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    Jonathan Capps

    I thought it was very weak and more than a little bizarre.


    I saw an article in the Daily Star* concerning the end of series finale.
    Possible spoilers ahead:

    Supposedly (emphasis on ‘supposedly’, bearing in mind the source) it’ll feature a big alien invasion featuring The Daleks, The Cybermen and The Sontarans.

    (Ok, one quick search later, here is the article.)

    I’m not sure how I feel about that if it’s true, particularly considering the big-build-up-quick-unsatisfying-resolution history New Who is known for. (I still remember that big cosmic vacuum cleaner from the time The Daleks and Cybermen were last at it. So to speak. Oo-er.)

    *I’d like to add here that I don’t make a habit of reading that paper. It actually makes the Sun look classy! I’ve spent the last 3 weeks on a New Deal job-search course, and when all the computers are taken and the job-ads in the papers are perused… well, there’s lots of time to kill. That’s my excuse anyway. (I didn’t buy it. It was just there. Although there were no job ads inside. Lots of ‘sensual massage’ ads though.)

    Edit- The news about new Torchwood online comic could be interesting though. I hope they do produce a proper series at some point though.


    I believe there is some truth to the Sontarans and Daleks in the last 2 episodes (Briggs and Ryan were spotted I believe), however the story they suggest they feature in sounds very much like the Daily Star have been reading wild speculation on Galifrey Base.

    Tarka Dal

    Hmm. Fair is fair, that’s the first bit of Moffat-era that hasn’t excited me at all. I love the opening shot. It’s a bit Gregory’s Girl, well very Gregory’s girl. However the dialogue is bluergh, the ‘tunnel’ looks like CG from 10 years ago and the whole thing is a bit Sarah-Jane. Which of course is fine for Sarah Jane, but I want a bit more from Who.

    Tarka Dal

    > Daleks in Manhattan

    I like the Dalek two-parter, albeit I appear to be the only one.


    I like the Dalek two-parter, albeit I appear to be the only one.

    I wouldn?t say that it’s disastrously bad. It?s hardly standout, but I certainly don?t think it?s the blight on the series that some seem to.


    > I thought [the new trailer] was very weak and more than a little bizarre.

    Agreed (and I’m very surprised to hear that putting it in 3D was an afterthought, to look at it).

    One of the weakest points for me, compared to the equivalent trailers from previous series (“D’y wanna come with me?”, “Think you’ve seen it all?”, “I’m a Doctor/I’m The Doctor”, “There are things… waiting in the darkness.”) is the lack of a running dialogue. This thing’s ALL visual, and more than a bit random – you could have bunged the earlier trailers on the radio and basically have followed them. This one… not so much.


    Yeah and it’s hard to care really about the close eye contact of characters we’ve not really met yet. But it had a good line. More excited by the first scene and the trailer at the end of the last episode though. So when is easter this year?


    > So when is easter this year?

    3rd April is episode 1, ‘The Eleventh Hour’, confirmed broadcast date.

    Btw it’s highly likely there’ll be another more standard trailer around 2 weeks before then, though this crazy 3D one is probably our ‘do you wanna come with me?’ moment (I still love that trailer, in fact I want to see that series even though we already DID see it!).

    We can glean from the trailer that there will be attraction of some kind between Amy and the Doctor. Frankly, it would just be weird if the Doctor didn’t fancy Amy to a certain degree. Gorgeous much. And Amy may well love the danger of the Doctor and his lifestyle, pulling her away from her fiance, Rory. They’re hardly gonna be frakking each other’s brains out, but having that tension there will be a huge plus point.


    It?s your own fault for being German.

    Well done Ian. ;p

    Having seen the new teasretrailerthing I now know that I don’t need to see it in 3D.


    Frankly, it would just be weird if the Doctor didn?t fancy Amy to a certain degree. Gorgeous much.

    Yeah. That theme is getting a bit repetitive though. (Granted with Martha it was all a bit one-sided. And Donna wasn’t interested…)

    Seb Patrick

    It’d be quite funny if the Doctor fancied Amy but she wasn’t interested in him in the slighest.

    Besides, rumours about Whithouse’s episode suggest she might be a bit too preoccupied for any of that sort of thing, anyway…

    Jonathan Capps

    It doesn’t seem to be Moffat’s style to have a ‘fancying’ storyline with the Doctor and companion and as Chris said, that’s been done to death by now. Any romance involving the Doctor will surely be centred around him and River Song.


    Well if I were Moffat I would be playing it as they do fancy each other but it can’t happen because Amy is getting married to Rory, who she really does love (unlike with Rose and Mickey) and also the Doctor has promised himself he’ll never be romantically involved with a companion ever again.

    Ben Paddon

    Bloody good thing you’re not Moffat, then.


    New season 5 filming piccies courtesy of alun vega on flickr :):)



    Admittedly not new who, but there?s not really anywhere appropriate on Unlimited Rice Pudding for it. Interesting for anyone that listens to Big Finish. From Tom’s website:

    I have just accepted to do a Doctor Who adventure for BIG FINISH. I also hope that will lead to other scripts for them.


    It should be pointed out though that Barnaby Edwards says he has heard nothing of this.


    Cybermen return confirmed!! From the twitter updates from tonight’s press screening of ‘The Eleventh Hour’, where they seem to have thrown in a new series trailer for good measure! Also, it’s being reported the episode itself shows flashes of all 10 Doctors in a ‘Next Doctor’ type way. Damn this is the kind of thing I didn’t want to know even though I’m reading every spoiler going…

    Bring them the heck on. Come on, Moffat, let’s see what you’ve got!!!


    I have only seen the Chris Ecclestone episodes… but over the last couple weeks, I watched every episode of Torchwood and read The Writer’s Tale Final Chapter… so that gives me how long to watch every Tennant episode before the new one starts? Two weeks? Yikes…


    Blogger Who have a clip up from the first episode. Having seen it, (with it being the first time we’ve really seen Matt performing properly in an episode rather than a speciallly made trailer or a montage,) i’m starting to see why Moffat was so taken with him.

    Pete Part Three

    Matt Smith is like a bloke in his fifties acting like a bloke in his twenties, rather than the other way round. Weird but interesting… still getting the Crispin Glover vibe.


    > so that gives me how long to watch every Tennant episode before the new one starts? Two weeks? Yikes?

    Pleeease don’t watch every episode, unless you want to experience a pretty depressing fortnight…

    Just make sure you check out the good ones like The Girl In The Fireplace, The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, The Runaway Bride, Smith & Jones, Blink, Utopia, Silence In The Library/Forest of the Dead, Midnight etc.

    Ben Paddon

    > Pleeease don?t watch every episode, unless you want to experience a pretty depressing fortnight?

    You are consistently wrong. Please stop doing that.


    Well, most people told me Torchwood wasn’t worth bothering with (someone on here – can’t remember who – told me to skip series 1 and 2 and just watch Children of Earth!) but I’ve really enjoyed pretty much every episode…

    and there wasn’t an episode of Ecclestone Who I didn’t like either…

    so I guess I’ll be a glutton for punishment and watch them all.

    Pete Part Three

    Blimey. If you pretty much enjoyed every episode of Torchwood, you should defnitely try and squeeze in every episode of Tennant’s Doctor Who. You’ll proabably even enjoy Fear Her.


    > You?ll proabably even enjoy Fear Her.



    DoG did a spoiler-free review for episode 1 a short while ago.

    They’re basic verdict seems to be, ‘good as an opener, but people expecting the tone to be drastically different from RTD’s Who will be disappointed’. (I’m not one of them by the way. I wasn’t keen on a lot of RTD’s plot resolutions, but I didn’t have that much problem with the overall tone. Apart from the hero worship stuff.)

    Jonathan Capps

    I wouldn’t trust DoG too much, as they failed to notice the title sequence they describe as being similar to the old, is in fact the old one revamped a bit for use in the press screening, and we’re getting the proper one on broadcast.


    They did mention that all the effects,etc, weren’t quite up to date.

    And I was more interested in their view of the story really. Not that mine will necessarily be the same, but I think I’d be reasonably happy if it’s like what they described.

    Ben Paddon

    Den of Geek are a confederacy of dunces. As, by the way, are Digital Spy, who are doing stupid things like Alex


    Den of Geek are a confederacy of dunces. As, by the way, are Digital Spy, who are doing stupid things like telling everybody that David Tennant has a cameo when it?s all the more likely he appears in a flashback or a ?The Next Doctor?-esque recall moment.

    Digital Spy do however have this:


    (*Or Moffat’s new one: ‘Gorgeous’)


    > (someone on here – can?t remember who – told me to skip series 1 and 2 and just watch Children of Earth!) but I?ve really enjoyed pretty much every episode?

    There are only a couple of Torchwood episodes that I really didn’t like as opposed to several more new Who ones. Children of Earth was probably the biggest thing RTD has been involved that wasn’t at least 50% a mess (TEOT I’m looking at you). Stuff like the Cybermen 2-parter, the Daleks 2-parter, The Doctor’s Daughter, 42, Fear Her, Last of the Time Lords, The Idiot’s Lantern – I never want to see those episodes EVER again. I can’t say that about any Torchwood.

    Btw it’s worth noting that people are allowed to have opinions that differ. Last time I checked…


    The only Torchwood episode that pissed me off – from the top of my head – was the fairies at the bottom of the garden. That’s the one that stands out… liked the rest.

    Ben Paddon

    Y’see, I think that’s the strongest episode of the first season. The worst episode of Torchwood is clearly “Cyberwoman”.

    Pete Part Three

    Nah, it’s the one where that weird thing happens in Cardiff.

    Ian Symes

    Random Shoes is pretty much the worst thing ever broadcast.

    Ben Paddon

    Random Shoes has some good ideas in there, and for that I can forgive it.


    > Random Shoes is pretty much the worst thing ever broadcast.

    This. Well, there have obviously been worse things broadcast (Take Me Out with Paddy McGuiness…??), I’ve just turned them off.

    Seb Patrick

    >Random Shoes has some good ideas in there

    The main one, of course, having been nicked from the far superior Love & Monsters.

    John Hoare

    Can’t speak for the rest of the episode – I barely remember most of it – but the ending of Random Shoes had me and Tanya jeering at the screen and then collapsing into hysterics.


    Tardis interior revealed:

    And episode 7 is called Amy’s Choice apparently.


    It’s crazily brilliant, evoking both classic (right back to Hartnell) and 2005-era console rooms, though I don’t know whether it has the same iconic feel that IMO the RTD one had. Well, if you think of the trailer shots of Chris and Billie standing in the Tardis it definitely felt iconic then. Matt and Karen seem a little out of place in this new console room. Obviously I’m being picky, but I wonder whether the original ‘pirate-y’ costume they had lined up for Matt was more suited to this interior.

    Whatever, just look at the SIZE of it. And how many friggin stairs does a Time Lord need?? Maybe they took one look at Karen’s legs and though ‘yep, more stairs, oh and a glass floor…’ I can’t wait to get a closer look at the console itself and ofc the Time Rotor in action. Hope we see at least one other room this series. They can’t do that to us, put in two(?) doorways to other rooms and never show them.


    It’s Saturday. Bring on the new era. :-) Cant wait.


    I’ve been plodding my way through the RTD era over the past month or two. I really wanted to watch them all before the new series started but I had nowhere near enough spare time. So do I hold off on tonight’s episode until I’ve finished the RTD era? Or do I just watch it anyway?

    I mean, I’m fairly confident it will be completely standalone and accessible to first-time viewers, therefore it is not likely to contain any spoilers or ruin my watching of the old episodes in any way at all… but it may just muddy the waters a little… I dunno…


    I’ve been plodding my way through the RTD era over the past month or two. I really wanted to watch them all before the new series started but I had nowhere near enough spare time. So do I hold off on tonight’s episode until I’ve finished the RTD era? Or do I just watch it anyway?

    I mean, I’m fairly confident it will be completely standalone and accessible to first-time viewers, therefore it is not likely to contain any spoilers or ruin my watching of the old episodes in any way at all… but it may just muddy the waters a little… I dunno…


    Definately watch it. I seriously doubt it’ll affect your enjoyment of the rest of RTD at all. 10 minutes!!!!

    Pete Part Three

    Good luck, everybody, here it comes!

    Kris Carter

    That was GREAT! Apart from the theme tune! Which needed to be faster. But everything else was great!

    And Amy Pond all grown up, in a policewoman’s outfit.. I would wreck that.


    I second your latter sentiment.


    I really enjoyed that…and it looks as though it will only get better judging by the final montage of things to come. :D

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