Seb Patrick News Posted by Team G&T on 2nd August 2020, 20:11 We’re incredibly sorry to pass on the awful news that our friend Seb Patrick has died, aged just 37. If you’re part of the Red Dwarf fan community in any way, you’ll know Seb’s name, as the editor of since 2011, before which he was one of the original and most prolific members of the expanded G&T team when we merged with other fansites, including Seb’s Fuchal, in 2006. The three of us all counted Seb among our very best friends, with rarely a day going by without speaking to each other, and we’re all in complete disbelief at the moment. All our planned G&T activity will be suspended for the time being while we begin to come to terms with what’s happened, and we know we can count on your patience and understanding at this time. We can’t seem to find any meaningful words right now, so we’ll do what we did so often in our conversations with Seb, and adapt a suitable quote. Seb was an excellent writer and as good a friend as anyone could ever hope to have. He’ll be missed more deeply and more greatly than he could ever know. Goodbye, Seb, we’ll miss you. Cappsy, Danny and Ian We’re raising funds in his memory to help his family in any way we can. If you’re able to spare anything, it would be greatly appreciated.
I can’t find the words to say how sorry I am to hear this awful news. I’m so sorry. Love and support to you all, and to all Seb’s friends and family.
Devastating news. My deepest sympathy to you and his family. Such a massive loss. Outstanding writer and human.
This is awful news. I can’t believe it. RIP Seb. Condolences to his family and friends and those on here Who knew him personally.
I just read the news on Twitter and would also like to offer my thoughts and condolences to Seb’s family and friends at this time. I only knew Seb on here and his work on the official Red Dwarf website, but I always enjoyed reading his thoughts and opinions on the show we all love so much.
What the actual fuck?! This is the last thing I expected to hear. So sorry to those of you close to him, that is awful.
Oh my God. There’s not much more to say to that. I am so, so sorry, and send my condolences to all his nearest and dearest.
This is so upsetting, I’m struggling to know what to say. Seb was a legend, a massive and positive force in the Red Dwarf fandom over the years. I hate that by typing these words I have to acknowledge this tragic loss as real. And oh my god I just checked his Twitter account and the very last thing he tweeted just happened to be a gif of the final “Good afternoon, good evening and good night” line from The Truman Show. My heart can’t take this. RIP Mr. Patrick.
Lost for words, not what I expected to see on my evening scroll through social media. I feel fortunate enough to have met him at a recording some years ago. A very sad loss, my thoughts go to his family, friends and his red dwarf family here too. Love to you all.
I interacted with him a handful of times, sometimes relating to Red Dwarf, other times to his podcast, but he was always a nice guy. RIP Seb, you will be missed.
In complete shock. So incredibly sad to hear this. Just terrible. My sincere condolences to his family and to all of you.
Words fail me. So very, very sad. Sincerest condolences to his family and friends, and much love to you all.
It says a lot about the kind of guy Seb was, that this is so devastating to someone who only had the pleasure of meeting him once. I lost count of the times in the early Dwarfcasts when he pointed out something I hadn’t noticed or considered in an episode I thought I knew inside and out (though to be fair, I can say the same for the three of you as well). Sending love to his family and friends. Crawling back to bed now.
Absolutely awful news – I can’t believe it. He was such a lovely guy and will be hugely missed. My heart aches for his family and loved ones and for you guys.
Shocking news. I’m so sorry this has happened. Thinking of all of you grieving, and echo the lovely true comments about such a great guy.
I’m so sorry to read this & hear this news as it is awfully tragic & sad. I’m thinking of you all right now & his family. A lovely post by the three of you
Such awful, unbelievable news. Gone far too young. RIP Seb, thoughts with all his friends and of course his family.
I just saw the news concerning this on Twitter. So shocking. I think I only saw a tweet of his a short while ago. I never met Seb in person, although we did have a couple of exchanges on here and Twitter, (mainly concerning Red Dwarf, films and comics I beleive) and he always came across as a decent, kind sort. Deepest sympathies to his loved ones.
I’m so sorry to hear this terrible news. My condolences to his friends and family. Ever since he joined G&T, his writing and podcasting has been a huge part of many of my favourite bits of geeky online fandom: Noise To Signal, Alternate Cover, Unlimited Rice Pudding, Cinematic Universe, and most recently, Sonic the Comic the Podcast. (And if I’d seen more of The Office, I’d probably be following Mifflinfinity too.) Following the stuff Seb was involved with was proof that online fandom communities can be positive things. And also that online connections with people you never met can be important, and are missed when they’re gone.
Blimey, this is awful news. Seb was always lovely to talk to, and very kind and enthusiastic about the work, and we had a nice natter about Subbuteo. Assumed I would eventually bump into him at DJ and was looking forward to it. A horrible thing to read in a couple of months that have already been pretty horrible. My condolences to his family and friends.
Absolutely heartbreaking news. I’d met Seb a few times at a few recordings, and at a few conventions, and this still slayed me this evening. My heartfelt condolences to his family, but also to Ian, Cappsy, and everyone at G&T who were so close to him. This doesn’t feel real. I am utterly, utterly gutted.
I am very shocked and saddened by this news. All of you at G&T are in my thoughts tonight. My heart goes out to you, his family and everyone who knew him well.
So sad to read this news. I greatly appreciated his contributions here and, more recently, his work on the official site.
Christ. What do you say to that. 37 is nothing is it. It’s just truly awful heartbreaking news. Really awful. I hope the G&T team (and Sebs wider Dwarf community friends) know that we’re all here for you tonight. I cannot imagine how you are all feeling. My love and best wishes to you. I know we are all here mourning with you.
Very sad to hear this. Knocked for six in fact, even though I never met him. Just the other day I was listening to him enthusing about the Bill & Ted trailer on Cinematic Universe, and when I heard the awful news almost my first reaction was to feel sad that he won’t get to see the film. Stupid thing to think I know, but hopefully it speaks to what a wonderful card-carrying geek Seb was. I hope that doesn’t sound in any way flippant. As Red Dwarf fans we all owe Seb a great deal, and it was very plain to see he was one of the good guys. My thoughts and sympathy are with the G&T team, past and present, and all of Seb’s other friends and family.
I’ve been a long, long visitor to this website but never posted. Such sad news to read tonight, rest easy Seb. Your contribution to the Red Dwarf community will never be forgotten, love to his family and friends.
Awful news, from what I gather Seb was a big driving force behind the formation of Dwarfcasts and having discovered you all around the time of the Back To Earth instant reactions his voice and opinions particularly on the subject of meta fiction appeared to come from a place of authority. I also loved his story about his day on Red Dwarf X in the begg tent and his recollections on the 100th Dwarfcast. I interacted to him briefly on Twitter with regards to his weezer blog and I’ll be playing the first two weezer albums in his honour.
Like just about everybody else, my main feeling at the moment is shock. Having listened to all the old DwarfCast commentaries recently he feels to me like a current member of the G&T team rather than one who left almost ten years ago. His work on the early days here was tremendous, and he was always there on TOS being brilliant afterwards. What a tremendous loss to the community. More than that, though, 37 is way too young to die. I can’t imagine what his friends and family are going through, and would like to offer my deepest condolences to all his friends running and visiting G&T. What utterly terrible news. Rest in peace, Seb.
I saw the news on Twitter and I spent the next half hour or so reading through related tweets. He seemed to love life. Unbelievable it was cut so short. RIP.
I haven’t posted on here for years, but I just heard the news and I’m in shock. Such sad news. He was a great guy. Sending hugs.
I used to read his articles on Den of Geek and he was always a nice presence on threads I lurked on here. just floored to see this
Having listened to all the old DwarfCast commentaries recently he feels to me like a current member of the G&T team rather than one who left almost ten years ago. To be honest, I felt the same way. He never stopped being one of us. The line-up of the team here may have changed over the years, but for a good and hugely significant chunk of time we were a solid sixsome, and the six of us share a special bond, no matter what. It’s been lovely to see so many old faces feeling compelled to pay their respects.
I looked up his “leaving G&T” article earlier and did a double-take when I saw it was 2011. Feeling very angry today. This just isn’t fair.
I have been a lurker on G & T for many years so in a weird kind of way I feel like I know you all. Which is why I know how much you guys will be hurting right now. I had no interactions with Seb but I loved his writing and his many, many tweets. He seemed like one of the good guys. My condolences to you all at G & T and to his family.
Seeing the support for the fundraiser is wonderful, well done. Money might seem like a slightly crass metric in such sad times but I think the level of engagement really speaks to how much Seb meant to so many people.
Seeing the support for the fundraiser is wonderful, well done. Money might seem like a slightly crass metric in such sad times but I think the level of engagement really speaks to how much Seb meant to so many people. Absolutely. There’s no good news at a time like this, but £12,000 in six hours is a mind boggling amount that’s testament to just how loved and respected he was in the numerous communities he was a part of. I hope it goes some way to providing some comfort to his family.
Long time reader/viewer, first time poster. Very upset to hear this news, absolutely no age. He always came across as something of a scholar in his field, as well as a genuinely nice guy. Commiserations to his family and friends.
Heartbreaking. I’ve followed Seb’s writing, views and opinions on many subjects and formats for a huge period of my life now. Here and TOS obviously, but also Unlimited Rice Pudding, Cinematic Universe, F1 Colours, and going back to Noise To Signal as well. I was also a backer of the A Brief History of Time Travel Kickstarter he did with James. Made a point of checking his Twitter last night to see if he had commented at all on the Silverstone Grand Prix over the weekend. Never would have expected this. To have lost his critical voice in my life is a huge shock to the system, I can only imagine how James, the G&T team, and all of his family and friends must be feeling now. Thinking of little Lois too losing her dad at such a young age. Terrible shame. I have tears in my eyes and I didn’t even know the man personally. RIP Seb, you will be sorely missed.
I never met Seb, but we used to interact on Livejournal way back when. He was kind, self-effacing, witty and knowledgeable and he will be greatly missed. My heart goes out to his friends and family.
Just the other day I was listening to him enthusing about the Bill & Ted trailer on Cinematic Universe, and when I heard the awful news almost my first reaction was to feel sad that he won’t get to see the film. Stupid thing to think I know, but hopefully it speaks to what a wonderful card-carrying geek Seb was. I hope that doesn’t sound in any way flippant. Reading Seb’s articles about Bill n Ted on Den of Geek was one of the things that got me into the series, and I was really looking forward to hearing his reactions on the new movie.
So sorry for your loss. No idea when I joined the site but it was before Seb took up the job with Grant Naylor. Since he left, I had enjoyed seeing his name pop up on sites I frequented over the years as he contributed articles. Good to see such a decent chap make a success of doing things he clearly loved.
I’m so sorry, that is awful news. Just registered to say I’m a big fan of the Dwarfcasts and that Seb brought so many hours of listening pleasure. My sincere condolences.
I had mentioned to Doug on Twitter about perhaps dedicating the first episode of the documentary on Thursday to his memory. Not sure if Doug saw it but Seb’s mum liked the tweet. It would be a nice gesture for sure. Amazing to see the amount raised so far, approaching £22,000. It’s very comforting to see a community rally round when one of theirs falls. Still feels really bizarre that Seb has gone. The official site have an announcement up for him as well.
I had mentioned to Doug on Twitter about perhaps dedicating the first episode of the documentary on Thursday to his memory. I had wondered the same. If it was possible, that would be amazing.
Absolutely gutted to hear this, I’ve been involved in the online Red Dwarf community since 03/04 & this has knocked me for six. Sending my love to his family & friends. x
I had wondered the same. If it was possible, that would be amazing. Yeah, same. I’m sure there’s plenty of photos of Seb playing on the RD set they can use. Appreciate it may be out of Doug’s hands, but fingers crossed they can do something for one of the episodes.
Two lovely pieces of writing about Seb that I saw shared on Twitter. This by Ali Gray: This by Hazel Southwell: – This is a great description of Seb’s enthusiasm as a fan of things, and his generosity in sharing that enthusiasm.
I saw that Richard Herring tweeted the fundraiser link, which was cool. Hopefully that lead to a good number of new donations.
As has Ed Solomon, the co-writer of the three Bill & Ted movies, the Now You See Me series of films, Men In Black 1, the Mario Bros movie from 1993, and the 2000 Charlie’s Angels movie. He also posted some nice words and some pictures of Seb.
Just to give a rough idea of how well I’m taking this, last night I genuinely dreamt that Seb miraculously came back to life. And to celebrate the resurrection, UKTV announced that he would get to play Rimmer in an upcoming Red Dwarf special. A slightly unintuitive choice of principal Dwarf character for a scouser to play, but I’m sure it would have worked.
Only really “knew” him from the official site but chatted a few times with him there in the forum. Sad day for all. R.I.P.
Oh my God. I haven’t been on here for well over a month but I just thought I’d check in and to be greeted with this unbelievable news… it’s hit like a freight train. My thoughts are with his wife and daughter at this time. To Cappsy, Ian, Danny, John, Tanya and everyone else who knew and loved Seb- my deepest condolences to you all. Although G&T has always been a great team effort, Seb was a formidable presence in the team. You didn’t have to know him personally to know that he was highly intelligent, articulate, motivated and blessed with a great sense of humour. It’s all the more tragic that someone so young and with so much still to offer has gone far too soon. Seb leaves an enormous footprint on Red Dwarf fandom. It’ll be a strange experience listening to old podcasts and hearing Seb’s voice, but his presence will still rightly be felt in everything he wrote, everything he did, and all the people his life touched, whether personally or through a silly old website that some mates chat away on. Rest In Peace, Seb. And thanks for the memories x
This just is awful news My thoughts go out to everyone who knew and loved Seb at this terrible time Having listened to the Dwarfcasts countless times and read articles more than I should admit its almost like I’ve gotten to know (even though obviously I dont know you) the G&T team past and present I really respect and value your opinions on things Seb was one voice that I often agreed with or found hilarious both on here and his other projects and its very sad that it all has come to such an abrubt far far too soon end. I was catching up on the Last Three Million Years with subtitles on and noticed quite a few errors Seb would have no doubt spotted and not been happy about :D I’d just like to say to everyone here that I am very thankful for you all and although I’m more of a lurker than a poster I do come on here almost every day and on some days when things havent been so good its a great way to be cheered up or be distracted Sorry if this post was one big ramble
About to watch The Movie: Yeah No, Yeah No in Seb’s memory. Please, hasn’t there been enough upset A metatextual odyssey which I’m sure inspired “Back to Earth.” It holds up quite well. Lots of use of Stanislavsky’s method apparent in the performances. Ian’s New York delivery of “cwoffee,” John’s enthusiasm, Cappsy’s Australian arse wiggling and Seb’s delivery of “Ah, Napoleon Bonaparte” are all highlights.
I’ve made a little something for Seb and I put it on G&T twitter, here’s the link for anyone here to see it. R.I.P
We need your help. Seb’s family are seeking permission to install a memorial bench in his favourite spot, but the local council aren’t having it. Please take a moment to sign and share this petition, the man clearly deserves this favour.
“Oh, yes, sitting – the great leveler. From the mightiest Pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn’t enjoy a good sit?” Signed. Hope this comes off.
“Oh, yes, sitting – the great leveler. From the mightiest Pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn’t enjoy a good sit?” Excellent.
We need your help. Seb’s family are seeking permission to install a memorial bench in his favourite spot, but the local council aren’t having it. Please take a moment to sign and share this petition, the man clearly deserves this favour. This sounds a lot like a Call to Action !!
Done. The council have clearly made the wrong decision and used crap logic. By the way, I’m trying to get some money back from Kickstarter and if I’m successful I want to put it toward the GoFundMe, is that still possible?
Yep, it’s still up and running! Thaceworm Jim.