Let’s Talk About Holly Hop News Posted by Ian Symes on 6th February 2021, 09:00 By rights, Dimension Jump XXI should have been and gone last May, roughly a year and a half after the previous event. Plan B was to do it this very weekend, but obviously that can’t happen either, so instead the Fan Club have put together the next best thing – Holly Hop, a virtual con you can attend from the comfort of your own living room. And it’s quite the weekend in prospect. Barrie! Llewellyn! Lovett! Hayridge! McDonald! Dexter! Hawks! Clark! Grant! Bye! Jackson! Quizzes and videos and stuff! And of course, a live table read of a brand new Red Dwarf script written by Rob Grant! There will be much to discuss, so do so here, if you like. The two day event starts at 10:30am today (Saturday), and tickets are still available at a ridiculously cheap price for this amount of entertainment. Let’s face it, there are multiple reasons we all need a nice distraction right now, and this should be just the thing.
If I buy a ticket but am busy today, will I be able to catch up on demand, or will I have to actually watch it live as it goes out?
Barrie! Llewellyn! Lovett! Hayridge! McDonald! Dexter! Hawks! Clark! Bye! Jackson! Grant? Find out tonight.
Getting myself ready, and whatnot. How’s it going to work exactly? Like the Quarantine commentaries? Sit in our lovely t-shirts while we type questions and lovely Twittery, Forumy, G&T-esque chat, and have no one see them? Can we turn our cameras on and ‘mingle’ between events like at DJ? And can we hold our Promised Land blurays up to the webcam for the guests to sign?
Any other Aussies or Kiwis on here who have swapped over to UK time for the weekend? Just after 9pm here and Ive already had a couple of drinks so going to be a long night.
If I buy a ticket but am busy today, will I be able to catch up on demand, or will I have to actually watch it live as it goes out? Live. The fan club (nor anyone else) don’t have the rights for re-broadcast and distribution. …though that’ll be a WIP where possible.
Really good Q&A with Mac. I’d very much like to hear that Jack Nicholson story. Gotta go to work now but I’ll be able to attend tomorrow, so I’m hoping the White Hole commentary and especially the table read aren’t til then. Enjoy today, everyone.
Any other Aussies or Kiwis on here who have swapped over to UK time for the weekend? Just after 9pm here and Ive already had a couple of drinks so going to be a long night. Commitment.
One eye on the football, and didn’t completely hear what Doug said. Was it “I love you more than people I’ve met’ ?
The graphic’s and Alex comedy bits makes it feel like being at DJ to me. Great that all are doing this for us fans. You’ll never reach the heights of how amazing the last DJ was and neither can you make a zoom as cool as being there with fans. But this is still special. £9 a bargain for fans. Dougs message was a nice hello, it’s just nice to see fans names and the fan club faces and the cast are all surviving these lockdown times. Looking forward to Chris and the white hole commentary.
Barrie! Llewellyn! Lovett! Hayridge! McDonald! Dexter! Hawks! Clark! Bye! Jackson! Grant? Find out tonight. All we want to know about is Grant, Jackson vs Naylor. Fact.
The fact mr clark designed Dave dwarf using the corporate identity manual of British rail pleases trainspotting fans. Patrick Stewart to sue now he knows he also used the next generation technical manual.
Patrick Stewart to sue now he knows he also used the next generation technical manual. But then he saw an advert for food which made him feel threatened.
The fact mr clark designed Dave dwarf using the corporate identity manual of British rail pleases trainspotting fans. Very much so! Was not expecting to get to geek out a bit about two of my interests simultaneously today :D
Has anyone mentioned about the problematic casting of white actors for black characters for this Rob Grant script? As a mixed race, bisexual, retired successful businessman, I am very offended.
Rob wants to write more dwarf. He wants stage shows. More tv. Etc. Paul Jackson says they all have signed contracts for more tv dwarf. With Doug as writer and director etc.
Rob wants to write more dwarf. He wants stage shows. More tv. Etc. Paul Jackson says they all have signed contracts for more tv dwarf. With Doug as writer and director etc. Hmmmm.
Oh fuck off. There’s no need to be a horrible man, if you please. I don’t like your avatar. It reminds me of The Harry Hill Show on channel 4 that featured blackface. But you don’t see me being a horrible man about it.
Well, that was nice, especially as none of us were going to mention it at all. Why not? Because the fan club kindly professionally asked for questions not to be asked by fans. Rob chose to adress it and Paul followed on.
Rob wants to write more dwarf. He wants stage shows. More tv. Etc. Paul Jackson says they all have signed contracts for more tv dwarf. With Doug as writer and director etc. Huh. Interesting. Was there any more detail than that?
Rob wants to write more dwarf. He wants stage shows. More tv. Etc. Paul Jackson says they all have signed contracts for more tv dwarf. With Doug as writer and director etc. Huh. Interesting. Was there any more detail than that? Watching the commentary still. Will reply a bit more.
Rob made a comment about expanding on the ideas in White Hole, Paul said something along the lines of “you can now”.
Why not? Because the fan club kindly professionally asked for questions not to be asked by fans. Rob chose to adress it and Paul followed on. I didn’t know that, actually. I was just going to say, ‘politeness’.
Here is the transcript. Rob: “I know a lot of you are distressed understandably. I’ve seen the forums posts about the killing of Red Dwarf. I can honestly reassure everyone, we have no intension of killing off Red Dwarf. It’s a mad suggestion. Anyone who’s seen our commentarys know how we feel about the show. We all want Red Dwarf to go on and on. We want series. We want specials. And Stage shows. And Movies. And Spin Off’s. We want Red Dwarf flying out of our but-ski’s. Why Wouldnt we. Seriously.” “I would really love, personally, to write some of it. Just for the Record.” “Dont worry. We all want the small rouge one to carry on, more than you do.” — Paul Jackson: ” To Echo what Rob says. Having worked with him this week, Its been a joy for the first time in 25 years. To work with Rob on a new Red Dwarf Script (Note: The Holly Hop convention zoom script). It’s only a little cameo. I hope you get as much fun out of it as we have already. There is no way he doesnt love writing and creating situations and dialouge for these characters, so look we all want it to happen. Talk is cheap. I would just say this. Anybody, can say they want it to happen. we’ve actually already signed up. we’ve signed our contract for the next iteration of Red Dwarf. Whatever it may be, a new special or series or whatever it may be. We signed it last year, everything was negotiated fully signed everything set out, how many, how much, it stipulates very clearly Doug will be the writer director and executive producer, of any such commission. We are delighted and we honestly thought by this time we would have got it going. we are ready and waiting, there is nothing we could do to stop it if we wanted to because we have signed the contract already. we want to see it happen we have already signed. Lets get this together boys, then get something else commissioned.” Both: (cheering positively) “yess more Red Dwarf”
Why not? Because the fan club kindly professionally asked for questions not to be asked by fans. Rob chose to adress it and Paul followed on. I didn’t know that, actually. I was just going to say, ‘politeness’. James put it in the chat, when Doug did his short message.
That all sounds very positive. “I would really love, personally, to write some of it. Just for the Record.” Nothing has been stopping him I wouldn’t have thought, had he wanted to in the last 10 years to write something. Unless that’s a rather recent development on his part, which people speculate he has found a second wind for RD after all this time. But really pleased to hear they’ll be pushing forward regardless of what legal troubles they have.
Here is the transcript. Rob: “I know a lot of you are distressed understandably. I’ve seen the forums posts about the killing of Red Dwarf. I can honestly reassure everyone, we have no intension of killing off Red Dwarf. It’s a mad suggestion. Anyone who’s seen our commentarys know how we feel about the show. We all want Red Dwarf to go on and on. We want series. We want specials. And Stage shows. And Movies. And Spin Off’s. We want Red Dwarf flying out of our but-ski’s. Why Wouldnt we. Seriously.” “I would really love, personally, to write some of it. Just for the Record.” “Dont worry. We all want the small rouge one to carry on, more than you do.” — Paul Jackson: ” To Echo what Rob says. Having worked with him this week, Its been a joy for the first time in 25 years. To work with Rob on a new Red Dwarf Script (Note: The Holly Hop convention zoom script). It’s only a little cameo. I hope you get as much fun out of it as we have already. There is no way he doesnt love writing and creating situations and dialouge for these characters, so look we all want it to happen. Talk is cheap. I would just say this. Anybody, can say they want it to happen. we’ve actually already signed up. we’ve signed our contract for the next iteration of Red Dwarf. Whatever it may be, a new special or series or whatever it may be. We signed it last year, everything was negotiated fully signed everything set out, how many, how much, it stipulates very clearly Doug will be the writer director and executive producer, of any such commission. We are delighted and we honestly thought by this time we would have got it going. we are ready and waiting, there is nothing we could do to stop it if we wanted to because we have signed the contract already. we want to see it happen we have already signed. Lets get this together boys, then get something else commissioned.” Both: (cheering positively) “yess more Red Dwarf” Thanks for that! Interesting.
The presented narrative is that any time “new Red Dwarf” has got the nod, Rob has always been asked if he wanted to be involved, and has always declined.
The prospect of more Rob Grant involvement in new Red Dwarf is very exciting. I hope they can work things out to make it happen and get past the current unpleasantness.
“I would really love, personally, to write some of it. Just for the Record.” That is an interesting statement from Rob. usually people have to ask him if he would like to write more. but he just throws that in at his own accord this time? curious indeed. The presented narrative is that any time “new Red Dwarf” has got the nod, Rob has always been asked if he wanted to be involved, and has always declined. I don’t know if i believe that tbh. i get the sense he might have had the option for the movie. but in a fairly recent interview Doug did give off the impression he liked writing the show alone. it gave a freedom he said.
It sounds confusing – even if Rob and Doug ended up doing a Curtis/Elton writing pacts of one writes three, the other write three – it leaves all sorts of complications. Who is the exec? Who directs? In the past I always assumed Rob had no influence over any of it after he left – unless someone knows better?
I don’t know if i believe that tbh. i get the sense he might have had the option for the movie. but in a fairly recent interview Doug did give off the impression he liked writing the show alone. it gave a freedom he said. Yeah, I’m simply stating what Doug has said previously (“the presented narrative”). We don’t know whether they were serious requests, courtesies or just an awareness that Rob would obviously have to sign off on previous series, and “would have stated if he’d wanted to be involved”. It’s this bit that makes it ambiguous whether “Rob wants to write Red Dwarf” is a new thing, or has been bubbling away for a fair old time.
Could the issue be that Rob wants to write more stuff and that has created some on creative control issues with Doug? it seems interesting all this is happening around the same time.
I really enjoyed all of that, although at the end my zoom froze and I could hear a sound that made it seem like there was a message in writing at the end, or was it just space ambience? So annoyed with the weak internet connection here. But apart from personal technical issues that have nothing to do with anyone else, that was a great day. I’m really glad I got a ticket and as soon as I get money on Monday I’m donating to the Trussell Trust.
Of all the days for internet to sporadically fall in my house, it had to happen when I’m attending an event I’ve paid for. Never mind, I still got to see some panels. Hopefully it will be okay for the new Rob Grant script performance tomorrow. …. but anyway. Worse things going on in the world, etc. Interesting to see Rob comment on recent issues, without going into detail ( understandably. I didn’t think he’d even go that far.) And mentioning he’d like to write more stuff for Red Dwarf too! Ah, now my wi-fi is back. Back I hop…. … And it’s ended. ???? Tomorrow it is. Hopefully.
I could hear a sound that made it seem like there was a message in writing at the end, or was it just space ambience? It just said “To be continued” and then “tomorrow”.
Could the issue be that Rob wants to write more stuff and that has created some on creative control issues with Doug? it seems interesting all this is happening around the same time. A perfect example of one of their many contradictions. Doug said (words to the effect) that Rob never really got involved in the directing side of things Rob (when asked about the episode Quarantine) said HE directed it. Right old mystery this… Of course, Red Dwarf aside, it’s very sad that two childhood friends end up in this awkward and unpleasant situation.
In typical Rob and Doug fashion, they always manage to totally contradict one another! Rolls eyes!! Definitely a feeling of control battles, I hope the right terms eventually get reached over all this.
Well! That was funny, interesting, Very Interesting, brilliant, etc. etc. I am glad Rob and Paul did mention The Situation. It clarifies absolutely nothing (I wasn’t expecting them to! At all!) but shows that we really, REALLY do not know enough about any of it to come to any conclusions – and I include my own previous sort-of speculation in that, because we just don’t know. Somehow it just feels a bit reassuring that they felt able to say anything, to be honest, as was seeing Doug’s message. Really enjoyed the Q&As I was able to see – that’s one thing with Red Dwarf guests, they always seem to be really open and generous with their answers, even when they are stories they’ve told hundreds of times already over the years. Looking forward to tomorrow!
Oh no, I was wrong, it *does* clarify! That completely slipped through my synapses, thanks for the transcript guys! . it stipulates very clearly Doug will be the writer director and executive producer, of any such commission. … there is nothing we could do to stop it if we wanted to because we have signed the contract already I don’t want to get overexcited but that sounds like excellent news!
Oh no, I was wrong, it *does* clarify! That completely slipped through my synapses, thanks for the transcript guys! . it stipulates very clearly Doug will be the writer director and executive producer, of any such commission. … there is nothing we could do to stop it if we wanted to because we have signed the contract already I don’t want to get overexcited but that sounds like excellent news! Well sort of. But it doesn’t quite match a looming high court settlement though does it?
But it doesn’t quite match a looming high court settlement though does it? Who said anything about the higher courts? Doug has outstanding invoices, he had filed with whatever court is local to his lawyer or accountants more likely. It’ll probably all get sorted out fairly straightforwardly if GNP do indeed owe the money and pay it. If there’s more to be thrashed out then that’ll happen, but lets not make it out to be a bigger than than it is. It’s a financial dispute that gone to the local court house for collections.
Barrie! Llewellyn! Lovett! Hayridge! McDonald! Dexter! Hawks! Clark! Bye! Jackson! Grant? Find out tonight. Can someone please tell me where the “Partridge? Find out tonight.” line originates from? As a lover of all things Alan Partridge this feels like a big blindspot…
Well sort of. But it doesn’t quite match a looming high court settlement though does it? If I’ve learned anything in my relatively short time in fandom and especially with Red Dwarf, it’s that nothing is certain until it’s actually recorded*, so I’m absolutely not pinning any hopes on anything. BUT it is reassuring to me that clearly there is no intention of going ahead without Doug, and breaking contract from either side would be a(nother) huge deal and a(nother) last resort. As to what *will* and does actually happen, I think we can assume that literally nobody knows right now – hence not wanting to get overexcited ;) *Ben Browder had a series that I think may have even started production but never finished, so not even ‘being recorded’ is a total guarantee!
It certainly suggests that any legal issues are business-based rather than artistically driven, which is ultimately what I think a lot of us were hoping for. Obviously nobody wants this shit situation, but if they’re openly happy with Doug doing more Dwarf, and he’s contracted to do more Dwarf, and Rob is interested in doing his own stuff then at least the heart of the show still exists moving forward. In terms of what’s been ‘stopping’ Rob, I can’t imagine him wanting to write a new series with Doug – despite what happened on Bodysnatcher – and him doing new TV stuff on his own is pretty much impossible, so if he’s not been in the mindset to write a novel then that’ll be what’s been stopping him. It probably took him a while to be at peace with the fact that, despite leaving the show and trying various other things, Red Dwarf is still what he’s remembered for. He’s clearly very positive about RD now, and that’s an utterly lovely thing.
Can someone please tell me where the “Partridge? Find out tonight.” line originates from? “Find out tonight” is in a memorable sketch from The Day Today, which featured Coogan. He of course played Alan Partridge in the show as well. But I don’t recognise “Partridge? Find out tonight.”
I acknowledge this is me wading into the mire of Speculatory Wossnamery, but Rob’s comments have, for me at least, somewhat changed the context of the “watching Red Dwarf VII was like watching a tape of an ex having sex on her wedding night” stuff for me (that’s me paraphrasing, I can’t find the specific quote).
Can someone please tell me where the “Partridge? Find out tonight.” line originates from? “Find out tonight” is in a memorable sketch from The Day Today, which featured Coogan. He of course played Alan Partridge in the show as well. But I don’t recognise “Partridge? Find out tonight.” It’s in the “Knowing Me, Knowing You” DVD extras. One of the BBC2 trailers for one of the episodes. https://youtu.be/vdgz0zXSsO8 1 minute, 5 seconds in. But I’d recommend all of it!
I suppose the question is what options are open to Rob to write more Red Dwarf. i mean when he is the first to say there will be more and he would like to write some of it… it does make you wonder.
It’s in the “Knowing Me, Knowing You” DVD extras. One of the BBC2 trailers for one of the episodes. https://youtu.be/vdgz0zXSsO8 1 minute, 5 seconds in. But I’d recommend all of it! That is delightfully obscure.
ANYWAY, HOLLY HOP DAY ONE’S BEEN GOOD, HASN’T IT? LOADS OF DIFFERENT PEOPLE DOING STUFF TODAY. Yup! The graphic design section was rather cool – for those who haven’t seen it, Mr Clark Tweeted a brilliant thread here: https://mobile.twitter.com/mr_clark/status/1248371017203974145 People were asking about Easter Eggs, well they might find a few in the second picture here: https://twitter.com/mr_clark/status/1248373007363563520?s=20
I suppose the question is what options are open to Rob to write more Red Dwarf. i mean when he is the first to say there will be more and he would like to write some of it… it does make you wonder. He’s mentioned he’d love to write another novel. Whether or not Penguin would publish it is perhaps another thing entirely.
But it doesn’t quite match a looming high court settlement though does it? Who said anything about the higher courts? Doug has outstanding invoices, he had filed with whatever court is local to his lawyer or accountants more likely. It’ll probably all get sorted out fairly straightforwardly if GNP do indeed owe the money and pay it. If there’s more to be thrashed out then that’ll happen, but lets not make it out to be a bigger than than it is. It’s a financial dispute that gone to the local court house for collections. The initial Daily Mail story mentions a “dramatic High Court action”.
Any other Aussies or Kiwis on here who have swapped over to UK time for the weekend? Just after 9pm here and Ive already had a couple of drinks so going to be a long night. Commitment. Lasted to 3.30am. A great day/night.
We now have a new post for Rob and Paul’s revelations, so please continue the discussion on that over there, and then we can talk about day two of Holly Hop here tomorrow.
Broadband playing up again today, but I hope to connect again for the script read-through around 1pm (I believe). I could use phones data I guess, but video gobbles that up. And I don’t have the best reception for that either.
Into the gloop. A sketch. Clearly written for the convention, and the unreality bubble used nicely to explain the cast being different. A thrill that Rob picked up from the end of out of time to do this short sketch. One off bit of fun I don’t need to see again, Cus of the flat nightmarish vision of a rob reboot that sounded like fan fiction.
Well, the most interesting thing about the script is when Rob decided to set it. Generally good performances from the fans, especially “Rimmer”. But…Rob wrote it for *this* cast (and the plot addressed the “difference”) rather than writing a script and having some fans perform it. That seems like a unnecessary restriction. Was it funny? No.
The cat lady looked the part. And all the fans did a good job of being alternatives as written. There was stage direction aimed at Ed not being able to film this. That was funny. But the dialogue was just standard character ranting or pants or ball jokes. Anyone who didn’t Holly hop missed nothing, I’d rather Alex from the fan club write a comic relief sketch with the cast than see this even animated as a mobisode.
But…Rob wrote it for *this* cast (and the plot addressed the “difference”) rather than writing a script and having some fans perform it. This cast as in not-the-main-cast generally or written for the specific individuals brought in for the read-through?
But…Rob wrote it for *this* cast (and the plot addressed the “difference”) rather than writing a script and having some fans perform it. This cast as in not-the-main-cast generally or written for the specific individuals brought in for the read-through? The time drive from out of time, Rimmer missed a bit and created an alternative short living timeline, and they had an inhibitor on the unreality bubbles that he destroyed, turning them into different versions. Rimmer was played as both a female character by a female fan and also as a young 10 year old boy also played by a fan. This and the cat being female was referred to in stage direction and dialogue, the cat doing jokes about not have testicles. Etc. The sketch was rewritten a little after casting. This was mentioned in the after chat. Lister and kryten weren’t said to have changed and were done more as impressions than as characters.
So was the script bad? or just Red Christmas levels of awkward? i think using fans to do it was always gonna be weird.
Can I assume from reactions that nobody is going to be saying “Rob was the funny one” anymore when criticising Doug’s writing?
Hopefully the script wil be able to be made available online at some point, even if the video of the reading itself can’t be.
I missed a bit due to how I viewed it, but didn’t think it was bad. Cast did okay. A tad confused as to how unreality bubble caused this since they were out of that region of space, (although suspect that’s something to do with the damaged drive unreality inhibitor causing a bubble itself). Wouldn’t mind seeing it again or reading the script to get the little bits I missed. Wasn’t over funny from a joke point of view, but I thought it okay. I did make me wonder if Rob writes more Red Dwarf if it will go down an ‘alternate timeline after series 6’ route. Well if he writes novels that would be obvious as that’s happened already a couple of times. I guess it could work in a live action show since most episodes are self contained anyway, not referencing other events.
This cast as in not-the-main-cast generally or written for the specific individuals brought in for the read-through? Not-the-main-cast generally. For example, they cast a female fan to play Rimmer (who was very good), and so a large chunk of the “plot” was about addressing why Rimmer was suddenly not a man. This isn’t particularly new stomping ground, anyway. People fretting about the sudden change of genitals= The opening of BodySwap. i think using fans to do it was always gonna be weird. When this was announced, I had no problem with the idea of fans performing it (including having a female Cat and Rimmer). The format of a table read performed on Zoom already relies on a lot of imagination from the audience, so even a “real” cast read-through would have been a bit “weird”. I just found it a bit redundant that much of the script was spent addressing the cast changes, in a show that has history of ignoring that. I would have preferred Rob to have concentrated on writing a short script of Red Dwarf with the only “spec” being his own imagination. I don’t know how much we should read into Rob choosing to tell a story set immediately after Out of Time, and have the story end in a way, that would definitively end of the show.
Can I assume from reactions that nobody is going to be saying “Rob was the funny one” anymore when criticising Doug’s writing? Yeah That shit has been in some lazy logic brains since 1997, no reason to think now will be any different. Go watch dark ages etc still works as a reply for me and today hasn’t inspired me to stop using that. But it was only a sketch. Like the telethon it didn’t need to be the best thing ever committed to public eyes.
A tad confused as to how unreality bubble caused this since they were out of that region of space, (although suspect that’s something to do with the damaged drive unreality inhibitor causing a bubble itself). I did make me wonder if Rob writes more Red Dwarf if it will go down an ‘alternate timeline after series 6’ route. . I guess they fitted something after being in that bubble. And blowing it up reversed the effect causing this other reality. IF any rob dwarf happened in a post 6 alternate timeline, with cast approval and involvement, they could surely play their older versions now from out of time!!!!! With out make up!
I missed some of the beginning (didn’t hear the cue signalling it was anywhere near starting) so it seems maybe I missed most of the parts addressing gender changes! What I saw made me laugh*, and I thought the cast did very well on the whole – different enough to not be straight-out (or bad) impressions, but also clearly still supposed to be their respective characters. *Not as often as ‘classic Dwarf’ but that’s a very high bar, and I still thought the funny bits were, well, funny *shrug*.
personally i have never thought one was gonna be “the funny one” out of the 2. Both their solo novels did not compare to the stuff they wrote together. Rob has been out of the loop for a while. even if his other work hasn’t been amazing and Doug has had alot of trial and error Himself with his own solo work.
To be clear, I don’t think either was “the funny one”. It’s just a lazy criticism that has been thrown out for a quarter of a century by people who don’t like Doug’s solo stuff.
VII’s turn towards a less sitcommy style, as well as the low-on-gags Last Human (compared to the jokier Backwards) was certainly enough to suggest that Doug was more interested in characters and stories than outright comedy; his attempt at outright comedy in VIII being a miserable failure added to that. So the “Doug did the plots, Rob did the jokes” type of thinking had a certain logic for a while. But yes, it’s clearly bollocks and totally irrelevant at this point.
I’ve disapproved a couple of comments from people offering to share screen recordings of the table read. I’m sure it’s going to make its way into the wider world, but I don’t want to facilitate it on G&T, so please take it elsewhere.
I’ve disapproved a couple of comments from people offering to share screen recordings of the table read. I’m sure it’s going to make its way into the wider world, but I don’t want to facilitate it on G&T, so please take it elsewhere. Okay sorry I meant no offense I will put it on public youtube because the people on the other website said it was for the best when I offered to record it but did not know if they were trolling me
IF any rob dwarf happened in a post 6 alternate timeline, with cast approval and involvement, they could surely play their older versions now from out of time!!!!! With out make up! Craig Jarles.
Hey, Goldfish Toes. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! As we asked repeatedly in chat and at the beginning of the event, recording and/or distribution of any part of Holly Hop was strictly prohibited, as it contains copyrighted material belonging to TORDFC and GNP. Please do not put it on YouTube or it will be copyright striked. Strucken? Please do not share or upload it. Thank you for your cooperation in advance!
Hey, Goldfish Toes. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! As we asked repeatedly in chat and at the beginning of the event, recording and/or distribution of any part of Holly Hop was strictly prohibited, as it contains copyrighted material belonging to TORDFC and GNP. Please do not put it on YouTube or it will be copyright striked. Strucken? Please do not share or upload it. Thank you for your cooperation in advance! What about people like me, who paid for a ticket but missed the live events? Seem a bit rum to take measures to ensure I can’t watch the material.
What about people like me, who paid for a ticket but missed the live events? Seem a bit rum to take measures to ensure I can’t watch the material. I once bought a ticket to Black Sabbath and then couldn’t go, I learned this is an activity known as “I missed the gig”…
I once bought a ticket to Black Sabbath and then couldn’t go, I learned this is an activity known as “I missed the gig”… Fair point. I really don’t see the purpose of holding back the content once the convention has finished though. A new bit of Red Dwarf material from Rob Grant. The first since his post-VI novel and it’ll be lost to the sands of time. Why? Just to keep the people who saw it live as a part of an exclusive club? So they can feel smug about having seen something the rest of us never will be able to experience? I think a good system would be to record all of the material and keep it exclusive for a grace period of three months or so and then upload it to an official YouTube channel. I really don’t see the benefit of not sharing it with the world.
Fair point. I really don’t see the purpose of holding back the content once the convention has finished though. A new bit of Red Dwarf material from Rob Grant. The first since his post-VI novel and it’ll be lost to the sands of time. Why? Just to keep the people who saw it live as a part of an exclusive club? So they can feel smug about having seen something the rest of us never will be able to experience? I think a good system would be to record all of the material and keep it exclusive for a grace period of three months or so and then upload it to an official YouTube channel. I really don’t see the benefit of not sharing it with the world. In my experience not releasing convention content isn’t a case of being withholding and more of being constrained by legalities.
How much did the Sabbath ticket cost? 95 fucking quid. Thankfully I’d seen them at Ozzfest a year or two before… Fair point. I really don’t see the purpose of holding back the content once the convention has finished though. A new bit of Red Dwarf material from Rob Grant. The first since his post-VI novel and it’ll be lost to the sands of time. Why? Just to keep the people who saw it live as a part of an exclusive club? So they can feel smug about having seen something the rest of us never will be able to experience? I think a good system would be to record all of the material and keep it exclusive for a grace period of three months or so and then upload it to an official YouTube channel. I really don’t see the benefit of not sharing it with the world. I’ll lay it out real fucking simple for you: Contractual obligations. – same as with Dimension Jump. The kind that go ‘yes, we promise not to reproduce this ever, yes we’ll make sure no-one else does’ The kind that get a response along the lines of ‘Good – you can have something special to share with everyone then. Cast interviews do you? Exclusive announcements or competitions? How about A special RD sketch? Oh and Here’s temporary rights to do all that legally” The converse of this goes something like: ‘Can we do a convention ?’ ‘No, fuck off.’ ‘What about if we do what we want anyway?’ ‘Get a decent solicitor’ Is that simple or clear enough for you? How about if I phrase it like this: If you or anyone else share or distribute footage of this or other events – you fuck it for ALL of us. Forever. No open fan base. No special happenings. None of the good shit. Oh… yeah, there’s also that thing the industry refers to as ‘detachment of interest’ – to you and me that’s known as the significantly decreased likelihood of new series and specials. So what’ll it be? Still “Waaah, but me, me” ?
So. Rob grant makes a statement… “no intention of killing red dwarf.” Then write’s a new red dwarf script, a sequel to when he killed off red dwarf and left in the 90s, during which he glooped killed off every character again. Gotta love an irony sandwich.
The sad thing about Contractual obligations is that often these things tend to vanish and never be seen again. and its often a piece of history lost.
Thanks Jez, this. It is what it is I’m afraid, it isn’t a case of changing our minds, it’s just an impossibility. But thank you for buying a ticket, it’s another donation to The Trussell Trust, which does outstanding charitable work.
I’ll lay it out real fucking simple for you: Contractual obligations. – same as with Dimension Jump. The kind that go ‘yes, we promise not to reproduce this ever, yes we’ll make sure no-one else does’ The kind that get a response along the lines of ‘Good – you can have something special to share with everyone then. Cast interviews do you? Exclusive announcements or competitions? How about A special RD sketch? Oh and Here’s temporary rights to do all that legally” The converse of this goes something like: ‘Can we do a convention ?’ ‘No, fuck off.’ ‘What about if we do what we want anyway?’ ‘Get a decent solicitor’ Is that simple or clear enough for you? How about if I phrase it like this: If you or anyone else share or distribute footage of this or other events – you fuck it for ALL of us. Forever. No open fan base. No special happenings. None of the good shit. Oh… yeah, there’s also that thing the industry refers to as ‘detachment of interest’ – to you and me that’s known as the significantly decreased likelihood of new series and specials. So what’ll it be? Still “Waaah, but me, me” ? Calm down, mate. I was only asking a question. There’s no call to get nasty about it. I was hoping to be able to see the content, given that I paid for a ticket but missed the event. I now understand why I’m unable to, thanks to your explanation but the vitriol was a bit much.
It is what it is I’m afraid, it isn’t a case of changing our minds, it’s just an impossibility. But thank you for buying a ticket, it’s another donation to The Trussell Trust, which does outstanding charitable work. Indeed. That my money is going to a good cause is why I don’t feel that I’ve wasted my money, despite not getting to see any of the content.
There’s no call to get nasty about it … thanks to your explanation but the vitriol was a bit much. What vitriol? I didn’t call you a prick. … you mean the liberal use of ‘fuck’ and sarcasm? Check what nightclub you came to rave in mate – that’s GanySpeak
Hey, Goldfish Toes. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! As we asked repeatedly in chat and at the beginning of the event, recording and/or distribution of any part of Holly Hop was strictly prohibited, as it contains copyrighted material belonging to TORDFC and GNP. Please do not put it on YouTube or it will be copyright striked. Strucken? Please do not share or upload it. Thank you for your cooperation in advance! Yes I know but the g&t Twitter did ask if anyone had sneakily recorded it for them so I thought it would be okay but I am sorry I will keep it for own personal use or maybe put link on other forum or something I will not put here I am very sorry
It is what it is I’m afraid, it isn’t a case of changing our minds, it’s just an impossibility. But thank you for buying a ticket, it’s another donation to The Trussell Trust, which does outstanding charitable work. Indeed. That my money is going to a good cause is why I don’t feel that I’ve wasted my money, despite not getting to see any of the content. I’m rather confused as to how the fact you bought a ticket to a live event – then didn’t attend for whatever reason – is the fan club’s fault? That’s like buying a ticket to see a sci-fi convention or West End theatre production, not being able to attend, then complaining to the convention organiser or theatre that you should still have access to that content. That’s…..not how events work.
Hey, Goldfish Toes. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! As we asked repeatedly in chat and at the beginning of the event, recording and/or distribution of any part of Holly Hop was strictly prohibited, as it contains copyrighted material belonging to TORDFC and GNP. Please do not put it on YouTube or it will be copyright striked. Strucken? Please do not share or upload it. Thank you for your cooperation in advance! Yes I know but the g&t Twitter did ask if anyone had sneakily recorded it for them so I thought it would be okay but I am sorry I will keep it for own personal use or maybe put link on other forum or something I will not put here I am very sorry Not this but the Rob Paul and Ed commentary from before
I’m rather confused as to how the fact you bought a ticket to a live event – then didn’t attend for whatever reason – is the fan club’s fault? That’s like buying a ticket to see a sci-fi convention or West End theatre production, not being able to attend, then complaining to the convention organiser or theatre that you should still have access to that content. That’s…..not how events work. It’s my fault that I was otherwise occupied during the live event. I’m not blaming the organisers for that. I was just hoping to be able to watch the content at a later date. I now understand why that seems to be an impossibility.
I’m rather confused as to how the fact you bought a ticket to a live event – then didn’t attend for whatever reason – is the fan club’s fault? That’s like buying a ticket to see a sci-fi convention or West End theatre production, not being able to attend, then complaining to the convention organiser or theatre that you should still have access to that content. That’s…..not how events work. It’s my fault that I was otherwise occupied during the live event. I’m not blaming the organisers for that. I was just hoping to be able to watch the content at a later date. I know understand why that seems to be an impossibility. Maybe someone with better English than me can watch my recording and make transcript for people or other persons record it is that allowed?
If you bought a ticket to DJ, missed it, and then asked them to get everyone back, rent the hotel out again, etc etc then you’re a bellend. With Holly Hop being all digital over zoom, and the Red Dwarf lockdown zoomage that preceded it (although from a different source admittedly) that was archived, I don’t think it’s an unreasonable assumption that there would be an archive of it for ticket holders that had to have dinner/ go for a dump/ let the cat out/ reset their router because their ISP is shite and whatever other genuine reasons for leaving their computer for a bit over there are. There isn’t, it is what it is, but it’s not an outlandish suggestion to be fair to RSB
^ I agree it’s not unreasonable to enquire, and there have been choral festivals successfully held with the model of ticket holders getting to watch the live concerts then having exclusive access to the concerts on demand for a couple of months afterwards. However such a setup is presumably more expensive to host and ensure it is totally secure and cannot be leaked, plus it was set up that way in the first place (therefore contracts allowed it) and publicised that’s what the format would be. Clearly this is different, and that’s fine. I didn’t know how much of it I would be able to see myself but was willing to take the risk – I’d have been very disappointed if I’d missed the whole lot, I have to be honest, but was prepared to consider it a donation if that turned out to be the case.
So, this script. I assume it was about 5 minutes? And didn’t really have much of a plot and was just a bunch of jokes? Did it feel true to the characters, even though I gather it addressed that they were alternative versions?
So, this script. I assume it was about 5 minutes? And didn’t really have much of a plot and was just a bunch of jokes? Did it feel true to the characters, even though I gather it addressed that they were alternative versions? Yeah 5 mins-ish. Bit more with intro stage directions etc. Which mocked Ed Bye’s ability to direct crashing gun fire explosions and a complicated infinity of Rimmers etc breifly appearing. Plot was Rimmer (out of time) fires gun, goes wibbly, crew are alive again but altered unreality versions, they comment and quip about this turn of events before very shortly a White hole style ending approaches where they all end up glooped to nothing. Yes it felt true to the characters. The fans playing lister and kryten gave good impersonations, and dialogue was as you’d expect. The cat was dressed and played just like IF our cat had ended up a woman and been shocked by that. Rimmer was played by both a woman and a young boy and was the main focus as he caused the situation, and changed twice. ( Which I understand was a rewrite after casting. ) Humour was in the insult and character dialogue and bizarre situation but not really any more jokes to it than that. Ending with Rimmer claiming victory as the last one to die in the gloopy universe.
So, this script. I assume it was about 5 minutes? And didn’t really have much of a plot and was just a bunch of jokes? Did it feel true to the characters, even though I gather it addressed that they were alternative versions? It was perhaps 8 minutes and I am afraid it was simply not good at all I was disappointed but I did a screen recording for those who maybe want it but I am not allowed to post it here my apologies
So, this script. I assume it was about 5 minutes? And didn’t really have much of a plot and was just a bunch of jokes? Did it feel true to the characters, even though I gather it addressed that they were alternative versions? It was perhaps 8 minutes and I am afraid it was simply not good at all I was disappointed but I did a screen recording for those who maybe want it but I am not allowed to post it here my apologies If it was not good at all then surely you won’t feel people are missing out from not seeing the screen recording.
it was fine! it was a table read by some fans who had been cast fairly recently of a fairly jolly sketch. I’m not sure what you are expecting – Marooned? everyone had a moment or two to shine and some jokes landed. that’s special enough.
Yeah, I enjoyed it and I think the cast did a great job – I liked the idea of having female actors playing the characters, although I would have been interested to see how the dynamic would have worked if they just hadn’t acknowledged it at all in the script. The dialogue and interplay between the cast was quite funny and the central conceit of a decaying pocket reality was suitably weird and Dwarf-ish. I suppose I was expecting it to be a bit longer, but it worked fine as a sort of minisode. There was also something slightly hilarious about Rob just picking up from where he left off and setting it immediately after Out Of Time.
So, this script. I assume it was about 5 minutes? And didn’t really have much of a plot and was just a bunch of jokes? Did it feel true to the characters, even though I gather it addressed that they were alternative versions? It was perhaps 8 minutes and I am afraid it was simply not good at all I was disappointed but I did a screen recording for those who maybe want it but I am not allowed to post it here my apologies If it was not good at all then surely you won’t feel people are missing out from not seeing the screen recording. Because some people have interest in something written by Rob Grant that is new I feel. I have put it somewhere else for people who want to see it for their benefit because not allowed to here but I was not much impressed myself. I think it is not so much funny and I found the actors not great I am sorry for this opinion and I dislike joking about private sector of the body. If people like it then good luck to them I say and glad they have happiness with event :o)
It would be churlish and unkind to criticise a bunch of non-professional actors even if they deserved to be criticised, but this lot were pretty bloody great anyway. I was impressed.
I agree, everyone was great. I really hope we see at least all of them in future lockdown theatres. My heartiest congratulations to everyone involved. It became very clear during the quiz that I’m not very good at quizzes. I got the picture round 10/10 but the rest I barely broke even with. I think I ended up with a C in the end. All in all, this made my weekend.
So, this script. I assume it was about 5 minutes? And didn’t really have much of a plot and was just a bunch of jokes? Did it feel true to the characters, even though I gather it addressed that they were alternative versions? It was perhaps 8 minutes and I am afraid it was simply not good at all I was disappointed but I did a screen recording for those who maybe want it but I am not allowed to post it here my apologies Are you able to email it to me also if that’s allowed? p_hill3000@hotmail.com. I would have loved to attend, especially as the price was so low but my wife and 4 kids were my priority over the weekend. Despite all of the mixed reviews and negative comments I’d be interested in watching it. Or has the script itself been posted anywhere online? ????
Can I just stick my oar in and suggest that maybe it’s not the greatest idea making your email address open to every spammer and scammer on the interweb? Yeah good point. Well made. I notice I’m not the first person to have done the same thing. I’m just interested in reading the script and if I get any unwanted email’s I can mark them as spam… I can’t go back and remove it now ????
So now I have some brainpower to string sentences together, I’ve just remembered that my initial feelings when it was announced were of apprehension, cautious excitement but also aware that it could be really weird. Well, it wasn’t weird at all to me and the unreality bubble setting was perfect for explaining a different cast AND making it plausibly canon. I also should have had faith that RD fans are a talented bunch on the whole (myself excluded) and that the casting directors (Rob, Ed and Paul) would do a good job picking the right people, because they did. And the absence of singling out any one actor for praise is because I felt they (you) all did well and brought good things to the parts. With the disclaimer again of not having seen the first bit, I thought it was a success and everyone involved should be proud of themselves!
I didn’t understand the new script myself. ( I got a recorded from goldflakes above). I think i knew some of it, but i didnt understand the space part. It should have been set in sheffield or something. A place people understand
I didn’t understand the new script myself. ( I got a recorded from goldflakes above). I think i knew some of it, but i didnt understand the space part. It should have been set in sheffield or something. A place people understand Yes you are from other place where I send to some people? That is great hello and welcome. People say to me on that private message that the script is not good and terrible but now I say here and people are upset or rude I cannot tell because English not my first language. I did not see the romance of actors at all I was confused.
Who me? What have I done? Don’t worry, you just got caught in the middle as I got rid of what it was that was never there to get rid of in the first place. ;)
I didn’t understand the new script myself. ( I got a recorded from goldflakes above). I think i knew some of it, but i didnt understand the space part. It should have been set in sheffield or something. A place people understand Yes you are from other place where I send to some people? That is great hello and welcome. People say to me on that private message that the script is not good and terrible but now I say here and people are upset or rude I cannot tell because English not my first language. I did not see the romance of actors at all I was confused. Apparently it’s not a good idea to post our e-mail addresses. How does one PM on this site? EDIT: Sod it. Goldfish Toes, please e-mail me at eddavies82@gmail.com Thank you.
It should have been set in sheffield or something. They don’t get Dwarfers in Sheffield. *waves* Ahem.
I will send email to people who ask or if you are on other forum I can show you there if you say username or want me to say my username
I have a horrible feeling that I do know what is going on. Can we talk about how lovely Holly Hop 2021 was again?
Honestly, I find Holly hops are much nicer than some of these new varieties that are coming out from the US. Less citrusy in flavour, a lot, lot more bitter.
I no longer know what is going on in this thread. I know how you feel. Let’s Talk About Holly Hop. Saturday morning: Mac was funny, wasn’t he? I don’t think I’ve heard that story about following the guy to the toilet before. Whaddya know? They were right, context *is* everything, isn’t it?
Mac was wonderful. Has he told his Jack Nicholson story anywhere? I’m intrigued. EDIT – Had a frankly genius idea and googled it for myself.
I have a horrible feeling that I do know what is going on. Can we talk about how lovely Holly Hop 2021 was again? I have a horrible feeling that you are right. I couldn’t make it but it sounds like a lot of fun. What would you say was the highlight?
I found a reference to it on the batman fandom wiki page for ‘Overweight Joker Goon’ (which is probably on par with William Hootkins’ character’s name in Star Wars* in urgh-ness). The basics seem to be that Mac had the temerity to introduce himself to Nicholson who disliked him immediately and never spoke to him again. I’m sure Mac’s version is funnier, but Jack Nicholson, eh? The more you hear about that guy… *Hootkins was the best Lex Luthor** there’s ever been, by the way. **Superman character.
I will send email to people who ask or if you are on other forum I can show you there if you say username or want me to say my username I did ask but have yet to receive your e-mail. What’s the other forum you are referring to?
I have a horrible feeling that I do know what is going on. Can we talk about how lovely Holly Hop 2021 was again? What would you say was the highlight? I don’t really know what I’d pick as THE highlight, to be honest. It was just a great weekend, I’ve not been to any DJs (yet?) but I just really enjoyed it. I’ll pick something at random and say Norm’s tip for recyling milk cartoons.
It’s a shame they can’t keep the content online so the people who couldn’t make it could catch up at some point. I’d happily pay to the small amount of cash to sit and watch the videos back in the evening.
the one last time lockdown commentary. hattie. a quiz where I felt proud at getting 41/90. the detail of lister’s jacket, which I’m never going to make but as a ridiculous completionist myself (in other fields) I can appreciate the effort of. all the interstitial music. the table read. bobby not understanding how his microphone worked. the good words for seb.
Norm’s tip for recyling milk cartoons. Oh I recycle our cartons in a way that makes them take less space, but his way is far more visually interesting! I enjoyed the panels I saw, and the commentary was fab – the bit I most remember is that Danny’s claim that high-fiving himself was done in one take is apocryphal, it was actually many (Ed guessed about 12). I think what most impressed me, that I was not expecting at all, were the interludes with well-chosen music, and the theme tune signalling the next event was about to start. Oh and I enjoyed Matthew Clark’s presentation and Q&A; I’d seen his Twitter thread but it was nice to hear more context and a bit More of what went into things. Plus just how tiny the budgets really are, that they couldn’t even afford upmarket crates and had to settle for cheap ones! I enjoyed Sunday of course, and I kind of feel like scoring A Score on the quiz was almost an initiation to the fandom – I think I know a fair bit about behind-the-scenes stuff, but it turns out my knowledge of trivia from the actual episodes is woefully lacking!
I will send email to people who ask or if you are on other forum I can show you there if you say username or want me to say my username I did ask but have yet to receive your e-mail. What’s the other forum you are referring to? It was official one before think so.
Is it wrong that as someone who missed out I’m now reading through the feedback here and the one thing I really want to know more about is Norm’s tip for recycling milk cartons?
Is it wrong that as someone who missed out I’m now reading through the feedback here and the one thing I really want to know more about is Norm’s tip for recycling milk cartons? Yes and that is not funny but useful. What is the matter?
Yes and that is not funny but useful. What is the matter? Recycling, hmm, it’s a morally grey area really, isn’t it? But no, seriously, when there’s been a performance of brand new Red Dwarf material written by Rob Grant and all you can think about is the best way to sit on a milk carton to help fit more stuff in your bin, well I’m afraid your credentials as a Dwarf fan must be called into question. I’m afraid Jenuall may be a hero, but their opinions on series 8 must be dismissed out of hand from now on.
Yes and that is not funny but useful. What is the matter? Recycling, hmm, it’s a morally grey area really, isn’t it? But no, seriously, when there’s been a performance of brand new Red Dwarf material written by Rob Grant and all you can think about is the best way to sit on a milk carton to help fit more stuff in your bin, well I’m afraid your credentials as a Dwarf fan must be called into question. I’m afraid Jenuall may be a hero, but their opinions on series 8 must be dismissed out of hand from now on. I think you are be correct Spacework Jim
Yes and that is not funny but useful. What is the matter? Recycling, hmm, it’s a morally grey area really, isn’t it? But no, seriously, when there’s been a performance of brand new Red Dwarf material written by Rob Grant and all you can think about is the best way to sit on a milk carton to help fit more stuff in your bin, well I’m afraid your credentials as a Dwarf fan must be called into question. I’m afraid Jenuall may be a hero, but their opinions on series 8 must be dismissed out of hand from now on. Good god, no! Brand new performances with 21-gun salutes in front of the entire Zoom Admiralty send me to the land of nod. I’ll be down in the mess with the salt-of-the-earth engineering boys sitting on milk cartons as per usual! For the avoidance of doubt, I was joking ;) Although recycling is also good. Except when it results in water that tastes like Dutch lager.
There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition. And it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call… The Ganymede & Titan Forum 2021.
There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition. And it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call… The Ganymede & Titan Forum 2021. Didn’t they also get to no. 6 with ‘Baby I Want Your Love Thing’?
I’ve read the script now – it’s out there, but don’t ask me where. I thought it quite good fun. The kind of thing they would’ve knocked out perhaps for Comic Relief back in the day – entirely stands alone without affecting anything before or after. And very much in the series 6 voice.
I’ve read the script now – it’s out there, but don’t ask me where. Region Uncharted, Sector No Name, Quadrant Nameless.
And very much in the series 6 voice. Setting scanners to long, long, long range… Almost certainly because it was the only series I saw for a few years when I was still in single digits, but I find series 6 voice/look/vibe incredibly comforting.
It’s been published on TOS. I quite enjoyed it, although admittedly it was mainly Rimmer I found funny. He (I guess she, I still imagined it as the regular cast) has a really solid speech toward the end that I just had to read out loud to myself doing the best Rimmer delivery I could muster. Although that said, Cat calling his dick “Mr. Stretchy” got a laugh out of me.
I thought it was ok, but it probably loses something not seeing it performed as intended. Weirdly it felt a bit fan-fiction-y to me in places.
Weirdly it felt a bit fan-fiction-y to me in places. Even weirdlier, if I didn’t know it hadn’t been written by Doug I absolutely would have believed it had. I quite enjoyed it for what it was.
So the vibe I’m getting is that none of the Holly Hop guests gave updates on the whereabouts of Snacky.
I couldn’t believe it when I found out one of these conventions were held by the power of the internet. That’s incredible and a really smart idea. I hope you all had a super time! I wish I had known, I would have gotten me a ticket.