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    Apparently David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are making a fascinating drama series about the American Civil War, where the South win.


    Phobos And Deimos

    It’s always the bloody Confederacy. How about a timeline where the American Revolution was crushed? You’d likely see four or five different nations take the place of the United States over the course of 150 years.


    What about one where the United States doesn’t win the first crusade?


    “It’s always the bloody Confederacy. How about a timeline where the American Revolution was crushed?”

    I think the answer is that the scars of the Civil War are still visible here, as odd as that probably sounds. Confederate flags hang, monuments to Confederate soldiers are all over the south, and the serious issues we have with race are still (terribly) prevalent.

    So “What if the South won?” is a question that’s not as far from our minds as “What if the British won?”

    We don’t have Union Jacks hanging anywhere apart from tea shops, we don’t have any monuments to British soldiers (well, technically our soldiers WERE British but you get the picture), and I don’t think there’s any true lingering resentment against British people at all.

    While the question of the Revolutionary War turning the other way would certainly lead to interesting stories, it’s also much further from the cultural consciousness here than the Civil War. Honestly I can’t think of many shows that explored the Revolutionary War in that way. An episode of Futurama is all that comes to mind, and they had their fun with the Civil War as well.


    Yeah, there’s not many two-hundred-old-wars with so much remaining resentment over the outcome as the American Civil War. Lots of the southern states still give off the feeling of being forced to be part of the country, and would probably leave again if we hadn’t already preemptively declared war on them if they do.


    Shut up. I know it probably didn’t make sense. And I probably didn’t get my afternoon under-the-table nap today because I was hiking tenish miles.

    Phobos And Deimos

    I’d love to see that, the Bible Belt just upping and leaving and seeing how far they get because of some misplaced reliance on historical revisionism and good ol’ pride blinding them.

    When your mentality and inner worth as a citizen of the land you were born in relies on believing a buncha colonial Yankees are picking on you and have been for centuries, you need to get a fucking life. The South Shall Rise Again my arse.

    Same goes for my lot, the bloody Jocks. We’ve had a bee up our kilt about the English for years but I don’t see many Cockneys jumping Hadrian’s and poking me with a stick. No no, my colonial master is the fucking imbeciles in Edinburgh. Devolution? They got that right, just the wrong context.

    Where was I? Oh yes, slaves are bad, up the Union, three cheers for big Abe and his undivided house.

    And I quite like Series VII.

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