least one, presumably well-off, Red Dwarf fan will be getting a lovely Red Nose Day treat.

33 comments on “Smeg Nose Day

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  • Just out of interest, when was the last time that any episode of Dwarf was on the BBC?

    I noticed that she added we’ll have to wait ‘about 2 weeks’ to find out so if there’s something that’s worth announcing pre RND that’s encouraging. If it’s as good as she suggests then she deserves a garden barbecue (the fence is not on offer).

  • Marooned was shown in 2014 on BBC 2 as part of their 50th anniversary, but before that it would have been 2007.

  • My claim to fame: I was in the BBC Two transmission suite when that 2014 showing of Marooned went on air. It wasn’t my shift, but I thought that might be the last time the BBC ever showed an episode of Red Dwarf, and I wanted to be there.

  • I think this might be something to do with an auction or prize up for bidding. Emma Kennedy was saying on Twitter a few days ago that she’d been given her job for Comic Relief and was asking “dedicated fans” of shows what sort of thing they would bid for – one example was Doctor Who fans bidding for lunch with as many Doctors at once as she could get. Could also involve some sort of footage screening as well, of course.

  • Yes, it occurred to me hours after posting that this could just be a new t-shirt or something. Ho hum.

  • If it’s just a new t-shirt, she’s massively overselling it with the “oh boy”s on her tweet. As someone who isn’t a DW fan, I am hoping a bit that it isn’t a crossover or sketch involving DW and is just something Dwarf related on its own. Then again, if a sketch was filmed, wouldn’t it have been done at the time of the XI/XII recordings? I doubt they got the set back together and everyone back in costume recently. Maybe something was filmed after the audience went home after a recording?

  • It’s a Peter Kay’s Car Share special, guest starring Robert, dressed as Kryten, with Jerry Seinfeld in the back seat.

  • Blatantly with James Corden in there also…it just wouldn’t let me edit it. :p show title – People In Actual Cars Do Stuff And It Is Filmed

  • Expectation: A full size Starbug crashes into the studio. The crew emerge, and perform a *hilarious* 20 min special sketch featuring both Holly’s, a Mac McDonald cameo and a huge and expensive looking space battle. Doug Naylor comes onstage at the end to announce that Dave have signed a rolling agreement for continuous new series of Red Dwarf every year from now until the eventual heat death of the universe. He then looks down the barrel of the camera and offers me a job on the show making spaceships or something. The live show resumes, only to be interrupted by BBC News reporting that Donald Trump has resigned as president.

    Reality: Craig Charles and Russell Bell perform a live reading of ‘The Log’ in front of a visibly unsettled studio audience.

  • What if it’s some rehash of the live special that was meant to be part of the 21st anniversary weekend before Back to Earth got extended to three episodes?

    So as Pad points out, unless this was filmed without an audience last year, it’s unlike to be new material on set so the only other things I can think of would be to do something like Can’t Smeg Won’t Smeg, but contemporary. 8 out of 10 Cats does Red Dwarf Countdown?

  • Regardless, that still frame of Danny John Jules’s chapped arseflaps will make a lovely banner pic.

  • Well, shit. I was looking forward to some new footage. Not an auction / win a chance to be on the show or a used prop. Unless the role was actually speaking and not a background extra. Now THAT would be something. But then again, it would require them to confirm a series XIII is gonna happen. If it was, I’m sure Doug would rather announce it at DJ and not have Emma Kennedy do it.

  • Unless the role was actually speaking and not a background extra. Now THAT would be something.

    There was that kid who won a speaking part in Utopia in a Blue Peter Doctor Who competition. He was actually *really* good.

  • Nailed it.

    I think this might be something to do with an auction or prize up for bidding. Emma Kennedy was saying on Twitter a few days ago that she’d been given her job for Comic Relief and was asking “dedicated fans” of shows what sort of thing they would bid for – one example was Doctor Who fans bidding for lunch with as many Doctors at once as she could get. Could also involve some sort of footage screening as well, of course.

  • one example was Doctor Who fans bidding for lunch with as many Doctors at once as she could get.

    Really though, unless you were going to just ask them about the show the whole time, what exactly would you talk about with a bunch of The Doctors if you didn’t want to bore them with constant fan-adulation? If for some reason I was eating lunch with Robert Llewellyn, I’d just want to get him on some topic he’s passionate about and listen. I’m sure that would be a far more entertaining and fulfilling experience than just asking Dwarf questions.

    Prolonged exposure to his smooth, buttery voice would be heaven no matter the topic. Oh yes.

  • I’d like to see Emma Kennedy guest star on Red Dwarf.

    She could be in it. But she would have to shoot herself.

  • There was that kid who won a speaking part in Utopia in a Blue Peter Doctor Who competition. He was actually *really* good.

    Wasn’t there some controversy about of all the applicants who applied, they just happened to pick the one who had already been on TV and was going to stage school?

  • I hope the auction is for a cloche with the word MILF on it. Anything else would be a letdown at this point.

  • You can bid for a 3D printed Starbug. That is pretty damn good but I couldn’t afford it. Nor would I have anywhere to put it.

  • So, not announced on Radio 2. OK then.

    That really does look pretty cool, and I say that as someone who usually isn’t interested in buying models. But unfortunately I don’t have the money or the space either. Best of luck to anybody who does bid for it.

    Woah, stop the press! Would anyone like some TOAST?

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