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    Pete Part Three

    Not entirely blown away by that. Quite a big change in style – which I liked, but that’s definitely the weakest Moffat story I’ve seen so far…

    Hated the new theme tune, didn’t like the titles much.

    Matt Smith, though… Well, he IS The Doctor.


    4/5. It wasn’t as good as Smith and Jones but still pretty enjoyable. Did start to drag in the middle and the solution wasn’t as clever as they thought it was. Matt Smith was great.

    Not sure about Amy Pond just yet. I knew she was going to be leaving something because of a spoilerific entry in a TV guide so I was a bit underwhelmed when I found it wasn’t a baby. Plus, I wasn’t a big fan of the last Runaway Bride we had on this show.

    Oh and the new theme tune was really bad. And the Tardis appeared to be flying through a Fire and Smoke visualisation on Windows Media Player.


    I actually liked the new theme and loved Amy Pond as a character…but then, I did remain spoiler free and missed the TV guide entry.


    I was happy with that. Though I think they should have just started with the TARDIS crashing in the garden instead of the hanging shenanigans and the middle eight sounds like it’s gone from the closing theme.

    Kissagrams and internet porn… erm…


    I really enjoyed it. A fun ride, and I felt like I cared about the characters even though these are new actors etc. Loved all the food stuff and happy “funny is good” considering Moffat’s past writings, and the wall crack and the giant eye stuff I liked. I can forgive the story being fairly simple given all our attension is on a new dr, companions and even a new Tardis. I dont think it was a big change of style at all, even plenty of tennant style dr in it, still. Feels pretty continuational, style wise, give or take the big obvious people changes and new look titles/tardis. A few too many echoes of previous ideas I felt. Amys 3 ages were all a bit girl in the fireplace, and as mentioned a runaway bride has been done before, even the clothes stealing and rooftop spaceship standoffs felt like previous 1st dr episodes. Still looks like an enjoyable series to come. Needs to set up it’s own depths though, given time.

    Nick R

    It was very good!

    Though I think Mr Miles will find a few more things to add to his “Moffat Times Table”. :)

    Complaints? Ummm… the “Cribs” thing in Confidential went on a bit too long?

    Dr Who, Ashes to Ashes, Goldfinger on Radio 4, Jonathan Creek… almost as good a lineup as the stuff that was on last Easter weekend. ;)

    > and the middle eight sounds like it?s gone from the closing theme.

    I just checked iPlayer, and it wasn’t in the credits, but it’s there in the “Hear the new theme tune!” box at the bottom of this page:


    > Kissagrams and internet porn? erm?

    Yet another example of The Moff’s heterosexual agenda.


    I just checked iPlayer, and it wasn?t in the credits, but it?s there in the ?Hear the new theme tune!? box at the bottom of this page:

    Spiffy. Thenkkew.


    Hmm, at over 300 posts, I was expecting a new thread. Ah well.

    I’m… not sure (well, I’m sure of one thing – the new theme tune is shit.) There were bits I cringed at – although a chunk of them were probably deliberate/due to the regeneration (in the scenes with the Doctor and “Amelia”, especially – though strangely enough, NOT due to the child actress, who presumably has a bright career ahead of her), although there was the Moffatism of having the aliens run away from the Big Bad Doctor at the end that’s already fairly trying, and will only become moreso if he continues in that vein.

    Basically, “wait and see” for me.


    >Hmm, at over 300 posts, I was expecting a new thread. Ah well.

    You could quite easily have started one. Ah well.


    The discussion on the episode was already going in this thread by the time I got here. Bad netiquette to try and split things that way.

    Ben Paddon

    I’m not sure how I feel about the new theme, but everything that came before and after it was spec-tah-coo-lah.


    > I would wreck that.

    Yep, in the words of Keith Lemon, ‘I would destroy you’! I mean, come on, she’s blummin’ amazing.

    LOVE Matt as the Doctor. LOVE Karen as Amy. LOVE the child actress as Amelia (obviously not in the same way as I love Karen…). Almost like the theme and titles…they’ll grow on me.

    The sort of fairytale nature of Amelia/Amy’s story is great and a nice change from the estates and suburban life we’ve had before. And this is obviously just the first chapter of that (the crack in the wall is on the Tardis screen at the end, though the Doctor doesn’t seem to notice it before he turns it off…). Don’t care much for the wedding aspect of it but, seeing as Rory seems way too much of a wet blanket for Amy to be with, I can’t see it happening. I think we can assume that the ‘Amy’s Choice’ episode will be about her choosing the path of getting married, having a baby and all that comes with that, OR going off with the Doctor on adventures unbound.

    I give it 3/5 as an episode, 5/5 for the 11th Doctor and Amy (would be 4/5 but the scene with Annette Crosbie was priceless, ‘I thought you were a nurse.’ ‘I…can be a nurse…’ ‘or, actually, a nun…’ ‘I dabble!’)


    Overall I liked it. But I think it tried a little too hard to make us fall in love with Doctor 11 and Amy Pond. Oh, they’re so cool and kooky and barmy…

    Some of the moments where they noticeably made the pace punchier than usual and even interjected a little slapstick in places… I love Moffat as a comedy writer, but those moments fell a little flat for me unfortunately.

    I thought the plot was ‘meh’, but I appreciate the amount of bigger-picture exposition and the episodes longer term goals were accomplished so that’s not my biggest issue with it. Story certainly wasn’t awful, but nothing great. Didn’t like the resolution particularly, with the mobile phone ultimately solving the issue (maybe that’s due to having watched Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel for the first time just last night with a comparable deus ex machina device).

    I can’t understand why the theme tune has changed to such a drastic extent. It’s an iconic theme tune. It wasn’t broken, why fix it? I also thought the opening titles looked less visually impressive than the RTD era titles. A step backwards?

    My kneejerk reaction was to say the new presentation (music, titles, font et al) sucked, but on reflection it’s just different, and if i was watching Who for the first time ever I wouldn’t have anything to compare it to and I’d probably not notice nor give a damn either way about the semantics.

    There’s nothing about it that turned me off to watching more. Smith grated me terribly during his brief End of Time cameo, but he was far more enjoyable here. I can think of far worse things to be doing of a Saturday evening than watching Karen Gillan. To be fair, The Eleventh Hour has kept me interested in a show I only personally discovered a couple of months ago when I finally gave in to the hyperbole. Now I can continue to play catch up with the back catalogue content in the knowledge that the show is still churning out new stuff that is interesting and fun… I just hope (and assume) that after getting the set-up episode out of the way, we’re in for some really good stories.

    I just hope they tone down the “look how bonkers they are” stuff in future episodes.


    I just watched it. I loved it, I love him, I love her, I love it all!

    Therefore all debate is over and I claim victory.

    Ben Paddon

    Carl said…
    deus ex machina

    Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong…

    Pete Part Three

    >And this is obviously just the first chapter of that (the crack in the wall is on the Tardis screen at the end, though the Doctor doesn?t seem to notice it before he turns it off?).

    Surely he turned it off to stop Amy noticing it?


    I stand corrected about Smith not being a great Doctor. I agree with Carl, though – the “ooh look how kooky we are” thing was a bit cringeworthy. Some of the slapstick was a bit unnecessary. Very “Girl in the Fireplace” but the obvious plotline was still nice… yeah, another (redheaded) runaway bride, another boyfriend left behind (although I doubt Rory will be as cool a jilted boyfriend as Mickey turned out to be)… ah well, if it’s all completely different people complain, if they re-use old stories people complain… let’s just enjoy the new Who era. It’s going to be brilliant!!

    Ben Paddon

    > Surely he turned it off to stop Amy noticing it?

    I get the distinct impression that the Doctor did notice it, and he’s making a sort-of mental catalogue of such cracks following the Multiform’s criticism of his ignorance on the matter.

    Anyway: “The Eleventh Hour” was as perfect a piece of Saturday evening telly as one could expect, and if this is the shape of things to come then bring on the shape. Things are going to be very shapely indeed.


    Just watched The Eleventh Hour, picture quality was amazing, love the new designs, Doctor’s garb is quite fitting. The only thing that bothered me, something that Davies did ad nauseum was the comedy, I was hoping it would be toned down with the Moffat era. Nice introduction to Smith, although I could hear echoes of Tennant in his voice. Title sequence isn’t anything breathtaking, I was hoping for a Smith’s face in there but alas no. Amelia Pond was excellent, good chemistry and I love how she is Scottish. Her boyfriend on the other hand didn’t really stand out, hopefully he’ll make it to Micky status and get his teeth into the part. All and all, it feels like a worthy start to the Moffat era.


    Carl said?
    deus ex machina

    Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong?

    I, too, could just say “you’re wrong” and not expand on it…

    You don’t even mention whether you believe I’m wrong about Age of Steel or 11th Hour. In Steel it literally came out of nowhere. Alls I said was 11th Hour used a similar device (phone saves the day) which would naturally look a bit tired to me – not everyone, just me – having literaly seen Steel for the first time the day before.

    Pete Part Three

    >You don?t even mention whether you believe I?m wrong about Age of Steel or 11th Hour.

    Probably best you check the other threads, Carl. This has been discussed ad nauseum.


    I liked it.

    Smith And Jones > Rose > The Eleventh Hour > New Earth > Partners In Crime


    Spearhead From Space > The Christmas Invasion > Rose > The Eleventh Hour > Castrovalva > Power Of The Daleks > Robot > 100,000 BC > TV Movie > Time And The Rani > The Twin Dilemma

    Nick R

    Kissagrams and internet porn? erm?

    Bow chicka wow wow.


    Yes… that did cross my mind when I saw it on Confidential. ;)

    Pete Part Three

    Smith and Jones > The Eleventh Hour > New Earth > Rose > Partners in Crime


    It wasn’t Deus ex machina because, simply, it wasn’t a resolution that just came out of nowhere.

    Phones and the internet are by their very nature broadcast media (mediums?). And that’s all the Doctor really did, create a virus to broadcast the prisoner’s identity for the aliens to trace to source. The fact that the Doctor was able to create such a virus in a few seconds stretched credibility though. Even for a genius who knew exactly what to do, it would take much more time just to physically type the code but, time constraints aside*, the solution was believable and produced from established things in the characters, environment and story. So not Deus ex.

    If they had just stumbled on an alien broadcast device at the right moment that would be Deus ex Machina. (I think I got that right.)

    Anyway, I largely liked the story. I’d have preferred the alien broadcast not to have been world-wide. I prefer my present day threats in to be stuff known only to the main characters, but that’s a personal preference.

    I disliked the theme tune.

    I’m ashamed to admit, I didn’t notice the Tardis screen crack, although it vaguely rings a bell. (I.e. I likely saw it but my mind didn’t register.)

    Overall a great opening episode.

    *Actually, if the Doctor was using component model development I could just about believe it. I.e. the code could already be written it’s just a matter of slotting it all together. He’s on the internet and it’s quite likely a geek of geeks such as he is, would have access to code sites, even an upload to his Tardis where he could get those various components. It would still take longer, than it appeared but… then it probably did take longer than it appeared in their fiction time, it being a 1 hour snapshot, etc.

    Jonathan Capps

    The Eleventh Hour > Rose > Smith & Jones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> …

    Jonathan Capps

    >>>>> Partners in Crime.

    Ben Paddon

    >>>>>> New Earth.


    > It wasn?t Deus ex machina because, simply, it wasn?t a resolution that just came out of nowhere.
    Phones and the internet are by their very nature broadcast media (mediums?). And that?s all the Doctor really did, create a virus to broadcast the prisoner?s identity for the aliens to trace to source. The fact that the Doctor was able to create such a virus in a few seconds stretched credibility though. Even for a genius who knew exactly what to do, it would take much more time just to physically type the code but, time constraints aside*, the solution was believable and produced from established things in the characters, environment and story. So not Deus ex.
    If they had just stumbled on an alien broadcast device at the right moment that would be Deus ex Machina. (I think I got that right.)

    Okay, the “deus ex machina” reference referred to Age of Steel. I just meant that the resolution to 11th Hour evoked the solution used (mobile phone saves the day), not that it was also deus ex machina, although it did, as you say, stretch credibility. I probably worded it badly looking back.


    Rose > The Eleventh Hour > Smith and Jones > New Earth > Partners in Crime

    I rate Rose very highly. TEH – Christ that’s an unfortunate acronym – almost equalled it.


    Prisoner Zero has escaped. Welcome to Justice World. (currently run by Group4)

    Tarka Dal

    Having now watched it twice, it’s nothing short of astounding. Both Gillan and Smith are tremendous. Tennant Who suddenly seems so, so long ago.


    It would have been nice to know what Prisoner Zero had been imprisoned for and who the Atraxi were.

    Ben Paddon

    Not strictly speaking necessary though, is it? We don’t know lots about huge swathes of the Doctor Who universe, it doesn’t diminish from the story any.

    Nick R

    I get the distinct impression that the Doctor did notice it, and he?s making a sort-of mental catalogue of such cracks following the Multiform?s criticism of his ignorance on the matter.

    In addition to the shot of the monitor in the episode itself, in the “Tardis Tour” video on the website you can see that when the set designer shows off the monitor, the crack pattern stretches all across the screen (rather than just appearing within the oscilloscope bit):


    Jonathan Capps
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