Home Forums Ganymede & Titan Forum Anyone going to be taking Norman Lovett up on his offer?

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    He put a Myspace bulletin up yesterday saying you can buy his DVD and a signed print of Holly for £12 or £15 outside the UK. I’m tempted if i can find the funds.


    can he really do that? i mean he slagged the creators off and said how he dont want anything more to do with red dwarf and yet he is trying to make money from the show still

    way to go


    I think he’s the only one of the cast who takes money for his autographs as well.


    That’s the offer? I was hoping for something a little more interesting.

    Tarka Dal

    Tsk Norm. I didn’t know you lived in Hull.


    I don’t want anything more to do with Red Dwarf. Oh, but I’ll still sell autographed Holly photos. He’s a humorous bastard, I’ll give him that.


    Is his DVD any good? I’ve never seen any of his stand up stuff. Actually i’ve never seen anything he’s done except Red Dwarf.


    I saw him live in Sheffield once. The first half of the show was him, the second was Chris Barrie.

    The second half was better.


    I saw Norman Lovett performing stand up twice in Swansea University student’s union bar, about six months apart. The first show was brilliant, me and my mate had a great time, Norm was hilarious. The second show was boring and forced.

    It’s like he had used his only good material the first time round, and realising he was playing to the exact same audience he had played to just months before, tried to wing the whole set by rambling through it.

    Unfortunately, on the strength of his first show, my mate and I arranged for a big group of our mates to come up to Swansea to watch the second show, thinking “we’ll have a great time watching Norman Lovett and then go out and get pissed in the City”. We were all so depressed by the time Norm had finished, we went to Tesco, got food, and went home.


    > Tsk Norm. I didn?t know you lived in Hull.

    Hull? Whereabouts? I’m popping back home in a few weeks [which believe it or not, is Hull]. Can go find out what he’s playing at and demand it free of charge like the rest of the cast.

    Tarka Dal

    “He?s a simply amazing comedian, and one of the best stand-ups in the world.”

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