Home Forums Ganymede & Titan Forum ‘Smegazine’ fan project – Back In The Smeg?

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    After ‘Sonic The Comic’ ended, there was a ‘fanzine’ version of it made by readers that continued online. Do we have enough talented people on G&T to do a one-off Smegazine revival? I’d be up for drawing a comic.

    So, who would potentially be interested in taking part? I’m imagining just a handful of strips in the style of what appears in the Smegazine (so it can be ‘main’ reality or based on an alternate reality character like Jake Bullet), with a snazzy cover and perhaps some light editorial content, created out of love and posted for free online.

    We’d need to pair up writers and artists (unless you want to draw your own strip) so leave a comment here saying which of those you’re interested in doing, if you are?


    I’d be happy to try and write and draw something.

    Could also put together a current News page in the old-school Smegazine style.


    created out of love

    I was thinking more scorn.


    I read the STC Online issues after a few years and there was a lot of talent and effort there, though the only plot point that stuck in my mind was Vector resolving a crisis by mortgaging the Floating Island, in the educationally surreal spirit of Kitching’s Chaotix strips (like that time they tricked a gang of elemental supervillains into making themselves into a pot).

    They even persuaded Kitching to return and write an anniversary strip.


    created out of love
    I was thinking more scorn.

    It was more just a way of saying no one is getting paid. 😝


    Well, if we’re definitely doing this, you can count me in. So how do we decide what material we’re gonna use for it? Are we gonna pitch story ideas?


    Because it would be a fanzine, I’d say just write or draw what you want to write or draw if you think you have a good idea and can execute it. I’m happy to give general tips to anyone that wants to participate on how to draw a comic or write a script (I’ve been published before) and offer advice if requested but I wouldn’t feel comfortable rejecting ideas or contributors. 

    I’ll set up an email or something in the new year where people can get involved but for now we’ll just see who is interested. 

    (I also thought I’d limit this idea to this forum to a) make it a G&T fan project and b) keep it manageable!)


    I’m presuming it goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway – if you have an idea for a story but can’t draw then the preference would be to pair your story with an artist rather than you having a go yourself (unless you’re a talented enough smegger to do both, like Dave).


    I might be able to mock up a tediously unfunny letters page. 


    Yeah, that would be a good fit. 👍


    I could also do the graphic design/layout work unless anyone else would like to.

    Flap Jack

    This should go without saying, but I trust at least one comic will be adapted from the committee-agreed best ‘Idea for an episode’?


    Yeah I thought about that thread, though anyone is welcome to use an idea they’ve posted there.

    Some deliberately shit ideas that wouldn’t be good but that I enjoyed thinking about:

    – Captain Bollocks strip

    – Adaptation of the mobisodes

    – Strip based on the version of the characters on that weird foreign book cover 


    I might be able to mock up a tediously unfunny letters page. 

    This is exactly what I hoped, I managed to stop myself from requesting it.


    I guess now’s as good a time as any to start pitching, then. Here’s some of my ideas:

    1. Rimmer takes the improbable career choice of moving to 1990s Manchester to become a graphic designer.
    2. Kochanski actually does try to flush herself out of an airlock and Kryten has to talk her down with the aid of some convenient flashbacks.
    3. The resurrected crew build a giant engine and go fly Garbage World out into space to go find out what happened to Second Earth after everyone moved there, but they quickly find that the thrust from the engine warps the planet’s crust – and makes it look fat – requiring the building of a “world girdle” to keep it in shape (and stop the engine from bursting right through and splitting the planet).
    4. Norman Lovett, Private Eye. In these thrilling adventures, the bent-nosed hard-nose discovers to his shock that the dreaded football thief was a floor manager disguised as a well-known Scottish singer, has his thunder stolen by an eccentric blonde who has less and less to do as time goes on, and faces the ultimate question – is he legit?

    Actually, I think I’ll stop there before this becomes Ideas for an Episode 3.


    I could contribute some Red Dwarf-themed mathematical puzzles.


    I feel like a Maths In The Red page is an absolute must.

    Jonathan Capps

    Jake Bullet / Androids crossover, pls

    Nick R

    hello I would like to apply for the role of an artist

    here are some samples of my previous work

    as you can see my style can adapt very well to red dwarf


    hello I would like to apply for the role of an artist

    here are some samples of my previous work

    as you can see my style can adapt very well to red dwarf

    Can Smeg, Will Smeg


    I especially love your pitch for Pete Part Three there in the first panel Nick.

    Paul Muller

    I can knock up a 3D render or something if anyone needs one. 


    I might be able to mock up a tediously unfunny letters page. 

    As opposed to being able to mock a tediously unfunny letters page?


    I’d like to write something.  I’m not particularly good at drawing.  (My instagram is jvgreendarmok if you want to see some examples of my writing and drawing)


    I would also like to write something. I can’t really draw, but I am reasonably good with image editing and fonts and things.

    Here are some links to stuff I’ve done online:

    When I Was A Child, You Used To Get A New Soviet Premier Every Three Weeks

    Recent columns by Adrian Chiles

    A comedy review of that one Black Mirror episode about Spectrum games, on my Letterboxd account


    Well goddamn, colour me impressed. That’s quite a portfolio you’ve got there.


    I’ll be posting an email address for people to officially register their interest soon. 👍


    Can I recycle my Rimmer stories but add more to them? That’s easier than making a new thing.


    Yes, story submissions can be based on pre-existing ideas that have been online before. It being made into a comic will make it “new” enough, as it’d be an adaptation.


    Seems like a lot of effort to give Doug some ideas for series XIII


    Yes, story submissions can be based on pre-existing ideas that have been online before. It being made into a comic will make it “new” enough, as it’d be an adaptation.

    I mean, I was pitching printing a literary work in addition to comics. I feel like the story in question is very ill-suited for a visual adaptation considering the way it’s written. If the object is to pitch a comic I should do something else.


    Yeah I agree, Katie’s stories are brilliant but I suspect a lot of the humour would be lost in translation because the gags aren’t really suited to the visual format. There’s a lot of playing around with language and pseudernal monologues (a word I just made up to describe the narration style).


    That’s fine, I just presumed they were being put forward as ideas for strips – no problem with putting a written piece in as we’ve seen those in the Smegazine (with a few illustrations).

    Spare Hand One

    Is that picture yours? It’s rubbish”



    Right, those interested can now send an email to the following addy:

    backinthesmeg (at) gmail (dot) com

    For now just let me know what you’d like to do (eg write a script, draw a comic, graphic design, written features) and what name you want to appear as in the credits. You can work on more than one story or feature, if you like. Pairing artists and writers and planning the structure of the thing will come later, though you can start planning or writing your submission as soon as you like.

    Here’s a reminder of some of the stuff you might see in a regular Smegazine that could be included: longer comic strips set in the main show’s universe (any era), “spin-off” comics featuring alt-universe or supporting characters (eg Ace Rimmer, Snacky, Kochanski), written features such as a letters page or quizzes, short stories (not comics), posters/pin-ups. 

    I’m open to including everything that is submitted though there will be an attempt at quality control – anyone who wishes to write or draw a comic, I’ll e-mail out some general tips from my experience to help you along, if you need it. I’ll also offer any advice if I see ways to improve something, though you can challenge that. 

    Lastly, please don’t use AI. 

    That’s it!


    Oh and if you want to work on more than one thing then mention that in the email.

    Captain Bollocks

    Captain Bollocks strip

    Don’t get too excited folks; I have not agreed to disrobe in this tattyrag. 


    Just a reminder for anyone that has expressed interest to get in touch above, as we’ve only had two in so far.



    I just sent an email. I meant to do it before.


    I could send an email, but since it would just be a string of random letters, you’d probably prefer I didn’t bother.


    a string of random letters

    Sounds perfect for Holly-Grams.


    I’m not going to contribute.

    I’m not going to read it.

    I’m going to wait for the Dwarfcast about it.


    Don’t get too excited folks; I have not agreed to disrobe in this tattyrag. 

    Sexy details part 2?


    I’m not going to contribute.
    I’m not going to read it.
    I’m going to wait for the Dwarfcast about it.

    But would you burn it?


    I did have one idea for a comic but before I send any emails I need to work out my strategy for pretending it was a joke if everyone hates it.


    An adaptation of Yeah, No, Yeah, No: The Movie with extremely unflattering likenesses of all involved. The Grinch keeps appearing in panels for no discernable reason, and is never acknowledged. Due to likeness rights issues, the part of Mr Flibble will be played by Christopher Plummer.

    As for non-comic-related content:
    – Ref Dwarf entries on such Dave era luminaries as Equahecta, Crit Cop, and Reg Warf. Almost all of the entries will be N/A or otherwise trying to talk around the fact that there’s next to no information about any of these characters.

    – An in-character “interview” with Kryten that is actually just the interviewer reading the ActuallyKryten tweets, a la that one Slate article from 2010, “Kanye West Has a Goblet”. The interviewer will of course be written in the 90s Cor Dear I’m Mad, Me style (complete with abuse of brackets).

    – An advert which tells you to get your finger whetting machines working overtime and send off for a full year’s subscription to the Smegazine, or else be judged an absolute slag.

    – Red Any Good Books Lately? An extremely non-committal and “it’s alright I guess” review of The Quanderhorn Xperimentations. It becomes increasingly clear over the course of the article that the reviewer hasn’t actually read either of the books being reviewed, and is going off of plot summaries.

    – NEWS FROM THE DWARF. A blank page.


    Not entirely flippant question, but would a photocomic made with the Smegadrive be considered too off model?


    No, you could do that if you like.

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