DwarfCast 96 – Mac McDonald Interview Xtended DwarfCasts Posted by Ian Symes on 16th November 2017, 21:35 Subscribe to DwarfCasts: RSS • iTunes Last Friday morning – a mere twelve hours after Skipper had landed on UKTV Play – a DwarfCast splinter group consisting of Ian Symes, Danny Stephenson and Jo Sharples descended on returning guest star Mac McDonald’s house, and he foolishly decided to let us in, for the second time in as many years. Later that night, we played you a brief snippet during the Live DwarfCast, but our conversation was long and rambling, so here’s the full-length uncut version. Our rambling chat touched upon all manner of Skipper-related topics, such as last-minute script amendments, the similarities between Mac and Hollister, the benefits of budget constraints, Doug’s approach as a director and what happened to Hollister after Series VIII. We also touched upon such diverse topics as lost luggage, being cast in Batman, Donald Trump, pornography, moustaches and tales from the rehearsals of the Red Dwarf Movie. Oh, and as an added bonus to pad out the running time, we’re giving you another chance to hear the spectacular finale to last Friday’s Live DwarfCast, our musical reminiscipackage looking back on Series XII. DwarfCast 96 – Mac McDonald Interview Xtended (26.9MB) A huge, huge thank you to Mac McDonald for once again proving himself to be one of the most excellent people on the planet. But what do you think of his moustache?
Thanks a lot for doing this. :) Mac really is one of the best people connected with RD and I’m glad he got to come back, albeit for one scene. Seeing him again in a future series would be VERY good indeed, and to definitely haver him there for the audience recording this time.